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The Nutritional Benefits of Jackfruit Seed Halaya

Group 5

Arbo, Tricia Arvy I.

Fajardo, Justin R.

Manalo, Mary Grace F.

Paulin, Raniel L.

Recto, Rowel Angelique B.

Victorio, Angellie April C.

Home Economics 12-A

Chapter 1



Jackfruit belongs to our country’s tropical fruits. It is one of the most

widely cultured fruit crops in the Philippines. Jackfruit is also a good source of
many nutrients that our body needs. The best part of the fruit is the seed which is
known for a high nutritional value. Each jackfruit contains around 100-500 seeds.
Some people are wasting it by throwing it into trash but, we generally consume
this jackfruit seeds by boiling and peeling it to make it beneficial.

Halaya or jelly is one of the delicacies of Filipinos. Halaya is popularly

served during Christmas season, birthdays, Fiestas and other celebrations. The
researchers will make a new variety of halaya that is made of jackfruit seeds.
Sounds quite weird but, it will be interesting for those people who love halaya.
Consequently, the researchers decided to use jackfruit seeds to make a new sort of
halaya flavor.

Halaya is known for its major ingredient which is the purple yam that is
known as ube. Jackfruit and ube has its similarity when it comes to their
nutritional value. Both of them have fiber but jackfruit contains more fiber than

Jackfruit seeds have the two types of fiber which are the soluble and
insoluble. Soluble fiber helps to absorb nutrients from the food we intake while
the nsoluble fiber helps our stool pass more quickly through the intestine.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the validity of making halaya using jackfruit
seeds. Furthermore, to conceive the benefits of jackfruit not just the flesh itself
but also its seeds. The researchers yearn for a new innovative product where
people could achieve satisfaction.

The study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How possible can be the seeds be beneficial in halaya making?

2. How effective jackfruit seeds are in halaya making?

3. What are the health benefits of jackfruit seeds?.

Scope and Delimitation

The main point of this study is to know the benefits of langka seeds. The
researchers will conduct the study inside the campus of IETI College of Science
and Technology, Inc. The researchers will randomly select respondents from
grade 12 students.
This study limits its coverage to senior high school students of IETI
College of Science and Technology, Inc. Each of the respondents will answer the
same set of questionnaire.
Significance of the Study

This research aims to distinguish the use of jackfruit seeds to make a

healthier snack for the people. Furthermore, this can be introduced as a new
product in the market where the researchers aims you to make it different among
other products that are already offered.

This study will benefit the following:

To the Students and Teachers, most of the students and teachers are
often restless due to their school work and household chores in their homes. This
study is relevant to their health whereas it can help them resist of being anemic.

To the Parents, parents can also benefit from this study especially when
they are suffering from fatigue since this research suggests a good snack that has
nutritive value such as potassium.

To the Future Researchers, they can use this research as their source for
their study related to this topic. This study can make their research more relevant
because of the trusted sources listed to the references.
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

 Ingredients  Product tasting

 Equipment and  Survey
Materials Questionnaire Jackfruit Seed

The chart above illustrates the process to be accomplished in the study. In

the input column, our needs to make this study are stated while the second column
shows the method that the researchers should use. The third column implies the
result of mixing all the ingredients together with the process followed by the

The process of making Jackfruit Seed Halaya is different from the

traditional process of making Ube Halaya. The researchers did not apply the
traditional way of cooking this delicacy. Instead, the researchers mixed all the
ingredients with the use of a blender. In this process, the texture of the product
will be finer and all the ingredients will be blend thoroughly.

The researchers will give a survey questionnaire to the respondents after

they have tasted the product to get their feedback and suggestions. The
researchers will use this method for them to know if the consumers are satisfied.

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