RC Holy Spirit E-Bulletin WBIII No. 16

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Official News Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

The Dove
November 10, 2010 Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines Vol. III No. 16
Officers and Members
RY 2010-2011
RC Holy Spirit supports district fund-raising project
Chair—Networking The ―Globalroom Dancing‖, a fund-raising event of the District 3780
ANTONIO KENT M VALDERRAMA Spouses last November 6, 2010 was a huge success. The dance hall
Vice President/PN was filled to the brim with Rotarians and guests dancing the night
PEDRITO M CONDENO away to the music of the renown Nonoy Lopez Band. RCHS Rotari-
Chair—Fund Generation ans Peth Rivera, Marlene Martinez, Charing Gerochi and Marcia Sal-
FERNANDO M DELGRA JR vador came with their friends in support of the project. IPP Linda also
Secretary arrived after another engagement.
Chair—New Generation
Chair—Health & Wellness
Chair– Rotaract
Chair—Membership Development
Chair – Club Administration
Chair—Service Projects
Chair – Public Relations
Chair—Karlife Project
Chair – The Rotary Foundation Tree-planting activity of RC Holy Spirit is re-set
JOSE B DEL ROSARIO JR Due to time constraints, the club‘s tree-planting activity initially sched-
ROSARIO D GEROCHI uled for Friday, Nov 12, 2010 shall be held at a later date, most likely
IN IL ―David‖ KIM in early 2011. Year 2011 has been declared by the United Nations as
JONG MYEONG KIM Year of the Forests.
MARYLENE MARTINEZ United Nations Declares 2011 Year of the Forests
LYDIA PEDERNAL The United Nations General Assembly declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests
MA. PERPETUAL S RIVERA to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and sustainable develop-
FR STEVE TYNAN, MGL ment of all types of forests.
UN is working to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and sustain-
able development of all types of forests.
Honorary Members
PDG DANILO V. FAUSTO View United Nations Program ―Celebrating Forests for People‖ Click http:

The FOUR-WAY TEST of the Things We Think, Say and Do

Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL
and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The RI President’s monthly message RC Holy Spirit launches web-linked e-bulletin
November 2010

Reach Out to Africa

I was a Rotary Scholar at the University of Cape Town in 1961.
During my year there, I traveled 16,000 miles through South
Africa and the countries now known as Zimbabwe, Zambia, and
Namibia. I visited 35 Rotary clubs, met countless Rotarians, and During the meeting last Nov 3, Club Admin Chair Ric
became immersed in the rich culture of Southern Africa. Salvador explained and demonstrated the new fea-
During my initial visit, I developed a deep appreciation for both tures of the electronic version of The Dove, our news
the traditions and the challenges of life in Africa, and my respect bulletin that is e-mailed to members and several
and admiration for the land and people have caused me to re- hundred other addressees here and abroad weekly.
turn several times as a Rotarian. Now – almost amazingly – I The desired outcome is to make our club e-bulletin
have a unique opportunity to use my experience as a Rotary more information-laden and fun to read by embed-
Scholar to enhance the role of Rotary in Africa! ding links to multi-media content of selected web
sites, such as those suggested by the RI President.
This is the fourth year of the Reach Out to Africa (ROTA) initia-
tive, and the ROTA Committee for this year has been stream-
lined to move more quickly and efficiently to achieve its goals.
We need to increase the number of Rotarians in Africa! I also Support our ‗Share-a-Toy‘ project on Dec 4th
hope to see a substantial increase in international service pro-
jects for Africa, particularly those projects with assistance from Our Share-a-Toy project which is intended to
The Rotary Foundation. The ROTA Committee has an excellent benefit up to 800 children aged 5-10 from the
website, and I encourage all Rotarians to review it depressed areas of Bgy Holy Spirit will be
at www.reachouttoafrica.org . held on Saturday, December 4, 2010. The
I have implemented two new activities this year to make it easier project is chaired by Rtn Kgd Baby Lorenzo.
for Rotarians to visit Africa and to increase their involvement in Treas Marcia who co-chairs the project has
international service projects. The first is Ray’s Rotary Reun- already donated 100 toys for boys and girls.
ions, to be held in Cape Town 3-5 February, and I hope many
Rotarians will join me in the Fairest Cape for that event. The RCHS members are urged to solicit the
second, Rotary Project Safaris, will facilitate visits by Rotarians needed toys for this project. Deadline for turn
to the areas of the world where poverty is prevalent, and where -over of the toys is November 24, 2010.
local Rotarians have developed many beneficial projects that
need financial assistance. More information about the reunions
and the safaris is available on the RI president’s pages
at www.rot ary.o rg/p r esiden t . Plea se con- Dr Bong leads another Medical Mission
tact elsa.sanabria@rotary.org for any needed assistance. based on alternative oriental medical care
I am proud to be a product of The Rotary Foundation, and it will at Masaya CDP Center in Payatas
be the most significant achievement of my presidency if I can There were 97 beneficiary-patients including those
serve as a catalyst to enhance Rotary in Africa! So come join given free acupuncture treatment last Nov 7, 2010.
me for the reunions and the safaris. Help me to complete the
circle from being a Rotary Foundation Scholar in Africa to help-
ing Rotary in Africa to be Bigger, Better, and Bolder! (Watch a
video invitation from the president.)
RI President
Ray Klinginsmith

From the editors of e-bulletin version of The Dove -

Rotarians who wish to review the websites sug-
gested by RI President Ray Klinginsmith may simply
click the links highlighted/underscored in the Presi-
dent‘s Message above.
Tonight’s Program INVOCATION
November 10, 2010 O Lord, whose will it is that all Your people should live together
7:00 – 7:45 Assembly-Dinner-Fellowship in harmony,
Call to Order Pres Dodgie Osabel We thank You Lord for the opportunities we find in our club
Invocation To widen our circle of friendship and goodwill as we provide
National Anthem service to others.
Rotarian’s Pledge Lead us daily to find new avenues of service and goodwill
Introduction of Guests Rotarian Concerned in our business, professional, and personal life.
Upcoming community service projects to prepare for: Give us patience in dealing with those who may not share the
 Nov 20 — 2nd Fasting Blood Sugar Screening same views and priorities.
 Dec 4 — Share-a-Toy Program for kids Give us creativity in finding ways to express ourselves which will
 Dec 21— Make-a-Child-Happy with SMF build better relationships.
 Jan 22 — Bgy-wide Massive Dog Vaccination
And Lord, please provide us with a sense of humor
Other Updates, if any that we may not take ourselves too seriously.
District Events Update IPP Linda Palattao Bless Rotarians of Holy Spirit and their activities and service
President’s Time Pres Dodgie Osabel
projects for the community.
Adjournment Pres Dodgie Osabel May the world be a better place because Rotarians, their friends
Night Chairman and other volunteer service organizations have been there.
Rtn Thelma Marcelo Amen

I am a Rotarian
I will always uphold the TRUTH.
I am a Rotarian
I will always strive to be FAIR
in all of my dealings with my fellowmen.
I am a Rotarian
I will always endeavor to build
in my community,
among my countrymen
Pres Dodgie closes ALS workshop for Instruc-
tional Managers and people of all nations.
Pres Diogenes Osabel was Guest Speaker during I am a Rotarian
the closing ceremony of the DepEd Alternative
I will always seek to promote
Learning System Accreditation & Equivalency
Workshop for Instructional Managers & Service the greatest good
Providers last Oct 22 at the DepEd Regional Edu- for the greatest number of people
cational Learning Center in Marikina. in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE.
With him in the photo are Officials of DepEd-NCR I am a Rotarian
headed by Dr. Virginia Silvestre, ALS Division Chief
I will always uphold
& Rtn. JR Delgra. Ms. Josefina Mamuyac of QCALI,
one of the sponsored attendees of RCHS, received the Rotary International Motto,
her training certificate during the event. SERVICE ABOVE SELF.
Program for a Memorable Meeting on Nov 17, 2010
7:00 – 7:45 Assembly-Dinner-Fellowship
Call to Order Pres Dodgie Osabel
Updates— Headlines only
Learning session
Guest Speaker Maj Gen Rolando Floria AFP (Ret)
Topic My Life: A testimony of God’s
grace, love, and healing power

President’s Time Pres Dodgie Osabel

Night Chairman
PE Ped Condeno

Rotarians please come with your spouse & friends on Wed, Nov 17 at 7:00 PM, to listen to Gen Andy Floria who will
share testimony to his recent miraculous survival from dreaded disease.
General Andy graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point, has an MBA from La Salle and masters de-
gree from the University of New South Wales in Australia, and was Deputy AFP Chief of Staff when he retired from
military service in 2002.

Please call or text RCHS Pres Dodgie Click box to view detailed Resume of
Osabel (0917-885-1155), PE Ped Con- Maj. General Rolando Floria
deno (0917-880-2145), or Treas
Marcia Salvador (0919-665-3430) to
confirm your attendance and number
of guests who will be with you on
Wednesday, Nov 17. Thanks.
The e-bulletin is linked to the Web for added value.
Simply click the link-boxes while you are on-line.
Happy Birthday Greetings Features this Issue
Article on Sustainable Rotary Projects
to November & December Celebrants http://
―Lasting Lessons‖ The Rotarian Nov 2010
Nov 19 - Secretary JR Delgra
Featured in our The Dove last week
Dec 4 - Rtn Fr Steve Tynan MGL
Watch RCHS video uploads to YouTube : http://ww
Dec 17 - GP Dodgie Osabel
Latest update on the Weather from PAGASA: http://w

The Dove, Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Up-to-the-hour world news from CNN: http://ed
Holy Spirit, is published by the Administration Entertainment break:
Committee of the club. Charice—A Star is Born http://
Printed copies are distributed to club members
during meetings while the digital e-bulletin version
is e-mailed to members & friends, to donors, to
selected District 3780 officers, to most of the 92 For more information about Rotary, visit:
district club presidents who have known e-mail
accounts, and to selected RI offices. Rotary International Click Box http://w

Current editors are Dir Ric and Treasurer Marcia Our District 3780 http://w
Salvador with email at rp_salvador@yahoo.com.

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