Quickguide Love and Submission 0.5: Directory 39 by Barioz

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Quickguide Love and Submission 0.

• This guide is meant as a substitute before the

almighty new LaS full walkthrough is updated.
• Saves from 0.4 are NOT compatible with 0.5!
You can load them but they DON‘T work correctly!
• Use the 0.4 walkthrough to make your way to the
beginning of 0.5 (scene afer the fashion store).

✔ At the start of 0.5 just follow the events until you

wake up at the hospital.
✔ Choose to look lef to catch a glimpse at Mira.
✔ Follow the conversations until you and Mira meet
Carol and Elisa down the hallway.
✔ Afer the good news decide as you wish.
✔ When driving home with Mira the choice is up to you
to ask her out or not.
✔ Afer resting and the visit of Beecky you can roam
free through the house.
✔ Note, that your first task is to get your phone.
✔ Click on the steps in the lower lef corner (they turn
blue) to go upstairs.

→ Directory 39 by Barioz
✔ In the hallway use the first door on the lef side.
✔ In your room click on the mobile phone lef of the
laptop on the desk.
✔ Next task: bring some clothes to the hospital!
✔ Beefore you leave the room take the backpack from
the floor on the right side.
✔ Then leave and in the hallway click on the first steps
(they turn yellow) to go upstairs.
✔ There pick the clothes from the white couch on the
right side of the room.
✔ Go back downstairs and again downstairs (behind
the first stairs, trigger turns red) to the living room.
✔ Then use the passage in the background between
the two paintings.
✔ In the hall use the white door on the right and you
get to city map.
✔ Click on the hospital (buildings with the red cross).
✔ In the lobby click on the counter and follow the
conversation. Choose as you wish.
✔ Aferwards use the large dark door on the right.
✔ You automatically head to Amy‘s room. Note the hat
on your way there.
✔ Follow the conversation with Caitlyn.
✔ Inside the room you can click on Carol and Amy.
→ Directory 40 by Barioz
✔ Then leave via trigger on the right side.
✔ Next task: find the hat of Elise!
✔ Click on the hallway trigger on the lef.
✔ On the next screen look for the hat (see below):

✔ Take it and leave to the lef side

✔ Go through the lobby back to the city map.
✔ Click on the big black house on the right side.
✔ Follow the scene and decide to run afer Mira or not.
✔ If you chase afer her, you get an extra scene here.
✔ Aferwards you get an invitation for a movie night.
✔ You also think about a little gif. This gif is not a
must. You can also visit them without it.
✔ However, it is recommended to search for the wine
as you need to get access to the basement anyways.

→ Directory 41 by Barioz
✔ On the map click on the smaller house right below
the big black one.
✔ You meet your pal JJ who ofers you a job at his
family store. Aferwards you‘re inside of your home.
✔ Use the door on the right again to open the map.
✔ Choose to go to JJ‘s store (see below):

✔ Afer arriving follow the conversation and choose as

you like about Lilly.
✔ Aferwards you can either help Lilly or start a lesson
with JJ. Choose to help Lilly first.
✔ Click on the passage in the back, then use the door
on the lef.
✔ Follow the scene with Lilly and later JJ. Note the
picture frame and the massage oil.

→ Directory 42 by Barioz
✔ Beack on the map go back home and to sleep by
clicking on the bed in your room.
✔ The next day make your way to the hospital and to
Amy‘s room. Follow the scene with Carol.
✔ Leave the hospital again and click on the cofee
shop right below the hospital.
✔ Afer you get a free cofee go back to Amy‘s room.
✔ Follow the scene with Carol.
✔ Next task: learn how to give massages.
✔ Leave the hospital and go back home.
✔ There head to your room and click on the laptop.
✔ Afer the massage lesson go to bed.
✔ The next day go to the cofee shop first and then to
Amy‘s room at the hospital.
✔ Follow the scene with Carol and she agrees to come
home the next morning.
✔ Leave the hospital and head to JJ‘s store.
✔ Click on the bin lef of JJ‘s counter to get the
massage oil out of it.
✔ Then use the passage in the background and click
on the door on the right to enter the bathroom.
✔ Here you can find the picture frame Lilly took so
quickly away from you (see below):

→ Directory 43 by Barioz
✔ Leave the bathroom and return to JJ.
✔ Click on the counter and you get a choice.
✔ The 2nd option here is currently irrelevant as no
follow up exists. So choose to start the lesson.
✔ JJ then tells you more about Lilly and their family
plans and you have to decide how to react. Choose
as you wish.
✔ However, picking the 1st option gains you a bit of
extra dialogue with Lilly.
✔ Aferwards return home and go to sleep.
✔ The next morning your task is to find Carol‘s keys.
✔ Leave your room and go downstairs.
✔ Grab the keys from the kitchen table (see below):

→ Directory 44 by Barioz
✔ Then click on the trigger in the upper lef corner
(where the exit to the garden is).
✔ Click on the door on the lef side and you will use
the keys to open the basement.
✔ Then enjoy the scene with Carol.
✔ Follow the conversation in the kitchen.
✔ Afer Carol lef go to the basement door (living room
on the lef, then lef door) and enter it.
✔ Pick up a bottle of wine.
✔ Head back upstairs and there use the trigger on the
lef (where the lamp is) back to the living room.
✔ Make your way to the city map via the hall and
white door.
✔ Click on the house of the Bearons (above yours).
✔ Follow the scene until you get a choice.
→ Directory 45 by Barioz
✔ Keep drinking gains you a scene with Caitlyn.
✔ Stop drinking grants you a scene with Mira.
✔ Picking the Mira option leads to a another choice of
comforting Mira or not. Choose as you wish.
✔ Aferwards click on your house and go to sleep.
✔ Next task on the next day: chilling until dinner with
the Bearons in the evening.
✔ That means: click on your bed and choose to wait.
✔ In the evening make your way to the map and click
on the house of the Bearons.
✔ Follow the scene until you get a choice. Choose as
you wish and shortly afer you reach the end of 0.5.
✔ NOTE: there is another ‘questline‘ in the house with
gaining access to your father‘s ofice and finding
switches. This quest can‘t be completed as of 0.5.
However, I‘ll cover it more in the full walkthrough.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the ride!

All the best! Bearioz

→ Directory 46 by Barioz

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