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1. Each speller will be given a number to wear around his/her chest during the Bee.

2. Participants will spell in the order they are seated on the stage. The first round will include all
spellers. Each subsequent round will include only those spellers who spelled their word correctly
in the previous round.
3. The pronouncer will give each speller a word.
4. The speller must pronounce the word, spell the word, and say it again.
For example:
Pronouncer: GIVE. I give you some snacks during recess snack. GIVE
Speller: GIVE. G-I-V-E. GIVE
5. The speller must say it loudly and clearly enough for the judge to hear it.
6. The judges determine whether or not the word was spelled correctly.
7. If the correct spelling was given, the speller remains in the game for the next round.
8. If the spelling was incorrect, the speller is eliminated from the game.
9. The pronouncer only will call the number of the students.
10. The spellers must spell the word correctly within 30 seconds time period after the first uttered
11. When there are only two spellers left, if one player misspells a word, the other player must spell
that word correctly plus one more word to be declared the winner of the spelling bee.

Spelling Master Ms. Novia

Judges Ms. Novia, Mr. Hilman, Mr. Robert
Time keeper Mr. Sabar
Adviser Mr. Hudan


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