Lovecraftian Horror Namer PDF

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Table A ............................................................

Lovecraftian Horror Namer Table B ........................................................ 4
In some dark corners of the world lie Table C ........................................................ 5
creatures and beings that are almost Table D ........................................................ 6
indescribable. To hear their name is to invoke
Examples ..................................................... 7
terror, to see them is to bring madness down
on a fragile mortal mind. There are simply
things in the universe you were not meant to
know. And each of them has name.

To use this horror name generator is quite

simple, all you need is a couple of d10 dice.

1. Roll a d100 (two d20 with one

nominated as the tens the other as
the single)
2. Check the result on each of the tables,
combining the last two parts as one
3. You can roll for each chart or save
time and use the same number on each table. Or roll on the examples
table provided.
Go here for free RPG resources, samples
and news about upcoming products Want more options or different formats? Use
one of the format listed below for more
complex names etc.
Twitter: @enneadgames
D10 Result Format
1 The [a] [b] of [c][d]
Copyright 2 The [a] [b] of [c]’[d]
Ennead Games ©2016 3 The [a] [b] of [c]-[d]
4 The [a] [b] of [c]’[d][d]
Cover background/Page Background 5 The [a] [b] of [c]-[d][d]
Lord Zsezse Works © - 2016 6 The [a] [b] of [c]’[d]’[d]
7 The [a] [b] of [c]-[d]’[d]
8 The [a] [b] of [c]’[d]-[d]
9 The [a] [b] of [c][d][d][d]
10 The [a] [b] of [c][d][d][d][d]

Example: You roll a 1 then your d100 roll gives

you a 60. Saving time you decide on using the
same number on each table, giving you the
result of Lesser Minion of Nyagrath.

Table A 50 Horrible
51 Horrific
D100 Table A 52 Indestructible
1 Aberrant 53 Infected
2 Abhorrent 54 Infernal
3 Abominable 55 Infested
4 Abyssal 56 Infinite
5 Ancient 57 Insidious
6 Aquatic 58 Jabbering
7 Astral 59 Jeering
8 Black 60 Lesser
9 Blasphemous 61 Living
10 Brutal 62 Loathsome
11 Celestial 63 Lurking
12 Chilling 64 Mad
13 Crawling 65 Mist
14 Creeping 66 Mouldy
15 Crypt 67 Mutated
16 Damned 68 Nameless
17 Dark 69 Necrotic
18 Dead 70 Night
19 Deep 71 Nightmarish
20 Delirious 72 Obscene
21 Demented 73 Poisonous
22 Detestable 74 Profane
23 Dimensional 75 Purple
24 Dismal 76 Red
25 Disturbed 77 Repugnant
26 Dread 78 Repulsive
27 Elder 79 Savage
28 Eldritch 80 Shadow
29 Esoteric 81 Shambling
30 Eternal 82 Shunned
31 Etheral 83 Sightless
32 Evil 84 Sliding
33 Excited 85 Slimy
34 Faceless 86 Slithering
35 Feral 87 Star
36 Fetid 88 Tentacled
37 Flying 89 Ugly
38 Formless 90 Unkilliable
39 Frantic 91 Unknown
40 Freakish 92 Unspeakable
41 Frenzied 93 Vicious
42 Gangerous 94 Void
43 Gaunt 95 Wailing
44 Giant 96 White
45 Goulish 97 Wicked
46 Greater 98 Winged
47 Grisly 99 Yellow
48 Grotesque 100 Zealous
49 Hideous

Table B 50 Grub
51 Hopper
D100 Table B 52 Horror
1 Abomination 53 Hound
2 Advocate 54 Hunter
3 Affliction 55 Hydra
4 Apostle 56 Jumper
5 Assassin 57 Larva
6 Attendant 58 Leviathan
7 Bane 59 Maggot
8 Beast 60 Minion
9 Beauty 61 Monster
10 Being 62 Monstrosity
11 Brood 63 Mutant
12 Brute 64 Offspring
13 Burrower 65 Ogre
14 Butcher 66 Ones
15 Cannibal 67 Ooze
16 Champion 68 Outsider
17 Children 69 Peon
18 Cleric 70 Pest
19 Corruption 71 Phantom
20 Crawlers 72 Plague
21 Creature 73 Pleasure
22 Creeper 74 Polyps
23 Critter 75 Progeny
24 Curse 76 Prowlers
25 Cyclops 77 Rat
26 Dead 78 Savage
27 Devourer 79 Scavanger
28 Disciple 80 Scourge
29 Doppleganger 81 Scraper
30 Dwellers 82 Servants
31 Eidolon 83 Shade
32 Enforcer 84 Shamblers
33 Entity 85 Slave
34 Executioner 86 Snake
35 Feline 87 Soldier
36 Fiend 88 Spawn
37 Fighter 89 Stalkers
38 Floater 90 Swimmer
39 Flunky 91 Swine
40 Flyer 92 Thing
41 Follower 93 Thug
42 Freak 94 Torment
43 Fungus 95 Vandal
44 Gargoyle 96 Vermin
45 Giant 97 Visitor
46 Glider 98 Walkers
47 Glutton 99 Worms
48 Goat 100 Young
49 Goblin

Table C 50 Lo
51 Mhaa
D100 Table C 52 Mhee
1 Ab 53 Mhii
2 Aiz 54 Mhoo
3 Ash 55 Mig
4 Ashtor 56 Myy
5 Asta 57 Nil
6 Aza 58 Nop
7 Azar 59 Nya
8 Azaz 60 Nyag
9 Bun 61 Nyar
10 Bya 62 Nyarla
11 Byak 63 Nyog
12 Byal 64 Omli
13 Chaug 65 Ong
14 Clen 66 Oth
15 Clia 67 Otha
16 Ctha 68 Othe
17 Cthath 69 Ra
18 Cthon 70 R'y
19 Cthug 71 Sha
20 Cthul 72 Shog
21 Dag 73 Shub
22 Dhoh 74 Shyg
23 Doh 75 Soth
24 Dryn 76 Tak
25 Eha 77 Thac
26 Faug 78 Tsa
27 Gag 79 Tsag
28 Gha 80 Tsath
29 Ghata 81 Ub
30 Ghatan 82 Ugg
31 Gin 83 Uuk
32 Golo 84 Vux
33 Gro 85 Xian
34 Gulg 86 Ya
35 Gyan 87 Ybh
36 Hal 88 Yeg
37 Hast 89 Yg
38 Hydo 90 Y'g
39 Ick 91 Yi
40 Ig 92 Yith
41 Ith 93 Yo
42 Itha 94 Yog
43 Ithaq 95 Yu
44 Kei 96 Za
45 Kha 97 Ze
46 Kla 98 Zo
47 Kyn 99 Zu
48 Len 100 Zy
49 Leng

Table D 50 on
51 onac
D100 Table D 52 orve
1 adreh 53 oss
2 agu 54 oth
3 ash 55 othoa
4 aten 56 oxa
5 azak 57 pu
6 azar 58 pul
7 azash 59 pux
8 brex 60 rath
9 brix 61 sca
10 don 62 sogoth
11 drah 63 tha
12 dren 64 thal
13 drey 65 thath
14 ekesh 66 thoa
15 endox 67 thorc
16 eth 68 thotep
17 gash 69 thoth
18 gha 70 thran
19 gnass 71 thras
20 gon 72 thrist
21 goth 73 thun
22 grunark 74 uga
23 gua 75 ugha
24 ho 76 ulhi
25 hotep 77 ulhu
26 hoth 78 urath
27 hu 79 ush
28 ian 80 xan
29 igig 81 xen
30 igog 82 xex
31 igu 83 xio
32 ikesh 84 xon
33 in 85 yan
34 ithed 86 yaya
35 itheth 87 yen
36 kesh 88 yin
37 khee 89 yon
38 la 90 ysh
39 lash 91 yun
40 loth 92 zal
41 lyeh 93 zay
42 lyth 94 zel
43 milbh 95 zho
44 na 96 zhux
45 nac 97 zidush
46 nar 98 zyag
47 nash 99 zyan
48 oggua 100 zyig
49 olhio

Examples 25 The Esoteric Phantom of Ub-
D100 Example Names 26 The Eternal Executioner of
1 The Abominable Thing of Bun’drah-goth
Lenogguathunzalsogoth 27 The Etheral Entity of
2 The Abyssal Attendant of Hydolashorveikeshigog
Khaxenurathendoxthorc 28 The Evil Follower of Hast-
3 The Ancient Thing of ash’xon
Clia’gnass-pul 29 The Evil Slave of Gha’zel-thorc
4 The Aquatic Giant of 30 The Evil Vermin of Azagrunark
Len’nac’sca 31 The Excited Larva of
5 The Aquatic Horror of Uggzhuxlyehpul
Chaug’xonthath 32 The Feral Ooze of Nyog-
6 The Black Cyclops of ulhuoggua
Gag’ogguabrix 33 The Fetid Progeny of
7 The Black Giant of Fauglyeh Tsag’pux’endox
8 The Blasphemous Enforcer of 34 The Fetid Young of Kla-on
Ash-urath 35 The Flying Swine of Hydo’eth-
9 The Chilling Glutton of rath
Bun’aten-zel 36 The Formless Snake of Omlizal
10 The Crawling Flyer of Yog- 37 The Frantic Glutton of Itha’ash
ugaolhio 38 The Freakish Bane of
11 The Crawling Glutton of Ashtor’zho
Zo’igig-thrist 39 The Freakish Devourer of
12 The Damned Apostle of Nya- Shub’xan-orve
brex 40 The Freakish Servants of
13 The Dark Attendant of Goloigigatenushlash
Ig’thorcyan 41 The Gangerous Cyclops of
14 The Dark Devourer of Uuk- Xian-gha’milbh
khee 42 The Goulish Jumper of
15 The Deep Peon of Ze’on- Chaug’goth’on
grunark 43 The Greater Advocate of
16 The Delirious Brood of Shygrathazakyon
Mig’urath-onac 44 The Greater Brute of
17 The Demented Corruption of Omli’khee
Faug’brex’yin 45 The Greater Creeper of Ithzel
18 The Detestable Walkers of Lo- 46 The Greater Enforcer of
xex Tsag’gash’lyth
19 The Dismal Crawlers of Azar- 47 The Infernal Progeny of
milbhthras Myyazak
20 The Disturbed Goat of 48 The Infested Champion of
Ig’hoth’urath Gro’lash
21 The Elder Feline of 49 The Infested Glutton of
Azathoaaguatenrath Kei’onac-pux
22 The Elder Grub of Dhohtha 50 The Infinite Plague of Ubrath
23 The Esoteric Corruption of 51 The Insidious Corruption of
Aza-zyanazar Cthath-ulhu’oggua
24 The Esoteric Enforcer of 52 The Jabbering Horror of
Ginatenpulthapul Nyog’kheelash

53 The Jeering Outsider of 80 The Sightless Giant of
Hydo’xen Khathrasgrunarkikeshkesh
54 The Jeering Scourge of Yoash 81 The Sliding Eidolon of Nya-
55 The Lesser Flyer of Dhoh- xiodrey
thal’zyag 82 The Slimy Hopper of
56 The Living Crawlers of Gulg- Leng’oggua-gash
xonmilbh 83 The Slimy Stalkers of Yu-
57 The Living Gargoyle of lashyun
Cthath’zyag’itheth 84 The Slimy Swimmer of
58 The Loathsome Snake of Ra- Tsag’agu’on
ikesh 85 The Slithering Being of Za’hu
59 The Lurking Ogre of Eha’ash- 86 The Slithering Critter of Dryn-
olhio agu’oss
60 The Mist Visitor of Mig’oxa 87 The Star Horror of Myy-nac’yin
61 The Moldy Abomination of 88 The Star Servants of Clen’orve-
Tak’adrehkesh zyig
62 The Moldy Scraper of 89 The Tentacled Scraper of
Mhiiianoxadreythun Ghaxio
63 The Moldy Spawn of Leng- 90 The Unknown Giant of Chaug-
hotep ulhi
64 The Mutated Minion of 91 The Unspeakable Burrower of
Kladrahdreynar R'y’ugathoa
65 The Nameless Larva of Kha- 92 The Vicious Phantom of Ze’ian
drahugha 93 The Void Offspring of
66 The Necrotic Plague of Cthugthal
Byal’yan’eth 94 The Void Pest of Za-kesh
67 The Night Ogre of Clia’yen- 95 The Void Pleasure of Gulg’oxa
orve 96 The White Cyclops of Thac’zal
68 The Night Swimmer of Eha-gha 97 The Winged Attendant of
69 The Nightmarish Snake of Ick- Y'g’ulhi’ysh
zel 98 The Yellow Crawlers of Yg’xan
70 The Profane Apostle of 99 The Yellow Cyclops of Azaz-
Chaug’zhux zyag
71 The Profane Dwellers of 100 The Zealous Attendant of
Soth’yon-ian Nyarzaldonugha
72 The Purple Savage of Gagna
73 The Red Scraper of Ybh’gon-in
74 The Repugnant Executioner of
75 The Savage Scourge of Ick-
76 The Savage Vermin of Ygyen
77 The Shambling Butcher of
78 The Shambling Jumper of
79 The Sightless Follower of

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