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Name: Indri Kartini


Class: A1/2016

Subject: Methodology




A. Background of Study

In this globalization era, English is such an essential language to be learned due the
importance of English as an International language. Besides English is an international
language, mastering English is benefical for communicate with many people in other countries
around the world without worries about the barrier of language. Morever, in several countries
English has already became a second language of their countries which is shown how important
English language is to them. The problem is in Indonesia itself, English just viewed as a foreign
language. Eventhough English has been a compulsory subject at school in Indonesia, but the
result has not been satisfactory enough yet (Nurweni & Read,1999).

However, The reality is still a lot of students who have graduated from school still have
minimum ability in using English language. The main factor is because the lack of vocabulary
(Hanafia, 2013). This case has revealed that vocabulary is the most crucial thing to be learned
before learning a language, vocabulary enable us to make easier mastering English because at
least the student would understand the meaning with having wide knowledge of vocabulary, as
Cameron (2001) said vocabulary plays a great roles for learners in acquiring a language.
Research has shown that second language readers rely heavily on vocabulary knowledge and the
lack of that knowledge is the main and the largest obstacle for L2 readers to overcome

The problem is some of the students find that learning English is really difficult and the
other reason because students are not interested in learning English due the way of the teacher
who delivering the material monotonously. However it has been a teacher’s obligation to
discovering and solved that situation. Since Indonesian students learn English as a foreign
language and they called the beginner in English, learning in pleasant circumstances is very
important for them. Interesting media can attract their interset and help their concentration stay
longer (Rafikadill and syafei, 2013). Through this modern era, a lot of medias and methods are
served to helping the learning process and one of the way is using movies with English subtitle
as a technique to improve students skills in vocabulary mastery. Movies are enable to increase
the student’s motivation and interest towards English because movie is providing both audio and
visual that can draw student’s attention, that also established them to stay focus and feel
entertain during the learning process.

According to Cakir (2006) the use of image and sounds is very helpful in succes of
English four skills(reading, speaking, writing, listening). During the film, it will be easier for
them to following the plot and learn the idioms. Donaghy (2014) stated films is so benefical
because it is provides aunthentic sources and language variety. Movies exposed example of
English used in real situations outside the classroom and the language of real life conversation.
Karakas and Arifsaricoban (2012) point out that learners able to feel comfortable since it is easy
to get meaning from foreign language movies with subtitle and captions. It means that through
movies students could be able to gathering many of new words and spontantly knowing the
meaning through conversation used in daily life. Through using movies with English subtitle as
technique for learning process, the researcher expected to could helping students in learning
English effectively and improve their vocabulary skill mastery.

B. Research Question

Based on the background, This study attempts to answer the following research question
based on the problem above. Does the use of Short Movies with English subtitle can improve
student’s vocabulary skill?
C. Objectives of study

Related to research question, the aims of this study is to find out the use of Short Movies
with English subtitle whether it can improve student’s vocabulary skill or not.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the research problem, the researcher formulates the research hypothesis(Ha)
and null hypothesis (H0) as follows:

Ha: The use of English Short Movies can improve the students’ vocabulary at

First grade IPS-1 class SMA Sejahtera Bangsa.

Ho: The use of English Short Movies cannot improve the students’ vocabulary

at First grade IPS-1 class SMA Sejahtera Bangsa.

E. Significances of Study

Based on this study, the result is expected to be used Pedagogy, theoretically and

1. Theoretically, the result of this study is expected to widen teachers skill knowledge in teaching
vocabulary using movies with English subtitle to improve student’s vocabulary mastery.

2. Practically, the result of this study is suggested to improve students competence in vocabulary

3. In Pedagogy through this study, the researcher expected to could help teacher in implementing
this strategy by using movies with English subtitle as references for wider teachers way of
teaching in different way than usual.

F. Literature Review

1. Vocabulary

According to Hornbury (2000) as citied in Fajri (2018) “Vocabulary is all the words in a
particular language.” in addition vocabulary is the unit of words and phrases used in writing and
speaking. Therefore, Vocabulary plays an important role in learning a language because without
that skill, its impossible to be able mastering a language. Vocabulary is such a basic element that
need to be learn before learning a language, the lack of vocabulary will cause the difficulities for
someone who learns English. As Aslaufer et al (1999) citied in Hanafia (2013) state that the
acquisition of vocabulary is important for the successful of learning a language and plays a great
role in building learning skills in terms of speaking and written texts.

2. Teaching vocabulary

According to Thornbury (2002), Teaching words is an important aspect in learning a

language. Both teachers and students agree that acquisition of the vocabulary is a central factor
in teaching a language (Walters, 2004). Teaching vocabulary is one of the most discussed parts
of teaching English as a foreign language. When the teaching and learning process takes place,
problems would appear to the teachers. They have problems of how to teach students in order to
gain satisfying results. The teacher should prepare and find out the appropriate techniques, which
will be implemented to the students. A good teacher should prepare himself or herself with
various and up-to-date techniques. Teachers need to be able to master the material in order to be
understood by students, and make them interested and happy in the teaching and learning process
in the classroom (Alqahtani, 2015)

3. Definition of Media

Media is an object that can be enabled or can be operated. Media often used as a tool for
teacher in learning process. according to Arsyad ( in Astuti, 2017) identifies the benefits of
media, namely (1) clarify the presentation of messages and information; (2) improving and
directing the attention of children, causing learning motivation and interaction directly; (3) to
overcome the limitations of the senses, space, and time; (4) provides a common experience of
learning instudents. Based on Wright (1976:1) citied in Diril (2017) mentions many media and
many styles of visual presentation are useful to the language learner. all audio-visual materials
have positive contributions to language learning as long as they are used correctly. And one of
the medias that researcher had choosen was using Short Movies with English subtitle. Through
movie with subtitle students can be acquire a lot of vocabulary while enjoying the movies. In
addition, Cakir (2006) said the use of image and sounds is very helpful in succes of English four
skills (reading, speaking, writing, listening). During the film, it will be easier for them to
following the plot and learn the idioms. Films can help us develop not only our listening and
speaking skills but also pronunciation and vocabulary.

4. Defintion of Movie

According to Bursan and Manahan as citied in Pratama (2018) stated Movie is a story that
capture in celluloid strips which are shown on screen. However, the technology growing so fast,
movie making nowadays are more digital but the main charachteristics of the movie itself still
remain the same, movie or film are “motion pictures”. Burhan and Manahan also stated that
movie is an art. This fact is acknowledge by Boggs and Petrie as citied in Pratama (2018) as a
form of expression, the motion picture is similar to other artistic media, for the basic properties
of other media are woven into its own rich fabric.

Moreover, Movie has became a part of human life and culture. Through movie people can
express their feelings, messages that wanted to delivered to the others and many more. For
watching a movie people do not have to always go to cinemas, Nowadays movie can be watched
on television, download on internet, youtube etc. most movies are also released with subtitles or
dubbing for worldwide release, Therefore people will be able to watch movies around the world
with subtitle which is suitable as they pleased. Thus, researcher interested to using Movie as a
technique for teaching. As Harmer (2001:282) citied in Amalia (2017) state that movie can be
used as a visual aid in the teaching and learning process. but movies can also be used to teach
people about history, science, human behavior, other cultures and any other subject.

5. Steps of the use Short Movies with Subtitle as teaching process.

a.Before the learning process started, the teacher and students do some activities to active
background knowledge and stimulate the student’s imagination with the material given. The aim
of this stage it should build up the student’s background knowledge which has relationship with
the topic that will be learn. Teacher will give students some pictures and questions such as “do
you like to watch a movie?” “what is your favorite movie?”, “have you ever watched the.. (name
of a movie) “do you know this character (showing a picture of a particular character) “do you
prefer short of long movie?”
b.After that the teacher choose one of a movie that will be played. The movie should be
educative, informative, and entertaining in order students enjoy the movie while getting the
information and the positive things after watched the movies.

c. before the movie started, give the instruction to the students to write down some words that
unfamiliar to them which make them less understand the movie.

d.After the movie ended, the teacher review what is the topic of the movie about and ask what
students have learnt from the movie.

e.After reviewed the movie, the teacher ask students what the words that unfamiliar to them from
the short movie they have watched and the teacher write it down on the board and will be
answered the meaning together, if no one of the students knew the meaning the teacher should be
the one who give the answer.

G. Methodology

Research Design

The researcher used quantitative method. Muijs (2004) citied in Fajri (2018) points out
that in quantitative study, researchers analyze the data obtained that is in numerical form,
statistically. It means the researcher will calculate the data to prove the effectiveness of using
Short Movies with English subtitle in teaching vocabulary. The researcher used experimental
research to examine the study. Experimental is the study that creates a condition to the subject of
research as a treatment. Therefore, in this study the researcher used Pre-experimental research
and choose one group that will be given pre-test, treatment, and post-test.


The population of this study is student’s of SMA Sejahtera Bangsa in Bandung, West
Java. Particuralry at first grade of school. The total number of students in first grade in SMA
Sejahtera Bangsa are consist of 300 students from 10 classes, including both IPA and IPS


However, The writer will choose IPS major which consist of five classes and IPS-1 is
taken as the sample of the research with 30 students as participant. For this research, the
researcher used Random sampling technique which the participants are selected randomly by the
researcher using lotterly.

Instrument of research

The data is obtained by using test and questionnaire as the instruments in collecting the
data for this study. Creswell (2014, p. 192) suggests one group pretest-posttest design as


Group pre-test treatment post-test

Experiment T1 X T2

Tests are given to in order to examine student’s skill in vocabulary by using the tests such
as pre test (T1) , the purpose of this test is to find out student’s ability before the treatment is
given and the purpose of post test (T2) is to find out the significant improvement after student’s
given the treatment whether the technique is effective or not. In both Pre test and Post test
Students will be given 10 questions about the meaning of words related to the movies that will be
played in learning process.

Meanwhile, questionnaire is necessary in order to get student’s respon towards learn

vocabulary by using Movies with English subtitle. The questionnaire will be given after the
researcher has been implementing the technique to find out how student’s feel using different
way of learning by using Movies in teaching process.

Data Analysis

The data will be analysis by using T-test and SPSS.

a. SPSS is kind of software application for analyzing all sorts of data. In this study, the
researcher used SPSS to input the scores that has been collected and to find out the mean
scores from all student’s test about vocabulary mastery.
b. T-test is used to Finding out the significant difference between the students’ achievement
before and after using Short Movies with English subtitle technique calculated it by using

t = t-score

Md = mean of differences between pre-test and post-test

Σ = amount of quadrate deviation

N = total students

c. Based on Sudijono (2017) as citied in Fijri (2018) The technique of analyzing the
questionnaire was by using the following formula such as:

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of respondent

N = Number of Sample

100% = Constant value


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