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Date :12th September 2019

Time :.2.30 pm

Venue : Bilik Gerakan

Attendance : All Lower Form English Teachers


1 Chairperson’s Speech

1.1 The chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1.2 She thanked all English teachers for working closely together to ensure the success of
the activities and programmes held by the panel. She hoped for continuous support from
all panel members.

2. Head of Language Department’s Speech

2.1 Pn Rina thanked all the English teachers for their commitment and support.

2.2 The head of department reminded all the teachers to get ready preparations for the
year 2020 as all teaching and learning process must be done on the first day of school.

2.3 She informed the panel that the coordinators for each form must get ready the annual
scheme of work during the holiday and distribute to the respective teachers during the
first staff meeting which will be held on the 30th December 2019.

Action to be taken by : All form coordinators

2.4 The form coordinators for non-exam classes are requested to prepare a mega
programme aiming to help to booast achievement in English during exam.They are
required to send in their proposal and budget to the head of department on or before
18th November 2019.

Action to be taken by : Form 1,2,3 and Remove English Panel coordinators

3. Approval of Previous Minutes

3.1 The chairperson suggested the previous minutes of meeting to be approved. Pn Aziati
proposed the minutes to be approved and was seconded by Pn RosAdila.

4. Matters arising

4.1 The English Language Panel will continue carrying out the same activities for the year
2020 as this year with a few changes.

Action to be taken : All English teachers

4.2 The teachers in charge are requested to prepare schedules and distribute them to the
panel members when 30th December 2019.

4.3 PBD 2019 – The chairperson congratulate and thanked all the teachers for
successfully completing their PBD.

5 Post mortem of ALL Examination 2019

5.1 The chairperson hoped that the target of achieving 50 As in the coming PT3 exam will
be achieved with the commitment shown by the English team.

6 Panel management and desk files

6.1 Pn Rina reminded all teachers to prepare their desk files respectively as soon possible.

6.2 Pn Rina also requested the English Language Panel management file to be completed

Action to be taken: All panel members

7 Proposed teachers allocation for 2020

7.1 The proposed English teacher allocation for 2020 is done and submitted to Head of
Language Department for further action.

8 Proposed programme for 2020

8.1 All English teachers are encouraged to submit any suggestions for the panel’s
programme for 2020 by 18th November 2019.

8.2 Programmes can include

8.2.1 collaboration between English and Malay Language panels eg activities during the
language month
8.2.2 participation from schools in Mantin

8.2.3 non-exam classes [ form 1, 2 and Remove

8.2.4 programme budget

9 Other Matters

9.1 Task allocation for yearly / annual scheme of work

9.1.1 The respective teachers are required to prepare and distribute the scheme of work
on 30th December 2019 and make sure to include the date and week as done in 2019.

9.2 First Staff Meeting will be held on 30th December 2019.

The meeting was adjourned at 3.30 pm.

Prepared by,


(Rina Gunasegaran)

Head of English Language Panel (LS)


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