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Nombre:________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________

Evidence No.1.1 :Stage 1 of Portfolio Name: Questionnaire of

stage 1
Type of Activity: Acquisition of knowledge / Organization and Hierarchy

Stage 1: Kinematics: Motion in one dimension

GENERAL COMPETENCIES:5.6 Uses information and communications technology to
process or interpret information

TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGY: Autonomous learning, student must search in

the textbook (or reliable sources like physics classroom, khan academy, etc.).

Instructions: Write down the following questions with their corresponding answer. Write down
clear and complete statements for each answer.
# of Section page # of question Section pag
question e
51,52,53 4 Assessment 144 18 3.1 Lesson 81
6 4.3 Lesson 46 key question Section 3.2 86
check (concept)
20 2.2 Lesson 53 key question Section 3.3 92
check (concept)
40,41,45 2.4 Lesson 62 Apply 3.3 Lesson 96
check check
31 2.3 Lesson 57 65,66,67 3 105
check Assessment
120,121 2 Assessment 70 80,81 3 |06

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o física), etc.

Nombre:________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________

1 51- (Use figure 4.31 Pag. 144) Which, if any, of the vectors shown in figure 4.31 are

52- (Use figure 4.31 Pag. 144) Given that vector A + vector B =0 a) How does the
magnitude of vector B compare with the magnitude of vector A? b) How does the
direction of vector B compare with the direction of vector A?



53- Can a component of a vector be greater than the vector´s magnitude?


6- Analyze. You and your dog go for a walk to a nearby park. On the way your dog
takes many short side trips to chase squirrels, examine fire hydrants, and so on.

34 A) When you arrive at the park, do you and your dog have the same displacement?

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o física), etc.

Nombre:________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________

B) Have you and your dog traveled the same distance? Explain.

20- Friends tell you that on a recent trip their average velocity was +20 m/s. Is it
possible that at any time during the trip their velocity was –20 m/s? Explain, and give
an example to justify your answer.

40- What type of information can be obtained from the position-time equation of

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o física), etc.

Nombre:________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________

41- A straight line on a position-time graph represents motion with constant velocity.
What does the slope of the line represent? What does the Y intercept of the line

45- Two bumper cars move in a straight line with the following equations of motion:

X1= -4m + (1.5m/s) t

X2= 8.8m + (-2.5m/s) t

A) Which bumper car is having the greater speed?

B) At what time do the bumper cars collide?

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o física), etc.

Nombre:________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________

31- The position-time graphs in figure 2.12 pag 57. Show four different motions,
labeled A, B, C, and D.

A) Rank these motions in order of increasing speed

B) Rank these motions in order of increasing velocity, from most negative to most

Read the text “Robot Walking” of the page 70 and answer the following questions.

120- What was the velocity of the robot as it walked backward?

121- What was the displacement of the robot between the times t= 2 sec and t= 8


Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o física), etc.

Nombre:________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________

A truck moves as shown by the velocity-time graph in FIGURE 3,9. Find the average
acceleration of the truck during each period, A, B, and C.

Pag. 86

How is distance related to the area under a velocity-time curve?

Pag. 92

What are the characteristics of a position-time graph for constant acceleration?

Pag. 96

Apply. Use your knowledge of position-time graphs of accelerated motion to answer

the following:

A) A plot shows two position-time graphs, one a straight line and one a parabola.
Which graph corresponds to an object with constant acceleration?

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o física), etc.

Nombre:________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________

B) The acceleration of a car changes from positive to negative. How does this affect
the shape of the car´s position-time graph?

C) For each position-time graph in Figure 3.21 explain how the motion of object A
and object B differ.

Pag. 105

65- The brakes on a train create a constant deceleration regardless of how fast it´s
moving. If the speed of the train is doubled, how does this affect the time required for
it to come to a stop?

66- If the velocity of a ball is zero at a given instant of time, can its acceleration at

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o física), etc.

Nombre:________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________

that instant be positive? Give an example if your answer is yes; explain why not if
your answer is no.

67- If the velocity of a ball is positive, can its acceleration be negative? Give an
example if your answer is yes; explain why not if your answer is no.

80- Truck 1 accelerates from 5 m/s to 10 m/s in 10 min. Truck 2 accelerates from
15m/s to 20m/s in 10 m. Is the acceleration of the truck 1 greater than less than, or
equal to the acceleration of truck 2? Explain.

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o física), etc.

Nombre:________________________________________________________ Grupo: ____________

81- An object moves with a constant acceleration. What is the shape of its velocity-
time graph? Explain.

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o física), etc.

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