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Suez Canal University

Faculty of Commerce
English Section

Fourth: Economics Courses

 Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 101)

The course aims to introduce students to the theoretical foundations of economics and its
methodology and to analyze the nature of economic activity and its various fields at the
level of partial analysis by providing students with the theoretical foundations for that. It
also aims to apply the foundations of economic analysis to accommodate the behavior of
microeconomic units (individuals and enterprises). It also aims to enable the student to
identify the patterns of micro economic markets and its production and pricing decisions.

 Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 102)

The course seeks to provide the student with the theoretical foundations of economics
and methodology and analyze the nature of economic activity and its various fields at the
level of macro analysis by providing students with the theoretical foundations of
macroeconomics and the knowledge of macroeconomic units (markets and sectors), key
economic variables, methods of measurement, and study of major economic problems
such as recession, unemployment, inflation and the policies needed to address them.

 Economics of Money & Banking (ECO 203)

The course aims to study the emergence and development of money and its role in the
national economy as well as identify the banking crises and the various methods of
banking supervision and the process of bank merger and acquisition.

 International Economics (ECO 201)

The course provides an overview of the international economy, theories of international

trade, customs and non-tariff constraints to international trade, economic integration,
balance of payments and foreign exchange markets.

 Social Economics (ECO 303)

The course aims to study social issues with economic dimensions to know their causes
and how to face them using different economic and social policies. In this context, the
problem of poverty, unemployment, social security policies, education and health reform
policies is examined, with successful models from developing countries.
Suez Canal University
Faculty of Commerce
English Section

 Mathematical Economics ( ECO 304)

The course aims at supporting the student's analytical abilities with the scientific tools of
economic analysis through qualifying him to use the mathematical methods and
techniques necessary to understand and analyze economic theories. The course includes a
presentation and treatment of the fundamentals of mathematical analysis and its
applications in economics in its two branches.

 Advanced Economic Analysis (ECO 309)

The course seeks to provide the student with the theoretical foundations of
microeconomics and macroeconomics by covering more advanced theoretical topics that
have not been studied previously in the principles of microeconomics and
macroeconomic principles using advanced analysis tools and a deeper level of

 Economics of Public Finance and Taxes (ECO 301)

The course seeks to provide students with the principles that govern and regulate the
financial activity of the state and its impact on the national economy by studying the role
of the state in the economy (public budget) and analysis of fiscal instruments from public
expenditure and public revenues.

 Industrial & Energy Economics (Eco 302)

The course examines the industry and its requirements, costs, project size, traditional and
new energy sources, analysis of energy markets and challenges facing the energy sector.

 Econometrics (ECO 310)

The course aims to provide students with the principles of econometric analysis at both
theoretical and applied levels, and give them an idea of how to build standard economic

 World Economic System (ECO 311)

The course aims at introducing the student to the major global economic forces within the
framework of political, economic and social analysis. The course also seeks to familiarize
Suez Canal University
Faculty of Commerce
English Section

the student with the most important and current global and regional economic variables
and their effects on developing and developed countries.

 Monetary and Fiscal Policies (ECO 405)

This course aims to study monetary and fiscal policies in detail by presenting the
objectives and tools of both policies and how they are used to achieve economic stability
within the country.

 Applied Economics ( ECO 406)

The course aims to teach students how to apply the theoretical concepts and tools of
economic analysis in various aspects of life by introducing them to how different
economic policies work and their impact on economic variables with the application on
topics related to the Egyptian economy.

 Developing Countries' Economies )Eco 407(

This course aims to identify the economies of the developing countries, and to know the
economic variables that led the economy to progress and address the deficiencies and
deficits in the balance of payments and the gross national product (GNP).

 Global Economic Clusters (ECO 412)

This course aims at introducing students to the most important and prominent economic,
regional and international clusters, their objectives and the role they play in the global

 Sustainable Development ( ECO 413)

This course aims to introduce students to the concept of sustainable development and its
indicators of measurement, while reviewing the difference between sustainable
development, economic development and human development, along with the challenges
of sustainable development in Egypt.
Suez Canal University
Faculty of Commerce
English Section

 Economics of Small Enterprises (ECO 305)

This course aims to familiarize the student with the concepts related to small projects and
entrepreneurship, and to show the role played by small projects, which works to support
the development of the national economy, and the role of the state in promoting the small
enterprise sector, as well as reviewing Egypt's experience in supporting and developing
small projects and the most important challenges facing them .

 Environmental Economics (ECO 306)

This course aims at introducing students to the theoretical framework of environmental

economics and the environmental dimension in the field of economics. The course also
introduces the student to the different aspects related to the environment and its resources
and environmental development and how to exploit these resources.

 Economic development )ECO 202(

This course aims to teach students the theories of growth and economic development and
the nature of the state's role in the economic developing process and the associated
economic and social different polices, the course also presents the stages of development
and evolution of the Egyptian economy.

 The History of Economic Thought (ECO 404)

This course aims at explaining and analyzing the intellectual developments that have
passed through economics and intellectual schools, starting with commercial capitalism
and mercantilism school to modern schools of thought. It also aims to explain the
evolution of ideas resulting from the emergence of these schools of thought and the
accompanying developments in the political and social life and economic systems of the
countries of the world.

 Islamic Economics (ECO 312)

The course aims to provide the student with the basic principles, methods and tools in
Islamic economics and covers the basic theories in Islamic finance.
Suez Canal University
Faculty of Commerce
English Section

 Labor Economics (ECO 313)

The course aims to provide the student with the principles, methods and analytical tools
of the labor market and economic theories related to the demand for work and its
purpose, with the application on the labor market in Egypt.

 Money economies )ECO 408(

The course aims at introducing students to the principles and principles of international
finance in the world and analyzing the systems in force. It also deals with the imbalances
that affect the balance of payments and how to correct them with the presentation of the
most prominent economic problems experienced by developing countries in the external
sector as well as the course seeks to introduce students to short-term capital movements
and their impact on the national economy.

 Modern economic problems ECO409

The course discusses inflation, low purchasing power of the Egyptian pound, capital
flight outside Egypt, unemployment and poverty in Egypt, in-kind subsidies and
alternatives in Egypt, energy problem in Egypt and alternatives for solution, climate
change and its impact on the Egyptian agriculture sector.

 Economics of Urban Planning (ECO 410)

The course aims to study the process of urbanization and the formation of cities and the
basic requirements of urbanization process from the planning stage to the establishment
and contains many points, including the conditions that must be met in economic terms
when planning future cities and address the old problems of existing cities such as slums,
traffic and public utilities and others.

 Economic Resources (ECO 204)

The course aims at introducing the student to the economic resources, types and
economic effects related to their use by presenting the bases of economic analysis needed
to exploit those resources to achieve economic welfare and presenting economic policies
to replace, allocate and maintain them.
Suez Canal University
Faculty of Commerce
English Section

 Managerial Economics (ECO 307)

The course aims to provide the student with the basic principles, methods and tools
managerial economics and economic analysis methods used to support administrative
decision-making. The course covers the main topics and tools used in the analysis of
economic issues facing the management of private enterprises and determine the optimal
decision-making process from the economic point of view.

 Agricultural Economics (ECO 414)

The course seeks to provide the student with the basic principles in the field of
agricultural economics and farm theory and related topics such as food security and clean
agriculture and others.

 Economic and Financial Crises (ECO 415)

This course aims at presenting an analytical study of the most important contemporary
financial and economic crises in the developing and developed world, and the consequent
effects and policies that have changed the economic and political map in the world.

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