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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Lapu-Lapu City
District 10

Second Periodical Test in ENGLISH - 10

S.Y. 2018 – 2019

Name: _______________________________________Grade and Section: _________________ Score: ________

General Directions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

I. Vocabulary Building: Give the meaning of the underlined words.

1. Roman Catholic believes that souls of people who have blasphemed against God will be in hell.
a. a series of loops b. cry out in grief c. spiral d. speak of irreverence
2. Aude is Roland’s betrothed and they plan to marry anytime soon.
a. fiancee b. enemy c. friend d. slave
3. He paid the woman’s fare as an act of chivalry. impolite way b. knight c. kindness d. a polite way towards women
4. A group of wandering vagabond plans to save La Esmeralda after hearing that she’ll be remove from Notre Dame.
a. thieves b. soldiers c. homeless people d. officials
5. The organization fights against racial prejudice.
a. unfair feeling of dislike b. favor c. victory d. seclusion

II. Simple Recall. Identification. Write the letter only.

6. Which of the following is true about questions of FACT?

a. usually used the key word “should” c. goodness or badness
b. answered with either yes or no d. all of the above
7. Which of the following is true about questions of POLICY?
a. usually used the key word “should” c. goodness or badness
b. answered with either yes or no d. all of the above
8. Which of the following is true about questions of VALUE?
a. usually used the key word “should” c. goodness or badness
b. answered with either yes or no d. all of the above
9.. An essay that tries to change the reader’s mind by convincing the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view.
a. persuasive b. debate c. informative d. argumentative
10. It is the first part of Dante’s ″Divine Comedy ″
a. Inferno b. Purgatorio c. Paradiso d. Earth
11. It refers to the core part of a dictionary.
a. operational definition b. technical definition c. definition d. explicit definition
12. A type of question which ask you to answer whether or not something is true.
a. questions of value b. questions of policy c. questions of fact d. questions of truth
13. Which of the following is an example of a question of fact?
a. Are you a student? C. What should be done to avoid teenage pregnancy?
b. Which is more important fame or family? D. all of the above
14. Which of the following is NOT a key component of a good news story?
a. real facts b. a strong summary c. headline d. use of quotes
15. Which of the following makes a story newsworthy?
a. timing b. significance c. proximity d. all of the above
16. Which is NOT an example of a question of value?
a. Which is more valuable, love or money? c. Which is necessary love or career?
b. Which is vital in a relationship respect or understanding? D. none of the above
17. What are the 4 causes of family conflict according to K. Lee Banks?
a. financial, sibling-rivalry, child discipline and conflict with in-laws
b. career, jobless, studies and financial
c. bills, education, sibling-rivalry and child discipline
d. financial, sibling-rivalry, bills and studies
18. “How many people are affected?” refers to what elements of newsworthiness?
a. Proximity b. significance c .timing d. prominence
19. “When famous people are affected, the more newsworthy it is” refers to what elements of newsworthiness?
a. Proximity b. significance c. timing d. prominence
20.”If it happened today, it’s news, if it happened last week it’s not” refers to what elements of newsworthiness?
a. Proximity b. human interest c. timing d. prominence
21. “Because these stories are based on emotional appeal, they are meant to be amusing or to generate empathy or other
emotions” a. Proximity b. significance c. timing d. prominence
22. A novel by Dante Alighieri is a story about Dante’s journey from heaven, purgatory and hell.
a. The Divine Comedy b. The Hunchback of Notre Dame c. Laura d. The Decameron
23.This introduces the problem and gives the background information needed for the argument
a. introduction b. body c. conclusion d. summary
24. Which of the following is a characteristic of an argumentative essay?
a. presents and explains the issue or case c. refutes opposing arguments.
b. gives reasons and support these reasons to prove its point d. all of the above

II. Grammar and Literature Awareness. Write the letter only.

Directions: Read closely the story in the box and write the letter of the most appropriate answer to complete each of the following
numbered items.

As the cool stream gushed over the one hand , she (she my teacher) spelled into the other hand the word
water, first slowly , then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers. Suddenly I
felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten- a thrill of returning thought; and somehow a mystery of
language was revealed to me. I knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing
over my hand. That living word awakened my soul and gave it light , hope , joy – set it free!

-Helen Keller, The Story of my Life”

25. From the story we can say that Helen Keller is
a. blind b. illiterate c. ignorant d. deaf
26. The paragraph implicitly stated that
a. Helen Keller had the best tutor c. Helen Keller was mentally challenged
b. Helen Keller is the best author d. Helen Keller was rich
27. As the story was narrated, the author felt
a. happy b. proud c. annoyed d. irritated
28. The author’s purpose in writing the text was
a. to inform people about her life c. to boast of her knowledge
b. to inspire people about her life d. to persuade people to get a tutor
29. The paragraph implicitly stated that Helen Keller was
a. an intelligent young girl c. a girl with disability
b. a daughter of a rich man d. a good writer
Midway in our life’s journey , I went astray
From the straight road and woke to find myself
Alone in a dark wood. How shall I say
What wood that was! I never saw so drear,
So rank, so arduous a wilderness!
Its very memory gives a shape to fear.

-“The Inferno”, Canto 1 by Alighieri-

30. At the beginning of the passage the mood is
a. quiet b. regretful c. eerie d. energetic
31. The last three lines signify the tone of the author as
a. fearful b. bold c. wonder d. awe
32. From the passage, it could be implied that
a. The speaker had not been a good man in his lifetime c. The speaker was into a great adventure
b. The speaker was in a deep dark forest d. The speaker was lost
33. At the end of the passage the evident mood is
a. tranquil b. fearsome c. eerie d. gross

“Then you will have the artesian well here right away”, he said. He ordered the area commander to get pipes and
pumps from the armed forces supply depot, and demanded they should be brought to the spot immediately. He
asked the army to bring in bulldozer, troops and trainees for labor and also organize the civilians.
34. The text implicitly stated that President Ramon Magsaysay was
a. a man of disguise b. a man of principle c. a man of values d. a man of action

35. The statement, “Then you will have the artesian well here right away” as directly stated in the text is a/an
a. explicit information c. general information
b. implicit information d. first hand information
36. The purpose of the author in writing the text is
a. to inform c. to persuade
b. to entertain d. to expose

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