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School : Junior High School

Subject : Mathematics
Class / Semester : VII / I
topic : One Variable Linear Equations (Algebra)
time Allocation : 1 x 45 minutes

A. Core Competencies
1. Respect and appreciate the teachings of Reviews their religion.
2. Living and practicing honest, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive and to
demonstrate an attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting
Effectively with the social and natural environment and in placing itself as a
reflection of the nation in the association world.
3. Understand, apply, analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural sense
curriosity based on science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with human
insight, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events,
as well as applying procedural knowledge in the specific field studies According
to Reviews their talents and interests to solve the problem.
4. Rework, reasoning, and presenti in the realm of concrete and abstract domains
associated with the development of the learned in school Independently, and is
Able to use the method According to the rules of science.

B. Basic Competencies and Indicators

No. Basic Competencies indictors

1 1.1 Respect and appreciate the 1.1.1 Praying based on
teachings of Reviews their individual beliefs before
religion the course.
1.1.2 Eager fo tollow the
teaching of mathematics.
2. 2.2 Living and practicing honest 2.2.1 To asked during the
behavior, discipline, learning process
responsibility, caring 2.2.2 Like to observe your
(mutual assistance, something related to
cooperation, tolerance, algebra
peace), polite, responsive 2.2.3 Do not Rely on others to
and proactive and to solve problems related to
demonstrate an attitude as algebra
part of the solution to 2.2.4 Dare presentation to the
various problems in class.
interacting Effectively with 2.2.5 Work together with the
the social and natural relation of learning
environment and in placing
it self as a reflection of the
nation in the association

3. 3.3 Explain one variable linear 3.3.1 Understanding the

equations and solutions concept of linear equations
in one variable
3.3.2 Solving equations
using addition and

C. Learning Objectives
1. Students are able to understand the concept of a variable system of linear
2. Students are able to determine the value of a variable in a linear equation of one
3. Students are able to complete the equations using addition and subtraction.
4. Students are able to resolve the problems associated with a variable system of linear
equations. (Problems that exist in everyday life).
5. Students are able to apply the learning system of linear equations one variable to
everyday life.

D. Learning Materials
1. Getting to know one variable linear equations and basic form.
2. Steps to resolve the variable system of linear equations.
3. Resolving the equations using addition and subtraction.

E. Learning Methods
Model / learning strategies
1. Realistic Mathematics Education
2. Discussion
3. Assignment.
F. Learning Media
1. Mathematics Student Book 1, Kemendikbud 2013
2. Mathematics Teacher Book 1, Kemendikbud 2013
3. Laptop
4. LCD

G. Learning Resource
1. Mathematics Book for SMP / MTs class 7 Kemendikbud 2017 revision 2017
2. Card Games Puzzle

H. Learning Tools
1. White Board
2. Marker

I. Steps of Learning Activities

Activities Activities describtion time

Introduction 1. Teacher greetings 10 minutes
(Orientation) 2. Teacher asked us to pray together with reading
3. Teacher greets and ask students how condition
4. Teacher calls student attendance.
Apperception 5. Teacher remind the students about the previous
Motivation 6. Teachers motivate students to keep the spirit of
learning mathematics.
Provision of 7. Teachers deliver the learning objectives today
Reference is to understand the concept of linear equations
in one variable with puzzle games.
Core 8. She reminded the material at a glance with 30 minutes
word problems about:
a. Closed sentence is a sentence that can
be ascertained truth.
b. Opening sentence is a sentence that can
not be determined because there is an
element of truth-value not yet known.
c. Unknown element is variable.
Example: 12 + m = 15 (the sentence is called
an open sentence because the value of m
unknown values. So it is also called variable).
9. The teacher divides the group consisting of 3
people per group.
10. Teacher gives about (card puzzle) to students.
Problem consists of 3. The first matter giving
students valuable statements right or wrong of
linear equations of the variable sum. Problem
two students gave a statement is false or true
than one variable reduction of linear equations.
Problem three students to define the variables
corresponding linear equations in their own
11. Teacher explains the steps to resolve the matter
and then dividing the first question.
Example: the answer is True is placed in the
right hands. One answer is worth is placed in
the left hand. While the answers are no answers
in place in the middle.
12. Students work on the problems and discussion
13. Teachers around and observe each group
14. Teachers share the second and third questions.
15. Students solve problems in groups.
16. Teachers offered to each group to present the
17. Students present the results of the discussion.
18. Teacher appreciation to the active group.
19. With the presentation of each group, the
teacher concluded and explained the purpose of
the concept of linear equations in one variable.
20. Teachers with RME method of linear equations
explaining the material of the variables
associated with:
 What is a variable?
 variablesis a symbol or emblem that
represents any members of a set of rules
(denoted with small letters).
 Completion of one variable linear
equations with the add and subtract.
Obtained the conclusion:
 "One Variable Linear Equationsis an
open sentence connected by an equal
sign (=) and has only one variable-
ranking one. "
 One common form of Variable Linear
 Resolving the equations using addition
and subtraction.
Closed 21. The teacher facilitates students to make beads 5 minutes
briefly conclusions core of One Variable
Linear Equation System.
22. Teachers gave gifts to the active group.
23. Teachers encourage students to read the final
prayer assemblies.
24. Teacher closes with the greeting.

J. Assessment
1) Attitudes (spiritual and social)
Valuation techniques : Observation and observation
No Technique Attitude Execution Information
Instrument time
1. Observatio  religious When Assessment and achievement
n  Confidence learning of learning (assessment for
 Cooperation takes place and of learning.
2) Knowledge
No. Technique Instrument's Execution time Information
1. Written Question After the study Assessment and achievement
test shaped is completed of learning (assessment for
description and of learning).
3) skills
No. Technique Instrument's Execution time Information
1. Written Question After the study Assessment and achievement
test shaped is completed of learning (assessment for
description and of learning).

Remedial Education
Based on the analysis of daily tests, students who have not yet reached complete learn by
remedial learning activities in the form of:
a. Individual guidance if students who have not completed ≤20%
b. Learning groups if students who have not completed between 20% and 50%
c. Re-learning if students who have not completed ≥ 50%
Learning Enrichment
Based on the analysis results of the assessment, students who have reached complete
learn by enrichment in the form of assignment to study the questions.

Semarang, 11th March 2019

The Principle of, Pucakwangi Junior High School The Theacher of Mathematics,

(Sutrisno, M.Pd) (Ari Widiastuti)

The Manggar
When the school holidays and I to grandma's house in Balik board. Balikpapan is
the capital of East Kalimantan. Turn the board known as the city of Oil. Behind the
board there Soekarno-Hatta.
Manggar beach is a tourist place in Balik board. Manggar beach is the only
beach in Indonesia. Manggar beach can be used for swimming. Everyone can swim
out to sea. On the beach there are water and sand manggar. Water is liquid. While
the sand is ..................
On the beach there manggar food and beverage vendors. There are seven food
vendors. Plenty of food vendors and lots of drink vending is 20 people.
On the beach there is also a seller manggar jerseys. Dad bought a shirt for me.
Buying a shirt with a 20,000 rupiah will receive a refund of 5,000 rupiah.

1. The first and second paragraphs of essay Badu above, write two sentences in accordance
with fact or reality.
2. The first and second paragraphs of essay Badu above, write two sentences that are not in
accordance with fact or reality.
 Sentences that contain information in accordance with fact or reality called the
sentence is true.
 Instead, the sentence that contains information that is not in accordance with fact
or reality called the sentence is false.

3. Is there a right and wrong sentence in the essay Badu? If there is, write that sentence!
4. Are there any words that you can not say right or wrong?
If there is, write a sentence of this kind!
5. Write down the reason why every sentence you say it can not be true or false.
The sentences below is an example of a sentence that is called a statement.
 Balikpapan is known as the city of Oil.
 Manggar beach is a tourist place in Singapore.
 Everyone can swim out to sea.
 Balikpapan is the capital of East Kalimantan.
 Six is an even number.
 15 + 10 = 8.
List four examples of other statements.
6. From your experience at the top, write sense statements by using its own language.
7. The sentences below is an example of an open sentence.
 While the sand is ..................
 There are seven food vendors. Plenty of food vendors and lots of drink vending is
20 people.
 6: 2 = ‫ٱ‬.
 12 + m = 15
 The combined set A = {1, 2, 3} and set B is C = {1, 2, 3, 5, 9}.
Write three open another example sentences.
8. From your experience at the top, write an open sentence understanding by using their
own language.
Problem 1: Badu SAIL
Currently manggar Coast travel, Badu and his father boarded a boat
tour that is available there. For a boat ride that they have to buy a
ticket. Ticket is a father twice the price of the ticket Badu.
In addition the father to pay for insurance for two people at Rp 500.00.
So that all fees must be paid Badu father for two tickets and insurance
is USD 3500.00.
a. Specify a symbol to express the price of the ticket Badu
b. Determine the price of the ticket Badu and her father.
c. In addition to the ticket, Badu's father must pay for insurance of 500 rupiah. Based on the
answers b, how all fees must be paid Badu father?
d. Write the relationship between the answers c on top with 3500.
e. Could Badu ticket price of Rp 800.00? Why?
f. Could Rp1200,00 Badu ticket prices? Why?
g. Determine the actual Badu ticket prices? Explain your reasoning

Linear equations of one variable (PLSV)is a mathematical sentence that has the
 Contains exactly one variable (usually denoted by the letter, eg a, b, c, m, n, ...,
 The highest rank variable is 1
 Between the left and right sides are connected by a relation similar to (denoted
by "=")
Problem 1: PLSV

1. Does 2 + m = 7 is a linear equation of one variable? Why?

a. What if m in the equation 2 + m = 7 is replaced 1?
b. What if m in the equation 2 + m = 7 is replaced 5?
c. What if m in the equation 2 + 4m = 7 replaceable 3?
d. Note:
 1 is not a settlement 2 + m = 7
 5 is the completion of the 2 + m = 7
 3 instead of the completion of the 2 + 4m = 7
2. Do 5n - 1 = 3 is a linear equation of one variable? Why?
a. What if n in the equation 5n - 1 = 3 and n replaced by 2?
b. What if n in the equation 5n - 1 = 3 and n replaced by 4?
c. What if n in the equation 5n - 1 = 3 and n is replaced with 1?
d. Note:
 2 is not the completion of 5n - 1 = 3
 4 instead of completion 5n - 1 = 3
 1 is the completion of 5n - 1 = 3
From both these questions create a linear equation of one variable to another. Then specify a
number that is not a settlement and a number which is the persamaanmu settlement.
3. From your experience, write a linear equation settlement understanding of one variable with
its own language.

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