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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Labo, Camarines Norte
Final Examination (2nd Semester)
Sy 2017-2018
Name: ___________________________Grade11-TVL/Section__GOLD__Score_______Average_____Exam Date 03/____/18
Subject teacher: Richard A. Cortez Subject: Caregiving
Test I True or False (10 pts)
Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write TRUE on the line if you think the statement is correct. Write
FALSE if you think the statement is wrong.
______1. Breast Milk is easily digested and non-allergenic compared to formula milk.
______2. Every mother should maintain an excellent & abundant milk supply, taking extra liquid particularly water.
______3. She must keep her diet properly balanced as the quality of her milk is unaffected by the food she eats.
______4. The ingredient that is used to make formula milk comes from goat’s milk.
______5. The use of infant formula is usually more economical than breast feeding.
______6. One advantage of breast feeding is that it promotes emotional bonding between the mother and baby.
______7. A working mom can choose bottle feeding over breastfeeding if her schedule is so demanding.
______8. A fat baby is always a healthy baby.
______9. Nowadays, bottle feeding is best for babies up to two years.
______10. Breast milk has the most complete nutrients that a growing infant need.
Test II Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully. Write the letter corresponding to the correct answer on the space provided.
_____11. As the baby grows, he/she acquires the ability to __________________.
A. Recognize and respond to people.
B. Create different skills.
C. Move and play around the house.
D. All of the options above.
_____12. The infant’s physical development from birth to one year continues __________________.
A. At a slowed rate.
B. At a rapid pace.
C. Weight is not appropriate to age.
D. The same as he/she gets older.
_____13. To calm a distressed infant, _______________.
A. Feed him/her as long as he/she wants.
B. Immediately consult your pediatrician.
C. Comfort him/her and observe the condition.
D. Do nothing he/she will eventually be calm.
_____14. The accepted rule for infant feeding is to ___________.
A. Calculate the milk intake required each day.
B. Give plain water when thirsty.
C. Give additional food when you think he/she is hungry.
D. Feed him/her as long as he/she wants.
_____15. A mother is forced to mixed feed a baby when ______________-.
A. She is too busy.
B. There is no adequate milk supply.
C. She has an illness.
D. All of the above.
_____16. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding for at least __________.
A. 24 months B. 12 months C. 8 months D. 6 months
_____17. Lying without a pillow on a firm mattress is recommended for babies to ________________.
A. Mold the head in its proper place.
B. Keep the baby’s spine and head level.
C. Keep the neck straight.
D. Make the baby taller.
_____18. Mental development refers to the _________________.
A. Process to control his/her body.
B. Varied feelings of emotions.
C. Capacity to acquire and understand knowledge.
D. All of the options above.
_____19. One of the most important contributions of play is _______________________.
A. The attention the babies received.
B. The enjoyment babies derived from it.
C. Babies overcome boredom.
D. The time that caregiver saves.
_____20. This contributes to the spread of water-borne diseases like cholera, typhoid and parasites.
A. Inadequate water supply. 1of3
B. Improper toilet facilities.
C. Polluted surroundings.
D. Poor housing.
_____21. These factors lead to high incidence of gastro-intestinal diseases and parasitism in the community.
A. Inadequate water supply.
B. Improper toilet facilities.
C. Polluted surroundings.
D. Poor housing.
_____22. Why do we have to eradicate vermin like mosquitos, flies, cockroaches and rats?
A. They are threats to health since they carry germs.
B. They move about and carry with them causal agents of diseases.
C. Some of them harbor a number of parasites and organisms.
D. All of the options above.
_____23. Loud sounds of vehicles that can damage the ear is an example of _____________.
A. Air Pollution. B. Water Pollution. C. Land Pollution. D. Noise Pollution.
_____24. Which is NOT true about pollution?
A. Dust, smokes, fumes, and fly ash can worsen bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and lung cancer.
B. Dirty air can slow down mental performance and reactions of even healthy people.
C. Water pollution results in water-borne diseases from sewage disposal to waterways.
D. Prolonged exposure to loud noise will not affect any bodily organ.
_____25. Which oral hygiene kit is used to remove stubborn particles between teeth?
A. Toothbrush. B. Toothpaste. C. Dental floss. D. Tooth pick
_____26. What should you do as a caregiver before bathing a child to assess if he/she has a fever?
A. Measure the body temperature.
B. Count the pulse.
C. Count the heart rate.
D. Measure the blood pressure.
_____27. Water is constantly being lost from the body through __________.
A. The air we breathe out.
B. Sweating.
C. Elimination of feces.
D. All of the options above.
_____28. This nutrient is a source of energy which gives the child the necessary strength.
A. Carbohydrates. B. Fats. C. Protein. D. Vitamins.
_____29. It is the vitamin responsible for promoting good eyesight and complexion.
A. Vitamin A. B. Vitamin B. C. Vitamin C. D. Vitamin D.
_____30. It is the vitamin that we usually get from the sun, it promotes healthy bones and teeth.
A. Vitamin A. B. Vitamin B. C. Vitamin C. D. Vitamin D.
_____31. When preparing the meal of a child, this includes the taste, smell, and feel of the food.
A. Color. B. Favor. C. Shape and form. D. Variety of texture
_____32. It is more interesting to have a variety of texture like something smooth, crunchy, chewy or smooth.
A. Color. B. Favor. C. Shape and form. D. Variety of texture
_____33. Which is NOT a proper table etiquette?
A. Chew food loudly to enjoy it.
B. Refrain from talking when mouth is full.
C. Refrain from making noise with the spoon and fork.
D. Take only a small spoon of food.
_____34. What is the importance of learning proper table etiquette?
A. It will teach them proper values.
B. It will make them look nice to others.
C. It will save them some money.
D. None of the options above.
_____35. Young children learn skills easily because _______________.
A. Of their motivation to acquire new skills.
B. Of their desire for independence.
C. They love adventure.
D. They want to be skilled at something.
_____36. By the time children reach kindergarten, they can perform hand skill with ________________.
A. The help of other children.
B. Fair degree of proficiency.
C. Without practice or learning other movements
D. By themselves alone.
_____37. Emotions refer to varied feelings perceived as either positive, or negative that include _____________.
A. The desire to be accepted by the gang.
B. Imitations, thus producing mental images.
C. Feelings such as joy, anger, frustrations, sorrow, anxieties, pains, worries and others.
D. None of the options above 2of3
_____38. Social development is an aspect of a child development and is learned from ________________.
A. Adults who usually control him/her like his/her parents.
B. The child alone
C. Children of his/her age.
D. Different people surrounding him/her.
_____39. Young children’s understanding of people, objects and situations increases rapidly with __________.
A. The ability to displace negative emotion.
B. Their curiosity to arouse anything new.
C. Increase intellectual abilities to reason, to explore their environment and ask questions.
D. All of the options above.
_____40. In the late childhood, children develop distinctive personalities of their own depending ____________.
A. On the play activities they prefer.
B. On the extent of the influence of school, community, society and culture.
C. On the children’s health needs and preferences.
D. All of the options above.
_____41. It is the responsibility of the parents to be consistent in their decisions through ____________.
A. The activities the children enjoy.
B. The different emotions children show.
C. The actions they show to their children.
D. The condition to which they raise their child/children
_____42. If a child knows that there is at least one loving and reliable adult, he/she can readily_______________.
A. Face the challenge of growing up.
B. Face whatever he/she wants without any restrictions.
C. Make decisions for himself/herself.
D. None of the options above.
_____43. Sport, music and dance can enrich children’s lives if they are done _____________.
A. In competition with older children.
B. In moderation and without excessive competitiveness.
C. To compete for popularity and to be accepted by others.
D. In a very competitive manner.
_____44. Parents should learn to appreciate their children even if they are clumsy or slow so that ____________.
A. They will not be inactive.
B. Their relationship will not be strained.
C. They will have confidence and be happy.
D. They won’t lack self-esteem.
_____45. During play, children develop numerous social skills that enable them to ________________.
A. Learn by imitating the actions of others.
B. Enjoy group membership in the community peers.
C. Spend much of their time in solitary.
D. Copy the other persons personality
_____46. A child who can communicate easily.
A. Make better social contacts.
B. Are likely to be treated as babies.
C. Lack comprehension.
D. Is very advance according to age
_____47. It is a supportive environment for the optimum development of a child.
A. Is safe from hazards like noise and pollution.
B. Is not conducive to learning new skills.
C. Has insufficient space to move about.
D. None of the options above.
_____48. Children in late childhood have a large repertoire of skills learned during this stage.
A. Babyhood period.
B. Preschool age
C. Infancy.
D. All of the options above.
_____49. To help a child go to sleep, you need to know __________________-.
A. His/her normal sleeping patterns
B. If he/she is not hungry
C. If his/her diaper needs a change
D. None of the options above.
_____50. In getting physically fit, exercise is good for the body. It makes the body______________________.
A. Feel fresh and clean
B. Strong and healthy, strengthens the muscles, and develops speed
C. Weak with too many activities.
D. Inactive and idle.

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