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Project Report


Billing and Invoice System

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (Computer Application)

Submitted By

Hrishikesh Kumar
Shubham Mishra (SS)

Academic Year 2019-2020

Submitted to:

Savitribai Phule Pune University

Shree Chanakya Education Society

Indira College of Commerce and Science, Pune

Guided By Head of Department

Mr. Ganesh Bhondve Mr. Shivendu Bhushan


I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and deep regards to my guide Prof. Shivendu
Bhushan for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant
encouragement throughout the course of this thesis. The blessing, help and guidance given by
him time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I about embark.

I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to mentor Prof. Ganesh
Bhodave for her coordinal support, valuable information and guidance, which helped me in
completing this task through various stages.

Sr.No Particulars Page No.

A) Introduction
1) Title of Project 5
2) Existing System 6

3) Drawbacks of Existing System 7

4) Proposed System 8

5) Advantages of proposed system 9

6) Feasibility Study 11

7) Hardware/software Requirement 13

B) Analysis
1) ERD 14
2) CLD 15
3) First Level DFD 16
4) File Design/Normalised Database 17
5) Data Dictionary 21
C) Design
Input Screen (Without Data)
1) 22

2) Output Screen (With Data) 31

D) Code Design (Sample Code) 38
E) Limitation of the System 40
F) Conclusion 41
1G) Future Enhancement 42
H) Bibliography 43


This document describes the user acceptance test plan for theBillingand Invoice System. The
complete test strategy for theBillingand Invoice System is to perform the following kinds of
tests, in sequence:

1. Component testing of each component that makes up the Billing and Invoice System
2. Integration testing of the Billing and Invoice System, to ensure the correct
interworking of its components
3. Validation testing of the Billing and Invoice System, to ensure that it works correctly
in a pseudo-live environment
4. User acceptance testing of the Billing and Invoice System, to ensure that its function
is acceptable to its users

Acceptance testing is the last set of tests to be performed before the application goes officially

Billing system Management System

Existing System

The Existing System is a automated system that is being managed by a person. The existing
system is software in which the information is gathered from a customer, is entered. There
are many tables maintained in a database that contains all the information about the current and
past customers. In this system the customer can select the need requirement or information
from the software.

The current system is automated. Here we introduce a new system based on the updated
technology. Using Visual Basic which is a Graphical User Interface the maintenance of the
records is much easier and faster and the use of MS-Access as a database ensure the usage of
current technology. As the going trend in the world of a computers the need of computers, the
need of accuracy, perfection, speed and large data storage is much. Each and every problem
must be solved with the least amount of time and energy.

Drawbacks of Existing System

The current system is in Visual Basic 6 which is slower than other language. It is completely
Graphical in nature, so it requires more memory to store the packages. It has no upper version,
so it is not flexible for developer. Visual Basic is a proprietary programming language written
by a Microsoft, so programs written in VB cannot be easily transferred to other Operating
System it does not allow developing the multithreaded applications.
 Lack of security of data
In existing system, data can be accessed, misplaced, and misused by any person.

 More man powers

The existing system requires more man power to maintain data.

 Time consumption
To maintain such a huge data employee consumes more time. So, the currently running
system is time consuming in order to maintain data.
e.g. – The employee has to maintain every single detail of order as well as parcel orders
using paperwork which is time consuming. And also, it leads to time consuming and
manpower more and more.

 Consume large volume of paper work.

As we have seen above the employee has to maintain details using pen & paper which
leads to huge amount of paper and confusions no proper data is maintained calculations
problems storage problems handling manually is not easy task.

 Needs manual calculations

The total amount of sales orders is calculated manually which is hard to maintain
calculation problems can arise.

Proposed System

We have proposed to develop a solution to manage a billing system. The system will be
automatic as the user will enter the data and the desired information select from the Graphical
User Interface. The system is designed with a Visual Basic for management of a billing system
and inserting the date into the system in the billing system management all the menu items are
in a system, all the details with the table number are inserted as per the order is given.
After adding the order details the system can generates the customer bill as per the table order
is given respectively.
The solution will be built in Visual Basic as the front end of MS-Access Database as the back
end. The data will be stored and maintained in MS- Access which we have opted to use in our
project, because of its data referential and data integrity features. Creating a relationship and
ensuring consisting saves and accuracy since each pieces of information is only entered once
which eliminates everyday human and duplication errors.

 Ensure data accuracy.

 Proper control of the higher officials.
 Minimize manual data entry.
 Minimize time needed for the various processing.
 Greater efficiency.
 Better service.
 User friendliness and interactive.
 Minimum time required.
 No direct role of higher officials.

Advantages of Proposed System

1. The system is a less time consuming.

2. The system is user friendly, as it gives clear information about the events.
3. All the information will be stored in the database and it is easy to maintain.
4. It can help to find records in an instant.
5. Gives the complete report of the information of the data with accuracy.
6. Provide accuracy of the information and also removes data redundancy.
7. The system will give date wise record of a transaction.
8. The records are easy to maintain day to day activity.
9. No more man power required.
10. Easily the is stored in a system no misuse of data can be done by any other.


The scope of the user acceptance testing covers:

 Version 1 of the Billing and Invoice System

 User-facing functionality defined by a set of use cases
 Administrator-facing functionality defined by a set of use cases

The aim of the testing is to determine how well the application meets its functional
requirements from the perspective of the user, and to identify any issues so they can be
resolved. Also, the testing serves to compile a set of test data and results that can be used during
subsequent test cycles, to test for non-regression of the software in later releases or after the
application is in maintenance.

Working practices might vary from user to user and are considered outside the scope of the

Feasibility Study

The system will take the information from the user about the orders given by the customers by
selecting the menu in billing system with their prices specifically mentioned.
The system takes the accurate information from the user as it won’t cause any future problem
to the adding order items into the system and generating the bill as per the order delivered on
a table.
It generates a report in which the user will be given a table name specifically with its number
and display the bill of the ordered menu items table wise the order is taken and the order items
are entered in the system.

There are three major aspects in the feasibility study.

1. Technical feasibility.
2. Economical Feasibility
3. Operational feasibility

Technical Feasibility

The technical feasibility always focuses on the existing computer hardware and software
personnel. This includes the need for more hardware or software personnel and the possibility
of procuring or installing such facility.

The proposed system of event management does not require additional hardware and software.
The proposed system has the minimum requirement for hardware and software which are easily
available. Hence the proposed system is technically feasible.

Economical Feasibility

Economical feasibility considers the cost benefits analysis of the proposed system. The benefits
are always expected to be overweighting the cost. Economical feasibility is helpful to find the
system development cost hence and checks whether it is justifiable for that it concentrates on.

1. Investigation cost.
2. Software and hardware cost.

3. Salaries and maintenance cost.
4. Supply cost
The proposed system requires minimum hardware and maintenance cost. Hence it is
economical feasibility.

Operational Feasibility

It considers the acceptability of the system. It checks whether system will be used if it
developed and implemented. It checks whether the users of the system will be able to handle
as if the proposed system does not create any problems.

The proposed system will be easy to handle as the overview is according to the requirement of
the user. It reduces extra workload of the user providing to be beneficial. Hence the proposed
system is operationally feasible.

Hardware /Software Requirement

 Hardware Requirement-

Processor Pentium

RAM: 2GB or more

Hard Disk: 100 GB or more Monitor

Monitor: Normal or multimedia

Mouse: Compatible Mouse

 Software Requirement-

Front End: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Back End: Microsoft Access Database

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

Normalized Database

Table: product_master

Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 5
Number of indexes: 2
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
On Filegroup PRIMARY
Clustered PK Yes

Columns Data type Allow Value/ra

NULLs nge
Sno Int Not allowed 5
Prod_name nvarchar(60) Not allowed 60
Prod_Type nvarchar(60) Not allowed 60
Rate Int Not allowed 6
Manufacturers nvarchar(30) Not allowed 30
Quantity int Not allowed 10

Indexes Type Columns

PK_ProductMaster_sno clustered, unique, sno
primary key located on

Table: bill

Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 15
Number of indexes: 3
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes

Columns Data type Allow Value/ra

NULLs nge
sno Int Not allowed 5
invoiceno Int Not allowed 10
canme nvarchar(60) Not allowed 60
Invoice_date Datetime Not allowed 10
customer_name nvarchar(100) Not allowed 100
Customer_address nvarchar(100) Not allowed 100
Total_amt Int Not allowed 10
Entry_date Datetime Not allowed 10

Indexes Type Columns

PK_Bill_SNO clustered, unique, sno
primary key located on
IX_bill_cname nonclustered located on cname
IX_bill_invoiceno nonclustered, unique invoiceno
located on PRIMARY

Table: bill_details

Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 6
Number of indexes: 3
Number of foreign keys: 2
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes

Columns Data type Allow Value/ra

NULLs nge
sno int Not allowed 5
Bill_sno int Not allowed 5
Prod_sno int Not allowed 5
qty datetime Not allowed 10
rate nvarchar(60) Not allowed 60
amt int Not allowed 10

Indexes Type Columns

PK_Bill_details_SNO clustered, unique, sno
primary key located on
IX_bill_details_bill_sno nonclustered located on Bill_sno
IX_bill_deatils_prod_sno nonclustered, unique Prod_sno
located on PRIMARY

Table: Company_master

Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 7
Number of indexes: 2
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes

Columns Data type Allow Value/ra

NULLs nge
cid int Not allowed 5
Company_name nvarchar(60) Not allowed 60
Address1 nvarchar(100) Not allowed 100
city nvarchar(60) Not allowed 60
pin int Not allowed 6
telephone int Not allowed 10

Indexes Type Columns

PK_comapny_master_compa clustered, unique, Comapnay_nam
ny_name primary key located on e
IX_ comapny_master_pin nonclustered located on pin

Data Dictonary

Columns Data type Constraint Value/ra

Sno Int Primary Key 5
Prod_name nvarchar(60) Not Null 60
Prod_Type nvarchar(60) Not Null 60
Rate Int Not Null 6
manufacturers nvarchar(30) Not Null 30
Quantity int Not Null 10
sno Int Primary Key 5
invoiceno Int Not Null 10
canme nvarchar(60) Not Null 60
Invoice_date Datetime Not Null 10
customer_name nvarchar(100) Not Null 100
Customer_address nvarchar(100) Not Null 100
Total_amt Int Not Null 10
Entry_date Datetime Not Null 10
sno int Primary Key 5
Bill_sno int Foreign Key 5
Prod_sno int Foreign Key 5
qty datetime Not Null 10
rate nvarchar(60) Not Null 60
amt int Not Null 10
cid int Primary Key 5
Company_name nvarchar(60) Not Null 60
Address1 nvarchar(100) Not Null 100
city nvarchar(60) Not Null 60
pin int Not Null 6
telephone int Not Null 10

Input and Output Screens

Code Design (Sample Code)

Dim con As New ADODB.Connection

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Command1_Click()

rs.Open "insert into product_master values(" & text1.Text & ",'" & text2.Text & "'," &
Text3.Text & "," & Text4.Text & ",'" & Combo1.Text & "','" & Combo2.Text & "')", con, 1, 2
MsgBox "Record inserted"

End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()

rs.Update (0), (text1.Text)
rs.Update (2), (Text3.Text)
rs.Update (3), (Text4.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.Open "select * from product_master", con, 1, 2
Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

mishra\Downloads\ebiling (1)\ebiling\eBilling Source Code\eBilling Source Code\eBilling
Source Code\data.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
Combo1.AddItem "brass"
Combo1.AddItem "fibre"
Combo1.AddItem "glass"
Combo2.AddItem "vijay company and limited"
Combo2.AddItem "sarita company and limited"
Combo2.AddItem "samar private limited"
Combo2.AddItem "inspacial company and limited"
End Sub

Limitation of the System

 In the system the order data is maintained table wise.

 At a onetime one order record record can be inserted.
 The system does not maintain the record of such government taxes.
 In the system the bill generated through table number as record inserted.
 At a time it will generate one bill of one table with details.
 The system will not maintain record of customer’s details.
 The system will show the record only date wise
 The deleted record will not show by the system.
 The system will mot maintain record of miscellaneous transaction.
 The system will required time to time maintenance


Billing management and System being an important function of any event management
system, it has been observed that not many of them have a robust methodology of
maintaining and processing the data (of all types).

1. The project throws light on important aspects of booking and cancellation of an event
and such as improvements in the present system.
2. The drawback of current system could be overcome by introduction of software like
VB.NET, which may prove to facilitate the entire process of billing management
3. Event through the new system i.e. Billing management and System, may be adapt in
fulfilling most of the user specific requirements, it does come with its own set of
Limitations which in the way explores the further need and requirement of refining
this new system developed in VB.NET
4. The system requires less manpower in handling it or operating it is easy to access and
all the records can be inserted into the system.
5. The system shows the date wise transaction details.
6. The data is safe to maintain and easy to access.
7. Many problems reduces by the system work.
8. Easily the record can be inserted, updated and deleted.


This project was developed to fulfill user and business requirement; however, there are lots of
scope to improve the performance of the eBilling and Invoice System in the area of user
interface, database performance, and query processing time. Etc.

So, there are many things for future enhancement of this project. The future enhancements that
are possible in the project are as follows.

 Linking and integration of any legacy system for accounting.

 Integration with travel agent through Web Services
 Connection to third-party OLAP applications
 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system between banks, other credit verification
agency and their vendors
 In the area of data security and system security.
 Provide more online tips and help.
 To optimize the query which is embedded in the system.


1- The Books of VB.6. Insight for VB Developers (Noel Jerke)
2- VB.6.0cLanguage Pocket references (Steven Roman, Ron Petrosa and Paul Lomax)


1- www.Visual -Studio -Tutorials .COM/



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