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Y 2019 - 2020

Automated waste segregator


Michael Luis F. Lagunday

Earl Lawrence P. Ambida
Isaac Joseph M. Balagat

July 2019

Maam Jacqueline Tabujara

Table of contents

Chapter 1..…………………………………………………………………………2


Statement of the problem………………………………………………….3

Scope and delimitations……………………………………………………3

Significance of the study………………………………………………......4

Definition of terms…………………………………………………………..4

Chapter 2…………………………………………………………………………….6

Review of literature………………………………………………………….6



Chapter 3…………………………………………………………………………….9


Preparations of the materials……………………………………………..9

Making the robot………………………………………………………….17

Testing the “Waste Segregator”…………………………………………17

Collection of data…………………………………………………………18
Chapter 1


Pollution is one of the source of changes in our environment. It destroys or

contaminates our natural environment causing adverse change. One of the
things that pollutes habitats are waste. Throwing waste randomly could
actually cause some serious damage too. Some waste pollutes soil, some
goes to the bodies of water and contaminates it and some gets eaten by
animals which could cause them to die. These are only the few effects of
improper Waste Disposal. If people don’t act now, imagine what could happen
a few years later.

This research is made to help lessen the effects of Improper Waste

Management and help our environment take less damage. People can do this
manually but it would be easier to not to do it yourself. Some people is just
ignorant that they would throw the recyclables waste in the same trash bin with
the non-recyclable waste. They get easily mixed up and it’ll be harder to
segregate it.

This machine can separate biodegradable waste , non-biodegradable

waste and that could be easily recycled. By using this machine it could easily
segregate our waste and it is convenient to use too. This machine
automatically separates those waste and puts them in a different trash can/bin
so they don’t get mixed up. It’s a very simple machine but it could be really
useful since improper waste disposal is a problem that our world faces but
refuses to resolve.

The focus of this project is to have a safe manner of disposing trash. People
could do it manually but other people disposes their trash randomly and making
the waste mixed up making it hard to separate the waste according to their
classification. But with the help of modern technology this machine would
classify the waste and put them into separate trash bins. By doing this, the
Government don’t have to worry about the trash getting mixed up. The machine
has a sensor that detects if the trash is Biodegradable, Non- Biodegradable, or
Recyclable. In this way, it is more convenient. This may be a simple machine
but it is very useful because it helps protect the environment from getting
polluted by the waste people are producing. When the trash bins are already
full, the only thing you have to do is dispose the trash collected. And also the
recyclable materials that would be collected from the machine may be used for
creating new products that could help promote recycling. The Biodegradable
waste that would be collected could be used as a fertilizer. The location of the
machine also plays a role in its effectiveness. If it is placed in crowded areas
like malls and other public places it might have to be collected three times a
week because many people would dispose their trash there. If it’s located in a
place where only few people go, it could be collected once a week. This is a
simple way of protecting and keeping our environment healthy. People have to
take care of it because a clean environment means a healthy community.

Statement of the Problem

This study intended to answer the following questions:

1) How would this machine react if when different type of waste is thrown at the
same time?

2) How will the small platform that the waste will stay in for a short period of
time be cleaned?

3) Will the sensor be effective in detecting the 3 types of waste:

A - Recyclable

B - biodegradable

C - Non–biodegradable

4) How much time would it take for the machine to classify the waste?

Scope and Delimitation

The Recycle bins are manually removed by an operator or an individual.

The dumping of the waste have limitation. The location of the machine also
plays a role in its effectiveness, depends on a particular place for example
malls, restaurant, but it mostly focuses on public or private schools. It lessen
the effect of improper waste management. If a lot of waste is thrown at the
same time, the machine might not do the task properly because the sensor will
get confused and not segregate it properly. Also the waste is specifically only
in schools since it’s only a small concept of the big machine.
Significance of the study

Is to have a safe manner of disposing trash. People could do it manually but

other people disposes their trash randomly and making the waste mixed up
making it hard to separate the waste according to their classification. But with
the help of modern technology this machine would classify the waste and put
them into separate trash bins. By doing this, other people don’t have to worry
about the trash getting mixed up. The machine has a sensor that detects if the
trash is Biodegradable, Non- Biodegradable, or Recyclable. In this way, it is
more convenient. This may be a simple machine but it is very useful because it
helps protect the environment from getting polluted by the waste people are
producing. When the trash bins are already full, the only thing you have to do is
dispose the trash collected. And also the recyclable materials that would be
collected from the machine may be used for creating new products that could
help promote recycling. The Biodegradable waste that would be collected could
be used as a fertilizer. The location of the machine also plays a role in its
effectiveness. If it is placed in crowded areas like malls and other public places
you might have to collect it three times a week because many people would
dispose their trash there. If it’s located in a place where only few people go, you
could collect it once a week. This is a simple way of protecting and keeping
our environment healthy. People have to take care of it because a clean
environment means a healthy community.

Definition of terms

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software platform that
enables a user to program Arduino or any controller of the ATmega family. The
back-end of this software is developed using JAVA. This IDE provides a user
the liberty to program an Arduino using C language. It connects to the Arduino
and hardware to upload programs and communicate with them.

Arduino UNO
The Arduino Uno is a popularly used open-source micro-controller board that
runs on ATmega 328P micro-controller. This board is developed by
which is an Italy based hardware company. This board contains a set of digital
and analog I/O data pins that are used to interface this board with other
electronic components. Arduino Uno consists of 14 digital pins and 6 analog
pins. This board can be programmed with the help of Arduino IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) that supports embedded C, its back-end is
constructed using JAVA. Uno consists of an USB port through which the code
can be uploaded on to the board. This post can also be used to power the board
by connecting it to a laptop, PC, etc. Along with a USB port, it also has a DC
input power jack. An external battery of 9V can also be used to power Arduino

IR Sensor
IR sensor is one of the most commonly used sensors in the field of electronics,
it has a large number of applications at the domestic as well as at the industrial
level. IR module is a sensor module that consists of both IR transmitter and a
receiver. Operating voltage of this module is 5 volts and the obstacle detection
range is 5 cm that can be increased by 15 cms. An IR sensor can detect the
heat of an object as well any motion in the surrounding. The functioning of an IR
module is pretty straightforward. As the module contains both transmitter and
receiver. When powered, IR transmitter starts to transmit continuous IR waves,
if an obstacle is placed in the path of the waves, they get reflected back from the
obstacle and are received by the receiver.
Moisture Sensor
As the name indicates, this sensor is used to measure the Moisture content in
a given material. These sensors use the volumetric water content indirectly by
making use of some other properties like electrical resistance, dielectric
constant. In general cases, the sensor generates a voltage proportional to the
dielectric permittivity and therefore measures the moisture content of a

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

This is a flat panel display that uses properties of liquid crystals. LCD displays
do not emit light directly, instead, they use a backlight to develop images in
single color. LCD displays are used in a wide range of applications like
television panel, computer monitors and instrument panels as well. A 16 X 2
LCD means it can display16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In
this display, each character is displayed using a 5×7 pixel matrix.

Waste Segregation

Means Dividing waste into dry and wet. Dry waste includes wood and related
products, metals and glass. Wet waste typically refers to organic waste usually
generated by eating establishments and are heavy in weight due to dampness.
Waste can also be segregeconomic concern.
Chapter 2

Review of Literature

Amrutha Chandramohan et. al.(1). Based on her opinion, there is no such

system for segregating such waste into specific categories, for example dry,
wet, and metallic wastes. A Automated Waste Segregator (AWS) can be
used in household levels, so that the waste can be easily processed. This
"AWS" can employ inductive to identify specific waste such as dry, wet, and
metallic depending on threshold values set. However there are wastes that
cannot be separated by this contraption, it cannot separate ceramic into dry
waste because of the higher relative dielectric constant as compared to the
other dry waste that are being segregated. Just by increasing the accuracy
and the overall efficiency, we can eliminate the noise.

The limitations of this system are it can segregate only one type of waste at a
time with an assigned priority for metal, wet, and dry waste. Thus, buffer
spaces can be used to segregate a mixed type of waste. Since the time for
sensing metal objects is low, the entire sensing module can be placed along a
single platform where the object can easily pass through to ensure better

Nishigandha Kothari et. al.(2) They used Ultrasonic Sensors to monitor the
garbage collection. An interrupt is sent to the microcontroller when the garbage
reaches the sensor level.

J.S Bajaj et. al.(3) Their Study says that the project can be done with so many
upgradations. Some of the upgrades are listed below: There is called advance
processing techniques that can be incorporated once the waste is being
segregated. Methods for individual material feeding for local use so that the
segregation can be performed continuously once the waste is dumped. Image
sensing can be also used for segregating waste through image processing

Rashmi M. Kittali et. al.(4) in his study, even PLC can be used for AWS. It has
an advantage of reduced manpower, improved accuracy and speed
management of waste. It also avoids the risk of working in hazardous places.
This work can be implemented by making use of an robotic arm. This robotic
arm can pick up specific waste that can be re-used. The bins can be unloaded
by placing limit sensors at the top of each bin.

Ashwini D. Awale et. al.(5) According to this study the solid waste
management which in addition to a disturbing balance of environment also has
a adverse effect, which means by this rapid population growth and at the same
time, the technology upgrading fast. They made a machine which takes out the
ignorance of the people who still throw the same waste in the same trash bin
even if its recyclable or not.

Gary Davidson et. al.(6) According to this guy the managing of the waste is
challenging for the (ICI) Industrial, commercial and institutional sectors.
Organizations or big companies almost everyday deal with a wide variety of
materials, large volume of waste also the behaviours of customers, visitors and
or students from within or outside of the province. “In many cases, the most
efficient and cost effective way to manage waste is not to have to deal with
with it at all”. Therefore specific goals and targets are defined in their plan. In
many jurisdictions, The ICI sector follows prescribe federal, provincial and
municipal goals and targets as identified in acts, regulations, and bylaws.

Subha T D et. al.(7) Her machine focuses on separating 3 types of waste such
as metallic, organic, and plastic. Same as the last one she is also using
Ultrasonic Sensor for the monitoring waste collection. The sensors will be
placed all over the machine, especially beside the bins. It will send a signal if
the garbage bin is full the signal is going to be sent to the microcontroller. The
microcontroller will give the indication.

We concluded that we are going to use arduino especially on the sensors that
can easily separate specific waste. We can also use an Ultrasonic Distance
Measure Sensor, to easily tell if the garbage bin is full. If it is, it will display a
warning or message that will indicate that it is full and will not be removed until
the bin is manually cleared out

Our concept or model is basically a just a regular standing box but to improve
the feasibility and accuracy of the system and to make a system cost effective.
We chose to make a system using gates and tunnels which the waste can
pass through, mounting on different sensors at the sides of the tunnels which
will lead to the trash bin so that it can be easily segregated.

If this machine would be successfully created and proven effective with the
help of the technology we are using today, This could help a lot of people
especially our country because of its convenience, it can help the environment
in terms of cleanliness and modernization.


Amrutha Chandramohan, Joyal Mendonca, Nikhil Ravi Shankar, Nikhil U

Baheti, Nitin Kumar Krishnan, MS Suma ; 2014 Texas Instruments India
Educators' Conference (TIIEC), 1-6, 2014.

In this study they shows the rapid growth of population which also increase the
hazardous materials also urbanization and industrialization is the main
problem of the national or just local government to ensure the proper waste

Rashmi M Kittali, Ashok Sutagundar

IJET: International Journal on Emerging Technologies pISSN, 2016.
It’s just the same as the last one it focuses on the fast urbanization and
industrialization such as fast population growth. Their machine focused on
separating dry and wet waste to specified bins.
Marloun Sejera, Joseph Bryan Ibarra, Anrol Sarah Canare, Lyra Escano,
Dianne Claudinne Mapanoo, John Phillip Suaviso2016 IEEE Region 10
Conference (TENCON), 2370-2372, 2016.
Segregation is the first step to total the waste management. Their study focuses on how
inconvenient trash bins in their areas. Because of people who threw the same waste on
the same trash bin. Their machine isolates plastic bottle and tin cans through the use of
the objects resonant frequency.
Author/s: Ashwini D. Awale, Akshada A. Margaje, Akshay B. Jagdale

Author/s: Subha T D
Author/s: Gary Davidson (PDF need internet)
Chapter 3


Preparation of the material

Components that the researchers will use are:

Arduino UNO
The Arduino Uno is a popularly used open-source micro-controller board that
runs on ATmega 328P micro-controller. This board is developed by
which is an Italy based hardware company. This board contains a set of digital
and analog I/O data pins that are used to interface this board with other
electronic components. Arduino Uno consists of 14 digital pins and 6 analog
pins. This board can be programmed with the help of Arduino IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) that supports embedded C, its back-end is
constructed using JAVA. Uno consists of an USB port through which the code
can be uploaded on to the board. This post can also be used to power the board
by connecting it to a laptop, PC, etc. Along with a USB port, it also has a DC
input power jack. An external battery of 9V can also be used to power Arduino

Technical Specifications:

1.Operating Voltage: 5V
2.Input Voltage: 7-20V
3.DC current per I/O pin: 20 mA
4.Flash Memory: 32 KB
5.Clock Frequency: 16 MHz.
6.No. of digital pins: 14
7.No. of analog pins: 6
 General Pin Functions:
1. LED- Arduino Uno contains an onboard built-in LED that is connected to digital
pin 13. When this pin is HIGH, the LED glows.
2. IN- When powering the Arduino using an external power supply, this pin has to
be used.
3. 5V- This pin supplies the board a regulated voltage of 5V via the voltage
regulator.Supplying voltage via the 5V or 3.3V pins bypasses the regulator, and
can damage the board.
4. GND- Arduino Uno consists of 3 ground pins.

Communication: The ATmega328 provides UART TTL (5V) serial commu-

nication, which is available on digital pin 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). ATmega16U2 on
the board channels this serial communication over USB and appears as virtual
com port to software on the computer.
The advantages of Arduino over 8051 or any micro-controller in the 8051 family
is countless. Arduino contains inbuilt ADC and DAC which is not the case with
8051. Programming Arduino is simpler because it can be programmed using an
IDE that supports C programming, on the other hand, 8051 has to be
programmed using assembly language programming.
IR Sensor
IR sensor is one of the most commonly used sensors in the field of electronics,
it has a large number of applications at the domestic as well as at the industrial
level. IR module is a sensor module that consists of both IR transmitter and a
receiver. Operating voltage of this module is 5 volts and the obstacle detection
range is 5 cm that can be increased by 15 cms. An IR sensor can detect the
heat of an object as well any motion in the surrounding. The functioning of an IR
module is pretty straightforward. As the module contains both transmitter and
receiver. When powered, IR transmitter starts to transmit continuous IR waves,
if an obstacle is placed in the path of the waves, they get reflected back from the
obstacle and are received by the receiver.
Technical Specifications:
1.Operating Voltage: 5V 2.Minimum Distance: 2-5 cms 3.Maximum Distance:
10-15 cms
 Circuit Description: The circuit of an infrared sensor contains the following
1.LM358 IC two IR transmitter and receiver pair.
2.Resistors in the kilo ohms range
3.Variable resistors
A4.Light emitting diode
When the IR receiver does not receive a signal, the potential at the inverting
input goes higher than that non-inverting input of the comparator IC (LM339).
Thus the output of the comparator goes low, but the LED does not glow. When
the IR receiver module receives signal to the potential at the inverting input
goes low. Thus the output of the comparator (LM 339) goes high and the LED
starts glowing. Resistor R1 (100 ), R2 (10k) and R3 (330) are used to ensure
that minimum 10 mA current passes through the IR LED Devices like
Photodiode and normal LEDs respectively. Resistor VR2 is used to adjust the
output terminals. Resistor VR1is used to set the sensitivity of the circuit

Moisture Sensor
As the name indicates, this sensor is used to measure the moisture content in a
given material. These sensors use the volumetric water content indirectly by
making use of some other properties like electrical resistance, dielectric
constant. In general cases, the sensor generates a voltage proportional to the
dielectric permittivity and therefore measures the moisture content of a
Technical Specifications

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Unit

Working voltage 2.1 5 5.5 VDC

Analog Output Voltage(VCC=5V) 0 Vout 5 V

The digital Output voltage(VCC=5V) 0 – 5 V

Working Current(VCC=5) – 5 – mA

Threshold Hysteresis(Uth) – VCC*0.09 – V

Liquid Crystal Display

This is a flat panel display that uses properties of liquid crystals. LCD displays
do not emit light directly, instead, they use a backlight to develop images in
single color. LCD displays are used in a wide range of applications like
television panel, computer monitors and instrument panels as well. A 16 X 2
LCD means it can display16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In
this display, each character is displayed using a 5×7 pixel matrix. This LCD has
two pivotal registers that are:
 Command Register: The command register stores the command given to the
LCD by a micro-controller.
 Data Register: The data register stores the data to be displayed on the LCD.
The data that is displayed on the LCD screen, is actually the ASCII value of the
characters that are to be displayed.
Motor Driver Circuit
L293D is a motor driver circuit that is connected with a motor when the required
current for a motor is more than what is specified. Hence, motor drivers act as a
current amplifier. L293D is a 16-pin IC which can control two DC motors
simultaneously. It works on the principle of H-bridge. H-bridge is a circuit which
allows the voltage to be applied in either direction. In a single L293D chip there
are two h-Bridge circuits which can rotate two dc motors independently. The pin
diagram of L293D is as follows:
 Working Principle: There are 4 input pins for l293d, pin 2,7 on the left and pin
15 ,10 on the right. Left pins will control the rotation of the motors connected on
the left side and the right pins will control the rotation of motors connected to
right side. The motors rotate depending upon the input provided to the pins.
The logic table for L293D is as follows:

1.Pin 2 = Logic 1 and Pin 7 = Logic 0 — Clockwise Direction

2.Pin 2 = Logic 0 and Pin 7 = Logic 1 — Anticlockwise Direction
3.Pin 2 = Logic 0 and Pin 7 = Logic 0 — Idle [No rotation]
4.Pin 2 = Logic 1 and Pin 7 = Logic 1 — Idle [No rotation]
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software platform that
enables a user to program Arduino or any controller of the ATmega family. The
back-end of this software is developed using JAVA. This IDE provides a user
the liberty to program an Arduino using C language. It connects to the Arduino
and hardware to upload programs and communicate with them. The IDE
consists of two main parts viz.
 void setup (): This is the location where a user can initialize all the variables that
will be required during the course of programming a system. As the name
suggests, this function is used to set up an Arduino before interfacing it with
other circuits. This area can also be used to include libraries of various sensors.
The popularly used functions in void setup are:
 pinMode: This function is used to declare pins of Arduino as input or output.
 serial.begin: This function is used when Arduino is communicating with other
sensors or devices. This enables a user to set a specific baud rate for
communication purpose.
 void loop (): The code written in this space will run over and over again unless
Arduino is interrupted using an interrupt or the USB cable is disconnected from
the USB port. The different functions that are often used in void loop are:
 digitalWrite: This function is used to make a specific pin on Arduino logically
 digitalRead: This function is used when there is a need to read digital data from
a sensor or when we have to control something using a switch/ push button.
 AnalogRead: This function comes in handy when we have to read analog data
from a sensor eg. Analog read is used when there is a need to read data from a
 AnalogWrite: This function is used when a user wants to supply analog voltages
to a component. The best example of analog write is when the intensity of LED
is controlled using a potentiometer and analog write function.

Gathering the Materials

The Components proposed are bought online by the researchers since it’s
hard to find in locally the researchers use the online to gather the components
that the researchers and robot needs and the materials that are going to be
used to make the outside part of the machine are recycled also the tubes that
are going to be placed inside of the machine. The researchers can find the
recycled materials in local junk shops and even in household.

Making the robot

The researchers will use tin can for the tunnel or passage of the trash to the
bins. Recycled Materials will be used for the chassis of the machine so it will
not cost much and eco-friendly. Next are the components of the proposed
systems are:

M1:Gates driving the segregator to put Biodegradable Waste into the bin

M2:Gates driving the segregator to put Non –Biodegradable Waste into the bin

M3:Gates driving the segregator to put the Recyclable Waste into the bin
The researchers will use Arduino Uno as an open-source micro-controller
board that runs on ATmega 328P micron-controller. IR sensors one of the most
commonly used sensors in the field of electronics, IR module is a sensor
module that consists of both IR transmitter and a receiver. Moisture Sensor
this sensor is used to measure the moisture content in a given material. After
this is put in the detector the researchers will now proceed to the programming
the researchers will use Arduino IDE as a software to program Arduino or
ATmega family to detect the waste that will put in the trash bin.

Testing the Automatic Waste Segregator

Testing the efficacy will be done 3 stages, answering the statement of the
problem with the goal of analyzing the efficacy of the automatic waste
segregator in terms of the separation of the types of the waste, how much time
needed would it take for the machine to segregate the waste. to understand
better, the researchers decided to make a table with different types of waste
that will enter in the segregator to test to have a precise answer to the
statement of the problem.

Collection of data and results

The following tables will be used for the gathered data during testing. It is
the intention of the researchers to have answers given on the statement of the

A. Separating Different Types of Wastes

Three types of the wastes will be used for the testing which will be done in
three consecutive trials using the Automatic Waste Segregator. This Automatic
Waste Segregator will be put with the following different types of the wastes,
first Biodegradable waste which can be found in households or Canteen in
school to be followed by non-biodegradable and last with the Recyclable

Table 1.Seperating Different Types of Waste

Types of Waste 1st Trial 2nd Trial 3rd Trial Final

a. biodegradable Waste

b. non–biodegradable Waste

c. Recyclable Waste
B. Time in Segregating the wastes

To determine the speed of sensor in identifying the waste if it is a

Biodegradable waste, Non-Biodegradable Waste or Recyclable Waste and
time would it takes in segregating different types of wastes.

Table 2.Seperating Different Types of Waste based on Time (Seconds)

Types of Waste 1st Trial 2nd Trial 3rd Trial Final

a. biodegradable Waste

b. non–biodegradable Waste

c. Recyclable Waste

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