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 Hermes Trijinegifi"'

-0 Second Book;
s:: •
C'd :;:l
. >.c...
~~ A[c/epius.
. ._,
~ Containing fifteen Chapters,
.~ ~ .. -t
c..n A Commentary,

V') I
~. ~ Printed for Tho1NM Brewfter, at'
'-"4! the three Bibles in St. PANt,
~ Church .. yard, near tho
V .. We(! End •
dJ THE Second Book OF

Hermes TrifmegifttlS.


.... THOU, .arcle. piUB, ferves in Ilead of a Sun un- .

to me; for God ha\tt brought thee to us,.

that thou mightefl be prefene with us in thy divine Ditcourfe, being fuch which may feem worthy to carry a greater luHte of Piety and Religion, than all

~ the works before cone of us, or

! any gifts inipired by divine In ..

Ipirarion, which if nndentand ..

, ingly thou (halt regard, thou

~ {halt be richly fiUeQ with all

A 2. good


~ The fecond Book of good thiegs rhorowour thy whole Soul = If notwitbflanding there be many good things, and not one fenerall, in which all things are, for the one is perceived to confenr and, a~ree with the other; all rhefe things belong to that One, and that One is All; for the one fo coheres to the ottler,that they can .. not be Ieparared, But in the future Difcourfe , by a dili~ent hearkening, thou fhalr tully know it. But thou, 0 .ICdepftlkl, proceed a little, andeall forth him which lhould be prefent , who entering, ~r'l{pfutJ alfo fuggeHerh amnon to be prefenr, ittfrmegfflus faith.No Envie hindererh Smnon from us; for to his name weremember man y things to be written of U!, as alfo to his loving and dearSon, many things of naturall Philofophy, and of many


J-Iermes rrifmegiJltll~ , 3 Out landifh and flran~e things:, ! but this Traccate ' I will afcrlbe '. to your name, neither call any other [ave ~mnon, lea a- .molt devone Ditcourfe of fo welght-y a rna trer fhould be violated by rhe inrervennon and prefence of many comers; for it is an. a:gument of no honefl and religious

: heart, to publifh a Traetaterei . 1'1enifht with the fnIneffe.of the ~ , divine MajeHy,to the "lew ,of

I every mans confcience, ' l!0ly'

I .mnon being now entered mro

a private cloler, fitted WIth the Religion of four men, and t~e Divine Prefence of God, 111 much reverence and fecrecie ~c lteoins thus ttl declare 'hlmlel£in ~he name of aU the ~c~mt.:

~ ttB to the cOf\fCiences and (ouls of them who are prepared to

I' he;Citfm. 0 .ardepfu13 ,the:(~i1I'~ .... of every manis immortal!" bus .: ,

, A 3 not

4 The fecond Book of not all alike; for there is a difference both in tbe time and man .. ner,

Srdtp. No indeed, 0 J;rtC:: -gtaas ,for every Soul is of ene quality.

~tlrm+ 0 .i1fclcplus, ho\v qUlckly halt tholliearned)by the 'Very hght of reafon . for taid I nor this, That all 'things are one, .and one all things? tftat all thIngs were in the Creatour before he created all rhinos ~ neither unworthily is he failc'; b~ All, whole pares are all rh~~gs: therefore in chis whole Ddcourfe have a care to re. ~ember him, who being One,

IS All, ~ven the very Creatour of all thmgs; all things defcend from Heaven into the Earth, into the.Wacer,- and into the Air. ~he FIre onely, in that it is earned upward, is lively fubfervient to that which defcends . for




Hermes Tri[mtgiJlus. ·s whatfoever dekends from.abcve is generating ,and .whatfoever ~ . afcends upward is 'l1ourH1:1ingj

t the earthalone abidingin-it:felf,

I is the receiver of all thiogs,and

the rellorer of all things Ihereceiveth. In this therfore wholly (as you [aid) even al rhings.both the Soul andthe World> arenarurally moved and concluded. So the various equality of every {hape beinro differenced,that the ~p~'fcs 0 the qualities, by diiT~1n~)may be known, to be infinite, yet Io un iced to this, that the whole may Ieem one, and from (hat one, allro have their being; wherefore the \\JhoJe World are the four Elereeecs.of which it -is compounded, Fire, Water, Earthy Air; one world, one Soul, one God. Now be thou pre.enr with me, as much asrhouart able; :bothin.minde,· and wiCdbtrl~: {Of the reafooof

, A 4 the

6 The fecend Book of rhe Divinity which is to be known by [he divine intention of the underfianding, is moIl like IlDCO a Torrent running with a violenr and (wift fiream from a high Rock, whereby it glides away from the ander!tanding of Iuch, who are either Hearers or Dealers in ire


Thi4 (irfJ C"4pter teAcheth, thllt aliibiNls "efont to 0"', and thAt'aJl things Ifre one, Df Int, AI jr9m 'Which All things are, 01lt; OM II/I the ejfilJs which ;11 theIr ~ANfoAre (me, III thAt ever) m"lIs S 0111 u imm()rtalt: hilt let "fttr II ° diffirent fort. eAII tbingl M[cend from Heaven; ,bAl.-which defcmdeth affwds genet4tion,thA, ~hich A/C .. enaah ' Alia IfJeth II,. 'RMr., giVlth ''''If lift. Th.

° . , thmg

i "

i The fecond Book f)f

do all thints, Ilnd which leb~'ding in it Jelf changeth All things.

This M the p'rft part. .


CHA P. 11.

HEaven th~reforeis the . ienfible preferver of all thole bodies whore encreafe and decreafe the Sun and Moon,have as it were power of But God who is the Creator €If all things rs the Governour of Heavea.and ~(.it$ Soul, and of an things in ('he world, For from all the, things) of all which there 15 a Governour , {here is' a frequent influence carried through the world by nature it f~lfJ' and by the (oul of every Genus and Species' in it : fo .. the wodQ is prepared of God to be




II ermet i'd( rntg~~u!. 9 a receptecle - of every -fort of Species . or form , and fafhioning OUt nature by the farms ''_ hath brought the world by the four Elements even to HeCa~(!n. All the works of Godwh~b are pleaGng to the eye,'ahd,Wl1IE-lt hangover usare divided ·inrd Species, Gad in that manner I am now about to relate, 'The <0~nera, orkinds, of a;11 thing~ fol' ow their·~p~.dtGfo_rthat the <!DZltUS is t'he,t'0ral-iry,' or fub ... Hance of it,& the·~pe"e6 a'part e.f rhe ~et1U:5 : wherefore there is a ~nUGof~?o~ Spjrits, and cr(Jl)zm'!3 of ba~~{9-'aHo of men ; audlikewife of Birds, and of an things which the world hath, it begets fapecicG like toit {elf: there is another cl[;znus of brute Beafls wanting indeed under .... Handing artd reafon, but yet not a foul or life, wherebv it takes delight in Benefits, Sc pines-and


J 0 The fecond Book of ~ournes away at injuries., -I lay of all things wh.ich live.on the Earth by the prefervadon of Rooes, an~ Pla~lts) whore .,. .. (Ies are dlfpectcd throughout the ~hole ~arth, the very Heaveau felf IS full of the MajeLly of God, whore Genu inhabireth th~[ place where all Jtpecf$ e. a:e Immorca.ll; fo~ the .pe'tes IS a part of theeenUS)as t~ Soul a puc of man being a poiar ~f nec.!Ricy co foHow the qua .. l1[Y of Jt eel. (rom whence it proce,eds" that albeitevety ee.IIIG or kind be immortal!, yet every .,,(tes is nOt

Itnmortall; buc the Cl'ts ' .

nus of the godhead and the ~pedes ~re i:nmorcall, yet the lmds of ocher chinos whgfe

• •• l)

erernIty remaines 10 the «De"".

albeir ir dyes in the .pttte. i~ yet preferved by the fruitful. neife of growing: therefore the

,~ ;tpetfes

- H ermes Tri{megiJlIU. 11 ~petfelJ are rnortall as man is mortall, his foul immorral, yet with everycDenuS the.p,te. of every ClDeuu6 is mixed, tome which before were made, tome made of thefe , bue.. al~\;~hefc: which were made are eithe~ o~

'God,ot Angels.or of men; being aU formes moG: like unto their kin des : for it is impoffib'~ .. for Bodies to be formed without: ' the will of God; ~fetfes to be fafhioned without rhe help of Spirits, or brute Beafisto be ordered or difeiplined witbo.ut men. Wh~tfoe.verthereforc: ill ~pirits i\,varving,from ,their kind ~e joyned into t~c: form ,0£ an, ~,ectes of a divine <l[Senus, are by that Proximity and n~ar .. ndfe unto Gods, but t he .pedel of ,''! bieh • Spi .. rus.perfevering in the qualIty of their kind, and there loving the w adorn ef man are calle d Spi-







I % The fccond Book of rirs: there is al~ the like "1'8_ tfes of men, but more larse. tor the .psdes of m-ankind is of many Shapes ,and full of variety.and coming from above from the "aforefaidtellowfliip'1l1ikd ~: :onjubaion of necemf.Y ~lm.oa WIth all other •• e,fe';lOwhlCh refpea it comes neareH to God· who wit~ Divine worfhip hat~ joyned himfelfunro God, eveI\ in thst nolin.effe ;'he requires'; and they come nearefi' 'to iii Spirits, who joyne tliemfelves to them: and tROk! men who are c~~tenred with, a-~edi?criry 'i~ their ~nu6) fhallb.e Iike tho[e ~pedes they' refemble and Joyn~ themfelves to. ..


CO M M E~Nr:Att:Y.

.\ ' : . -'

TheSecol'la Chaprerfo'f' the ~et':' ter Hflderftanding of whAt is ana [hllll

lIermes rrifme~iftus. t3 (hall be [aid, intimattth that.Me.i'~ curius doth uIe the word Ammal

in a far other fign;ftcatJ~rjn tbel1. F~ have accuftomed, M alff!:, tl~e 'Word Anima. For<J1~t oft~t~f7 ' cond Dialogue ,of Pim.~nde'f':~ defineth the Soul", m/)t,o";.,~t:~ .. f!rc whatfoevn' hath 8 m~vtbt

faculty by the O~rer'7Jal1c. e'().",hu_ $feech, hath l\l'l1mam Il~olltl wh~tfoe'Ver hat~'SoH! a,tld B._~¥t i! Ammal.. T};e Heav.e~ th~~} is an ,hnlma\, fa :/fk.§wtfe tile "World, PLAnts, and tb« Eltmentf. But it is our cufrome onl] to. cltIl that n» Animal, which i.s!!,Jl~t·"! Creature, a1fd hAth renfe.;·~nl,m\ ."e deftnc'-not o.nly by m8tlo~~fIt k' Life, Senfe ~nllllJtArJ motlob, Alia It nder ft anamg. 'lherefbre when ~e hear of tl:« word' Animal {tt U4 tak! it in hiiJ· [enfe, and ncr in (ltlr Dwn. But now to the Dlal~gut; he compareth Heaven lind H_ea'l!fnly b()d;'~s to other Jenfibleth1ngs



J.f. The fecond Book of Mil mlln to other Crellf"reJ, /JHI:

Jet man w,ih Dther Creatur:s M II reiJfon,,/Jle SoH!, and H ea .. 'lI1JI with other [mfibte thjnls M .. fl~ji"le prefiN/ero But thAt 9~du the ~~a:GIi"erIlW of all thl~"st'Whlch"'re m the.or/a iI nothing life ,/JHt t,h,,?Gali profJideth tor, difpen{elbAllthil1ll ,II t?csr kJnds and Species, of all ."hlch th~ World is the receptAcle; and God ~mlArt~th to ''''"] on,_ to a fi.t mjfrHflJtnt /tJ'llIe gift or proprlll]; AI the Sun and~ M,", Are .the. Divine .Ortans for tN Sprmgmg Am! gro'Wl1Ig of things, lUIa Jor theIr IIICrtllfo, ana ae"taft, And J;[po[eth of flJen bj .AlIgels, and or "rutts /1, me», But ,,:hAt he Jiea/u of [PiTits, thllt . Sp~cles Cllnnot"~ formed -withoNt· their help, and thAt unA;n hA'rJe c/e4ved'(J" divine Genus and in nearnefs and c.()nverfation ~ have 6eeN aCCJHl1fea IiI?! "nto q ods, an.d







r i

Hennes 7hfrnegi{fus .. 'J1 certain in the qualiry of their Genus to have perfcvered L9vers of th« wi{dom of men. YYe l(jJow, , OUt of the {acred'J!3criptures) th~t tho{e Angels which kSP: nit t~tlr· fi!,ff State, !,lIt left !helr hllbJ~"tton , wire re{erv8a 111 ever/liftIng· chains )un4er dark..Ite{1 unt~ tht" ;'dgment 9f th, greAt dal : for at·.· beit th'eJ counterfeit themjetvel""tfJ he Lovers ~f mm, yettheJ 10VI them not, but draw them teth« fAme dl1mndtion whieh the)· t~, .. felves hA,ve had fr~m ·the Begin-· "ning. The,- counterfeited even to love, when the, brlJlIght4e(4th. \141- (III all melt, lAying, r, ffi*~ '!'t· die, bHt foAll be M Gods· kltowmg goo.~ lind evil: wpat therefore Ii, here {peAk.!th of Angels or Spirits, . can not jeeme fitly to be app~led to

~ny divine k.!rowledge, "lit to imitate the error of the Gentiles; but what he [peak..! of men are thofe whh'h cleave unto Goa and t'IM

relii"oU4 ,

r I







Hermes Trifmegiflus .'17'

16 The fecond Book of y,/igiDNI ;611t thtl!! "'ht:~ j,_". th,mfelvls unto t'lJli SpiYlts "1Je eo»l,/eI06e thole whichJh~JI'" rt:eJVld:'ntOthe Cn»panJ-,if'De'fI,ls, lind fh~/1 [,e j()JlltrfHIJto the evil .Allgels :which foal' be reJ~rvM, .< AS hAth 6unfllid) tII'eter1lal ,hamn Hhder d4r/z.Ne./fo lint' the great dill; for wekJtw; ;t-prrJ1ltfHfJc ed ollt of Gods mONth whiff 'he wiN f",to themrmthelelthllmlin th, '. day of JHIlgment) Depart from me ye curled -inro . eveEiafling fire , prepared for the Devill, and his anoels; allil wh"",.i thoJi, IJllt thofrwhollre jOJ~d ""t" thulI,? "n~ I~ve the ~rkJ tlf tJ.rb l1eJfem thld life? 'Th1l4.mttN1. f~r.. the SecQ1lil ChApter. '. . ,

:... -- -----_ .. -

CHAP. 111.

IN this reoard, 0 .rcltpfu., Min is a g~eat miracle, a Crea_-

t ure both to be reverencea and honored being after the nature & Imaze of God)as though he wer~ a G;d. This the Angets know-, for as much as they were cre~t~tl 'after the fame olture, bat dIf· dained part of the humal,~'~a ... mre Be relied only onthe'D1V1ne 0 tneref0re, rhe ~~_re temperate the Nature of ;man'Is, and comesnearelt to God and~o the divinity, the more be de:plferh that part of his, whereby be becomes ear thl y; all other rhinos below, with \'V hombe

° maO

· I B The fecond Book of m.u1l needs be, he knoweth WIth a Heavenly difpolidon and are ~ear unto him in way of Chanty ~ yet his defiresare in heaven.:fo therefore~e is happily placed 1D the middelt, that what . thIngs are here below him he ]oveth, and is himfelf beloved !>£ t~ore things above. He lD~~blt~th the earth , and by his a,glluy IS mixed with the E1e~ents, yet by the a1arpnc(fe of his und~rLlal1ding he divech. in'" to. the depths of the .ta. all th~ogs appear manitell to'him· neither d~.the HeatTens (eem to

be above hIS reach,butas it were ne~~, by the quickneife of his Sp1ri9 no obfcurity or darknelfe

of AI'!', can difiurbe his fan.. I

ulle,. no t~ickne{feof tr~und [ can hInder hIS endea YOur nor

depth of warer hinder his' eye- .

f1&ht ; a.1l things are the fame WIth hall, evenal] crearures


Hermtf Trifme ... (iJlul. It whether they take r?otn:om

- above or below. Things Wlthout life, srow upwards from one root i;to woods and bu{h~ es · f orne are nourifhed with tw~ E lernencs, fome withoDej the food is for tWO pans,the.Lifc and the Body,ofwhich the 8atf .. mal confiReth. The foul of the World is a 1 wales nourifhed by a continuall and reLlles agita •. cion, Cerporeall things encreafe and are norrifhed by fuch thin os which the water and earth aifordeth. The Spirit, of which all things are full, is mixt with all things.., quickens, and in livens all thin~i, adding fenfe unto the . uncterfianding of man, 'which fifth part by Di- ' vine InfpiratiGm is only gran .. ted to man.and which not to be feen in any other Creatures doth . beautifie advance and lift up the ~ undemanding of manto the .

, kno \V ledge

20. The Iecond Book of knowledge .of divine mylleries; bucfor chat 1 am PUt in minde to jpeak of the undedlanding" I will hereafser expound rhe reafon of It unto you; for ic is. moil holy,excellenr,and no lefl"e tb.'l1?" t.bat. which belongs to the' DlVl~lty It felf: bur now I will difp.ltdi WHat I beaan . for I faid

. h b . . 0 ,

In c e eZlnntng, that in the

nearne~e and (onjunCtion of the Deny onely, men enjoy the ta.vour of God: for whoroever have attained co fo much (eli .. c~cy, that they perceive rhat DiVIne Senfe Ox Underfiandino they are nearell unto the Divf~

-Iliry and Wifdom of God, whicbme» onely partake of. ar~ltp. o. SlttfrmeSf8us, ~herc 1S not a like underllandmg of all men.

,SltriCm. 0 ,gCdepfus) All men have nor attained char true ,Under!bndwg, but apprehend-


rna :;,

Hermet Trifnugiflut. 21 ina fome falfe fantafie, and that wfchouc any true reafon, OUt of a rath opinion, are,mccl'~Y' deceived, which begets wickednefle irs the .minde, and traar .. forms t he beLl man into the na~ ture and likenefle ofa beatJ. But of the Un2erflanding and", the like when 1 come to [peak of the Spirit) I will give you the full reafon ; for man IS only of two parts: the-one part fimple, which the Gr~dans. call1s~r.S''''n or which we call the Ima~e of God. but the other fourfold, which the Gt~cians call H-O~p.tX;~'; andwe the earthly 1ubHance, or' pourrrairure, being tile ~dy, in'. which is inclofed that which we have affirmed to be the divine part of man, which is. his .Soul. :An which the pure DlvlOlty of the Soul.with the fenfe and feelins-of a clear contclence, rellerh at peace within it [elf, as within' a Caflle of Defence, Th,

The fecondBook of

H etmes Tfif l11igiJfIU; tal': "'AllltS thtfoellrihlJ, hi.I.~IJi:.~

The f/AncI ill ImmQ1'tllll IInaheA'lI_tnt,.

COM MEN TAR V. thinl/, lODk_SlIp Illld ftghl -fl.,';.

, Heeue» k.._nowing thAt to In. fbi.

ThM thirJ Chllpter' ~xtDlleth pilfc& of:he betterpal'tofhjm,&of

the dilllitJ of 1IIAII, ill which' the , "eereff ilffinitJ to hil SOlll : ~t'JJ".-; eAlltboHr of fo grellt "enejitl U , thelefTe be is placetlhert '. th"

chitflJ t, "e ack._",-wleAged, Alltl middrft 9f the "WQrld, "lnl ~th,r:,

!sr,ver to."'prat'feJ ,.ndlIfHdetl,· thhlgJhere below u»tohim, With.

-who hoth honoNrld mAlI 7Pith whom ("J Divine OrdinAllce) .hl

fuch ~xcellent gifts; for, IUhe ~ows he INNft med~ be '~ tlie.

11Iellnnh, .mll" U .aae, thAt he bfJHd of love and ch~rltJ,~o1/'"lf~'

might IJ. li!r.. flnt. Awg.I" IIG- . thefe Mrthlylhings,tb .. t bM"'J~i. I:!z.wledg;',g th.p; ".th t. {," ,,"tI ' I,v'.'f h,aven". , H. i".liilki!"1t..

that the] ATe 6'rn 1t1ith hi11l, the earth by his agllJty, IS .I~~.

",h.", h. hlllh to !J. hu C "",alilns ,."b t hu/.ment,,& brIbe fbil4'/~

, lind Prefe1'7/ers, e'&len /rfJlH tb« neffe fJf his iIIf".

fir ft {"gi""itg of hu " .. , IfJi'J. G01I- [cend, in, 0 t b# . .

fijli" g of "" ature n.Ar "n,. ~ I m: Are mAntf' ft to . ". '''''''11#.

morta/it], mark.!d with the chll_ fcem not to be IIbovt h,s ,.lAth: fo.",

rAiler or ImAgo of cs«, &om_ ,ha, by ,he qukk_"'JIi of hlS.SI'~

JORne/cd of a mortlill lind il1JlIIor_ rit he perceives thlm to~, (til' It

'alt, '''rl hIJ AN J rIlP'rnat"rall .. ".) neer ""',' hi".. To'" ~l.

pArt: "lit who jD"",h After tIi- .eJfe of th,'- Air ,~" .. ""the,..G"":'

vinethi1Jgs) aeflJJfilh /Ilia UHder- . fONnd the 11IU1fjrl"'f "Is ",~"Jr,

vailltl .. 8 11"

--- .--

..... ro= .........

C H A."P. iv, ',. Why rhen,O ~tlr. -

me~Ulut, 1l\U{t man have

his abode in the world, and not moll: happily live in taat paIt

where God is?

~d{m. Thou rigbtly enqui, -

real Slfdefiue: For we: alfo befeech God, that he win en~· ble US to give the reafon; fC?' feeing all things depen~ on ~lS will, (hen even thofe aUO whick are moft myHeriouS I the rcafon of which we endeavour to un .. fold, by our p1"erel1t difcourl"e:

Hear therefore~ 0 J{de __ ' The Lord who is the CreatoUf of aU thin~s, whom we tN11 call God, made the world firftt which rnieht be perceived and feen: but yet I affirm it tohavcs

'B l nQ

~ 6 The feccnd Book of

no (enre. For of this, whether it hath or no, I w in declare another time; but fo that it may' be feen .of· all. Becaufe therefore he made this 6rH, and that

.rhe work feemed fair and good unto him; as moHJu n of ~ he va:riety of good rhings, he loved it as a part of his Divinity and Power; and therefore, becauie it was of fueh excellencie and goodndfe) :he would have Man rnaQe, that he might behold the j works he had thus made, and Jikewife lmttare his Wifdom and Providence; for the will of God is. the chietdlperfet\.ion, in-chat he fulfilled both his will and his deed, in one and the fame, moment of time. When therforeGod perceived that-that image .of ~is (the $oul) could not be HudlOUS: of all things, un .. lefle he fhould cloathir widlan earchl y covering, he builded f~r


H/rmt$ TriJmtgi[tUi. '" tt this houle of day, c?nfdu~~ ing and mixing both 'Parts lnt to one, 'as much as each body {bou\d be capable t Where~o.~ h~ mad6 Man of an immortalJ. 'Sou\,and monaU Body,that b~. lng a Creature: thuS compared,

he' might fausfi~ both. e~~~ which was, to be 1~ adFll1ratl~i\ of Heaven and to- pray ~or r,~ tituall and heavenly t~mgs,~~~ 'to inhabit, and . ~,o"e[n-,th~ft

earthly things bel~w:' al!d 1 ii9 not onel y avo\lchthe Eartl: and the Water to be - m~r(~\~ th,U.1gs, which tvyo'(out oftbe fou~Ele .. rnents) Nature hath f~bJ~~~d to the ufi! of man; but a\~·~?ther -things w~atroevei b~loSJ&Lg~tO .

man)as ullage, p~flo~age;, .b~l~; -iogs, ~ortS, Chippmg ,n~vlg~tt~D' tfaffique, 8l merchandlfe,} is the {hongen bond?f ~u~'ane. Society: And there lsa par~' of the world which is Water al1ci

B 3 Earth,

The fecond Book of

CHAP., V.'



-I' .. _-_. _

B' u-, Q .Rfdep,u" I obferve

I: char thou dolt earnellly de.' ilfeto heare, how a man mar come to enjoy :t~at' mufical harmony and divine WOllhip, which belongs to heaven. Wherefore near, 0 llttle,tu" there is one freqllellta{fcmlilie amongH men, for this (eririce,of I Cod '; and this no other~rea~'11 . rure canper~orm but m~n " alone. For God is only p)ea .. "f fed 'and delighted that 'man , lhouldex~ollhis'~drnjred,w~rk, I flog praifes of thanksgiving un-i I

to him, and perform filch wor- ~

ihip and fervice as be}ongs to ,

' b,is, boly name. NeIther do

, thofe heavenly~ graces unwor-

" thil y del,end into rhe congr~ga_


·Hermes TrifmtgiftuS. '3 ~

e , Qf men, leLl thelt thl~

uons Id '[bould Ieeme ,un: earrhl_y.W?r - eel of the 'w;mt beautitied 10 ret Pdf weet Muof this heavenly anh t his name

fick ~, but r~~~~~rt o~ all tbings. who IS the 1 brared with me might be ce ~, and comely well tuned vOlce~~ t hat neither praifes of men. rth this fweet . h~aven norea . ' ht

10.. f hankfgivmg mtg ,

,Harrno,J?Y 0 t e fom~e men

'(eafe; tor there ar ber) tb~" '( h ugh few I,D nurm d' " le

tau ith r. 0 1 vm

' d ed Will '.

are 10 U • 0' that their care

'and. ho \ Y a 1ptr ~~) reverence, an~d is only to plet~) buc whOfo ever

. ferve the Lord : f1 en of bQ~h

h ongfr the confu 1, '.L,'lolba

t I "'I' he flefb prevai 1 9'

natures'k t d their fpiritl;laH unhave dar., ne ie are fo qlU~h derHancmg, ,tohy· ()' wn luft's,

. to t elr 1T

owen o'\'er. n[- upon rhefe

D d nly mre .

an are 0 d lower things,

Gur.wa~d an is not to be

, 'Fheretore ~, ~an cLltemed '

32 The fecend Book of

efleemed [he weake~ in tefpea ,hat he is in plrtmortall, but peradventure thereby he may Ieem the more titly and etfeetu'.tHey compared to encreafe in fUll k_nowl~dge and underftaad,lOg, to wu, bC:C3l1fe unleife he I haa been made of both natures he could not have fufleined; both) therdore \TaS he framed.

i ?fboth that he t1li~h~ have both, { an earthly and divine choice.

-I defire thee 0 Jttdept", , nd~ "Diy ro harken unto the reafbn

c)( this tr.1C}ue .' but alfo to en ..

terrain it wieh much, Zeal & fer"ebey of Spirit; For the reaien !

to many is incredible", but to !

devouter mindes it feernes tr·de I

a nd good; wherefore from 1

knee. 1. will beziaa


it erme{~ririntgiflur. 33' The COMMENTARY.


, .

,_ . J

THe Lordof etet:nity is -~rll~ God, !econdly the W"rld, and lbirdlyMan. The maker-


34 The fecond Book ot. ofrhe World "is God, and all th~ng~ ~h~re\n governing all thtnas wirhraan whom he hath appeinred UftelCtent or 1;0- 'ernot,~hom'>h~ hath madc:p'ro. J1erly~G.:(aketbe Charse ot his "h()le'w'or~ " .that bathe. he·.and' .t~e .w(}rl.d might' be an Oroa-' mene of praiie unto himCeH th.a.t by this divine compofi~io~ ot, man, the world in Greek :n:lgh~~be the ,mo,re ttuly called ."(Jt~Jrhar ~) an 'Order or Or .. namenr,', For heknew hirnfelf .'~.l1d kne~v::~.r~ world, ~,wit thi\~ ~remem'?rll1W·,,,, vvb.~'~};' refera-

blance It had .~~: ~ t>lJ'f~' I

'_'Yhat.w<l.s fC?% his ate, and \vnac I'

for his lervice, . ~e· m:ght -la- '

boufro,glVt! pr.ll,:e and great , than~es Unto. 'God and [0 hon ..

,,,(JUf h .. ~ Image ; b~i~no~ Igno. Jant, that he w:.S:r--"made'a.lfo . a~t~r the I l~~e ;of God) of . wbkb Sibere ar~·two Imagcs,· eo wi,

H(rmesTiifmeglfiu!. j) )"iit:tbe )'1 odd and man;whereDy

It coroerh to pa{f,e, tha~ for. as much as there isbut o~c.Jqyn~ng together on cbac,1>lrt-, he. co:~~ {ilts of foul and fenfe, and ~p~. rit .and _ undedlanding he is dv:yille,. and thereby mal r~elJl~ - re afcend up . into heay~n.; but on his earth\ y van whlc~ C~1\fills of fire, water, and cnr,. he rerna1.oes a mQHa \lCreaturc .upon earth., is altog~the~ ,filled on the ebings 'helow al1d [w~llowed up of ~h~ur~~ .. for (0 man is P.1I~\.y; djviJlle; apd-parth~. mot .. uU: ab~dl~gip on~ b"d1,but.~h~ ':huh a meafure of.each •....

" 'Re\iilO~ . pefQ~e. a~\ inC. (whicH a vsrcuous ide (o_llo\v$)

ieemes oAly then, to be perfie, when there is a contempt of aU lullfu\\ defires and unl~w~U\~ (oncllpilcence, affiHed with aU manner of "irenes.. for all f ':Jell ,h~nz~ are ,o1)ttary,t~ t~~. $~~

30 The fecond:Beok of and SpiriruaH u.ndcrRandifl~ which are poffetfedwjrh a eotflOraj, and which well called by the name of good, or poifeffions, i» that they are not botft with ua but afterwards are po!fcffed·o£ IV) wherefore. all thibgs of this kind ant differing fromma& that Wt may even. c:ktpife the body, and thof¢ things which we greedily (over,. or anl "ice or wickedn~{fe whicbwe lufifully defire , for fo fat as he is ltd by reafol1-; fo. far he is a man; thu contem .. plulag of the dl.\1i~it1' he may concet!ln and defpitt that part of his,whichismotuU~ bta only Io fat as neceffity cempells for. prefervarlon of the foul. For, that man may be moti perfett in either. pur, ob'erre him in each to be formed of fout' Eltmenrs, or principall F~'U with two hands and two teet, and other mernbers ef his body.with


l1'ermt$ 'tri[f1Jtf,tflus. '37

do fetvice to tblS which he mal hl~ world, but

1 r or eart J •

t;>we •. h r four t>artS,tO WlC,. Vlith his ot e . . \ men'l'O'-

his Llnderlb~dlng, 1: felt<:heth .. " and pro-ndence" \\ .Ji,inc

"'J' k h into a -u

'and 100 et. froM Whencc-

caufes and things, . D. «itn a . h eens that rna. bt

It apr{ . el'\quird UUO t

ReHles. earen tities, and~lfeas divedlucs, CJ1!a b inti bindred

. BUt e D

of things.. . arid tOO. much-:

by the w~ght 'of his body, he iml'crfealot1 \ forelee the ttue cannot pto~r '1 f thinos . This nlturaH ta~ es 0 fo fr:~cd lod man thetcIOre, . c. foch a.

. d attd that. lor d

fa(lllone, 'ce comR\ande

mininery !( ~~~, as in decently (i)\ the ~reat e world·, \,>iou~ O'overnmg t~ G-j cr" worthily.

P n" g his OU, """ • 1

wor )\pm A' _ tc().both the Wlt $.\y obeulen: o)ft qoll th?\l'. of·, \~a\\ be recomvenfed' tb~k h~e . G ~in~that this wolid' with? ,or kC of~God, a.nd roao'

is 1:ihe ",or - b'y .


I :

;38 ,The [econd .Book of ,~y his labour and iJ:ldufiry re .. Jer~et~ a~d encreafcch the b!u. ,ty of~, J?rnech his labour with the Wl~J ?t God, when by the hC.lp of h.l-$ body, an. d by daily pc11nes and care .he ador neto tbat.~petf~. andfor~, 'whid. bydlvJne .wddom he fitH (rea ... tea,buc WJch thacwith which our par~nts were rewarded ~ wich which al{o ~hat. we, may be r\!warded ,1£ .1t. may fe good' [0 his wi(d orne, we : molt ear.n~H1y pray and detire that h,e ~dl releale and free u; out of ChIS .worJdly prif()n, deliv'ff us' {tom ,there earchl y bonds. a~~ ~efiore us, Jike unto th~ dlVlOe nature, pure and-holy

~.rdep Thou faieil thevery tr~[h,

,O,ftrtCnu£t4us, for this is their ~ r~\vrird whQ Jj,~ pioufly towards ,(,od, and fa ltb(ully to [he

, \Vorld 5. but to them thatli've

, .,henV1le and wickedly) both


Htrmts rrir"ugiftus~, 3 ~ apaffage is denied them into heaven, and a Iearfull change into other Ihapes, unbefeeming

. a risbteous foul. Hutto proceed, 0 !1LtiCmcgfltulJ, fundry foules under the hope of Inrure eternity are much indangered in this world, which feemes ro forne Incredible, to [ome Fabulous and to others Ridiculous; for the fruit which is rea~ ded by wor ldl y p@){feffions in this remporall life, Ieemerhto ,be a very tweet thing~wherefotC it obliquely holdeth the foul:, that it cleavethtoo much' on that part of it which is morrall, neither Iuffers it to take notice of the di vine parr,' en" -bati'!8 immorraltlty i for I WIll, as 1t were by foreknowledge (e11yo\1. aone after l1S Ihall have ilmple eleCtion, which is true Philofophy , being a frequent beho,~~inz a holy worfhip !l114

. knowledge

40 The fecondJ300k of knowledge of the ~ivini[y, for manY'doc:onf~undlt after a di. vers manner; how therefore do many men corrupc this in ... c?mprehenlib1e Pbilofophy, or diverDyconfound it.

Itrltm. 0 .1iCtlepius, in this .n:tlln~er m.~xing it by luulede"l(es Into dlye~S dilcipHnes J10t comprehen6ble,. Arithmetitk MuGck Geomerrie, but pure Phil~ro)'>hy, and that ouly banQ)l)g lfpondivine re1iPioh . f)ughr to apl)lric (elf w~oily ~ the rea, .that Jr mny·admli.'t she co~r(eot·t~: Starrs and Planets, 'he!r appoUlttdfiati()JtS., and theIr Commutatjons . and changes ·taconna of nutnbets: but the -d!'!leJlfions, qualities; abel qoantu1C:s'of tbe eatth, the; ~epdl of the Sea ,the Venue fJ£' hre, amQrhe leffeCls ;,f all there acknowledgilJg :I1ature that it

may admire) ad"re, and praile


H ermes TrifmtgiftUi. 4-1 art and an excellent under!land ..

. But to know Mufick IS no-

lng. k'h ~rder

.. thin.$! elte then to. now! ev f

I , of all things, WhlC~ pertakes of

f divine wiidome, for a.n order 0 all things arrifiClal_Jy pitched u,?: onene generclll,wlH'm~ke 10 dl vineM'elodie a xertem fweer founding andmoH true ,;i(lrmQ"

nYSfdC,. What then Ihall bG-

come-of men afrer us. •

. SlUm. They fha\l~be ~ecel. ved by the.SubtltyofSophdws-,

nd uunedaway from1>l1re aDd divine PhHofophy; for OUt ·~f

a \,ur~ mind and foul,. .;t~ wodl11P God; _ roheneer him

inhis-works,~a~~ glle't~~

L unto him for hIS.w/dl·, Whl~h ~ only full<?f g1'J?dneLfe ,thIS ~ ·Philo{ophle vl~lated o~ cor

r ted by no foolifh or ~lD.eafon~te curioi1ty of the mmde;and

.of rhefe, rhus far. The.



Thil jixth Chllpt;r di[cafir{eth thllt God u the firH GlJd "bJolute. IJ, tb« World the {eCOIld, uut~/;fo .. IHttl] "lit 6J plt11iciplftioll God· M -wllich . t L ft':If 1: .'

U TJt r - Mltt" of ""

"b{olut.ef] deit.,; mall "th h·.1

G d L . / , e T Ir"

- D "J partlciplltion ()f the divil1i-

Z' Ilntlt~6 [ecoJJd ImAge'of God: 'Ht God Hilii' "" [mate, !tNt, the

: truth of a/~ 'IniageJ, that mi4n 11111 ,,[cend up I1ItoheIHJt'l1"'J h·s r: 7 "l hi! underJtA'Ildintt 6" h " l~H.' "h' ,{!i 0' HiP'Tlf,

· 'J. IS re~J on, AI it were "J the SUpt-

rtor Elements But h . h

· . L • W ereln e

· 'lIS mltue oi'fi f·· .

· '1.. re» alr,ojwater, and

earth, hi IS fobieEl. to deltth d

. d t. J ,an t.

, ~.e SpOil 1111 worldly things, de-

prrved of that diviJle part. nat

fhe mea/ure after which' \

()HlJ'h I' . It 1111(n

. c t to rue; H religion which

goodneffe follows" IInd'whichltttIJS tf)

, Hermes TriJ mtgijfuJ;,_. 43- to be perfit, w/;en>be~g 4fJIIed. with Vertte it d.efpifeil},t& fD". ve~ing of other "!enfg.oodsor 1m,:' thtng hurtfull:to It, as poJfejJi.ons,. tl:« bodJ it felf,and all thore th~'ng~: we INfl after, eue» the Vt'jY fen[e of appetite. For fo fAr he ought t, be called a man, whilu that this opinio/1 is led ~nlJ by rcaJon., ana that in contemplat I:on of the. 4,ill;n;tJ he contemneth and defpifeth thAr part of him-which is m~rt.all ~ more then ml1J ferve for th§pre-. {ervation of his I'fe.. '.. :

Alclepius dzvitJeth that· of th« fucceeding vEgJptians, thAt there fhall be none after them to "t~ajn ~(I. tiJe pHre Philo{ophy of tb« k...1IUfI'fedge, afGoa. Now Hermes as~th,to. what end man ought to Itar» the' dimenJiom of the eerth, that is Geometry, the qualities,. tj.",mtities, the depth of the Sea, and t".#~ nature of fire, and the eJfeFl J of all tjJe[e., tbilt is the tlniverfall Phi-









OF a Spirit, andfuchlike, I will now begin. There was (JI)oa, and ~ple) which in Greek 110nifieth [he world, and the Spir~.was in [he world, but nor as with God, neither are thole thines God, of which the


world is, wherefore they were

nor, when they were not creared . bur eren then they were in [hac, from whence they had their beine, For thole things are not on~ly faid to be).whiclt are not.yet created" bur ~h~;e alia which have nor a fruitfulneffe in generating ; fo that nothing can be produced and ~e· nerared of them. Whcit(oever thinss therefore have in' them a natU~e of conceiving, thefe are

. thing~

4-6 The Iecond Book of things apt to ingender, which may be created or rhefe, albeit they ingeader, or are created of themlelves; wherefore God everlafling, God erernall, neither is, or could be begotten ;he both is, harh been, and ever lhaU be. This is rhac 'therefore . which in it {elf is the whole nature of Goo.

. But the narnre of the world, and of the Spiric , albeit ,they feern to be created from the beginning; yer rhey have in themlei ves a venue of begetting and a110 £ruicfulnelfe; for a beginning is in the quality of the nature, which contains in it (elf a quality, and nature of concepcion and birth. This is therefore onely geneTable, or earie [0 be ingendered without the conception of another; but that which hath in it onel y the vertue C?f


Hermes Trifmtgiflus. 47, conceiving.Is by th e mixture ,C?f another nature, So they.are to be difcerned, rhac this place 0,£ the' world may not feem to be, created with thole things which are in rhemfelves, as which hath: in it (elf the power of ~bole~a-. ture, I Celli it a placeIn which are all thinss ; for neither could all there thinas be, if a place

., h" • b

were wanting W len mIg t con-

rain all things; for a p'lace wu, ro be provided for all things th~[ were; for neither the quant~ties, nor qualities, norfiruati ... 011S) or effects, can be known of thinss which are not, -·Iherefore.· the ~.odd, albeit it be not (0, created, yet it contains in i~ te,i£' the nature of all things,aswh,ic;b giveth (in all things) rich ~Dd truitfull matter [0 cenceive .. This is therfore that whole qua ..

li~y Be matter. whcich'maybe cre,~~,


4-8 The Iecond Book of red, . albeirie be not created:

For as Nature is' a frnitfull maerer of quality, fo the fame is asIrl1irftill in malignity. Neirherhave I Iaid, .. 0 artlepfU11 and ft·mnon ,whkh is {aid of ;Yt:my, whether G0d could weal,';n andrurn away evil from [he naure of things? Towhich we

. : Hrwern~t at all ; yet. for your. . 'J"kes I will prolecute what Lbe- ::

Z~.d, and give a reafon : For they .1ffirln, rhat God ought all man- j, nerof ,wayes to have freed the' world from wickedneffe . [or he i.)~fo in the world, as 'tho'ugh fie feerns .toibe a member ,or part of ityfor it is -fo provided and

. ?rdHl1edby the-mofl high -God, !1s'~uchaswith re~lOn he could then; when 'he harhvouchlafed to'di?,riihe the mindes ot men withfe~re; dirdpline,&· undernal~dir1g~for with mofe which -ve excel other creatures, we 'can only Ihun the deceit of

Hermes. TrirffJegifl~, 49 (i.tlhguiie,and ahl.r:~OJru~ Q1).-for~i:bef9JiC th~ be js eo'! {iun:din [hero ,J11aU by {the YCr:1_ figbt &: ugtinefle of them, avoid them, thar man is guarded with divine knowledge and wifdotll; for it is the foundation of difcipline, confiHi,pg in.the excellende of knowledge: for by the Spirit all things are miniHered; and refrefhed in the world-and . (as it were).an orgalj,or ihHru. _' rnenr, is fubje6t (0 the will of the great God. Wherefore hitherto in our fouls, let us conceive of that wife Moderacour and fenfible Governour pf God, which is called die Spirit)or holy Ghoit, which comprehend. in .it felf .every place, .. and tbe fubfl:anceofevery ~hin&,and the . full matter of rhings.begorten and created _jand whadoever the wQl'ld,.eicher .. farfub ... Hance, quality 1 Of quantity': Jot· .

C 3 all-'

> .

' ....•

SO The Iecond Book of

all the .pttl" hi rhe. world, and every thing . a€cording to that fl.atUre which is giyen it of God, IS moved and governed by the Spirit, But [he world is the receptac le of all. things, ! and the haunt and pt~ccnomove;in for aU, creatures,~:of,whicb the Governour, difpenthio in all worldly things, as much as is l1ece~ary [0' everyone ,wh 0' with' his'SpirkJit Is a l_l:tbings, of whannacure 'and qualicy[g:ever. Por rhe world is round, like nn .. to a Ball or Iphere, being for [he form or qualities fake. invifible roic felf., For if you 'flull chute any high plate in ir.only to look down, t~ou 'canfl not fee from thencewhat i~ below-.andbecaute it conlifis'ot' many 'places and p~r[s1it is Jitppofed tohave I aquahry::al1d by the alone.forms i of t~"pe'ie", in whore etff; f

.. !I~it teems to ~inl!raven,~t I

," .. " I




H errnesTri[ mrgiftea: S ~

is [uppofed to" be vifible, w hen

it is fhewed) ted, but indeed it ,is . it [elf invifible. \lVhereby, the bottom 'or, lowell ,p~rt ·~f..!he. Sphere (if there be any) ~s call~d in Greek /1,J'Kr, for iAf" _10 che Greek tongue ,t1gnifi:et~ tq, .f~~" which ' Cig~r the PQ~tomot .JOy Sphere' m.1Y Vfanh:,"'v~(f~e~u>~~ ihe "pettcG are call~d'~!i(U.': f~~ that they are of all:.lnvlilb~~ form; ap4 for tha~ theyar.~.d~"t pri ved, QR : ~\ig~t ~: i~~e ~e~l~,~ call, :.un~J ;an.dfo; t~arr.t~~1.~~R ~n the' P9c't()m, of'. th~iSp'~er~, the Larines, ,lnfttf. T~eje an; , th\!refore the anciegf .p·~inCi~

ples, or are (~sit,wetehJ~ii~ nings, a~ql: heads .of _;~l,l. ,th.l1?g~ ~oh[ained. ~n; a.,y ;pa.rt:. ;or;p~Ht

ofthele.. ' ,','

, ,,'~rdep;, AU' thefe. things rherefore- as you {peak,Qf, \vhich. are earth 1 y) 0' Sltdrme~fl'fl1B; , e 3 are

S' The fec'On'd Book·of

~re pre(enc a'Swel1 in every

-'et1", as'in rheJuil f ubHance

cf every thing. -

J1trlrm. The-refdre the world ~6urith~[h the D6~jes, the S"i~ %'U: the \ife ot l<>ul and feme, or

re~fo~;. [he"n.ciing being a-gtftw'ltbWlltch man 15 only en .. ticbed, n~ir4er- aU men' but few ~ho:ltt~ a he<l'rt8c ~meflr to r,ecapableof f6'greata' benefit: tor as the world isinBghtned by the StItt; f& inat1'itlirl(fc' is iN. lutninatedby t'flis nght~&:much more. For'whado~t('r tneSon doth¢nlightetr, ~y the .EcHpfes and interpoftti6u of Eart'h and the Moo.· II, ~ncfby' t. he a "'proach of nigbri it loferh, and ~ depw. I .. ved of dUle Ji~: 'bUe tei(8it t when it filjlll, be once' mixed With marts S6uJ ir becE,1nesi by i tha t Ii v~y e.c ,rowing mixtnre , I

, .' of!



H ermes Trirm~giJIJJl_; 53 of one nature with it. ,,_So tba~ minds thus quali~eda~e nevb~f intangled with mdly aod.C)t..':'

• liJ . ·W1'le.rebv tne

feme errors. .' .IL.ra.d

Ienle or reafon may.",!elL ~ 1.

robe (he foul or SpUlt of ?od, but I fay not of aU,. b~c ~, feme excellent, and pr1nclp~1 ones.

The .


~' iI ,Tll~fe·cond·n, bok of 5-r.

iht 'RJ()r~11I11i1/hip ,,[the C l'~HYU, Iff,tinot c"ated tf"lIrtfp.eff Ike 'trlith"of, the . 'lt1oYli...~l4nfhlp. For thiwo~ldllndtlie [pirit" to wi't the world' lind It ,certAin divine power pA./fil1g; And disfoJing 1~ felf

tiJro, 'ugh lilt things, were lIot 111 the

war/a wlien they wcrClIOt 'ctulted, lut he faith theJwere illthllt from mhe11(e they were to be crell/ed; but iltwhai wer, th~J' but in that Jill;;'e· ~ard 6j 'RJh~th,-al! things were 1111td,1 But I. whIch alld .,,/;J1It will mittie ,'¥PM lifo, 'fna from 'whe~ce at· I~';.f/~tv'rj ihj~g

iltm'e that 'gill mllYii~ Theworl4 to be (U' fruitfHIt-rnevil A~ g~d ~ ,"ri,!g !Ucap;;~Jeoff7Ji' .u gO()~, 'IU t~1 Eart~: Ii' /rU!tfN'"6oth .J! medt'cina61e '" Herin lind hmtf!l8

meds ;' ~IIJih_at'fhe ellTthhmh~ ~ . kjnd' 9f pr(/p~itfJ', fl. lik!1!'"fo 'the' World' ,!otwlthJl;l1Idl1l~{ '~orJ (iu ,milc"h.'jtIlwitJJ ,riafin 1M. ,"/ght)hllt~tr01/jdedfor fIIell rea-

' ", . , . [o»

)6 . The fecondEook'df .~bi~tnow. ~i.n by the dell .. ted ,help ~tid attilhlnceof. God. T.h~re ate ~ivers kinds rifGocls,

.• ~Dd of ~hrJ1e Ose pare Intel I igi • . ?le~· .• ~~er fe~~brt. They ~re~aHed Intell1g1bl{"s_,' nOt. be ..

c~ur~ t~~ mat)' lYe ftlppofeq IIOt . to, be, {ub)dt to (jllr Itnfeg, (for 'We peftette t-he:m mOre rhen tHof~ ~hich' We call ,ilibles) :ts dUt di((ourfe i1laU Ihew, and

. th~u i-ftbotl !ll.ark 'jcMaieit percelv~ : for dIvIne reafon ~palTtng beyond the teach and capacicy of men, jf chou with oood care ~hd' great cine-noon liften nO: ~l1[O the f~ak~rs, will flyaway and p'aife tfirotl81rthee, and re ..

. mrne to rbe Fountain of it Own waters. . There ai~ fntrttdre thief tdids ~t-~s .o,faH -lit .. tttriJ the PtttJte .. Of· «rho 111 -Is ~rta; the[eare likee~iaafl~_

.th~~;jil = ~rIgfba.JJ ,':'trb&by I

~aOi'e .' aU tttftftt,. trery ..

• oae

He~mes rf'i[mt .. ~if1urfl 5,7' - one illuminning one a~?thert work. The chief Lord.of Hea-;-' yen or whatfoever is concluded under that name, is JApf~et,

for from Heaven Jupiter glves

life to all. 1 he chiefe Lord Q)£

the Sun, is the Light. Porrhe ' benefit of light is diLlributed u~·

to us by (he globe Elf the f~. There are 3 i. Lords of the ~Or rofcope, or which f~e~ula(e !~-

to the Hours of Nat.1V1ty,place,~ alwayes amongll the fiied Plar nets, the Prince of t~e(e t~ey call TI4J17bp.ogfo;, tha: IS, ~Vhl~h hath aU Inapes or which, 10 different .·_pe'f~., makelt.diye~$ Shapes. The (even .wand~. inoPlancts . have alfo their L~rds which they call, ~ort~e and Face by which all thlDgsalc changed which.were £irmelyAa~ blifhed by, the law of Dat\!r¢,&ai..; rered bya.C(lDtinua\ motl~g.~.C she Aire is the Or£aQ or iai(\l1't


5: s The 'fecol~d Book of .rn~~ 6r~U~rhinas) in which all' thlDp'S. at~?rought (.0 pa ere 1 and [he,dlle~~Grd or Prince of (his is Iecond ),9 degree 'conferring ~m9:tall ~ln~~) and the like, up. d~ rnorral! Creatures .. : There . dl1~gs dr.t;refore being fo, that .rb,ele l?wer things are moved by JRe- higher , So vlikewife all ,l,uturdlf.things are jo'yned '(0

thTemre.l~s) 'as morrall things ,WI5!1;,:)t:0rtall , and' -fCrifib:e ' th~ngs.wlth fenfible.' ' But the chief ,matrer of Government' belongs to [bat orear~td- bel·n;

_' C '£j

,nocmany bur ?::'l'y one for froin

th<lt .bfte'all [hJn~sdei end:rather

· HOWl~g ~tol!l him when' they

· f~et:n to De dffiant; ~ are'Iuppo-

· (~ro be a many [hlflU, s'aparc b'y t

" he {.1' b ' ~

,r tn~~IV.~S ur i,ndeect a-re lolni- :

· re <J:?elfl~. orie Or ,hidl?fr: two ; from whom all rhinos are ef-

retted, ~m fr0n:t ~hich theyarc I , cre~ted ,tnat IS,. (he maner-er

wluth tRey are made, &from his wilt, .

HetmesTrifrnegifiur. ' 5" win,by whkh othe'rthin~s'are

bronoht to part"e;" " "

.afcteVt Afain, what is the re1\@n ofthis,o'iICdOnegft'tHS?'

m:rffm. This, 0 - .ard~,fu~ .

For God [he Father, -or -the Lord of all thin~s, and whatfdever name he iSll'lore ieligi<>ufiY 'and 'devoutly caned of men', which ousht for 0ur'underAand~ ,ina {ake.r~be reverenced of. US,

inc contemplation;6ffO grea~'~ M;1jefty,we haveexprefty caned ~im by none r.,f (hore namesl, , for if [his found uttered, fetterh ' forth the whote wiuofman ()I

: tbatunderfta~dioglf¢;1b~n,~~

, ceive by the fpirit; th€;:~u~R~~\: "of whiCh natri'e ,confifhng !3f 'a, "few fyllables, is Hrrtlte(Jatm : circnmfcribed " that ';: t~['e . mibbtbein;mjnia n¢ceKirt altd i farrii liar :eritetcOOrfe;\rel~(~t,~~e , 'Voice, ~.& tAt:ekes')~he' rpltJ:~'al1d

the ,u~eraa,Ddiug~ ~ ttnd ,(Q.,(;)f

a'\ \ things by there : wb~tber thenJ

60 The [econd Book of then the name 'of God be compieare or wholly in chefe' for r Juppole noc, rhar the_tffici_

enc caufe of all Majelly, .and the Facher and Lord of all chinEs, can be exp~lfed qy one name though ,ompownded of many, S~lJables: ir lsnecelfary theretOre that he ilifluld be called DOt by one name but rather by all names l (feein8 chac he is both one and a,11 thIngS) being meet rhar all things 1l1ould be his name ; "or that He fllOUld be flyled by the name of All. Tbis ·therefore being bur {)Ile, as being all, is full of the {ruic~uJll~1fc _ of botb natllres, and nch 111 his own will bring_ eth forth whac(oever he harb

a lelire rocreace. His will is

all goodn~'~an~ chi~ (amegood_ ne(s ~rtalnes(O ~llthiDgs from

his divilli~y n.ture, prO~teds

rhat all 'hlJ~gs ma, oe as. rh~y


H errifts TrjftTiegiJf~. 61-

II.. beep and· in aU

are and nave '" be - ature

• ' - 1..' h' Gull" n

things W~11C a of it: lelfbe

hence forward m. Y Let this

n:: • to beser. . .

[UmClent - - eO reafon 'gIven

theref~e ic~k~~; whc:rcrorc thee, U thino~, ot both

'and how a tr ,

fexes aremade, God, ._

.2lr'l~p. y Oll mean ,

im"rtfmenftfutJ ? 1 G-'_] , 0

11'1 ' N t on y \7\.1 ,

~tfrm. ~ all Creal'ures ~f~lt'i~" but iJ Creatures havmg hf~, a~d it is impoffible without life, hO~ thi,n~s which

of more r

that any d be unfrui& ull , for

are, 01001 bei . • bsrred

frnitfulneffthe .. O'!; t~a~:re, it w.ll from all l Uiltr b . rhere bea

be imp~b}~h~r :~hings which p~rpetUlty 0 thae. Na,ture and

are: for, 1~ ;he World do con-

- R~af~n, ahem this nature , .. and 'Ilttn. in t.b' mfelvu a:ll.~h~ngs ,pre(erve l~ t e er Scl' IS. Jal~

(reu(d·; .Qr ev y , , ot

The (ecoiId 'Book of' 6'2. ?f ~r?treation ~ and rhe Call,. Junction Or Ul'll[int7 .... f b h"

• l)"1d' or IS

l.f1COmprehentible ,which ou

~~y ~aB Venery or luH-or b!tb'

. C IS [ erdo~e being welt under:~

ti.tood and cle~rly conGehred cbat

rom·the G d' f .)

• . o· 0 tJOlrure the

~nventlOn and office 'of

to • r 'procret-

IOn 15 lor ever in' ''''''h ; .

n II 'I, om IS

~ru ra Y perfect charic "

~~rrh, and divine love; ~~Jor~ ; mIght ,be raid how ~reav die

force and neceffityof hi "

. {l . bu 1$ mlnl-

.HY· lS - uc thar by [t .

'1' . l)e con rem-

p .au~n of him, it is manifeH t

~;ery ()nes.l~n4eraandino. Fo~ , It .you. 0 bferve the 6cl~ time

wflereltJ We 2_pe falhioJbad -h

both nart'Jres fr."~tt:. 11..,. 'i: ~

. 'h ,,<"u,,- ll·cU~· OrprlD!!

ere er M(de, or-Fern I' h 0 [au [he' . a e, ow

,tl • f d on~ greedlly fnarchech

, ne ee bf fire ocher: '.& fu .

- up' cl()~ W"i-chiJ;r he ~ llt&1c . laHJy.'hoW\'·b t. \V~b ,.'and . CQD' ". .' y Chat: common

) Uildl~n. at the fam.e time'


H ermes rrirmtgiftlii~' iJ. they beget men and" women ..; which the vv oman fora certairr

time beareth in her womb. '. Th~ effeCts thereforeof fo·p.leaupg;; andneceffary a work, is 'com': mieted ill the dark, left rhar

by the derifions and mocking! ot common ignorant fooles,

I the div.inity'tureby-it·htY conjunction of .borh .fexes.·~ Ihould be compelled to blulh,:lf it Ihould be fubjeet to the open view of irreligiollsandungodly perfons , for. there are veey fc~' in the world that'mar-bep)un~ . ted modetl and religiousjwhereby it hapeneth 'chat in many there remaines malice" and lewdneffe.rhrough the :\Vut OD wifdorne and.. knowledge,'; iiq

~ thofe d~ings which ire ~: . fdrby the undertlanding of 'alvmc ' kn~wledge, 3.J1d re jgi~i;"': by' which. all' rhings. are tweedy dilpOred ,. and ordered,. th~e.


14 Thefecond Bookof . Ht~m,sTrifntt'giJfllf~6~

is not only a. c?nrempt of of divinity, it . ha~(hhat: but ~l[o. medlC1be for all]. lin did remain mixed IV1I! h thole -the eVIls. Iii! til:: world: but fo Bodie" with a ~elfafY; d~,e long as Jgnor.ance and want. of . itfc:r food and. 11Vl1?l:' {wm~b kno.vled~ abitle, there all man. 'nature hath gIven In <ommo_a ner of flD gers ~ead,andwoumds to other living creatu~es)as ado the. I oul. wU:.h Incurable Vices , ocher affecti ODS and vices olrhe

W~I'h beIng InkGled,and defiled minde incident to. mass 'cor-

. WIth ·t~em, fwells ~r, as it to· tion, lint lheAngets

were With Pbyfon, IV hleh can- wJich were made o. the pD~e~ . n?tbe ',!red ~u~ bya fl'lUl fur-m of nature , and wantln~

1lIlbed, wI~h .mne gra~es and ~o helps of Reafon "end' Know-

underltU'ldlllg. . If rEelefore ledge, and 1!1~ COJIIIDlIall ;lbC1

$DIy tot ~ ~w tblS, lhall bit pro- of i11imort«l.ty ~C~!mill)J 0

. litabla:, rc IS mce~ IOprofllCfl.e order; aud. for dl(chpIDej,.aD~ .

and conclude tliis uaCtar", to .. 1indertlaudm~be bat~ O£&III£

wit. whcrefC)re. God harb b an eternal 1. .. v; (b~."S ~J!'D!"

voucbfafed to imparr, onlJun- <I!t by the Law of lI«tellity h~'"

to. men nndernandj~ and di{(j.. I ted) fbat [hay fh"out~~ot 'ft . ~r

phu". . Hear ~erefore, wbrn: trQm olrelm'< ~,~cIr dillillie. ii

God~he Falher, aDd Lord ot flaCflte;aJiFoJlit!rn'gmanabme,a

all. t$ngs, Iud after or!Jer in- crestares te &e on Iy endsed 'hil ~

ferlollJ Cods or Ant"l. mad" reafon and knowledge by'!'. C

man of the Cf'rrup~er ,an of be might ~un the cOrrll~tl9D ~

tire wotldf and of a bke ineaf.rc vices of his bolly, bath alftgn

of them

66 The fecon:d 'Book 'Of

them f01" -ehe t , fc'

ofimm 1· purpo e and hope

orca Ity fi Il h

'made! ~ rh ' na y e hath rnarr athemO h L~_·

morraH ofa,divJ 'l~, ~ oe nn-

,nlcure that. ~e a~ homorrall

h " It 'ml€»

t lit man bein h ~ t appear

.rhe wBI of J~d uS.ll'\lde after

i.fare then [he1An~~llS In beuer ,madeonly C' .t- S,. Wh0.are

or allllltmor 11 cure, as altO all or rau D:.t'!'

creatures. . In. h .her, mOP[all man commin W Idl rerpett;

'nature of 'Go~ h n';hrell to -the lhiphim. e ould .Wor-

'relleion 'w~l,_l~re: Jhand-'unddiled

... " llJ ,an" dn a L •

.and that' the.A ~lS' t. Hear~ ~

ous and 1 ~ wuh a '1't ..

'fuould. .. OVUlg,' dfe€tioa

pICY andor ..... · ,

'.mane Ih' ,r I;;lerve:;all hu-

, ten c,off:f'!S~ .c':~~c .this ilS (po,"

,~ d u,c,;..n;,w-;men·wb

.In !led.with cbathani o"!~ fechons ;-we'ha' ~ . rp.ufcz;af. tlo with the v· ~e, nOthltlg:t-O

.' hoI d'/· 1[IOus, -leli thi

t ~,~, ,courferbe 'defiled D lJl$

i;,~~gbt,6fthe~ ... ,'(.'. i : "2 : r [~

,... ) \..



Hermes rrirmegifl"r~ 67i

• • , •••• II

I '.. '" '\ ,.: .. -, .•. .•• ,,_.1 T,. '~~-. ~

. The.', -- ""'\ ' '~ , .~;


. ,,',r \

Thu eighth C hltpter tre~th Df de mater.iall Lords or Princes, whichke ealleib Gods: The· Lord of Heavenf'e calleth ]upiter;,'.!hi,. Lord of the SUn"the Light: he, reck.fJns 34 Hor.o[copes)o.r mark!rs (if the boers ofchildrens nltti'llitl ill the. fame piau of tbe fixed 'P"'''''~ tts,and the chief ~~h-efo he c'tllith Pantomorphos, ana the Lortktf de {even 'Wander';ng Spheres" or Ptssess, J;e rnak!th Fortune,:4_na. Fate : ~lf() te, appoinreth A':I:Qra ~f the.4IY: 'bHtthefeJee.,tl1beea ft Efions ofD.ev.ils,; an4 cm¥/l '11~~ niries [melling of~hB'~iro~'rr of.t".' Gentiles ,alia .n,hich' c,au{i, thOffJ. which tr.uft iwthem,rAtkr:tD 'pi .. ri{hlhallto b~ in an] f4'tj~fr~ .. hence h~rtiurnet},'-t, ... the:&Dm,~

r1at'iot1 of tnt moft high "mlil/lfo , i4b/I

68 T.he fecond J3Q~k of fable God; fJr '1Phich ~'$ to /Ie 11/&. mf~ 6]' IlU n4~l, 6eing fH11 of (rUltjll/lJejfo, 'fII1H~'e'6J .AII thing,j IU1Je thllt which mate! them al~ogether Fuitfll/{: ' Ero1,l1 heRee II .that low ~f procr.eAtUm, Mid that 'Rlorltof NMNrt . 'Rihiah ~4t.~n()th·;ntde.formed (Jr.'~fcem", In tt, whiles It~1It the thQughts, ffieech, IlndaEfJolU/;e modeff and

r.eltg,:o.UI;. forth,,~ ':J given 4nd

. pe:Mlttedfor tte '1IJlt4tionof di ....

lIme ft~iflJ/tJeffo. JJHt6eclZ,ifoth~ g~e4teff,pM"t uf mfJn is, ig_1IOra/it.

oj I:hefe. IIJJ./ferjes, theJ prof lV1e theje. dl1J/Ne L"Jf!s, IIl1d after. the lJM11I1er o.fbrHit .6eAff..r,#nreve_ rilltlj,_cn11fe.e1'(1lJ., :~lfIdoN~Z~fl) Nfo thefo thll,; thereftJr'}'Ri~d"te 1'101' r pca~ of filch thi,!g ",even for'

. m..o~Jl~es f4~, ,beCAMfe :fhofe in .. or41114te And Irreverent,thfJKghu and. geJJMr_es au . apt ,(0 tJiT~ff. t~]e.~folve~\ I/~ .Me·-I1Ilisd5 .. of ",M,. tlrui.l1OtJhtk {eem", . hoiJ , . .mIg NIl ..


i' .~

].! ermes Tri{mtgift.ur. 69 defiled OrdinAnce ofGo41,: tIIIdk04 . caufe fo:F have PU1fellmig()oa affr-:ilions) I fHppofeth8t ~ ~Nl'/' ncitherthinl(, or [pealt:.. much !If . this matter. Then he addeth, tbtrt_ God hath beftowed of/ely upon men reafrm aniunderjfandi!,g" whereb{. that immortall, and d,vl'_'t part OJ (hltnvices,whlch othe~ .. wife), bJ the admixtu~e of htl earthly fubftance) he mlgh~e,!fi." run ;'nto: for bJ reafon Df thlJllfJ1l and dlffoluble part,mm mliI!'!.~t. ,.~ fall into !tIffs, and D!heru1Hp!"t'h'

. om of the mind. This, oj the e~

Part. .

. '.

---------------~~ . ...;.,


, .


ANd becaufe we ar~ ~ ilO~ fp~aking of rhe ~mlbt~~ and rnutuall fellowilifP:f ~~

d God acknowl,edne,

an 1 ~r'lepfa.,

~ r i

70 Tbe fecond Book @f/ ,.9{d~'lu.s ",rhe 'authoriry an.I .power of man, For as' the Lord '~nd Farber, or: Itl?H: high God, '4~ the Crcatour of the heavenly Gods or Anzels; [0 Min is the cre~tour ofthofe godslvhichare icc m,Temp!es, contenrcd to be neighbo.11rsunto men, and.lre 110t onely ill uminaccc; but do alfc;riIluminare, doing not only goodu,nto men, but alto (011- fiIJl;le'th "th1t there. isa God. ·D9!LwQbd~r at. this, ' O.artIe:: ptqf) o{.Gotlrhou doubrof ir,as

many do? '

arclep. I am confounded, 0 ~rtrmtgtaus; Bur giving eredit to what .you fay" Ij,udgeman robe moa happy, who hath arrained tofo oreat bleffedneffe

" ilCrfim. Neither: unworthily

, ~s he worthy of a~mira.ti01!l,who lSthegr~a[el1 am9ngH[hegQds~ Fqr .the, cDenus.qf ,~U ~biDgS is mamfell\vithol:l,t confUiion, bemg

Hermes rrip(Jegiftus. 7 I ing propagated ~fth,e pur~{tpart of Nature, and the fimilifudes of [hem to be (as it were) the heads of all ; but the ~p,.fU of the gods, which man repre~ Ienrs, is fafhioned of two na .. tures ; Divine, which is jhe more excellent and noble part ; and Earth ly.which is [hac which is here converfant in earth, and wkich confifts of the whole Fa~ brick, or Ieverall pares of dlC outward Man. So Man being mindful] of his Divine Nature and Originall, remains '£lill in [he likenefle of God. Foras the Father and the Lord hath made eternal Gods, that might be like unto him. So man hath fafhi- . oned out unto himfelf gods; after the fimilitude of his own countenance •

.arclcp. Do you mean ima-

ges, 0 ittifmegUlus ~ .

lItttfm t Do you not fee ho~

D far

., .

, "

7 iThe fecond Bodk·o'f. [ar:you ire' 'miHa1fen' ~ (living imJages, . fuRor fenfe an-O tpirit, -doing [uth:tud fa gteacthings! Ima~e5 having fate-knOWledge ..r things to come, and fote·telling byrnanyother things, infirrnieies, cares.andforrows.which Ihall happen defervedly to men. 'Are you ignoranr, 0 ardcptus, that £gypt is the image of Heaven, Or, which is more [rue, a ~ral1nation of defcenfion of all things, which are governed and ' "Cxetcifed in Heaven? And if we fpeak rightl)r, Our rand is the Temple .of the whole World, and yet for that it befeerneth wife men to [ore-know all 'things, it behoverh you nor, to De ignorant, chat the rime will come when it may appear, that the. JE,5y'ptians have by a canflant andpious practice in religion ferved God in vain, and all their holy worfhip {hall become ~:oidJ and of no effeet : For [he

; IIHnI~$lTifm.tgijlils. 13 Divinity !ball return :backi from Barrh.into Hea'VIm, .£gypt.lhaU be. forfaken, and theuad:whicll wasrhe feat. of the Diviility;lbaU be deftittlteof j\elis-, ·and deprived ,oLdlei 'prefimce ·of .the Deity •. For when 'firu,gelS {hall f0{fcffe $ and fill up this Land and Kingdom, not onc~ there alaU be a nef]ea of l\eiigion; but, which is more mif .... rable, there Ihall be- Laws.eD-· a6!e? againll R9ligio?~Piety;and Di vine W orfhip, wirhpunifh.menr inflicted upon thote that feern co favour it: : then this holy (eat {hall be full of 101atr,,, Idols Temples, and dead mens Sepulchres. . 0 £gyPt) "£0ypt, there lhall remain only a f~ned fhew of th y Religion,and which will teem incredible co ; and onel y letters {ball Rand ingravea upon thy pillars,whka ma3 declare thy pious dcedr.

]}~ . aM

• -4 •

,14 ' ~ The~{~¢,oildBook of < andin thee rfuaU irih~bk the Scychian)'Indian, or ~o'me other neer barbarous Nation, For theDivinity' fhall fly to Heayen, ~i:he\vho:le Nation forfaken

.fhall.die, andj~gJpdhall, be forfakeD of God and mall. I 'call upon thee, thou mofl hoI yRi .. ver, . and prefage unto thee chinas which. Ihall come to palfeD. thy waters and divine I

(hea~s ' fhall be filled with I blood- which.Ihall overflow thy t

) , "

banks, and make a VIolent inun-

dation , [0 that there {ball be more dead than living, and he that remains alive, (hall onely by his lanGuaGe be known to be an JEgyptian~ but by his deeds he [hall Ieern a Barbarian. Why weep you, o l1fdepiuG, £gypt Ihall be furnifhed'wi[h fgr grea-

, tee,' andworfe evils than there; .Ihe being heretofore a h?ly and ereat Pavourer of the Deity.and

b . • .


H etmei T rifmegiflUl.' "rf Divine Wor£hiparid~eligion~ and that worthilyuponeanh, Ieparared alone' from ~)ther~a~ rions, became the MIHreffa .o~ Sanctity and Piety, -Ihallbe: an example o~ the~teatefi ctuel,ty, and then WIth grief of hearr, th~ world Ihallnor (eemto be admired and adored, .1 Thi3.;whbl~ good (than the w hjchthere,n~i,?, rher is hath, or fl~allr;bel:any. thing that Ihall appear~. of,mo!~ excellencie) {hall be mdangerr d Ieern burdenous to men, and in this refpect, (hall .be de" Ipifed : neither ~aJ~i~hC!.;w.~cld be 'etleerned, which isrhe 1m-:mutable work of God,!"lno£t glorious F~brick,a~~Q~i CQm· pounded with the.dl~erentva; riety offhapes, an 1D~rt1~~t,Qf the will of God,who inhiswork (without envie ) : befpake :al~ thinzs to .become one ;iwblGb.) of the beholders, mighcbe not

, D 3 no~ed'tI!

16' The fecend Baokof ~oured,pr.aiied, I and loved, ,be. , mg aD . UDJtedb.cap 0f" flmdry; ~apc~' For darlmdfe'lhall'bci ]kef.rred 'befate Jiohr,; 1 death!, :fhaU feem fWf!eUt itt";n life DO~ ~a.n.~:dllook uytO H~~~; -a relIgious man {half be accounred a mad m~n)a? irreligio us 211d profane penon teem wi!l:,ci mad man, vahan t; and the :-w6rll of aU men" good and pious. for the So~, :m~ a~l i~irig~ abo~ 1[1 wh~r¢m'lt ']5 eitherraorralk OIl sonceivetn [pat jtihaUutain [0 immortaliiy, aqcordingly as 1 have declared unto y.ou, ihan not enely be efleemed a tbing \Yotthyof laughter, l>Llt'alfo a ~ef ~it.y: (For 'beleeve 'me~ It thal~ bchedujlledacipi[al of. fmc~f9~ b~mth~t fi1all Rudy to ~e reh!;loll,S, there fhall new Statures, ~"d (~avtS be nabti~ edr n~thin~ which.isretisious £hal~)be'heatd worthy, of Hea;.

• .: _ t; i ~ ;


H ermfs Tri[megiJlur:.. 11 Yen, 'o~ heav~nly thiDgi, or" be entertained 10 the hearts of men : thexeJh~n bela fep~raQ~lJ

~f God, 'W hich is. m\l,ch; ~Q be .}at mented, from the SQde~y i:j me? ' o.Jlely e~il angels {hall remall) mixed with the hamanity, which ,ilia\! :viole~tly lJlov~ t(} all manner ~f AA1~~i911S ,mlr~ chiefs. flir, t~m'!"p. t .. ).Ya·fS;l:~ dition, robberies, de~eitj,a.n4 unto all tklings contr\l,ry \0 tb~ difpofiricn of theSoul, ih~ntl)e Ear<h (h~l DQrd13wb ~he, Se~ fuall llfJt: \J.,. f;lilttirjp ; .atUj"W Hea'V~n, the"Qui;~ of .ehe $ and Planers ,{ba,U (.~afe, ~t14~" vine knowledge thaH ( qi:. ~-' _ ~clflfVgbe bur\ed~infU~;i ~~.e .fruits. o£ clie'earth!hM! be,col""' .rupsed, -neicher 'fhalht41e ~~nh

be frulrfull, and the air it f4:1f fhal] languifh with a f01'tE>'Wf~ll counteaance : thefe and, fuch like times Jhall comc;..ureli8iM

J' D-4 and:

,8 , 1h:e fecoild 'Book of 1

, and corifufion efrhe world;with a fenfieCnes'&vaca.hcy of al good things •. When there tbin~s Ihall .happep,O ~(tl£Pful; -thell that Lord and Father God Altl1ighty~ Governour onely of the world, Iooking-into the manners, and 'Voluntary .Qeeds ,of 'men ;. afce'C his o\-yri'wiUCWhicb i:s his gQod. netfe). pl1ain)it~, vi~es'; d~i~g away all errours and ,corrllptlon., aad drowninc all manner of

0" .

wickedllcife ,either ~y an ~nun·

darien of waters; or.lfe confu,niing t.hem.lbY;;Art'~, o~rtlfe'~y plague and pclHtefttt" he will end this world, and reflore lt to its ancient beauty; fo that; the world itfclfmayfeem't(>beadmired and honoured ':~ ~nd$od,

the Creatoirrand Reflo~r"f fo sreat a 'work; Ihall of' all' men ihcn-being, 'be magnified with continuall praifes and taankfgi-

. vings: For this geneiation;ofthe

- ',' V\'Ci>:ld,

Hermes Trifmegifluf~' 19';' world, and the . .refor~\ttiori ;'of all eood thio~s, and the.mo1l:). hoty and!ireH~t.nUoi.l.t>~ nature it feU, 10 due ume both,

is and hath been eternaU fro11;1~' " the beainninO, for, the will o( God ;ants beginriing, ,~i~h" is the fame) and cOntinn~1 in.

every .place, ,'j , ." ~,; : .. ' .

, _g.rclett.:' For.~he ,~at.llre . of, God is the counra~l\e or'hl~;Wllh~ and. his. exc::ellentJ gOQ@CU'e.i his 'counfa.ile, ,0 ·~tfmeat1f~'

US '",. ,~' ','

;i!ttir~, 0 JfdePfUJ;'bis will, , ptoceed3' frem ~is.'?Uhfail~,and: his wiH Irom hiS ~dl.,p~~\~be~ wins he'. any ;thi;tlS!~blllQUn1 which is fuU of. aH,dlatgs,,_.P'l rho'e wl1ich he wills ,~~athJ but, he. wins ,all good t:hlt1~'.,' aEd,hath~Jal.l he wiHs~J Eo~;'.,. thinKs .. a.~dw.ills;al,[~~~thlng~; , but t01S 1S God,ax)(i~h~.:.worl'~ the Image of that Good.' j ; ,;" ,!

. D 5 .,,,,.!,

80 Thefecond Bcoke]' Slfd,,.. Good,' 0 SttttmtAl

stOn.,.;.. '.j "

g;;tiC"~:GaodsaS 1 {haH teach: thee, Q . ..i££icpms" for as God is. the. diff'enler and . giver of all geod things~. to every . GJenl$ ~.d~Um~tn ·t~eWorld; J;hao IS.,. .borh. :D[ :Joul, .and life, fo likewife the world is (he dii:" tributer and~iver 'of all things which fee mg()od to r , ffiertalr creatuees, thit is" change of partS,' f~aI~ble fmitts., ,aar:.: vi~y, .~~~rea~e and maturity, aaG the'] lK.e,. atld:~y eGis' GndHtting aliov~:tn [he.b1f'~e(t·trea:ren) is ev.~r'r ·~,a~re). .M1<t beholds. aU ~htl1gS:e ::torl;b'ere1igra:bovc:: lhefC

l~wer,';t:ka".efls, 'a,plac¢witlLt>(!C Stans;. tar from all.~arthly th,'fl~S " this place be~wrlt Hea- .

. ten ~na,. Eanhrhe. dlfpenfer ·of

art:·thilllgS' ~M1habi[otb " whom .... tH:1atl'.lnpftet, orged, buren _ ~.~r ~~!.tb.~ and the Sea, it(!zneth

1 ~ ,; j ",', 31 uJit et·

H ermes .Tr;frntg~ffurr at:: 3upfter @Iuto, and he .. is t~~, nourifher, and preferverof all Living and' fruitfpU msttall Creatures, by the powet: of all [here, Fruits, Trees, Plants, and the, ground are. 'rer,e(hed, a,9dj t~tp~er ,apd,effec,u e.f.eth~J:. Gods are difltibuted thlOUgh aU things that are. .'fhey are diH!IDtltedr.hac-.1haIl bear lule

ea the E~fth ~,all~. ~alhb~.~!~~ .. eed, .rn \.tbt ¥ety .. enttamc~, ~t

qe,g:t·pt~ in:~hat;Cky,which·. is . built 111 the'Weft, .or whe~tba Sun tets., To.liYhich.'plare .aU mart all Creatures both in· Land and Sea tha'1Hia£tee.< • l:.;" ;

" .afd£, •. , Bue ,thia~ '" ~ w here are . they. ,_.. O~ '&r«", IftlruJ.

iLtffm. They are placed .in tne;~TecltCity , .in rhe 'lLitly",. Moanrain, and.sausfar ,hi.s~dt~ clacac i 00.. . • "''(





8'~' T:hc fecond BGok of

• 1"-

~ • • - '! ~. _. , " ..

'. - ''''.1 ~ '. .

,,·"'Th' ....

" .. t • e," . L' ·1


, Thu.w.h9!e !'liHth ChApter ~ «, pr(Jph"fJe~wJlIch Auauthl1e weJl' f'ep,ro71eth ~'n his !1(J~,~1 ~' God •. it .1Naznt£~ri1e!. IdiJllitl'!;' extollmg and. [ettlng'tt fort. JlP"lfhJ wonderfu~ p~",;feJ; ItJId t~d~Iij.l

~r f,,~ of It.,1 It; milch i deplore!.:, 1ft) the h:theff'He~e"} ~ff8t;eth~ it' ' certll~. Clod' bih9tding ",ll thitpg s~· lutr~ '1nthat place be.twixtHea·velt ~nd 'l!~rth, he ';plltceth jnpirer , thulifpofe11, O'e . StmtM'd. Antl

~1~l.[O J>be tiJeiGoi; 'And

. ziijP:'1~~·Dn :La»d;',~ AnJ.~S~4'#. #IS th'pngh~t'he"6-w.1,!_Qi;e G.pd. in Hes» v~n, .another in the Aire, and nno« tI;t~· on tpe) 'LanrJ,.imd1 $,~ -; 'all rWi_(iI: lco11t.ein j ~1;inJifJJte. ~impittj 'P'lrrPr.r: .'fi'rl~~ 11]: ~j.zjillei'writ we' ,~r&, NI1CO;rrupt <y'~ PlJreij'~" 'llfla bpbiJ tllHght, That the Lord he is


Hermes Trifml'giftus~ 8 J G9a in··HeAven' abrive.-; And.; in Earth below, ~ndthat there u no. other God·: but ItgainjfIao/,.s.aNd. Idolatry the word ofGo4and the. .w.t., Prophet s d~ war;LJ adm~niJl? llfi:fh~t we he. nat ~.ejUed., ~ltJ?. fo [.reitt It blot of imp,ety, nor &(4111. rupted with: fo grellt an error, to7!" the.! dol it felf u curfed,., and. hJ1IJ. that' made ,it, and agltin,.,thewor- J1?ippingof curfedldols, i.r<th~'c"~r,, beginmng, and end or4'[l .. ~ir~hJef?

fin Idol "M~r., a,!6hbzJJdDJ '~t, both an. abominAtisn ts .. th, Lora, for both thapwh4·ch isma,de, ~j!b him that it (hall be t(mrt4»Jed,~Jtlr

fire; the fe .. "and'. ~~iJ1 ".'u tIJi11gt~.

, ~f" I dolatr)' OU~ of 't~ .;J1~~ wifdo~e, 'and J,n 'Le~ltl'C~ GIJ~ himf'lf~ut of hu ~'Wn mfJHth;com ... mal1deth, 1 am the LordJ(JHfI,. TDII(hA}! .,!Dt mak!!t~J'Uf". fet! Itl1Y! dol, .or grAwn imAgI, 1i~;ther Jhltll .10U ertEf. any mfJn~ ... ment ,.or·; Pi/lillY i,!.:yol~r. Land -, ~~



86Th e fecond Book of

pJlf.e - _.1-r.' • .•

T. '.' a'#uJom~tJmel' Impure:~ , _ hIS, for thNJi1lth Chaprer~ .

_'_,_, ---._,..._-------_ .. _-- "


. GH·AP', X '

',. , ..

Hermes Trifmegiflus;;" c;ft but. there is a!l0th~r thinq' nel-: . ,eaary, which either 19no-. rance , or mans 'incredulity fet .. eth leisht by. ..;' ' ~

, . iiftlep. What. is that, O:

Sltttfmegfllus, that they are. either 19norant of, or believe not to De ?

, 1!Ctifm. Hear therefore, O. ~rclepfus) when there.fhallbe a feparation of the foul 'from rhe body, then the ludgem~nt ~ and examination of his delerts fhall pafle over unto the' great;' \ God . and he when he fbal1fee

, . , ,

that it is j uil: and righteous. ihalt fuffer it to abide in a fit' ManGon but if he {hall 'fee it to, be [pot;; red and defiled wirhfinandini'quityh~fWill caft 'it'dow'ri(an,d deliver It to Stormes, Whirle-e Wind~, 61'e, Lightening, i-ncl Tempett, and it thall be fnatched up betwixt Heaven and Earth, with worldly tempefls,

, and.

&8' The fecond Book of

and with continual1 torll14llts;: be driven into divers places, that in this re[pe6t th.eternj_ty of (hem is prejudici~s ~e,at1(e by ap1mmonall oienrenc" the Soul is condemned (0 everJafl:. i»g judg mam;., lett therefore we be infolded with thefe miieries, kilow thatwemuaJ~ar~remb.le, a~ld beware. (tic the: utW~liey,'(!l'~ are afrertheir fauirs and ple,~ ... fme in fin cmnpel1ed to beHe\'(~ not by, words~. oot by.examples, _ri.£)tl.·.~\>y {hroa~l)ingJ but by.thevery fuffering.ofpun-.

ifhmenr, .... . .. '

1'Ifcl£p.; Are,llOt tben, 0 .,(_ megf4Uq,the' ~\llts of men. punifuedoo 11 by.mans law.,: . > J

£l'fCm. Fiotfooth, 0 Sftl~ ,luti., " firft . all eanhly lhing$ which are menall , then thofe things:alfowhich live by c:ctporal tea[on'andwhich fwarve from liviug after thatlaiv. of fcaron,

". all

H ermes rrirmtgift~. 89 all thefe according ~o their deferts and . Ianlrs are h:dlle co panifhmene , . 'but afte_r' death [0 much the Corer l'undhme,l11 as their faults have be~!, c?nce~ led &.unpunifh~d inthlS'l1fe~ f~t God foreknow 109 . all things renders a like punifhment to evey one according co the meafure and quality \ of the fault. '. . 'r, .. hf

~fde,. Who' ate wort yo

the grearelt ~unifh[l1~nt)~ ~Tt~

megUlnG.. .. . b .

. _fitm. Thofe who .el1~ ton.1emnedby ~h~ .Laws . men come to:a violent '4ea.t·h, which [terri not to ,yeeld untd the debt 'of nature', but to \utfer punilhment for thd! defe~~~. Concrarywife , God IS. a Iheild and defence unto ~ flghreou~ man, who Isverh plet~ andr, re .. lioion; for he defenderh ,\1Cb fr~:;n all maaner ',of dangers ~~

. C111s,

90 The fecdnd ',Book of evils, for the Father and Lord of all things, who alone is all, lhowes himfetf willingly to ali, not where he is in place, nor what in quality, nor how: great in quantity" bur illuminating man with the alone underHar.idof [he mind , who when [he d.1rknelfe of mind is removed; 3nd [he brightneffe of truth perceived, participares himfelf by 'the full Ienfe of divine know,:" Ledge, by whofe love he Is freed from that lJarurall part which .is morc.alJ, 'andton'cei"eth' hope 'ef future immortality.,., This ,tberef()re iliall betbeditference betwixt good and evil men, for eyeryone by piety religion. di .. villlewodl1ip and reverence of

. God, fhineth and ·be.comedi bright as the eye-fight; when he hath thr.oughly feen the truth of reafon , and the confidence .ofhop.e~aod exce)Ieth fo far other


<: j; "

. Hermes Trifmegiftus. ? t. men, as the Sun e.xcC11ethothe~ Starts in his LIght: for the Sun it (elf not to much in .g~e~t •. ne{fe, of diety, as .~n dlVIll1ty and fanB:ity Illuminareih. t~e other Srarrs, For.I Iiippoferhis, o .aCclepfus) to be theSecond God aovernins all other tlll~g$, & ill~A:ra[ing ~lrwor1dly th1I?gs Whether they b~ cr~aI[!-Ires with Hfe orwirhout hfe,f~r If the crea .. ture the world' ~ Ihall atwaies be Li ving, nothing l~ the world is mortal. For there ~s!t0 place of mor~ali~y~ for every liv .. ing pare whIch IS In the wo.rld, as in one and the fame connnu .. all living creature, w~ercfore it ousht [0 be full of life and eternity, if it muf] always live, The Sun therefore as the world

d Io i he Goveris erernall , an ·0 IS.t e .

nour of life an~ livelineffe, and the continual difpenfer of them. He is therefore the God 0.[, ~he .

. hYIng

~'I 'The fecond DO,ok of liL¥ing,ln.dofthofe tbibgs';vvhi.:h '!lave life i~ the world;·, the conrinuall goverhoar, .aadeeernall difpenfator of ·life:it Jel[.ll.)r he hath once difpenfedby an etemall.Law ~~nd.'~veth life tc)ever.yLiving thing~' )'lnihis manner which I will fpeake of, Jor in that quickne£fe o-f ererl1ity, the world is moved, .and HI that living' eterniry. is the .place 6f rhe world f for which ' hereafter it .Ihall neither Hand .nor be detlrojcd, the world beuig intrenched, andas it were wrapped in with the eternity of life. It is therefore the difpenfer orgivl!r of life to all

'things which are in iI:, and ehe place. of-all things which are .governed under the .Sun , the cemmotien of which world

, confifletn of a twofold effe6t.

For it fe1fis outwardly enlivenedfrom eternity, and it quick .. ens

: 'H~rmes'TY;fmegipNs. ':9~ ens and inliveu~ 'there .rhings which are within, it, ~differing in proportions, and appointed, tod prefixed cim~s, all things are known and ordered' by the

'letfeCts of the Sun , and oy the courfe, and 'influence, of the Scarrs, all remporall things are eHabli!bed by reafon and divine

'Law, the Earthly feafons are known by the. qua.}ity ~f the 'Aire as either 1n- the vartety 6£ 'heat: or cold, the fIea~enly Ieafons by the return of the

Starrs to the fame places ~ and by the temporall (.hange ~f tides and the world 1S the re-

cepr;c1e of tin:e '.'?Y who\e courfe and'mouon It is' refrefb-

ed; hut time is kept by ?rde~. Order and rimemake ~n lnn?varion of all things whichare In the world by courfe,


:94 ·The Iecond Book of The


Thu Tenth. Chapter, [peaktth

of death Iln4 the. examinatifJfJ . . the Sou! iwhen t~e 60dy foall ~Je thllt . thCJ (hall be moff pun! afier death., whore Itfe jaiN] is

. tllk§n away! mens Lnwe.s,for t .gfClltnej{e 0 ' their offen~e; ) i that God is a defence to the nghteo1#; (,f the divinity of the San, and the world) for he puts the World to 6e the jirif [enjib/e God, the Sun t, l:e the Second, that the world }hall

'n(7)&r tak.! 1'eft, nor 6e deftroJed. Bet we give mt the ill~(im11'JHnicable name of God, »eliber to the Stsn, nor to the world, and believe that the w9rld foall (me day 6e dijfol"./ed. Tbe]« things ,therefore /Jein_g underftood, (as the 6are words of .Hermes (hew,) thq fet ONt the error of ti'e Gentiles, Jft

. - we

Hlrll1fS rrtrmfg;f1I1!~ 9 s· )1p, do grllnt hJ panjcf~tioll . t(/ thefe a divinity, If.! to ex&cllent' 'Work_,r of ~od. Tbi: the tenth flirt •. >


------._------------J ,-01


VVHerefore all things being Io , neither of thil1gs creared, Heav~nly chings or Elrthly, is any [hing Hable' fixed or immoveable, for on!y God, and worthily he alone is

in himfelf from him(elf,. and on < all fides wholly full and perfect, and this is his finne Habi11cy which canner be removed by the enforcement, or occafionof any ocher feeing in him are all rhings, and in all rhings he is only, unlelfe any' man will dare

rs (.lY chat his motion conGfle'tb:

in' e[erniry;butmMch rather his e,,!, terniry is unmoveable,inco\vhica

E (fie

. ,.

Q 6 The Iecond Book of

, . .

the motioa.of aU timC$retLUQ-: erh , andfrcm which ~h~, mo(ion of all times takes it . begi;nning. God bath therefore been . alw~yes Hable, and his eterni .. _ ty alwaies alike flable with him, containing the world not created within hirnfelf', which we rit9btly call Ienfible. The Irriage of this God is the world, whicb is made 40 imitator or refemblance of eternity: for. time hath tbe force) and nature of Ilability in t~e 'iefY ~ec~~ty of return agam mto It felf: wnerefere albeit eterPity be ilable immoveable and fixed,

_ yet becanfe by thF mobility of rime, motion is ahvayes C1l11ed back into -eternirv , and that

, mobility is turned by reafon of time, it cernes to pafle that eternity it lelf is certainely im-. moveable, and may feern only: by time to be moved in which 'it


Herml!t Tri[mtgifEUI. 9' felfir, for in that time inU rlfei mo~i?nj fo it, aappeas,cbac thei fla~111[V'o£ e~~ity i~ mOVM~ alJ(I'cbc frabduy of tune, ~

c~mes Hab!e bytbe rule of ft100t non, and to it is credible thae God is moved into himfelf rib, rhefame lmmovcab1ene(fc, for .. there is an in· immoveable moti .. on !~ the areatnefi"eofhis:Yei't fi~bJlJ[y, for the conclitioo; of hl~ grearneife is immoveable. This therefore which Is Co, andnoe obvious to our lenfes

is infinire , i'ncomprehonfibl~

" and melhm,lble, which can neither be Iuftained, reported of, !lOr found. OUt; whereupon it IS l1nCert~ln wherein) where, how, and rn what fafhionir is': for he is reported [0 be in the greareil ltability, and in him is his Llability, whether he be God or Eternity, whether the one be in the ~theJ', G1' bOtli·

E~ -ia

gS The fecond Book ~of inoithet'1 for which caufe eter~lty .~s iwith?ut .definirion of, tJ.(l1~; but ~ time which . mal bedefined, returning either by: order cour.eor circuit of another is eternal , wber~f6re both feem: tob e infinire, both eternall, ion fiilPility confidering. that ·ie. is' fixed, for that by the Benefit of:

HfenOch -it can fuHein': all thIngs that are mo~eable, it worthily obtainerh Dominion : for the beginning of all Ch1!lgs which are, is.God, and ererrnty, - blil~ the wor ld becaufe it" is mo- r veable hath not [he' principality, for his mobility preventshis Habilityby the rule of comma- . all-motion; baving an immoveable {trengt h. , All fenCe there .. ', fore of dle divinity b-eing' alike' and Immoveable, rnoveth 'it ldf by his (lability, and is 'intor-, J>up[,~nd eternal, orwbatfoever . ~~1.;mo~e fitly becalled, et~r.-i·

.J.._~ • ." _lJllty-

, .. , .

Hennes Ttifmtgiftus. :~ 9 "9

nity conflfling inrhe very: truth .ofthehigh God, fullof..allfe~~ fible things, and full knowledge abiding as I laid with Godvbiir worldly Ienfe is the receptacle of all fenfible things, boih.foe ~petfes:' and difclipine, _ but hu ... rnane ((:n(e- by the Ilrengthof memory, for that it remembers a 11 things thrc it h athdone : for ,di vine reafon and feafe come -down continually-], .and God would noc~eb.lenr, and di vine fenfe fhould be confounded with all Creatures, left it Iheuld blufh in' being mixt with brutes. For rhe undertianding of humanefenfe, ·of wharIorr, and how great ie is, is wholly in the memory of things pail: for by [hat Hrength of memory it is made goyerneur of the earth j but . the un-

f .' '. ' ~ ..

'derflanding of Nature, and . pf

the quality and ienfe of [be

E 3 world,

I eQ The fecond BOE>k of ~orld,may be perceived by an , fe~{ible things intntW'lorld·, ~~erllity, which is the ,{tcond J~ known [0 be-a fenfe and qua,hey glVenof the fcn6ble world, -.bUt the underflandinz of the

-quality, and 9.ualityof~he rente

.ofthe hlgh 'God, IS rbe alone

, truth, the thaddow of which tnnh in the world is not certainly known in the Ian line . for is any thi~f ,known by -ehe cijmenfien of_t~me, where th~te feem robe leafings generanoas and errors? You fee therefore ; 0 .ICd.epfUI, in what things we are aareed up.on , which we handlebor which wedare to touch: but I sive un~o thee t'~anke~,O e= God, which hafl illuminared mew'itn ,the light of feei~~ thy divil1i~'y : and you 0 Eatus, artlevf.b~, And.i:nuon, cosceale .fecret .. '

1y within ¥ourbreaits and .~~~


H etmtsTri{mfgtjftll. ' to I clore.t:he~e ~iv~e ,Myfleries.' But In this ddfereth under .. [tanding from [eritt, for chat our .1mder~anding comtp~th by the mtencron , and dilisence of tRe mind to underffandal'ld ~now the quality ofine fenCe ~f the world, but the underClan ding of the world reachedl to eternity' ,~ndto ko'owGod who is- above it feI f, and f6 it happens unto us men, t~t al in ~ rni~(l, ,.we fee thore thitJg~ whIch are '111 He~v~11'.,,:as. much ts it is potfibte tnt6fJgh 'the condition of humane feafe, And this intention or reach in perceiving [0 great good things IS very narrow and weak, but is moft large when it Ihal! fee it by knowledge ,and~he tI8i~ mony of a good confcience,

E .,. Tile


J e 2. The Ieccnd Book e£

, The ,


. ,The eleventh Chltpter,difcIQ{eth that onelJ Gotl is z'l1Z1novable and

. flable, And all other thirtls. mHteble : God is inftnite,incomprehen .. jible1 'and;s smkPown rvhat he is : the holy, incorr-upt, Il~d etern~~ fenfe of God, treateth of the [enfe (If the world., of the fonfe of man,. of the difference '1f the 1:I11derftan4rng from thefenfe. This:is Jhe. SHt»,

;~ft.k~ele7l~~#' p ~rt. . ;'~ . .,

--- -----

C HAP. XII. -B'Uf of vacuity" which alCo I' with many Ieems ·~o be a ereat matter, I thus ~ Vacuity ·nc:i.cher is) can? or Ihall be any chIJ;lg ;.f01' all dllnZi , .' .' - of

., .

'R times Tri(mtgijlul. r01

ofthe world are rnofc full parts, as the world it (elf is fullofbo- : dies different. in q~i[y atl~· form, having both their J()rtp ..

and grearnefie, of WhlCh:o.1,1~~J4f 'gr~acer than another, and one

le{fe than another, dltferen~ In Hren~th and weakneffe.: . fo~ . Iome ofthefeeafily Ieern .~o.~

the !trong(!r, as the: gr~~ter,_; p~ '.

the leifer andfl.1la\l~r can f.cflF~" ..

1y, 'orn0(at.aU 'be feen,. WhlC~ ~. thino·s. [0 be.we know oDely,b:t feeli~g., whereby it hapFIi~~l~)

that mar.y beleeve that)[h~f~ ~f: 110[ hodiesjor·.fJJbqf1>I!ces,b9~·~em- . t,ty ~?laces, 'Yh,kh is. im.poffiQl,~J;,for Itany (hlDg be l1amed .. q~~,9i

the world, if,therebe a,ny tmt:.g , (which I ?ardly ~detV~1~h,~~~, :

to fuH of m[elliglbl~ tli~g~h~

is, thiilg~ like to th~ DiVl"1~5'_' ; (111s p,\ace whi\h IS called ~he: ; {,enGbleworld, IS fu~l of.bodl~1 . -~,lJd.creat\lres.) agreemg ~.ot~l:'- \

. f. ~ nature ..:

110'4 The fecond Book of 'nature ·andqualiry to i~, . all '~hoft reprefenranons we fee nat, ;blic f~me e~ceed!ngly

',Jgre'.lt ') Come exceedins litne,

·~andlhort·,whkh'either thro~h :t1Je . length ·of di!tante, or that .,we are-dull ofeye-li'ght,they,ap-pear to be,h'!(;h- unto us, or tobe ~lhoit J tor-their exceedinz {mal~e.{fe the·y.atefupp'ofed'ol- fome ~·otrtO be •. I rpeiknow of An';;' 'g~1s, which, I (up?Ofe, fojeurn ' wl~h us, and Spl!ltS. above us, ~.~~ . are If,etwlxt thepuFe(l ~rf·6£ the t~,~nd the earrh, W~e :ihef'e 'is! ne i~her :~la'ee tot ~1&uds,nbrtbmn'fbd(1n:by the fl'l~.rbn of any Metl~or, 'Comer, ¥Jt'Sigtle. In-this rerpea, o:is

·f'f;J"~",i.fhou caDHI~y nothing ~<)1h.e.1uWJea t~ Vacduy; unlefle :tli?ti. mhreH . there may be a ¥acUlty of what thou· alirmell to beempcy, as a Vacuityfrom t·he tire, fro:n the warer , and .,. , from


Hermes rri[rntgtJl~~ to) from the like, which although it fuppens to feem fo (For thal! may be void of .fuch things, which are great, or little, which makes it Ieem empty) yet there cannot be a Vacuity of Spirit, ind Air. Thelike aif() we may f~k of a place, for the word e~ly wants underftanding ; for

a place appeareth what it is; from that of which it is ~ fGr when the princi paU name is [a ..... ken away, the fignificatlon, gr interpretation is imperfett. Wherefore the place of water; [-be place of fire, or fuch like.we trul y fay;. for as it is impoffible for any thing [0 be void, or empry, [0 the placealone what it: is cannot be known. For if you put the place without that of which it is) ir {hall (eem to be an empty place-which 1 beleeve the world hath not: For if there be noVacuity, neither a



106 The fccond Book of pla~e .. appeareth .whae it is by; !t, ~el.f ~'ullldfe,you Jih~l adde. JlDtO it) either loagitudes, lad .. ", tudes, or altitudes, as fignes [0, the .bodies of men. .Thefe things being. [0, ~(clePfW1, and you that are prerencknow, that th~ inrdligioie,\Vor.ld that' is God, who is known only by the fio~t. "(tbefoul, is incorporeal ; n~ith~r can ;any t.hing ccrporall be mixed WIth hIS Nature, rhat is, ~hich may be known by qua:- 11[Y ~ quantIty) and numbers; fOr no filch thing abideth in HUn ; , therefore, this world; which is called ren~ble, {~ the receptacle of all feniibJe jipe4 de.G~ qualities , or bodies; all whichwi[hollt, God, cannot receive Vegetarien., and be' refr(Oled; tor-all things are-God, and from him:and his will .are " aJlI things : that which is wholly g~)c9R1ely and Wife, [enfib,·,e

and. ,

1ferme~iTrirmegipu'S:. 101-:, ~'intelligible, belongs to b.iBi alone, and wirhonr th;s there neither is, hath; or Ihall be ,any tbing; for. ailthings are from. him" ,in him', andby him; both qualities .01' many, Ihapes .and great q\)antities,aJldgfea~~~~, exceeding meafure.snd vQr~et1~ of _pedes and Forms, '.wb(~h Jf YOll Ihall nnderftand, 0 ~rcJ": pins, you will glVe God tpal)k~, and if you Iha] -wel ~bfervelhe

IP ~vh~l.e,,_ yonIhal bytruerea(on perfectly learn, that it (elf is fenfible, 'and all thl1~g$ . that are in it; to' be covered ~$ witb.a garment) from tp~t'\1p~. per world~:for every kinde ,oj: creature, 0 atdtptns) "of what kind foever"as well mortakim-: morral, or rational, whether ie be a Hying creature, or be 'not, each ofrhemrerain [he image and form of their kinde, and at ...

, 'be·it every kind of crearare. pof.!

. !e!fedl.

108 The Iecond Book of [eKerh the full form Qfhis kind; 'Yet in (ae f;lme form ,of {hews, they are all unlike oae to another, as the .menU8 of men, al· though it be uniform,rhal a man 1I1~ naturally -; he known, yetall"of1hem arern che fame form unliketo chemfe!; 'for the _p'det) which isifi,~t1e, is iBtprporeaJ, and whalfoever elfe is cemprehendedjn .the (oul,f>( mind: feei:agltherefore thefe two, ofwhic-hi~heFoFm • confillerh,are corporeal.endjacorporeal, it is itnpoffibJ;e Fhat every Form :lhorild be created, erbcrn like-one ro acorher; the mornencs of'hours and climates differing, and being di!bnt, -but are chanced fo ofren, as an hour hath minnres, in which is that Cod of all Ihapes we-have fpoken of; therlore:tne'&lpettes)or Form" rernainerh, begetting fo often from it felf, fo ma-ny, and

. fo


H ermes Trlfri1t,giJ1u~. 109 (() different ihapes, as the courfe of (he world hath moments, which werld is turned by converfionand changes .,but the .pedeS is ndthe:rturned, nor chnnbed~ 'So the Forms 'of each kind'b~re perma~nt ;anf1 ~ab1e, :but unlike to them(el'VCS 1t1thc 'iameForm.' , .' ,'.

, ~rdcp.. Al1d thewor)-d.(~a.n" }(eth his ~f0i.1) or Form, .() f[;tfCmtlflfu". ' . .. :J

• m:tfCm+ Do you ~erC'ei\it

lhe reiore , 0 .BfdqJfull, that al] things are fpoken \l!1t~_the:ej~,S to one in a:neep"~r;m'itlCt~eat:J1? For what is ·tbewblr1dl~-'O~ ',of what ,(:onfifleth it,: ::'!bnt of all

'things created>

Rlfdep. Therefore you mea~ to (peak of the Hea'Ven, and oftbe Earth & ot the Elements, ICriC:ntt~tlluB " For other [hing~are more frequently cpagged I.nro Forms, [he Heavea moyflemog,

f) •

. ~'.~ . ;

. '".". Thtf·


Hermes Tri{ ~tg;flut.~ II ~

... '.'

. .The.. '. (" ,,:

.CO.MME.NJA)l."i~~ I •

. "this twelfih Ch~pier Jecl~r;1"; that t~ere j~ no Vllc.uiry, O?' ,E1'!':pti.;. neJfe tn thtng S; tbet Ang;els are, (fJ1I,7!crfant, ~tnddwcll w/th U4.,wh()" ii!>r~gal'dof their: too .;'iuch:foh:-, t,_;lij;~ ftrc not percr.illcd:·of Ud '; t.hat, ~P~rtts pojfej[e the purer parto! th.e. ' .;1,r ; the alone name bf a place t.q

.~e V9.i'd; !hl1t i~.Ac'-ong!. t"fo.~~!/, . ~il:t) ~h.J.c~.kel1!$ no~ ,Ii~#rjfl!o~ t,t camzot·be conc.e~ve4 wnata pla~ ;s,dnd that i$ ClJmmo'n, to all Re ..

lfl!ives.· .He .atfi.rinttf' ,,11 /nte~; .... glble, World, with· wh,ch .the,fonJil 11ft world, ,an.d all things 'in tt, .a7'!J veiled,' M. with a tltrm~~; f;efni.

. ~.hois contatncd.11I the I1'Jte/llg!./J.J~ W(}rld, that the.F orms of All !i/niU. iPhat[oe1Jer, that arc of one [ht!pe, . 4re unlik$, and that 4fcordi~;t.:~; thec.irclel, momer;tJ, anJtIJ;';1#:e~

' .... ' ~.. ., ····~of

~ , '.


.. ! 12 The fecend Book 91

Df htJNrJ"f ~hich ~e mllk.!th Pantomorphos .Ltlrd, whom6efore h~

;tffi1'7llea to he 'GiJd'~ftht HoroRopes: 611t: we ack,po"wled$_t no {Nch ?'Od: bHt leav~ lOt t()' the ,[oIl] il1ld Ig11Wlt11ce ~f tie Gtntilts: 1.[ an" M Jtt hefi' ¥tpparlllftfJ,blilJa, 'm,!J~ 11114 ftHf'ited ;",,!:~e) Ilt~"'.dllJt t(J the. fo"ng,of sr: 1>a~ f, h"'De\~fIl' Olle God, th~ F lIilmr; lnwhlJ'm 'ltre' 1111 thing!) mrd ~e iN hi", 0 tend 0114 Lord Jefu5,Cfuill, Ii} iv~m ar6' it!l,thil1k1j;u.d·W'e·ljhf~~ r~~ $pe.i • eies MIa P}wfIJ'J, YJ'dt' Ii, -tilt' Htea-$ if wiJich-t here i.!.fJ,'MliclJ'l/;Jjme with. Plato' K1Id .'the 'PiatonickS,. tl;e im7'J!Nta!Jl, ""N1Ith"'lglll"!e~ p~ lie plqn!:1';'I) PalltomOr":' phos,hll7JzMgtlJls '1IIlI'lJ,t,tU tI:Jd'!tlJ

Ii to".fi!telfo["" JhAl'ri,'a)Jil iJ/ 4"tI'ir.) Idea ,tr(jf»)Jh/~h. /evetJlI ' J;~tl "!o",!f1tJ, lVff]plU'titM;' Ja,. Fmn IS Jrtler{tJ fkttped; Slit thAt the'rel drl tlJHtli"/~, itt ih#' 1!Ydrld, the Rf(tvm,dfld fhe £#;'6,:

- ' 6Ht

H!rmfsTri["ugiIE.s. It 3 . ~~Ht there lire ",ho Itcco"nt M~~curius his PAnttmJorph,s, 'A# Platohu Idea robe,men" forge:d tRing$ lind /iflion!. This u',b,

f.mme of the twelfth Chapter.

, "

-_._- ............. -. _ __..._..---:

..' 1.1


LEt us return agiint?: m,~~; ~anrl to reafon; by Wh~chd~ ... v'ine-gift, man is t:tl~ed a rea~on;. -able creature, for thofethmgs arc 1eife t8 be \vondere~ at~ (al-

beie ·they deferve ,~ldrn~rauon) 'which are m'lly fpQ}tet) ?f ~,a~~ But of an wonders this i'Sthe ·.reateitwonder , rllat. tnan ~ould find out and fupply the 'divine nature : bc!;aufc there'fore)0ur forefathers erred muc~~ ,being incredutoue about ~~ .reafen and ~J.ture. of the QQ ~

. _. . .. - and

, ' ~: . '. - ~

Hermes Trifmegiflus.' .IIl)~

I 14 The Iecond Book of his diety,.as he was wOn.tt9_6i.~~:,

:and not lo(!)~i~g into divine before oy art or skiJIQL'P.hy~~~, i

; worthip, ana re}'igjo~, they and,UancJ.· ,~bic&., W~~'.ip~:;-· .f~~lDd ~ut.~_art wher:e~y tb~ name of my Aun~eao~s, _d~d~ .Jlll&ht make .. them· gods ;: to 'riot he 2;10W in his Country 're"~ ... which mvennen they joyned teining.n~atfirncame, cur~.aU. , t he work of nature, and becaufe per;onsthat came-from~~tp~~ts'

t hey could not make f oil Is, they to him? Alfo li1s . tUe wife f?C

. c~~l~d OUt thefouls of Devils or Ofiris being' well pleafed how;

Spirits, and put them into [heir much cood {lie hath done? 'and, I~ls" and divine MyHeries, by dirple:fed, \1.o~·muc~evil do we. which alone the Idols had pow- know? for It IS art eafy m~tt~r., er to do e,icher good.or hurt. forearchly gods tobedifplea{t'~'(r

,~9rt~y Gra~~4ttheraQ~~l~~j(:: feeing that they ace m.age Qf tHe: . as., .was . die,firft . UlvetJw of fame narure that man IS, where- , ~Phy£idi). to wfronia>Tempi~ i,s rp:m it happened that there ho- . ~ ~nfecrated in a mountain ~f Iy creatures were called u.po~ , . Libya, or Africa, near ll~~ the and their Ioules vvort1llpped 1

~oare _.of Crocodiles, l~. w.bivh throughout every Sit)' ,;' ?Y. the T .Iierhhis body; the refi of hil'l1~) £gyprians who living 1:on[ecra~ ,or rather the whole of him be- ted them (o that they conrlnued . :ing h~ better- and • Spiritual! in their La wes, and \~er~ called . . part, .IS ..,gone back a~aID to Hea- by their nal~e.~ f. f6r .:hIS caufe J

ven , aftOOrdlllg all manner of 0 .iUdepfus/ thofe V'!Ql(;h ,(e.e~ J,

.help and cure t()tfifeaCed and to [<i>me wonbi tobe wotthlp ..

·.fick perfons, now ~y_ yeff_ue~Qf , ", .. ped

. his


feccnd Book :@£ . H trmef rrif me~J1 •• ' II

ed and honoured to others. (eeta; inhabite the highefi \ Ilea . d~l1'~i-wl!l:l.~h'e~efol'¥ .£&1~, places fulfilling 3n9' pref~~yi. C;i.'les at~ v"opt to :fa.ll,01K\, ~ that order whichhe hat~-recCi· .

Wa1-'r onewkh an9ther. " I . : ved. But thefe our God;,i:e-

: art,,,,,_' And' what is the: garding pecaliarly ,ertajQ~ qualitf or fu~a3Dce 0 Edt.. t~ngs, and fotetellin~ fQ~ •

If" oftbe(~.~attblyGods ? things by lot and ~nJCaure;> confifi4:ci),O ~rde.. . forereeing many things and at;. pta,) ofherbs, ofSi9neS,Qf Spi-. ter a manner helping them, beces which have .in them a naiu- come as it were by a friendly alr~!l power of divinit.y', a~d_ tor liance aiders unto mens a.f. this .. cau(e th. ey arc deltg~ttd, fairs.

with ofienfacrifices, HYlllDS, .

PJaifes, andmofl fweet mutick rerembling an Heave.nly har .. mony J that that which is Heavenly may by a Heavenly and frequent ufe be .aU ured into the Idol ,and.there HayaJong time i <IS glad and defirous of h\ !ociety: fo man is the feigner of the gods, and you' {hould not ralppofe the dfeas of, there eanhly. gods to be cafual" o .. r'ICP~U_fheHeav~lYih9~s' ;

. -, In a.Ice.


This Thirteenth Chapt,r u fH" of impiety lik! tmt.oJ~- nint.h,. wherein Mercurius _I'IZ. hll'l/' A,. manto he moff divit1e, Itna. moff to be admired; he u certAin!,. moff impioHl' and prof~ne, tfJ wit that he (hall be the inventer of Idolatry, that heJhouldthruff.;1I dcviliJh SpiritS ca/lell Hp . lilt.

. Jd,ls,

" ~



'0' •

--..__.-_.. ... _.,._.....--~


A_cIt,. Whac part.~th~refOre of the world do tbe fares a .. bide in".-) lIttf£me,Siftu. ?Ifthe HeavenlyGods beare unlve~fal rule, do the earthly Gods whIch we call Fortune and Fare inhabire in particular pla-

ces ? .

~dran. 0 .aCdepius, rhat is the neceffity of all things that are Governed, chat they are alw~yes joyned .and Hocked to-, sether r this is therefore the ~fliciel1t caufe of chings , or the mort hiah God, or next unto God~ which fecond effeCt is God, or the difcipline , o~'an earthly and Hea~e~11 chinas ) . Ilablifhed by divine

"F laweg~


-Thefecond Book of . ·','a~dadde ;Il~d [.a:'

. o/iftclI. :·Iollterning· £fcu.tapiu~ Merd1rius,lfis,Ohris~ 'Whlc~ were 'R1O'i'fhipp~d'f the dgyptJ·KNs;HnJ. ofthofe)pl~nt~'aNd creatures whifih in B..gPJt were e Jleemed h0f], and had in ·1·eVer:ence·; of 'herhs, and Sto,!eJ,mHjick__:and o/mn! ,. with which they did appeaJe & reconcile thofl Spirits which were put i,!!o tbei» Idols and 1 maget, whIch flill fame Pythoniffr are: accu./fomed to Jr; at this daJ (0 naughty. ,;g_e) !Pho think.. tkat \hCJ have Sptrtt S clofed Hp either In rlno s or hoxes: a moff impio1# flr~ ~fmen ,. hllt~full to . Gqd a'ttd man; 'a'v~rJ p'Fofeftenemie : And 4gain./fthis pr~fane error ()fimpiety, St. AugbIHne wellln1Jcigheth . in his hook...._·ofthe City of God. This for the I 3. Chapter~

. I, Ii


;\ 1 Q . The Iecond Book of lawesvThe'e therefore.Pormne and Necefliry, are both tyed to~ther by an individualfknor, The former of which, Fortune or Pare-begets rhe beginning of allrhings , but Necefliry entor-. cecIl them to their e£f~tts)whi(h depends from tho'e.beginnings, Order, follcwerh.rhefe , which is. the ccnrinuanre.and difpofirionof·.ril11e in .bringing things to pafle' ,. .. fu.~ nothing is with ..

.,: .~.nti[be agreemear.o! Order. In all thefe [his world is perfir , for [he' -world itJelf is: carried by. Order, Of conlil1cth:who'Iy or Order : wherefore thefe.j , Fate, Ne(:oil3ty,ao,dOrder}aee brought to pane, e(peci.11Iy 'by the wil l f]f. God" who 'governeth the world-by his own L,lW and divine reaton • By there therefore both win and nill are by a divine.' hand fully crofled , for they are neither rnoveq by an ..

Hermes Trifmt'giftm. 121 oer, nor bowed by farour , but feeve the nec~Alty of erernall rearon, which Eternity is unchan~eable , immoveable, and in[olub~e. Fate· therefore IS the -l1rH; which, the feed being as it were cait in, receives the encreale of all future rhings.Neceffity follows, by yvhich aIr. rhinos are enforced vlOlendj (0" :.~

t.hei~ effects. The Third is '·:~l:U~.

4'>rder, which pre~c:rvetb ~bo .:-~;;:;;-:frame of rhofe things WhlCq.-. ~.)',.

Fate and Neceffity hath difpo~ed ef . This is rherefore etermty,

which neicher hath .begilmimg nor ending, whicb by a. fix~d im1Uutable law ot cont~,!~H. motion is preferred .. .It .rifeeh. and falls oftentimes by courfe ,

- fo that when the times vary , It rifeth asain in thore (arne parts inw hich it fd 1 , {or fo is reafon . a 'Yoluhle rotundity [hat all are (0 firmely j(!)yned that you can-

F 1 not

ger "

122 The Iecond Book of not know what is the besin .. ning of volubility, whenD all things Ieem to go before, and

, follow rhemfel-es , for chance and fortune are mixed in all worldl y things. ,

. The •


The Jourteenth Chapter [peak: eth of the Deflisies, which he caL~ letb Fate, Necefliry, andOrder; others, Clotho , Lachefis , .,and Atropos. .About which the.Ethnick.! were not wolft lejJe to trifle, than ahout other gods, which ttc} feigned Hnto themfelves, cOJning new lind wo'!der-workjng Deities: but Mercurius treats of theft more hrieflJ and!par;ngly, and (M it were) dou6tfully,lik5 as thefe tbree jhf)uld ~e the determination, afJd p1"edeftmlltion of the Divine will· which NecefJity of things, as thq


H rymes Trlrmfgillu~. t z 3 ' he, foll()WJ; j:phich. l~ftt; Order p_re[er'}le:r, even as ~t is Jtablt~ed

by D.vtne and .Ete~na!l.L~w. ~() that the first F at~ IS DIVine Pr;,deftinatior.r ; the fecond, CO~Jeq~ence of things; and the thtrd, Prefer 'vat ion. And thefe three? or the Divine Law, or thofe tktngs that follow !te courfe of DJ'Vm~ " Law, ~'onteln the otder. bot? of finite cauIes, and th9fe which are according to nature) IJUt)'et !' ate, admittcih in cafuall t!ungs zndefinite, and inde:ermmate caufe$

beyol1d nature: but, of thefe let ,

ethers judge .AIJd tbi« I(}r thps tv: ,

font par.t.

,.._..,___.--.""'---_ ..... ~-----___..~


VVE ha ce fpoken Of.' aU: rhinos as we could , and as. t.hedi,,~n\(y wou.d fuffer.:,

, 'F 3 . and.

- jf'24' The fccond'Bookof and permit : ~}t onely remaines. lh~t w.e pea1.e ,God and pray utuoblm,~ and to return to the: ~re'?r the body. For tr~ating t ltfii~leht1y. of divine Inatters,' \ve,ha,,~!at1fied our minds 'as it \vere,wtrh rhefocd of the foul.. But a~~-~(h~y pl£fed' out of [he, cl'oyl~et; when they began to', pray ro qod; they looked backto:'wa~ds the South· for when the StU) ferrerh , if ;ny man' will pra y roGod, he ought to look. rhar way; as alfowhen the Sun

_ li§et~l)t~ l~ok ~aH':_ Now ~sthey. \ver,e. ~faYln$.thelr. prayers v grc:,eputs Iaid , WIth a 10\v

v~ic~~O~atfu81et 11S put the Fat ner In mine t ha t he command that we - Ihould dedizare - OUrprayers unto, God) with an a ddie-ion of fran kincenfe, and in .. ~nre. !!trir~e.2'taud hearing of It, and being moved, [,"th •.

Cu;cfs bercer 0 .artlepfua, for

;.J. this

i I ...

Htr .. mes Trifmegiflu!. I Z':)'_ . this is like unto theft when you; p.ray unto God. to burn fra~ki~-' Ience and tbe hke:for nothing ISwantlno unro him, who himle\f;.

is all rl-rlno!i:J for in him are all thtngs; b~t let us give thanks, and adore him ; for there are the cheif facfif\ces of God,when th~nkes are civen of rnortall men. we~iv~ thee thankes, o oreat and ~lorious God, for by • ~ ~ . d thy grace only w,e have a,ttalne -

to - (be Liuhr of thy knowtedge •. Thou Na~e) holy and worthy. to be honoured, one nan:e by whic h God as a F ather -IS de .. vout ly to be praife9' becau(e rhou vouchfafeH (0 glVe unto·all f(l;che.rly piety reliqion and~ove, or wharCoever thln~ elfe is of mol] efficacy, w hen thou doa

"... I • r

reward us wi: h (cnre,. real,on 1

ilnd llnderHallding; With fe~(e. thlt we may know,theej wlt.h f'("lion, that we roaylook up; ua-

y. 4-' to'

. , -

12'6 T-.l~c f0Cond Book of

tJ? t~ee;and Iearch into thy dl,.. Vine nanl!~;with underHandiog rhar k?OWlng thee we 1l1ay re. Joyce In thee, and bein.o pre[er~ed by thy MajeHy, wg rna ' delight our ielves in thee, thai ~hou waf pleated to Ihew thy Jelf wholly Ul1tO us: Jet us oiv . thankes that thou haH vO.~h~.

faled toe onfecrare "15 h

, . . .... , W 0

'~are placed In thele earthly ra-

bernacJes to be heirs of ererni .. ry.. F~r [his is only mans (ongra,[u1a~l~n and kl10W Jedge of thy MJ)ehy. w~ have known. thee,thou.great Light, 6y rearcn we. ha~-~.kl1cwn thee to be the. n;oH WIle and !~n!lble God, 0

[ ue. w~y of Llle., O.fruitfull encrea!e of all narurall rhinos' we hav~ knowntheejn.[het~}Ii concepnon of thy whole nature, w~ have known thee in rhy erernity, for inal: this ~ur' prayer adoringrhe ·bonnty of


Hermes Trifrnegiftus. 127 thy soodnefle . we only beleech the:' that thou witt be p\eafed_ (0 continue US in the love ot thy knowledge) and that by this kind of lifewe be never (.epara(ed from thee: defuing this we .be .. take us to a pure supper with-

out f\ei11.

:; t


COM MEN r A R .,{. -


This Fifteenth Chapter religio#Jly_ endeth the Dialogue with giving ()f thanks! •. wh~n thankJ .... giving al:Jd ad~ratt~n IS ended, Mercllrius, Akleplus Amnon

Ilnd Tatius, the Four men whlc" filled the holy pI ace. or clo!fter, .~~ ... cording t» the religJOUJ RIte! of tnt V£gyptians, betak! thtf!1ftlves to . a pHrl bankJt not c~njiftmg of fiefh:

andthm far Hermes, ofthl will of



Same Book.! pr.' ··d and fold /;J T~ornas Brev ' .er, at the th'ree BdJle! nellr the rreft-End of


A N EpitomJ of all the Com. rrion and Stattue Laws of England,in Fo1.

. The F 4ithfull COllncellor or ltf a!~row of [he Lllw in s».

$/;fh) in guano.

The Pri'l'e/edtTcs of the Peo. pIe- vindrcilted, inquareo

All thres by w. Sheph~rd,

Ef!juJr~,~ln quarro, .

The Retn'cd man meditatifJn.r . or t~e Mjflory. and Powel'of god/wcffe, 'hininlf .forth' h' L" J' .0 J C »)n t e

, Ivmg Word ro the lmmaJ'<._

- l~g themJJl:ery of iniquity &.C .

III b H •

C q~arto. Y , .J"··Il11C}Knighr,

'or~e/'H~ Agrlpp~his Occult PhllofophJ in three Books," in quano,.


Mr. Baxters AphorifmS of Jt4hlication,E~":!fJine~ and 1Iftfwercd,by i.(randon,lO quart.

An ExpoJition, of the whole Book of C anticles by I. Ro-

bothem, in .quarto. - Gofpe! l!.olineJfo· or a Sa",:,ing' Sight of God and theplonous Priveledge of the Saints, by lfTater Craddock_., Preacher of

. the Gorpell_,ln quarto.

A De[cription of Jerll[alcm, 'with a Map, by H,. 'leJfe, in

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The Right Conjl-;tutJon of .a

-C om mo n-1fealth , with tome .

Errors of Government vand ," Ru\es of'Policy, in·o~ayo. . A Brief .Hiftory Contaimng J molt of thole ~~otableOc ..

cerrences and Revolutions that happened in t~o:e late cO,n .. teHs betwixt K [nil" and P IlrIIJ'"

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ment : being a Alort mention

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'., Mkth,lQ.4r", It " , •

By Geo: S~ortrethPrea~her o( the Gofpel in "LiIl&IJ/n_ ' ,The ni'7Jille Pi",.ander offler-

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~ The B,i/'lein 'Wel{h with (eve-

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r dren of men, ' .". ; .': , ,.:


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