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yturd Pectncn * FI,'U p*n'

13fi-,zp.c:1L A I

Aprit 2013 u/
Time - Three houn
(Maximum Marks: 75)

IN.B: (7) Angwer any fifteen questions in PART - A anil dioision (A) ot ilioision (B) of each
qaestioninPART - B.

(2) Each question csries 7 (onc) mark in PART - A and 72 (twebe) ma*s in PART ' B.l


1. Whot is on ideol f luid?

2. Define relotive density?

3. Whot ore the opplicotions of Poscol's low?

4. Convert the intensity of pressure 90 kN/mt into'm'of woter.

5. Define poth line.

6. Write the eguotion continuity of f luid f low.

7. Whot arelhe opplicotions of Bernoulli's theorem?

8. Define wetted perimeter.

9. Define impoct of jet.

10. Stote the funcfions of surge fonk.

11. What is meont by covitotion?

12. Whot ore the functions of oir-vessels?

13. Whot is the use of lubricotor?

14. Whot is the use of guick-exhoust volve in pneumotic circuits?

15. Drow the fSO symbol f or 5/? DCV.

16. Whot ore the merits of pneumotic system?

t7. Define flosh point of hydroulic fluid.

18. Stote the functions of occumulotor.

19. List out the fluid porven pumps used in hydroulic syst€ms.

?O. Whot do you mean by rnetering out control2

[Turn over.....



2t. (A) (i) Stote ond prove Poscal's low. 8
(ii) Differentiote gauge, vocuum ond otmospheric pressures. 4

(B) An U-tube differential monometer is used to find the pressure 12
difference belween two pipes 'A'ond 'B'. Pipe 'A' corries woter
ond pipe 'B' corries on oil of specific Arovity 0.8. The pipe'A'
lies 2m obove pipe 'B'. The pipe 'B' is 0.5 m obove the level of
mercury in the other side limb of monometer. The difference
in mercury level is 35 cm. Colculote the pressure difference
between the pipes'A'ond 'B'.

??. (A) (i) Whot ore the limitotions of Bernoulli's theorem? 4

(ii) Derive Chezy's formulo 4
(iii)Derive the eguotion for power tronsmission through pipes. 4

(B) (i) Compore lominor ond turbulent f low. 4
(ii) Colculote the f low of woter in litres per second through o 40 I
cm x 15 cm venturimeter when the differentiol Eauge
connected to the mouth ond throot reods ?5 cm of mercury.
Assume the co-efficient of dischorge os 0.98.

23. (A) (i) A jet of woter 80 mm diometer moves with o velocity of

l5m/s ond strikes o series of vones moving with o velocity of
10m/s. Find (1) the force exerted by the jet ond
(?)efficiency of the jet.
(ii) Exploin the construction ond working of Fronci's turbine with
neot sketch.
(B) (i) Whot are the differences between impulse ond reoction
(ii) Exploin the working of double octing reciprocoting pump with

24. (A) (i) Exploin: (1)Checkvolve (2) 3/?DcV. 6

(ii) Exploin the use of shuttle volve in pneumotic circuit. 6




(B) (i) Exploin the pressure regulotor. 4

(ii) Exploin the operation of double octing cylinder with 8

25. (A) (i) Exploin the working of pressure intensif ier. 6

(ii) Exploin the working of von pump. 6

(B) Drow ond exploin the hydroulic circuit used for the toble l?
movement of milling mochine.


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