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I Want to Watch TV!

Story by: Krissie Zamora-Martinez

“I want to watch TV!”

Early Sunday morning, Luke was throwing a tantrum in bed. “I want to watch TV!” HE WAILED. His
mother was folding the blankets and paid him no attention.

“Why can’t I watch TV?” he shrieked. “I want to watch TV, Mama!” he shouted. His mother, now
washing the dishes, pretended not to hear. She dried the wet plates. “Let me watch TV!” Luke
hollered and howled.

His mother busied herself sweeping the kitchen floor. “I want to watch TV!” he bellowed and bawled.
“I… want… to… watch… TV!”

“Okay,” his mother said quietly.

“Why… don’t… you… want… to… let… me… Wait, Mama, what did you say?” Luke’s eyes

“I said okay,” she replied. “But on one condition. You may watch TV on Saturday but you have to
do what I’m going to tell you.”

“I’ll do anything to watch TV! What is it, Mama?” Luke asked excitedly. “I want you to play,” his
mother said.

Luke stared at his mother for a moment. He couldn’t believe what he heard. Then with a wide grin
he exclaimed, “Play? Sure, Mama, I’d like that!”

Mama said, “I would like you to play these games from Monday to Friday, so you can watch TV on
Saturday. After school and when your homework is done, that will be your playtime,” explained his

On Monday afternoon, Luke was on the floor with his mother, busy dropping little sigay shells into
the holes of their sungkaan. “I’m winning, Mama! I have more shells than you do!” Luke said

On Tuesday, Luke’s friend Yuna came to see him. “Want to watch cartoons with me?” she asked.
“I’ve got a better idea, Yuna,” Luke replied. “Let’s play jackstones and I’ll teach you some new tricks
I learned.”

On Wednesday, Luke, Yuna and their friends were in the yard playing luksong-tinik, “Stretch your
fingers more, Minka and Luke!” Yuna yelled, as Isabela jumped over her playmates’ extended
hands and feet. Luke marveled at her high leaps. “You’re like a grasshopper, Isabela!”

They played trumpo on Thursday, with Luke and his friends amazed by the different colors as the
tops whirled around.

Friday was a holiday. “Mama, I am done with the household chores. May I please go out and play?”
“Yes, you may,” replied his mother. Outside, Luke called out to his playmates, “Who’s in for a game
of patintero?” Soon there was a crowd of children playing and having fun.

“What a game! Said Alonzo afterwards. “I thought our team would lose because of Lori’s long
arms,” said another.

Finally, it was Saturday. Luke’s mother went to his room and woke him up. “You can watch your
favorite TV shows today, Luke,” she said. When Luke heard this, he sat upright and rubbed the
sleep from his eyes.

“Who wants to watch TV? It’s more fun to go outside and play with my friends!” Luke said.

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