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Name: __________________________________

★ There are more than
________________________________ spoken in Brazil.

★ ___________________________ is the official language of Brazil

★ Other languages spoken: __________________,

_____________________, and ____________________.


★ Brazil get its language, religion, and most of their customs from
the __________________.
★ Although the Brazilian Indian culture is small, their main
language is ___________________.
★ The African culture of Brazil is big in__________________________.
The culture is shown in the food, religion, popular music, and
their traditional dance: ______________.
★ What is the nation’s most popular sport?
★ What’s true about family in Brazil? ___________________________

Brazilian Flag
★ The current flag of Brazil was officially adopted on


★ What does each part/color symbolize? Draw lines to label each

part of the flag:

Public Schools

★ Who funds public schools? __________________________________.

★ What is true about teacher to student ratio?


★ Are Brazilian schools well-funded with excellent resources?

Why or why not?


Private Schools

★ Get funded by:


★ Do teachers have better experiences at private schools?

(circle the correct answer:) YES NO

○ And two reasons why?


2. _______________________________________________________

Primary Schools

★ Primary school is compulsory between ages ________ and


★ What grades? ___________

Secondary Education

★ Ages ________ through ________

★ What grades? ________________

★ It is common for children to stop education after age _____.

Tertiary Education
★ Higher education: grades _______ to _______
★ Bachelor degrees require ______ year study.

Timeline Notes:

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