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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte


TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer that corresponds to the following statements.
1. What is the room that is centrally located and should be adjacent to the outside entrance and to
the dining area?
a. Living Room b. Bedroom c. Dining room d. Kitchen
2. What is the average size for a living room?
a. 2.00 x 3.00 b. 3.7 m. x 5.5 m. c. 6.1 x 7.9 d. 10 x 10 m.
3. What is the area where greatly depend on eating habits of the occupants?
a. Living Room b. Bedroom c. Dining room d. Kitchen
4. What do you call the place for preparation of food and connecting the work triangle area for storage
and mixing center, preparation and cleaning and cooking center?
a. Living Room b. Bedroom c. Dining room d. Kitchen
5. What is the minimal width of a storage hanging kitchen cabinet?
a. 0.50 b. 0.60 c. 0.70 d. 0.80
6. Based on the National Building Code of the Philippines, what is the dimension of the kitchen?
a. 3 m2x1.50 m. b. 3.5 m2x 1.50m. c.4.00 m2x2.00m. d. 4.50m2 x 2.50m.
7. What is the dimension of the bathroom and toilet based on the section 806?
a. 1.00m2 x .90m. b. 1.20m2 x .90m. c. 1.30m2 x .90m. d. 1.40m2 x .90m.
8. What do you call the top view of the floor area of a house?
a. Foundation Plan b. Roof Framing Plan c. Floor Plan d. Roof Plan
9. What part of the plan that shows the design of the house, height dimension, materials finish and
complete information on specification?
a. Elevation b. Foundation Plan
c. Longitudinal Section d. Floor Plan
10. What view shows the inside part of the building either in cross-section or longitudinal section?
a. Elevation b. Foundation Plan
c. Longitudinal Section d. Floor Plan
11. What plan shows the outline of the roof and the major object lines such as ridges, valleys, hips,
and openings?
a. Foundation Plan b. Roof Framing Plan c. Floor Plan d. Roof Plan
12. Based on the section 1207 of stairs, exits and occupants loads, what is the width of stairways
whose occupant load is more than 50?
a. 1.00 meters b. 1.10 meters c. 1.20 meters d. 1.30 meters
13. What is the rise of every step in a stairway?
a. 200 mm. b. 300 mm. c. 400 mm. d. 500 mm.
14. What is the measurement of the run of the stairway?
a. 250 mm. b. 270 mm. c. 280 mm. d. 300 mm.
15. What is the minimum measurement of the concrete hollow block plaster?
a. 0.010 mm. b. 0.015 mm. c. 0.020 mm. d. 0.025 mm.
16. If the occupants of a residential building want to use 0.15 x .20 x 0.40 CHB plus plastering of 0.015
mm thickness on both sides, what is its average?
a. 0.015 cm. b. 0.016 cm. c. 0.017 cm. d. 0.018 cm.
17. What is the minimum width of the bedroom door?
a. 0.50 cm. b. 0.60 cm. c. 0.70 cm. d. 0.80 cm.
18. What is the minimal width of the windows?
a. 0.50 cm. b. 0.60 cm. c. 0.70 cm. d. 0.80 cm.
19. What is the standard thickness of wall in meter using 4” x 16” x 8”?
a. 0.20 m. b. 0.10 m. c. 0.18 m. d. 0.13 m.
20. What surfaces finish material that is used to cover another surface?
a. Board b. Fascia c. Flashing d. Eave
21. What is the horizontal distance that a roof projects beyond a wall?
a. Fascia b. Overhang c. Board d. Fascia

22. In the roof framing plan, what do you call the horizontal structure member which hold rafters
a. Rafters b. Pitch c. Purlins d. Overhang
23. What part of the house that shows the size, shape and the type of materials that should be used
in the roofing system?
a. Roof b. Roof Framing Plan
c. Roof Plan d. Ceiling Plan
24. What kind of roof used when eave-line protection is desired around the entire perimeter of the
a. Gable Roof b. Shed Roof c. Hip Roof d. Flat Roof
25. What roof type is used where the pitch is low and extends on the side of the building perpendicular
to the rafters direction?
a. Flat Roof b. Overhang c. Shed Roof d. Gable Roof
26. What outline of the ceiling that shows the overhead interior surface of a room?
a. Elevation b. Ceiling Plan c. Roof Plan d. Section Plan
27. The ceiling plan is designed with the following purpose except:
a. It penetrates the heat of the sun inside the building.
b. It adds beauty inside the building especially when it is well-designed.
c. It serves as thermal insulator that adds to the aesthetic beauty of the house.
d. Various lighting fixtures can be hanged or placed to highlight the interior design of the structure.
28. Which of the following is not to be observed in a work station or workplace?
a. Never smoke inside the work station.
b. Used any tools and equipment without having it clean first.
c. Avoid talking with your co-students during working period.
d. Always turn off the light, air condition, ceiling fan, computer units, and other equipment before
leaving the work station.
29. Which of the following is the main purpose of the main entrance?
a. Provides access to the house through which supplies can be delivered to the service entrance
through the parts of the house.
b. It is the one through which guests are welcomed and from which all major traffic patterns
c. Provide for movement from the inside living area of the house to the outside living area.
d. Designed primarily to shelter an automobile.
30. Based on the National Building Code of the Philippines, which of the following is not a guideline in
arranging rooms in drawing floor plan?
a. Built-in cabinets or closets are usually found in the bedrooms, kitchens, and dining room.
b. Bedrooms must be located far from noise, dust, and polluted air coming from garbage pits or
from the kitchens and toilets of the neighboring houses.
c. If the floor plan will be traced on tracing paper in order to indicate the electrical or water
connections, these furnishings must be shown on the tracing.
d. In some one-storey houses, the bedroom toilet and bath are elevated from the other rooms.
31. Which of the following element is to be indicated in roof plan?
a. Roofing sheets are materials laid to cover the total area of roofing space of the building.
b. Ridge roll in a plain G.I. sheet is usually laid at the center top of ridge of the building.
c. Ridge cap is the material used when the roofing system is in the form of hip roof.
d. All of these
32. Which of the following is the least important in showing the roof framing plan?
a. Trusses b. Roofing Sheets c. Ridge Roll Line d. Dimensions

33. Which of the following is the proper symbol of a cutting plane line?
a. b.
c. d.
34. What do you call the overhang roof lines in hidden lines that are form in the floor plan?
a. Dormer b. Canopy c. Eave Lines d. Shed Lines
35. In drafting ceiling plan, what device is used to detect smoke or gasses produced by smoldering
fires particles of combustion?
a. Metal Detectors b. Smoke Detectors c. Lighting Fixtures d. Sprinkler System
36. What device that discharges water when the detected the effects of a fire?
a. Metal Detectors b. Smoke Detectors c. Lighting Fixtures d. Sprinkler System
37. Which of the following is not indicated in presenting a ceiling plan?
a. Ceiling Board b. Partitions c. Ventilations d. Purlins

38. Drafting ceiling plan is very important in planning a building, which of the following is important?
a. Consider the distance from floor line to ceiling line.
b. Study the 3-D aspects of volumes and space.
c. Consider using unexpected materials or finishes.
d. All of these
39. In habitable rooms that provides artificial ventilation, what is the ceiling height that is based on
the National Building Code Section 805 or also known as ceiling heights?
a. Not less than 2.40 meters b. Not less than 2.50 meters
c. Not less than 2.60 meters d. Not less than 2.70 meters
40. In a multi-storey building, what is the ceiling height of the first storey?
a. 2.70 meters b. 2.80 meters
c. 3.90 meters d. 4.00 meters
TEST II. From the given choices on the box below, label the following doors and windows.

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.





Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked by:

Guidance Counselor-Designate

Approved by:
Officer in-Charge

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