Supporting Social Entrepreneurship

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Supporting Social Entrepreneurship

Assignment No. 4
Discussion Questions

1. What role does social entrepreneurship play in society. Explain.

Social entrepreneurship is the process of sourcing innovative solutions to social

and environmental problems. While many companies strive simply to maximize
shareholder value, social entrepreneurs are often more committed to causes
centered on preserving and protecting future generations.

2. How can social entrepreneurship help resolve wicked problems around the world?

Social entrepreneurship can help resolve wicked problems such as those related
to water shortages, education, health care, poverty, energy, forced migration, and
global warming by creating innovative solutions that make a real impact on the
lives and livelihoods of others.

3. Enumerate the different types of social entrepreneurship.

There are three primary types of social entrepreneurship: social purpose ventures,
social consequence entrepreneurship, and enterprising nonprofits.

4. How social entrepreneurs use capital markets to fund their ventures?

Social entrepreneurs can seek funding from Social Venture Capitalists (SVC) and
community-funded venture capital to support operations. Microlending is another
source of capital available for social entrepreneurs.

5. What are the primary attributes of stakeholders? Are they help or hindrance to a
social entrepreneur?

Stakeholders are all those involved in and affected by the activities of a social
venture. Building relationships with key stakeholders is typically important for any
entrepreneur, social or otherwise; but often social issues need additional support
to gain traction with the majority of stakeholders.

6. Differentiate corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship. Explain.

Corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship differ in one critical
sense: the primary objective of the enterprise. Corporations seek to incorporate
social initiatives into broader strategic and tactical objectives, while social
entrepreneurs put those social issues front and center. To many corporations,
social responsibility causes may just be another means to a successful business

7. Why is social inclusion globally important within social entrepreneurship.

Social inclusion is meant to directly confront some of the inequity that creates
personal marginalization and its resulting social issues head-on. Many individuals
will not have some of the same opportunities so common for their peers; many
around the world have dedicated their careers to breaking down social issues
plaguing society, encouraging inclusion with a heavy dose of hope.

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