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Sun and planet Jupiter are the extraterrestrial

sources of radio waves

Microwaves - Can penetrate the atmosphere of
the Earth. This is the reason why they are used
for satellite communications. We use
microwaves to cook food, transmit
information, and in radar that helps to predict
the weather.
James Clerk Maxwell a Scottish Scientist first
The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum discovered microwaves in 1864
of all electromagnetic waves arranged
according to frequency and wavelength. Infrared radiation - lies beyond the red end of
the visible light. It is emitted by all objects. The
amount and wavelength of radiation depend on
temperature. Our bodies radiate infrared and
under infrared camera or a night vision goggle,
our images appear in variety of colors.
Sir William Herschel a British Astronomer
first discovered Infrared waves in 1800
Visible Spectrum (Visible light) - When white
light passes through a prism it is separated into
its constituent colors: red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo and violet. Our eyes are
sensitive to em waves of wavelengths that
Radio Waves - Have the longest wavelength
ranges from 4 𝑥 10−7 m to 7 𝑥 10−7 m. This is
in the EM spectrum. They are produced by
the range of wavelengths white light. Thus, the
making electrons vibrate in an antenna. They spectrum of white light is therefore called the
are used to transmit sound and picture
visible spectrum.
information over long distances.
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz a German Physicist
first discovered radio waves in 1886

Ultraviolet radiation - The sun is our main

source of ultraviolet radiation but there are also
artificial sources of UV light. Ultraviolet
radiation in UV lamps are used by banks to
check the signature on a passbook.
Johann Wilhelm Ritter a German Physicist first
discovered Ultraviolet waves in 1801
X–rays - come just after the ultraviolet rays.
They are of shorter wavelength but carries
higher energy than the UV. X–rays are
produced using an X–ray tube.
- Long wavelength X-rays can penetrate the
flesh but not the bones. They are used in X-ray
photography to help doctors look inside the
body. They are useful in diagnosing bone
fractures and tumor.
- Short wavelength X-rays can penetrate even
through metals. They are used in industry to
inspect welded joints for faults.
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen a British
Astronomer first discovered X-rays in 1895
Gamma Rays - Lie at the other end of the
electromagnetic spectrum. They are shortest in
wavelength and highest in frequency. They
carry the highest amount of energy, thus, they
are more dangerous. Gamma rays are emitted
by stars and some radioactive substances.
Paul Villard a French physicist first discovered
Gamma rays in 1900

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