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Instagram (also called IG or Insta) is a photo and video sharing application that
allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters, and share them to various
social networking services, including Instagram's own. One unique feature on Instagram is
cutting photos into square shape, so it looks like the results of Kodak Instamatic and
polaroid cameras. This is different from the 4: 3 or 16: 9 aspect ratio that is commonly used
by cameras on mobile devices. Instagram can be able to interact socially, share photos and
videos and increase popularity with many friends or followers. Instagram can be used on
any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with the iOS 7.0 operating system or later, any Android
mobile phone with the operating system version 2.2 (Froyo) and above, and Windows
Phone 8. This application can be downloaded via the Apple App Store and Google Play.
Other functions of Instagram are:

1. Interaction between Instagram users

Currently there is also a live record facility or what is popularly called Insta Story which
allows video recorders to share their activities via live video while interacting with friends
who are watching it.

2. Recommended vacation spots

It is undeniable that most of the photos or videos shared on Instagram provide information
and beauty of a tourist spot. Everyone will want a vacation trip or recreation enshrined in
photos or videos, then shared on Instagram.

3. Finding and sharing info / knowledge

Among the many users on Instagram, of course you will find a non-personal / personal
account with share info or knowledge in certain fields.

Instagram is usually used by all people in the world. We have to use Instagram
because through Instagram, users can share photos and videos with others. As information,
Instagram itself is a social media that was founded in 2010. Since its launch, social media has
managed to attract active users who are quite amazing.

Social media is now part of the lifestyle of smartphone users. How not, a day without
updating the status on Facebook or uploading stories on Instagram is an 'odd' thing for
some people.Like a smartphone, social media can make people addicted, if they can't
control themselves how long they open it. But in Instagram has a reminder feature and a
new way to limit notifications. We have developed this feature in collaboration with experts
and mental health organizations and academics, supported by in-depth research and direct
advice from Instagram users. We want the time you spend on Instagram to be a positive and
inspiring time.

Instagram Strengths:
1. Beautify our photo

2. Can share photos

3. Market a product or sell online

4. Instagram also develops InstaMessage, a chat feature between Instagram users

Lack of Instagram:

1. The video that we upload is only about 15 seconds long

2. Because it's smartphone-based, the photos posted on Instagram are small and often not
clearly visible

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