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I. See the Second Conditional Video on the next link:


After watching the video answer these questions and send them to Aulanet:

1. What happened in the video?

There were a family walking in the street and a thief showed up and shoot and
kill the parents, the boy was really sad and stared to exercise and became
strong after that the boy become a thief.

2. What would you do if your family were robbed?

I would scream for help

3. If you were a politician what would you do to fight crime?

The first thing that I would do is sentence to death penalty serious crimes and
reform the law so the politicians cannot take advantage of their position.

II. Video Comprehension and Expansion:

Go to :

Then answer the questions at the following British Council link.
I have never been fishing, I hate fishing is boring and not interesting
III. Grammar

a. Complete the exercise in the next link and send the printing via Aulanet:
b. Complete the following sentences using the 2 nd Conditional:

1. What would Liam do if he failed his exams? (fail)

2. If you did more exercise, you would be healthier. (be)

3. If I did not work, I would have not any money. (not work/not have)

4. Where were you go if you could go anywhere in the world? (go)

5. My French would improve if I lived in France for six months. (improve)

6. He wouldn't be lost now if he sat in his car. (sit)

7. If Paul were nicer, more people would like him. (be)

8. If we used less electricity, we'd save money. (use)

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