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Teachers Performance in terms of Curriculum Content and Pedagogy

Data shows that of level of performance in terms of curriculum and pedagogy the grand

mean is 4.23 with a verbal interpretation of very favorable attitude. The item with the highest

mean of 4.44 with a verbal interpretation of very favorable is “I let my pupils follow routines and

procedures to maximize instructional time.” Curriculum content and pedagogy whereas respect is

an affective outcome of teachers’ performance of what has been perceived to be favorable

attitude. This shows that teachers are aware of the importance of learning the process of the

curriculum and eager to help their pupils in all aspects to be effective in all means. Teachers are

encouraged to use the cooperative technique because in this technique the pupils are exposed to

several activities which require the use of several senses. On the other hand, a developmentally

appropriate curriculum is one that is age appropriate and socio- culturally appropriate. A

kindergarten curriculum framework considers the developmental benchmarks of Filipino five-

years-old, recommends the use of strategies that address needs and interests of the learner, and

uses the mother tongue as medium of instruction. (NAEYC, 2009)

According to the National Association for Education of young Children kindergarten is a

critical year to children. Their experiences nurture positive approaches to learning and prepare

children for the more rigorous academic expectation of the primary grades. Therefore,

kindergarten teachers should master the mother tongue-based instruction and used as what the

curriculum planned as prevalence of high functional literacy among Filipino children (NAEYC,


Labrador (2009) said that there is an urgent need to infuse new vitality in all our public

school classrooms, by placing professional teachers who are imbued with competencies based on
national standards. This will assure the best learning outcomes needed to enhance the knowledge

and skills of your youth.

It is indeed, high time for all the teachers to take personal responsibility for their own

professional development. As they take the bolder steps to combine their professional

development in terms of learning to deliver the right curriculum to their clientele, there is no

doubt that the education sector will remain as the frontline agent of transformation. As teachers,

the respondents need to read a lot of books and trainings especially on how to deliver lessons in

MTB-MLE to keep abreast of the modern trends and principles in teaching. Otherwise, they will

fall behind their pupils who are exposed to the internet and other electronic devices. Their means

of keeping abreast of the practices in teaching are books, magazines and other printed materials.

Teachers Performance in terms of Planning, Assessing, Reporting

The findings of the data collected revealed regular manifestation of the teacher’s

performance in terms of planning, assessing, reporting – a clear indication that teacher’s stability

or create a synergy between their cognitive and affective abilities to produce effective outcomes

in the completion of responsibilities and in the accomplishment of goals. The findings showed

the act of cognition and the act of affection dimensionally. According to Verplaetse and

Miglicacci 2008, for xample, the strategy of using graphic organizers gives students a visual

representation, which, when accompanied by a verbal explanation using mother tongue, can

increase their acquisition of the material. Using Mother tongue maintains that building on

background knowledge and providing comprehensible input are essential to promoting the

academic success. Building on background knowledge helps students learn new material by
linking it to their previous learning and experiences. Providing comprehensible input ensures that

information is in a format that can be understood by these students (Verplaeste and Miglicacci,


Teaching- learning process to take place in the classroom does not happen in a second. It

requires intended planning of the teacher, adoption of appropriate strategies and techniques, and

use of different instructional materials that is reliable and valid to achieve instructional

objectives. Teachers should identify teaching- learning difficulties and possible causes and

interpret it and used it to improved teaching- and learning. Simon (2007) recommended that

selection of appropriate material is crucial for explicating L1 and =L2 cross- linguistic influences

on language development. Cenoz and Egiguren (2009) found no difference in L3 acquisition

between beginning L3 at age four or age eight. Brain development allowed eight years-old to

advance quickly to the acquisition level of students who began L3 at age four (Simon, 2007).

If a teacher expects to help children understand and appreciate the world, he must first

understand the nature of it. A teacher must be ready to answer all the questions in the minds of

the pupils. A teacher should be well rounded not only to her field of interest but also to other

fields of knowledge and how it is functional in the real-life situation of the pupils. Nevertheless,

it is good to note that, as shown in the results, the containment and appearance of the teacher’s

attitudes affect their performance. This leads to suggestion that teachers can influence his ideas

and view but the decision to be made must be objective and still aligned to the strategies and

procedures in the completion of tasks or curriculum.

Significant relationship between the teachers’ attitudes towards MTB-MLE’s awareness of

the curriculum and implementation of the teachers’ level of teaching performance

Teachers’ attitudes towards MTB-MLE’s awareness of the curriculum and

implementation are significantly related to the teaching performance of the respondents. Findings

show the Pearson values the relationship between the teachers’ attitudes towards MTB-MLE’s

awareness of the curriculum and implementation and the teachers’ level of teaching

performance. The probability was highly significant because the t-value (0.367**) and the value

of sig. 2tailed (0.000) were more than 0.05.

These indicate that the respondents have mastered and are fully aware of the concepts and

principles in the different subjects of the new curriculum. This should be nourished and

improved to continue high level performance of the teacher.

Teachers are expected to be knowledgeable and totally aware of the curriculum and

implementation of MTB-MLE. Teachers should strive to use teaching strategies which will make

the learning of the pupils more lively and interesting (Godley et al., 2006).

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