Asking About Feelings: (Dia Terlihat Sedih) (Gurunya Sedang Marah)

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Expressing Feelings

Sometimes you will need to express an emotion such as joy or sorrow to the person
you're talking to.

Asking about Feelings

To ask about feelings you can use the following questions:

 How are you feeling today?

 You look sad / upset. Are you OK?
 You seem a little bit distracted. Are you alright?
 You seem kind of low today. What's wrong?
 You seem a little blue today. What's the matter?
 What's wrong?
 What's the matter?
 Are you OK / alright?
 Are you happy / angry...?
 Is everything OK / alright...?

Expressing Feelings

To respond to a question about feelings you can uss the following expressions.

 I feel a little sad / happy / angry / ....

 I am a little sad / happy / angry / ....
 To be honest, I'm a little bit sad / happy / angry / ....
 It's been a difficult day.
 The thing is that, I am angry / sad / ...
 I am mad at him / her..

Vocabulary about feelings

 sad / unhappy
 feel blue
 feel low / down
 depressed
 downhearted
 angry
 cross
 annoyed
 irritated
 mad
 furious
 vexed
 indignant
 irate
 seething

Contoh Kalimat Expressing Feelings

 She looks sad
(dia terlihat sedih)
 The teacher is angry
(gurunya sedang marah)
 You and I are always happy
(Kau dan aku selalu senang)
 He feels confident
(dia merasa percaya diri)
 I am happy to see you
(aku senang melihatmu)
 I'm afraid we will running out of tickets
(aku takut kita akan kehabisan tiket)
 She lost her key because she's clumsy
(dia kehilangan kunci karena dia sangat ceroboh)
 I feel scared when entering the haunted house
(aku merasa takut ketika memasuki rumah hantu)
 I am so tired after all day worked
(aku sangat lelah setelah sepanjang hari bekerja)
 He's jealous when he saw her ex-girlfriend dating another man.
(dia sangat iri ketika dia melihat mantan pacarnya mengencani lelaki lain)

A: Why weren't you at school yesterday?
B: I wasn't really feeling well.
A: What was wrong with you?
B: My stomach was upset.
A: Do you feel better now?
B: I don't really feel too well yet.
A: Do you want anything to make you feel better?
B: No, thanks. I already took some medicine.
A: I hope you feel better.
B: Thank you.

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