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SUBJECTIVE: Fluid volume Deficient fluid After 8 hours of Increased fluid Fluid After 8 hours of
“Madalas akong deficit related to volume is a state or nursing intake. Monitor replacement nursing
umihi pero konti active fluid loss condition where the interventions, urinary output. needs are interventions,
lang ang iniinom and decreased fluid output exceeds patient will be Measures fluid losses based on patient was able
kong tubig” as fluid intake the fluid intake. It able to maintain from all sources. correction of to maintain fluid
verbalized by the happens when fluid volume at a current deficits volume at a
patient. water and functional level Palpate peripheral and ongoing functional level
electrolytes are lost as evidence by pulses; note capillary losses. as evidence by
OBJECTIVES: as they exist in individually refill. individually
Flush skin, warm normal body fluids. adequate urinary To measure the adequate urinary
to touch Common sources of output with time taken for output with
fluid loss are the normal specific color to return to normal specific
Restlessness gastrointestinal gravity, stable an external gravity, stable
tract, polyuria, and vital signs, moist capillary bed vital signs, moist
V/S taken as increased mucous after pressure is mucous
follows: perspiration. membranes and applied to cause membranes and
T:36.5 good skin turgor. blanching. good skin turgor.
R: 23
BP: 100/70

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