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Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications – Nowakowski et al.

© 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02681-0

Developing a shared information surface for offshore work permits

S. Sarshar & G. Rindahl

Institute for Energy Technology, Center for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry, Norway

C.S. Olsen, J.M. Røsok, M. Eskerud, O.G. Nedrebø, P.J. Berg & G. Misund
Østfold University College, Norway

ABSTRACT:  The work permit process offshore is established to maintain control of which activities
that are to be carried out on the installation and to manage their risk. This paper reports on the develop-
ment of a shared information surface which can support the assessment of work permits. Findings from
an initial usability study are provided.

1  introduction activities and what the participants understand to

be the agreed decision. Further, using such a collab-
A field study was conducted on an offshore instal- oration surface, the participants can give their con-
lation with the aim of studying communication of firmation of the understanding of the decision, and
risk in the planning process and how technology it can be saved for future reference. This increases
can better support mediation of this through the understanding and commitment within the team,
planning process. The aspects of risk communica- and significantly reduces the risk of later, possibly
tion and management in the offshore work permit wrong or vague, interpretations.
system are reported in (Sarshar et  al., 2013) while Chapter  2 describes in brief the work permit
this paper reports on one application of the technol- system followed by previous work in chapter  3.
ogy aspects. The question is what information and The method and approach for the development
knowledge do we recommend to depict on a shared is described in chapter  4. Chapter  5 describes
surface to provide situation awareness at a glance. the interactive surface developed and chapter  6
This paper reports on the development of a concept describes the initial usability study of the tool.
for providing overview of ongoing and planned Chapter  7 discusses the results from the usability
maintenance activities at an installation, based on study before conclusions are made in chapter 8.
learnings from observations and interviews (Skjerve
et  al., 2011, Sarshar et  al., 2013) with personnel
involved in assessment of offshore work permits. 2 the work permiT system
Integrated Operation (IO) in the petroleum
industry has for many years included distributed col- Planning of offshore activities can be divided in dif-
laboration as a key support capability. The technol- ferent time horizons: a main plan has the horizon
ogies used to enable distributed collaboration, e.g. of several years, a yearly plan spans for one year,
between onshore and offshore, have evolved from operational plan for three months, work order plan
phone calls and teleconference to video conferenc- for one or two weeks and work permit plan which
ing rooms, to desktop solutions and lately towards has the horizon for the next 24 hours.
more mobile solutions (Sarshar & Rindahl, 2014). The work permit system is established to maintain
As described by Kaarstad and Rindahl (2011) IO control of which activities are to be carried out on
can improve access to information and provide a the installation and to manage their risk. Activities
shared awareness in decision-making. One impor- that typically require a work permit is maintenance
tant feature is the increased availability of real-time work be it on the process equipment, pipes or struc-
data that makes it possible for personnel at differ- ture of the platform. There are two main catego-
ent locations to cooperate based on a shared and ries; corrective or preventive maintenance. Work
up-to-date description of the operational situation. permits are divided in two levels to differentiate
Another important enabler of improved decision- between their impacts on risk. High-risk jobs which
making in IO is a shared collaboration surface. e.g. require welding are of level 1 while lower risk
A shared collaboration surface can provide a com- jobs are of level 2. Jobs that have been identified
mon and coherent representation of goals and as no risk activities do not require a work permit

and typically include jobs inside the living quarter, The management systems for work orders
in office spaces or in workshops. We limit our scope and work permits are typically specialized enter-
to tasks that require a work permit. prise resource planning ICT tools, like SAP
There are several technical disciplines offshore ERP. These are good at managing data related
including process technicians, instrument tech- to these activities, but are not normally regarded
nicians, electrical technicians and mechanical as best in human-interaction in terms of sup-
technicians. Each discipline goes through the work porting decision making and providing a good
orders which they are responsible for and divide overview.
the task through the week with respect to their pri-
ority and available resources.
A work order describes a job package and can 3  The IO-MAP PRototype
normally be divided into subtasks that can be car-
ried out in sequence. Before any of these can be The IO-MAP prototype tool (Skjerve et al., 2011)
performed, the personnel that shall execute a task was developed to explore how future technology
must apply for a work permit. The work permit could enhance collaboration between distributed
system is established to ensure scrutiny of factors teams, e.g. onshore and offshore. It was developed
related to HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) to visualize work permits and potential associ-
before job execution. The work permit for each ated risk related to HSE using a graphical map
task is discussed between representatives from the representation. The work permits were given a
various disciplines in plenum and the job descrip- geographical location and displayed in a map view.
tion and related safety measures are evaluated. The usability study from this prototype shows that
Examples of such are safety equipment needed to there is a huge potential in visualizing and present-
perform the job safely. A general work permit flow ing information this way. The project reported on
is described in (NOG, 2006). After job execution, in this paper makes use of learnings from the IO-
the job responsible logs feedback from the execu- MAP development and design (Braseth & Sarshar,
tion and closes the job in the maintenance manage- 2012). Figure  1 illustrates the 2nd version of the
ment system. IO-MAP tool.

Figure 1.  The 2nd version of the IO-MAP tool (Braseth & Sarshar, 2012).

4  Method architecture, with a database and client-side scripts
on the server side, and scripting on the client-side to
4.1  Design rationale handle touch events, changes to the user interface,
and calls to the server. The prototype was organ-
The focus of the design process was to create a large
ized into six modules: Map, legend, activities, news,
collaborative touch surface, which facilitated easier
weather and info. The map module contains an
collaboration and discussion between technicians
SVG map of a selected deck, and shows activities
offshore. Design choices were therefore made on the
based on location. Each activity on the map listens
background of creating a clear visualization of the
to touch events that trigger an “information box”
current activity level on the installation to improve
to show and display information about the selected
the decision making process. The design also aimed
activity. The activity module is implemented as a
to create a means for accumulating different obser-
bar chart using the JavaScript library d3.js, and
vations from different planners, further encouraging
based on a sorting algorithm that decides the plac-
a discussion regarding the planned work permits.
ing of the different activities.

4.2  Iterative process

The prototype’s design was created through an 5 the interactive surface
iterative process consisting of several workshops.
On two occasions expert evaluations with different The interface design was based on a literature
interaction designers were conducted. The design research on visualization and interaction design.
phase spanned a total of eight iterations, where Additionally, the design choices relied on IFE’s
each workshop or expert evaluation resulted in a (Institute for Energy Technology, Halden) exper-
new iteration. After the final iteration, the result- tise and experience with designing user interfaces
ing design was implemented in a high fidelity for industrial control rooms. The design of the
prototype. IO-MAP tool is the closest project to ours. While
the focus when developing the IO-MAP tool was
on the planners onshore, the tool developed here
4.3  Implementation
focuses on work permits planned to be carried out
The design was implemented using various web or under execution on current day.
technologies, namely JavaScript, SVG, and PHP. The developed interactive surface is illustrated
The architecture is based on traditional client-server in Figure 2. The color scheme of the prototype is

Figure 2.  The interactive surface (HIØ, 2013).

muted, and strongly influenced by the IO-MAP The activity module consists of work permits of
prototype. The muted background without hard all types visualized as bars. Each work permit bar
lines or borders is based on the design principles has a start and stop time which is extracted from a
of Edward Tufte (Tufte, 1990), a design choice also database. The work permits are placed in the graph
used in several other interfaces created at IFE. using a simple algorithm, sorting the jobs by length
A grey color scheme was used for text and bor- and work permit type. The work permits, which
ders in order to avoid hard lines. Additionally, are not currently active, are displayed as grey.
strong colors were avoided, and used deliberately A currently active work permit is displayed using
only for warnings and potential hazards. its corresponding color. These colors are explained
To maintain a user-friendly interface, the in the legend module.
Schneiderman’s principles (Schneiderman & Furthermore, the legend module explains the
­Plaisant, 2010) were applied. The principle of con- color codes of the different map zones such as
sistency was maintained by using the same selection “laydown area” as well as a count of currently
type for the corresponding elements in the prototype. active and scheduled work permits. The legend
Example of this is selection of decks where selected allows for filtering both active and scheduled work
thumbnails in the map module were marked by a permits by discipline such as “Mechanical” and
grey frame. Furthermore, active work permits on “Electrical”. These filters could help different plan-
the map and selected work permits in the graph or ners focus on their discipline and its interaction
map were marked by the same white border. with others, as they have different backgrounds,
The prototype consists of six modules: legend, experiences and concerns when conducting their
activity, info, weather, news and map. The map planning. This filtering also affects the count of
module presents the deck of an offshore installa- current jobs, in order to allow the users to quickly
tion. Thumbnails representing other decks in the assess the current activity level on the platform for
installation can be used to change the deck dis- the chosen discipline. As a final functionality, the
played in the map module. An additional feature map can also be edited to different map classifica-
provided by the map module is the possibility to tions, highlighting noise levels, escape routes or the
zoom in on the selected map. When zoomed in one default view presenting the different classification
or more levels, the map offers a more detailed view zones of the deck.
of the deck, displaying smaller equipment not pre- The weather module provides the information
sented in the previous zoom level. When zoomed surface with valuable condition information such
in, the map can also be “panned” using a drag as wind force and direction as well as wave and cur-
gesture. In order to maintain overview of the plat- rent direction. This weather info may be relevant
form, changing deck while zoomed in will retain to leaders and technicians before the work per-
the zoom and pan placement of the map. This way, mit is initiated. This module along with the news
looking for dangers in the levels above or below an module works in isolation from the other modules,
activity is easier and encouraged. but serves the surface in providing a better over-
Work permits are classified using three different view of the platform. The news module displays
colors. Level 1 work permits are colored yellow, announcements and news, which may be relevant
and work permits involving hot work are colored to the execution of planned work permits.
red. Level 2 work permits are colored blue. Work
permits involving hazards will display warnings in
form of a yellow triangle next to the circled work 6  usability study
permit on the map. Activities, which are scheduled
but not started, are visualized as unfilled circles. The functional prototype was evaluated in a usabil-
When a job is started, the circle is filled using the ity test, by two participant groups. The first group
corresponding color. By selecting an activity on was students with previous IO backgrounds, and
the map using the tap gesture, the information box the second group was employees at IFE with rel-
module is invoked. evant experience the field of IO or the petroleum
The information box module contains informa- industry. The participants were not actual end
tion regarding the highlighted activity, in the form users.
of a transparent pop-up box. The information dis- The main purpose of the usability test was to
played is: Work Permit ID, Equipment ID, Work assess to what extent the prototype facilitates a
Permit Level, start and end times, a textual descrip- group of users to perceive an overview of the
tion of the work permit, a hot work tag, discipline activity level on a petroleum installation. Another
tag and a hazard description. This box provides focus of the evaluation was to appraise if the pro-
contextual information regarding the selected work totype visualizes risk and concurrency conflicts.
permit and is displayed both when interacting with A final aspiration was to evaluate if the prototype
the map module, as well as the activity module. can be useful as a tool for a group of people to

collaborate and discuss the plan and ongoing the prototype. Following the training session, each
activities. The usability test was conducted at IFE’s participant was assigned a fictive role for the sce-
Future Laboratory, see Figure  3. Previously, the narios. These roles were based on actual job descrip-
prototype was prepared and tested to be working tions for onshore and offshore personnel. Each role
on a large touch surface in the Future Laboratory. had different goals and responsibilities to keep in
Although, not all planned features were ready for mind during the testing. The roles included:
testing core functionality was implemented. At the
• Platform Manager
time of testing, area selection, equipment selection
• Health, Safety and Environment Manager
and the weather module was not implemented, and
• Maintenance and Operation Manager
therefore not tested in the scenarios.
• Leader of Mechanical technicians
Zooming on the map for greater detail was
• Leader of Electrical technicians
implemented, however, as there were issues with
this functionality; this was also omitted from the The scenarios were created to be as realistic as
scenarios. possible, and were designed to enable the users to
The usability test consisted of five phases: test all the functionality in the prototype. There
Introduction, training session, scenarios, question- were a total of six scenarios. The scenarios were
naire and interview. In the introduction the par- created to explore different possibilities of using
ticipants were provided a small introduction of the the prototype to evaluate the work permits of the
evaluation and the prototype, and were then asked day plan. The intent of the scenarios was also to
to sign a form of consent. In order to prepare the find potential conflicting activities, consequences
users for the prototype, there was a small training of delayed activities or possible hazards. As each
session in which the users were trained in the func- participant had his or her own goals concerning
tionality of the prototype. A technical assistant was their role, the user test format facilitated discussion
the tutor for this session, and helped the partici- surrounding the scenarios. In order to facilitate dis-
pants navigate and understand the functionality of cussion, the scenarios were made to be approved

Figure 3. Illustration of the interactive surface in use on a large touch screen at IFE’s Future Laboratory.

by one point of view, but not another. In addition Table 2. IFE employee’s results.
to the scenarios, there were hidden conflicting
work permits and problems in the schedule. These Question no Avg Min Max SD
“Easter eggs” were hazards, which would cause
Scenario evaluation
problems in carrying out the planned activities. 1 3.33 4 5 0.58
After the participants had completed the dif- 2 2.66 2 6 1.15
ferent scenarios, they were asked to fill out a 3 4 3 6 1.73
questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on 4.1 2.66 2 4 1.15
a questionnaire previously used in the usabil- 4.2 2 1 3 1
ity study to evaluate the IO-MAP (Skjerve et  al., 4.3 4 4 4 0
2011). The questionnaire was divided in three
parts: participant’s background, information— Prototype evaluation
and risk visualization, and usability. The usability 1 3.33 1 7 3.21
test was concluded with a semi-structured group 2 5.66 5 7 1.15
interview, designed to gain further understanding 3 3 2 4 1
4 5.66 4 7 1.58
of the participant’s experience of the prototype,
5 2.33 2 3 0.58
and to facilitate a group discussion concerning the
6 5.66 4 7 1.53
scenarios and the prototype. Most of the questions
7 1.66 1 3 1.15
in the interview were intended to give an answer to
8 4.33 3 6 1.53
whether or not the prototype fulfilled the research
9 2 1 3 1
questions. Additional questions were based on 10 6.33 6 7 0.58
observations from the solving of the scenarios. 11 1.66 1 2 0.58

7 results
is ­positive, and the other negative. All statements
The results from the questionnaire are displayed are ranged from the scale of 1 (strongly disagree)
in Table  1 and Table  2, which are divided in two to 7 (strongly agree).
parts. The first part concerns the scenarios; how
easily they could identify risk, and how well the
prototype visualized information. The other 7.1  Interviews
part consists of statements based on the System What was your overall impression of the prototype?
­Usability Scale (SUS), where every other statement The participants agreed that the overall impression
was good. It was stated by one of the participants
that the prototype was intuitive and pleasant to use.
Table 1.  Student group results. Another participant stated that “The prototype is a
great discussion tool for gathering different domain
Question no Avg Min Max SD knowledge in a group”, and argued that this was
Scenario evaluation
probably the greatest strength of the prototype.
1 3.33 4 5 0.58
What do you feel worked well? What did not work
2 2.66 2 6 1.15 well? Why? The option to filter on disciplines was
3 4 3 6 1.73 regarded as a very useful function, and the fact
4.1 2.66 2 4 1.15 that all information was displayed in one page
4.2 2 1 3 1 was considered to be good, as it was easy to get
4.3 4 4 4 0 an overview of the situation without navigating to
different pages. The prototype received negative
Prototype evaluation feedback in regards to responsiveness, and the par-
1 3.33 1 7 3.21 ticipants felt the hardware did not respond well to
2 5.66 5 7 1.15 the touch gestures. Regarding visualization, it was
3 3 2 4 1
suggested to add arrows to escape routes. Some
4 5.66 4 7 1.58
participants also felt that it was difficult to locate
5 2.33 2 3 0.58
a specific activity, and suggested adding an ID in
6 5.66 4 7 1.53
addition to the circle representing an activity.
7 1.66 1 3 1.15
8 4.33 3 6 1.53
What were your thoughts on solving the different
9 2 1 3 1
scenarios? The participants thought the task of
10 6.33 6 7 0.58 solving the scenarios went very good, some also
11 1.66 1 2 0.58 said it was fun. The only scenario they agreed were
troublesome was the one where they had to find an

activity with the only information given was the ID software solutions which do not support groups
and the discipline. collaborating.
Were some of the scenarios more difficult to solve Further work include to test the tool with off-
than others? One of the groups had trouble with shore personnel and other end users to get input
the scenario where they had to find an activity with for improvements and to better understand the
crane work that could not be executed while the overall objective of how technology can better
helicopter was on deck. They explained that they mediate risk communication in IO.
did not know about the expression “laydown-area”,
which was the clue to discovering this hazard.
How was it working collaboratively on the proto- acknowledgements
type? Several of the participants felt that this was
one of the strengths of the prototype, while one The authors wish to thank the Center for Integrated
of participant mentioned that while it was good Operations in the Petroleum Industry and the
for discussion, simultaneous interaction was not partners involved in this research.
Do you have any suggestions for improving the
prototype? Many of the suggestions for improve- References
ment were mentioned earlier in the interview, such
as adding IDs to the activities, and adding arrows Braseth. A.O. & Sarshar, S. 2012. Improving Oil &
to the escape routes. Other improvements that had Gas Installation Safety Through Visualization of
been mentioned earlier were adding crane activities Risk Factors, in Proc. of the SPE Intelligent Energy
International, March 27–29, Utrecht, The Netherlands,
as a discipline, and being able to drag the timeline
to a different time, or rearranging the activities. Kaarstad, M. & Rindahl, G. 2011. Shared Collaboration
Other suggestions were to visualize the number of Surfaces to Support Adequate Team Decision
workers for each activity, and to display an indica- Processes in an Integrated Operations Setting. In Proc.
tion of the duration of an activity on the map. of the ESREL 2011 Conference, Troyes, France, 18th-
22nd Sept. 2001. Advances in safety, reliability and
risk management/Bérenguer, Grall & Guedes Soares
8 conclusions and further work (eds.). CRC Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0-415-68379-1.
Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (NOG) 2006.
Recommended Guidelines for Common Model for Work
The primary objective of the project was to cre-
Permits (WP), rev. 2, 2006.
ate a prototype of a collaborative interactive sur- Østfold University College (HIØ), 2013. Online: http://
face intended to facilitate discussions concerning
the day plan, and to give a clear visualization of the Sarshar, S., Skjerve, A.B. & Haugen, S. 2013. Towards an
amount of activities on a petroleum installation. understanding of information needed when planning
Based on the results from the initial usability tests offshore activities. In Proc. of Risk, Reliability and
we can conclude that the prototype has achieved Societal Safety, ESREL 2013, September 29th–­
the objectives of displaying a clear overview of the October 2nd, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013.
activity level, and facilitated a group to collaborate Sarshar, S. & Rindahl, G.: Integrated Operation
­Collaboration Technologies—Remaining Challenges
and discuss the day plan. The reason why the proto-
and Opportunities. In Proc. of the SPE Intelligent
type could accommodate for such behavior is that Energy Conference and Exhibition held in Utrecht,
an interactive surface which gives a clear visualiza- The Netherlands, 1–3 April 2014.
tion of the activities—their location and the sur- Schneiderman, B., & Plaisant, C. 2010. Designing the
rounding circumstances—allows for more accurate User Interface. (M. Hirsch & S. Sellinger, Eds.)
discussion than without the use of visualization. (5th ed.). Pearson.
Consequently it is easier for the individuals within Skjerve, A.B., Sarshar, S., Rindahl, G., Braseth, A.O.,
the group to imagine the impact of each activ- Randem, H.O., Falmyr, O., Sand, T., & Tveiten, C.K.
ity, and share this observation with the rest of 2011. The Integrated Operations Maintenance and
Modification Planner (IO-MAP): The first ­usability
the group. By gathering these individuals in front
evaluation—study and first findings, Center for
of the interactive surface it is likely that they will ­Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry,
identify more potential hazards, errors and incon- Project 4.1: Future Collaboration Environments,
sistencies of the day plan than they would alone, ­Halden, Norway, 2011.
or without the use of the tool. The systems they Tufte, E.R. 1990. Envisioning Information. Graphics Pr.
have available today are mostly one user desktop p. 82–83.


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