November 2010 Blue & Gold Malden High School

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The Blue and Gold http://www.maldenblueandgold.

Malden High School Our 96th Year
Volume 96 Edition 2 November 2010
Sophomore Daniel Powers.
Fashion tips on page 19.

Malden Puts on its Poker Face

Tibet/China conflict on page 7.

The Malden High School marching band captured first place in the New England Scholastic Band Associa-
tion on October 30 at Reading High School. Director Matthew Tavares led the band with high scores dur-
ing their initial competitions and performed a Lady Gaga routine during the final competition, putting an
unorthodox style to their performances. According to Tavares, they exceeded expectations on their way to
winning the championship for the first time in seven years. The band worked extremely hard to bring home
the title with support from a very passionate family. Read Rebecca Broomstein’s article on page 13. Photo by
Rebecca Broomstein.

Haiti: Nine Months Later

In This Issue:

Noam Chomsky
page 5

To Write Love on
Sophomore Dawit Aynalem helping
Her Arms
the cross country team to victory.
Page 6 Article on page 25.

Monthly Profile
David Lucil
Page 11

Pine Banks
Haitians fight with each other in a warehouse district in downtown Port-au- Page 13
Prince, Haiti, on Jan. 24, 2010. The downtown area of the city has become a
target for people to scavenge goods from the abandoned stores. (Al Diaz/Miami
Herald/MCT). More on Haiti on pages 8 and 9. Skateboarding
Page 18
Comics by sophomore Jimmy
Malzone and senior Jeri Scibelli
Page 22 on pages 4 and 5.

Girls Cross
Page 26 Opinion 2-5
World News 6-10
Boys Soccer Local News 10-17
Page 28
Entertainment 18-20
Sophomores Lauren Benoit, Bridget Furlong, Elyse Valente, and Caitlin Sports 21-28
Cala at the Blue and Gold Semi-Formal. More on the dance on page 14.
The Blue and Gold
Editorials November 2010
When Knowledge is Not Power

Malden High School

P rofessor Dolores Umbridge was loved by the al-
legorical Slytherins of Hogwarts School of Witch-
craft and Wizardry. Why? Because she knew nothing
degree, and Rachel Maddow, with her Stanford de-
gree, and Anderson Cooper, with his Yale degree, are
simply not as fun to watch as Palin and O’Donnell,
about the political and social system in which she who make up words and disregard essential Consti-
The Blue and Gold worked, but believed that she was entitled to power tutional amendments on a regular basis.
77 Salem St. in that system anyway. Nor are they as relatable. The American people
Malden, MA 02148 Christine O’Donnell, Republican Senate candi- are fed up with the over-intellectual, over-educated
date from Delaware, was a theater major at Farleigh politicians that have long made their nests in Wash-
Dickinson University who attended graduation ington. Palin is adorable in her ignorance; O’Donnell
with her class without receiving a degree, though is charmingly unknowledgeable about everything
EDITORS-IN-CHIEF she eventually earned a bachelor’s of art in English from the Bible to the Constitution. They remind us
João Nascimento literature. O’Donnell claimed to have taken gradu- of ourselves; Palin and O’Donnell are not the annoy-
Nidale Zouhir ate classes at Princeton and Oxford Universities, ingly over-knowledgeable students who were able to
but eventually retracted both statements. Former recite the Bill of Rights from memory by age four.
MANAGING EDITORS Governor Sarah Palin, meanwhile, attended Hawaii Rather, they are the students who learned how to
Brittany Foley Pacific University, the University of Idaho, North socialize while future lawyers were learning how to
Alexandra Mathieu Idaho College, and Matanuska-Susitna College, all speak in front of large audiences.
over the course of about six years. Meanwhile, Presi- Unfortunately, relatable as they may be, Palin,
HEAD COPY EDITOR dent Barack Obama attended Occidental College, O’Donnell, and those like them are simply not
Brittany McFeeley Columbia University, Harvard Law School, and the qualified to lead the US, especially at a time when
University of Chicago Law School – all notoriously diplomacy is so vital to the future of the world –
ONLINE EDITOR selective and, in some cases, notoriously pretentious, not because they are not Ivy League educated, but
Omar Khoshafa schools. because they are vapid. Palin believes Fox News is
But the nation is unsatisfied with Obama and “fair and balanced,” according to the BBC. She also
HEAD LOCAL NEWS WRITER his multiple degrees from such prestigious schools, believed that Obama’s health care plan called for
Cristina Peters a dissatisfaction exemplified by the Democrats’ dev- “death panels” where “his bureaucrats [could] de-
astating losses in the House of Representatives on cide, based on a subjective judgment...whether they
HEAD WORLD NEWS WRITER Election Day. This is not a new phenomenon; Senator are worthy of health care,” according to her Face-
Dan Holmqvist John Kerry failed to be elected in 2004, not only be- book page. O’Donnell, meanwhile, told Bill Maher
cause of his wishy-washy politics, but also because that “America is now a socialist economy.” In one
HEAD ENTERTAINMENT WRITER he was overconfident, both in his loquaciousness debate during the race for the Delaware US Senate,
Reginah Sanyu and in his chances of winning. Unlike then-President she failed to recognize the line, “Government shall
George W. Bush, Kerry seemed to know exactly what make no establishment of religion,” as a paraphrase
HEAD SPORTS WRITER he was talking about in debates; Bush’s floundering of part of the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Alfonse Femino came off as likable, while Kerry’s assertions came off O’Donnell was also unable to cite a specific Supreme
as pretentious. Americans could sympathize with Court judgment with which she disagreed, telling
HEAD OF BUSINESS Bush, and, unsurprisingly, found Kerry condescend- the moderator that she would “put it up on [her]
Alexander Gennigiorgis ing. Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coak- website.”
ley barely campaigned in the 2010 US Senate special It may be a sign of hope for the state of the
HEADS OF PHOTOGRAPHY election, leading to the unprecedented election of nation that O’Donnell lost the election for US Senate
Lauren Benoit Republican Scott Brown. in Delaware. Then again, perhaps it is lamentable
Sharon Lee The fact of the matter is, the vast majority of that she won the primary in the first place, beating
Americans did not attend Ivy League schools. They out the far more qualified and experienced Michael
HEAD OF SPECIAL PROJECTS cannot relate to the rhetoric of the intellectual liber- Castle, and then went on to win 40 percent of the
Kayla Bramante als, which they equate to playing Quidditch with state’s vote – only 50,000 less Delawareans voted for
Democrats. This is not the public’s fault; after all, it her than that voted for her opponent, Democrat Chris
COPY EDITORS is the job of politicians to represent their people, not Coons – who, by the way, earned actual degrees be-
Haley DeFilippis the other way around. We live in a society that pre- fore graduating with his class at both Amherst Col-
Catherine Poirier fers Jon and Kate plus Eight to MSNBC, Sarah Palin’s lege and Yale University.
Megan Kelly Alaska to CNN. Keith Olbermann, with his Cornell
Natalie Fallano Nidale Zouhir
Paige Yurek Editorial Policy Co-Editor-in-Chief
Joshua Kummins
The Blue and Gold is an open forum for
student expression. It is produced by students Corrections:
for the school and the community. The views
Rebecca Broomstein presented in this paper are not necessarily those On the front page, Jeri Scibelli’s comic is on page
Kaela Bryan of the advisor or the school administration. The 4, not page 3.
Freddie DiPhillipo views presented in the editorials are those of the
Johanna Lai editors-in-chief or guests. The goal of The Blue In the Flea Market article on page 14, senior
Kristen Leonard and Gold is to inform and entertain students as Samantha Saggese’s name is spelled incorrectly.
Jacob Martino well as the community regarding issues that we
Also, Kayla Bramante is the Head of Special
Vicki Ngan feel are important.
We strongly encourage readers to respond Projects, not a Reporter.
Amalia Quesada Nylen
to material printed in the form of signed letters to
Timothee Pierre In the football article on page 18, Wesly Bien-
the editors. No libelous, malicious, defamatory,
Amanda Rosatone obscene, or unsigned material will be printed. Aime’s name is spelled incorrectly. Also, he only
Joel Stevenson The Blue and Gold reserves the right to edit the let- tore his ACL, not his MCL and PCL.
Lesley Ta ters. Names may be withheld upon request. Not
all letters will be printed. On page 20, senior Patrick Keough is not listed in
ADVISOR Although The Blue and Gold appreciates the the boys cross country photo caption. Also, junior
Ryan Gallagher support of advertisers, we may refuse any ad- Cynthia Laurore is not listed in the girls cross
vertisement that violates the above policy or that
country caption.
Established in 1915 promotes products questionable to student use.
Any correspondence concerning this publi-
cation should be directed to Mr. Ryan Gallagher’s On page 21, Christelle Jourdain is not listed as a
Check out our online edition: sophomore in the photo caption.
room in C339 or to his mailbox in the main office.
The Blue and Gold Corrections to the editor can be submitted to
c/o Malden High School
77 Salem Street
Malden, MA 02148
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 Opinion 3

Tea Party Emma Watson’s Hair in the Time of Cholera

Tidal Wave
Dan Holmqvist Brittany Foley
Head World News Writer Managing Editor

A fter winning his Senate chal-

lenge in the state of Kentucky,
prominent Republican and Tea
Party member Rand Paul exclaimed,
“We’ve come to take our govern-
ment back,” adding in his victory
speech that, “Tonight, there’s a Tea
Party tidal wave.” But despite the
apparent “success” of the Tea Party
this November, many Americans are
still in the dark over the emergence
of this new, radically conservative
faction of the Republican Party. Who
are they, what do they stand for, and
how are they changing the face of L et’s look at the numbers: over 160 mil-
lion (estimated amount in dollars of aid
needed to battle a raging epidemic over the
politics in the United States?
The origins of the Tea Party course of one year), 1.3 million (number
movement can be traced back to the of people left homeless following a brutal
government bailouts of the financial earthquake), 917 (current death toll), three
sector during the former George W. (number of oh-so tragic days spent trapped
Bush and current Barack Obama ad- on a luxury cruise liner).
ministrations. Disgruntled citizens How is it that reports of the soar-
and taxpayers, from New York to ing death toll caused by epidemic in an
Seattle, held impromptu “tea par- already-devastated developing country
ties,” protests meant to highlight could receive less attention from the gen-
American discontent over exorbi- eral internet-savvy public than a cruise
tant taxes and reckless spending. ship’s power outage? How do the deaths
The name “Tea Party,” of course, of hundreds and disease of thousands
was drawn from the famous Boston compare to the inconvenience of having to
Tea Party of 1773, where colonial eat canned meat for three days? While the
citizens protested harsh British gov- thought of being trapped in the middle of
ernment policies by storming a ship the ocean with hundreds of strangers and
and dumping its tea overboard. The no power may even fit the label as horri-
movement eventually gained steam fying to some, it certainly falls below the
and it was only a moment of time raging outbreak of deadly disease in Haiti
before prominent political leaders on a scale of global significance. And yet, somehow,
like Rand Paul and Sarah Palin de- the story of the Carnival Cruise ship’s power outage your standard celebrity gossip magazine. Inarguably,
cided to call themselves tea partiers. stole the internet spotlight from the news of Haiti’s as far as newsprint goes, Jessica Simpson’s romantic
However, there are several skyrocketing cholera-caused death toll—and the ab- affairs are only acceptable front-page content for The
misconceptions that people still surdities of priorities exist beyond this single case. National Enquirer, next to some byline regarding an
harbor about the Tea Party. For one, AOL’s website serves as prime evidence of alien woman giving birth to a three-headed Cyclops
they are a decentralized grassroots America’s confused concerns. As of 8:00 PM on baby. On the internet scene, however, celebrity gos-
movements, with no formal political Nov. 14, 2010, “Ke$ha Hits the Beach” was a more sip and entertainment news are displayed next to
leadership (although some people pronounced headline than stories of deadly blasts top world news stories; names like Justin Bieber and
argue that Sarah Palin is the de in Mexico and kidnappings by Somali pirates. On Conan O’Brien are just as common, if not more so, than
facto leader of this phenomenon). their search page, both Sports News and Entertain- names like Barack Obama and Kim Jong Il. Thanks to
The Tea Party is also not affiliated ment News are listed before World News. Reports of virtual news sources, teen pregnancy idol Bristol Palin
with the GOP in any way, although, Jessica Simpson’s latest engagement rank just below is probably equally famous to her tea-partying mother,
considering their extremely conser- a report of the political competition heating up be- and the general public probably knows more about last
vative outlook, it is not surprising tween Heath Shuler and Nancy Pelosi and updates week’s episode of Dancing With the Stars than they do
that essentially every member of the on the Tea Party on AOL’s “Latest Headlines” list. about their recent local elections.
movement favors the Republican Around the same time, Simpson’s engagement was Perhaps these past couple of years’ worth of
Party over the Democratic Party. also featured on, surrounded by images quality-slacking is due to the greater audience that in-
But what exactly does the Tea linking to college Quidditch news, a story regard- ternet reporting reels in. The majority of the younger
Party stand for? What is its political ing the apparent “24-carat gold tattoo trend,” and a folk visiting these websites likely have the time to care
platform? Well, the supposed “Con- report entitled “Bill Clinton joins cast of Hangover about their favorite celebrities, and there’s nothing
tract from America,” a 10 point 2.” To the side of this centered array of flags were wrong with that. Procrastinators, bored web-surfers
document modeled after the GOP’s links that sounded like actual news—“Arizona voters and diehard fans alike all probably would find more
“Contract for America” in 1994, OK marijuana,” “Obama ready for clash with Repub- recreation in reading tabloid-y gossip stories and enter-
tries to explain just that. The most licans,” and “Vitamin D lack linked to stroke death,” tainment updates, and that is totally normal. Still, there
important of these political goals to name a few. is a place for stories of these sorts, and on a news site’s
include “protecting the constitution, As the virtual news sources begin to replace homepage—what would be the front page of a stan-
demanding a balanced budget, en- newsprint, as the public continues to choose con- dard printed publication—next to world news reports
acting tax reform, rejecting cap and venience, it seems they sacrifice quality of content. and political bulletins and economic updates is not that
trade, and restoring fiscal responsi- While it enables constant, continuous, and repeated place. In reference to a popular quote from the iconic
bility and constitutionally limited updating of news articles, while it allows for practi- Emma Watson (because her new haircut is obviously
government.” cally limitless image and video supplement, internet headline-worthy in itself) and jousting regards to the
Like it or not, the Tea Party reporting also seems to remove limits from story latest Harry Potter film just hitting theaters (the most
is here to stay - at least until 2012, coverage. Try to imagine the story of Jessica Simp- likely “news” story to be brought up in common con-
when we will see whether or not the son’s engagement on the front page of The New York versation these days), America, you really need to sort
Tea Party will become an enduring Times, just below some Wall Street report; such an out your priorities.
political establishment. occurrence is pretty much apocalyptic, a merger of
one of the world’s most respected publications and
The Blue and Gold
Opinion November 2010

Faster Technology Makes People Lose Patience

Alexandra Mathieu
Managing Editor

T he 2000s ushered in a new

age of technology; this “Infor-
mation Age” created a trend for
than ten minutes on a page before
navigating to a new one. A steady
stream of information, no matter if
as many men and women severely
restrict their calorie intake to achieve
rapid weight loss. However, in their
be taken out of the context of high
school and brought to a national
level. When he began in late Janu-
faster, smaller, and smarter gadgets. it is viral, through web articles or search for immediate results, these ary, President Barack Obama had
Memory chips were condensed through advertisements, is being same customers end up unhealthy a 65 percent approval rating from
into microchips that now power up absorbed by those who browse the and in worse conditions than they American citizens. However, almost
devices from cell phones to global Internet for any amount of time. In were before the diet as the weight two years later, Obama’s rating
positioning systems. Playing music an article from 2008, Science Daily lost tends to return in a few weeks. dropped to around 47 percent. That
has moved from compact disks announced that most teens spend Though this is alarming infor- is almost an 18 percent drop in a
on CD players to MPEG-2 Audio on average 30 hours a week on the mation on its own, instant gratifica- very short amount of time. Why the
Layer 3, more commonly known as Internet and thereby are faced with tion goes hand in hand with a de- huge plummet? Obama’s platform
MP3 files, on iPods and other MP3 30 hours of information bombard- crease of patience. One of the main was built around the idea of change
players. Sending information across ment. This constant stimulation reasons that people go on diets or in all aspects of the nation: economi-
the globe can be done in less than and the expectation of immediate even to fast food restaurants is be- cally and politically. Many Ameri-
one second via Internet chatting or responses from objects have become cause they want results as quickly can voters expected radical new
streamed video conferences. Getting part of the norm for many people as possible: in these cases, immedi- policies and laws that would im-
tasks done and finding information without them having recognized it. ate weight loss or a double cheese- mediately benefit the nation in some
faster has been a driving force be- Perhaps the best example of burger on demand. Therefore, the way. However, change takes time,
hind the technological revolution of this phenomenon is the lucrative opposite proves true as well: people a concept that these Americans do
the new millennium. However, this United States diet industry. In 2009, do not want to wait or use a lot of not understand. From the way his
modernization comes with a conse- the US diet industry had a net worth time on one task. More students now approval ratings are continuously
quence too dire to go unnoticed: the of over $59.7 billion, testament to are forgoing actually reading a book falling, Obama will most likely not
upsurge of instant gratification in its economic strength. What makes in order to read a summary of each find himself re-elected in 2012 but
our global society. it such a lucrative sector is that the chapter, essentially getting all of the will probably become a casualty of
Instant gratification is the industry appeals to Americans’ same information without having to our need for instant gratification.
emotional response that describes need to see immediate results. Buzz- read since it is time consuming. This Technology is continuously
satisfactions derived from more words such as “fast acting” and habit, although helpful when used progressing, with new inventions
impulsive behavior. Although this “immediate results” are employed to catch up in a book, prevents stu- and innovations made every day.
may not sound particularly danger- by diet companies in order to garner dents from formulating their own This is not bad news on its own but
ous to society, effects of this can be more customers who may be naively ideas about the book as well as takes taking the psychological effects into
seen in almost all aspects of life. looking at short term forms of grati- away from the experience of reading account leads one to worry about
On the Internet, people can move fication. Crash diets have become a novel in general. the future of society. What this situ-
freely between pages, spending less increasingly popular in recent years This lack of patience can also ation boils down to is a simple ques-

Have you ever wanted to be pub-

lished? Do you like drawing comics?
Writing opinion pieces? Submit your
work to!
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 Opinion 5

Noam Chomsky On the Israeli Palestinian Conflict

Omar Khoshafa
Online Editor
The Gaza Mental Health Foun- Among these were Protocols I and Avram Noam Chomsky was

M assachusetts Institute of Tech- dation, a humanitarian organization II of the Geneva Conventions, the born on Dec. 7, 1928, to a Jewish
nology professor of linguistics committed to the healthy develop- international agreements that ad- family residing in Philadelphia,
Noam Chomsky addressed an eager ment of children in Gaza, specifically dressed the international rights of PA. His parents and his uncle
audience at the Palestinian Cultural those under 14 years of age, kicked war-faring nations and their civil- were political activists, and he at-
Center for Peace in Boston on Oct. off the gathering with a presentation ians. Another point is the addressing tributes his own activism to these
14, 2010 on matters concerning the that was critical to the overall pur- Gaza as the “world’s largest prison.”
early influences. Chomsky studied
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. pose of the event. Nancy Murray, Mathematically speaking, the city of
president of the organization, gave Gaza is one of the most densely pop- philosophy and linguistics (the
The crowd was composed of a study of human language) while
variety of different groups defying a presentation on the horrors the ulated areas on Earth. This can be at-
children of Gaza has been through. tributed to the gradual expansion of at the University of Pennsylvania,
any lines drawn by race or religion.
Vivid and poignant pictures of the Israeli settlement plans in the West receiving a PhD in the field in
Jewish men wearing the kippah, a
round cap usually clipped on the current situation in the Gaza strip Bank that have displaced thousands 1955. Chomsky eventually com-
back of the head, proudly displayed and moving melodramatic melodies of Palestinians. Chomsky also refers pleted his Doctorate in Linguistics
their Jewish culture. Muslim women were enough to transfix the audi- to the blockade of Gaza as a “viola- at Harvard University. Since then,
wearing the hijab, a headscarf that ence. Gaza’s current despair was tion of international law,” which is Chomsky has been a professor
not only covers not only one’s hair, obviously attributed to the Israeli a statement that can be challenged, in the Department of Linguistics
but also meant in Islamic culture to siege on the region, which Chom- but the recognition that an Israeli at the Massachusetts Institute of
preserve a women’s modesty and sky constantly called “the world’s blockade is in place makes it more
Technology. Throughout his entire
morality, also attended the lecture. largest prison.” This presentation than just a political issue; it makes it
enabled the audience to see this con- a humanitarian issue as well. life, Chomsky has been an outspo-
Catholics and Protestants were also ken critic of U.S. foreign policy,
members of this vibrant audience, flict in a completely different light. The fact that Chomsky was able
It allowed the audience to see the to bring together this large variety especially during the Vietnam War
with the lecture occurring ironically
conflict for the humanitarian issue it of people, Americans regardless of and the “current Israeli occupation
in what once was a congregation
area of a Catholic Church. All of was, not the usual political chatter it religion or social standing, all under of Palestine.” Whether or not we
these diverse citizens, citizens of the has always been. one humanitarian cause, was truly completely agree with Chomsky’s
global community, wanted to learn After pleas for the continued fi- a milestone in itself. What we must position on the Israeli-Palestinian
more about the seemingly never- nancial support of the cause, Chom- now do is increase this audience to conflict, it remains important that
ending Israeli-Palestinian conflict sky took the stage to a long standing include the majority of the popula- we still absorb the fundamental
through Chomsky. More important- ovation. There are certain points tion. We need the same dynamic facts that he puts forth on the is-
ly, they sought the ways in which that Chomsky reiterated through- and enthusiastic audience that came
sue, even if we must do so with a
they could make a difference. out his speech, more accurately to hear Chomsky, but now they
throughout every single speech I need to hear the whispers of the op- grain of salt.
As members of the audience
gathered before the presentation, have ever attended on this issue. pressed, wherever in the world they
a large array of Mediterranean Chomsky stresses several points, may be. Whether they are human
foods was offered to the enthusias- and including the fact that Israel rights activists in China or refugees Visit our website,
tic crowd. It was a modest crowd and the United States have failed to in Sudan, we must also rise up for www.maldenblueandgold.
of about 100 people, with several ratify many international treatises the natural rights granted to every
and conventions agreed upon by human being, regardless of race or com, for video and photos
journalists and photographers also
present. almost the entire global community. religion. from the talk.
The Blue and Gold
World News November 2010
Suicide Patients
TWLOHA Spreading Awareness
Kept Waiting
Lauren Benoit
Head of Photography

T he economic situation in Amer-

ica is gradually improving, but
who would have thought that the
past economic troubles have kept
patients in the waiting room for
days in the midst of life or death
Meridith Viano of Leicester,
MA faced a devastating situation
when she was kept in a hospital
waiting room for three days until
her 15 year old son (whose name has
been kept anonymous) was treated
by docators. Viano allegedly began
hearing voices in his head and did
not recognize his own immediate
family members. He was then taken
to the MetroWest Medical Center
in Framingham, MA. The hospital
denied Viano to a room because, ac-
cording to, they catego- The Blue and Gold staffmembers from left to right, sophomores Megan Kelly, Catherine Poirer, Kayla Bramante
rized Viano’s symptoms to be “too and Lauren Benoit show their support on TWLOHA Day, Nov. 12, 2010.
acute” for him to be admitted.
On the third day, Viano de-
manded that her son must be The taboo of practicing self injury is considered to NUMBERS THAT HELP
treated. The hospital called Viano’s
health insurance company, and
just be reserved for the “Emo.” Though the TW- The Samaritans of Boston

20 minutes later Viano was finally LOHA organization is helping spread the awareness * Befriending Hotline
moved into a room. He was treated about the issue of self injury, it is still vastly misun- (617) 247-0220
for two weeks. Viano is worried that
the two day waiting period in the derstood.
* Samariteens
waiting room traumatized her son 1-800-252-TEEN
because throughout their time wait- 1-800-252-8336
ing there “[they] had to hear adults 2pm-11pm Teen to Teen
screaming and being detoxed” ac- Copy Editor 11pm-2pm Adult to Teen
cording to an interview with Viano
with the Boston Globe. What both-

ers Viano the most is the fact that alking around Malden High real stable things in their lives at the traumatizing emotions? Probably
her son might not ask for help in the School, a student may see moment. because the bad image of the stereo-
future due to their past experience many things that would shock The issue of self injury (SI), or type is the ones people choose to see
in the waiting room of the hospital, graduates from 50 years ago: baggy the much more technical term for more often. Even cutters are afraid
and actually going as far as commit- pants, boots that have jeans tucked cutting is not all about razor blades, of sharing their “secret” to friends
ting suicide. inside, tight tops, side bangs, band crying while listening to depressing because of how they would continue
In the hospital’s defense, it has tee shirts and copious amounts of music, and dealing with the pain of to see them, “I clearly have no idea
been stated that Viano’s son was silly bands and friendship bracelets. losing your latest boyfriend or girl- what it’s like to be a self-inflictor. I’m
“too troubled to have a roommate” Too many each of these are com- friend. The stereotype is not followed just being sympathetic, but maybe
and that Viano wanted her son to mons staples for teenage fashion by the majority of known cutters. that’s all people really need to be,”
have a room all to his own. “The statements, a way to identify them- A junior at Andover High School, Michael Chu Hoang a sophomore
financial pressure that has been put selves and others in the enormous whose name is also being withheld, at MHS expressed, stating what
on the units has made it increasingly student population and for a small explains, “Most of the time, it’s the cutters clearly need, sympathy. But
hard for them to take the difficult minority for others they are walls to people who seem perfect that have it with how many see the cutting com-
patients,’’ David Matteodo execu- hide behind. the worst, because everyone thinks munity, the only way to create more
tive director of the Massachusetts This minority known to many ‘Oh, of course they’re not depressed. sympathy is with more awareness.
Association of Behavioral Health students and parents as “cutters” They have such happy lives.” To Write Love on Her Arms is
Systems stated during an interview is regularly misunderstood and Starting to practice SI is not a non profit organization that since
with the Boston Globe. “A difficult misidentified to belong to the social what most people turn to first when 2006 has been telling the public
patient may need a private room, scene of “Emo” or to be clad in all they start dealing with difficult about the issues of suicide, SI, drug
they can’t share a room, or they may black and to be suicidal; however, emotional issues. For them, heavy abuse and depression. Bands popu-
need a staffer 24/7 watching them. this is not usually the case. emotions start to gradually build up lar with MHS students, (Paramore,
That can be costly.” He also claimed For self injurers across the so heavily that it seems that cutting Boys Like Girls and Between the
that “even though every bed is not world, country, state and school the is the only way to resolve the ten- Trees) have been helping spread
full, a decision is made to accept no easiest way of covering up their scars sion inside of them. the word on spreading awareness
more patients because they cannot is with long sleeves and bracelets. Practicing SI is not also about on these issues, by wearing t-shirts
be safely accommodated without From personal experience, using the calling attention to oneself; why or simply writing the word love on
bringing in more staff.” Having a latest fashion or fad can be the way would so many people be affected by their arms.
nurse watch over a patient on all that the secret is not discovered. A the issue and hide it if it were some- It’s clear to see that with TW-
hours is very costly and many staff resident of Hanover, whose name thing they felt proud of? “It isn’t LOHA represented at MHS that the
members were laid off because of is being withheld because of her something that people are proud sympathy is starting to grow, hope-
the economic depression America is age, explains why for her keeping of, despite stereotypes. To have to fully a step in the right direction for
submerged in now. the secret was so important, “To the resort to hurting yourself to feel (as those battling self injury.
Unemployment rates have self-injuring person, it makes per- “normal” people do naturally) is
been rising around the country fect sense--in fact, self-injury is the an incredibly shameful thing,” the
for the past couple years. Budget only thing that makes sense in such Andover junior added. So why do
cuts have been made to schools a messed-up world,” keeping the we see cutters as just “Emos,” and
Continued on page 9. secret and covering up is the only not as people that are feeling such
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 WORLD NEWS 7

Chokyab Serab:
A Student’s Journey Tibet and china:
from Tibet
A Century Old Conflict
S enior Chokyab Serab experi-
enced the Tibet-China conflict
Paige Yurek Tenzin Kunsang:
firsthand. Serab came to America
from India in 2008. His uncle, who
Copy Editor
Meeting The Dalai
China and Tibet have been at odds for the better part of the last century,
is a Tibetan-Buddhist monk was
sent to prison for being a monk and with tensions flaring over issues of political and cultural independence.
for protesting Chinese take-over. Malden High School student
At Malden High School, there are several students that are Tibetan, and senior Tenzin Kunsang shares
His uncle helped people learn the
Tibetan language and culture, as
have first hand experience with this conflict. These are their stories... the experience she had of when
well as contributed to building a she traveled to a Tibetan camp in
small Tibetan school. Around the Dharamsala, India last summer,
time that the school was being built, where she went to a Tibetan board-
there was a bomb case in the same ing school and got the chance to
city, in which Serab’s uncle was learn about her culture. “I learned a
falsely blamed for. Because of these lot more about my religion (Tibetan
false accusations, Serab’s uncle had Buddhism) and went to holy sites
to be hidden for two months. After and I got to meet the Dalai Lama.”
two months, he went out to the city, Here is the excerpt of Kun-
and tried to hide, but was caught sang’s college essay where she de-
and sent to prison for six years. scribes her meeting with the Dalai
Serab was born in Tibet, and Lama:
his parents were also involved in “My palms were sweating,
anti-Chinese programs. At age my stomach was tossing and turn-
five, his parents escaped to India ing with nervousness, my eyes were
while Serab and his brother stayed watery, and all of a sudden the room
with his aunt. Five years later, his felt hotter than it actually was. I
parents hired a guide to reunite the Senior contributor Tenzin Kunsang could not believe I was actually in
family, but it was a long and ardu- the palace of His Holiness the 14th
ous journey. Dalai Lama of Tibet. This whole
Serab explains the fear he had time I was thinking “when in life am
felt when he witnessed Tibetans I ever going to get this fortunate op-
around him getting caught by ex- portunity of asking H.H. The Dalai
plaining, “the scary thing is that Lama a question?”, therefore when
Chinese people came at night, and H.H. announced the time for the last
the next day, people seemed to just question, I shot my hand up like a
disappear,” he stated. “[We had rocket. It felt so riveting when The
to] walk at night time, so not to be Dalai Lama picked me to ask the
caught by Chinese. We would walk last question. “Was it more difficult
from eleven p.m. to four a.m. until to govern Tibet with the invasion of
Chinese people would come, and Communist China or the arrival to
the we would hide in small caves or India and governing a whole nation
valleys in the the Mountains.” in exile?” His Holiness the 14th said
Serab continues to describe his that it is more difficult to govern a
journey, explaining, “when we got nation in exile because the existence
to Mt. Everest, we ran out of food, of the Tibetan culture was at stake
it was really freezing. We couldn’t and that the future of the nation was
even sleep. The snow was so deep, Senior contributor Choyab Serab uncertain. With this simple answer
if you walked over it, you would fall that was directed towards me, I
in. In the morning we still had noth- felt so overjoyed and blessed that I
ing to eat. Then we walked for five A Brief Historical Overview finally got myself to ask a question.”
One of Kunsang’s favorite
hours until we got to a town. There
we saw some foreigners that helped trips at the Tibetan Camp was to a
us. They even spoke a little Tibetan.
They gave us food and drink, it was F or years, Tibet and China have been in conflict over Tibetan land,
culture, and independence. But when it all comes down, it is more
than just a conflict. It is a war.
holy site, Tso Pema (Lotus Lake) in
Rewalsar. There, the campers vis-
ited Guru Rinpoche’s cave where
really delicious. None of us talked,
we just ate and drank. I drank about It began in 1951 when Chinese troops led by communist leader he meditated and even left his foot-
three large mugs of the juice.” Serab Mao Zedong started occupying the land, and China expected Tibetans prints. “On top of the mountain, we
explained, “when we left, everybody to gradually convert into Chinese culture over time. But throughout hung up prayer flags so the wind
was crying. I really felt a connection the 1950s, when Tibetans refused to convert, then resisted, uproar rose would carry the prayers to everyone
with these people. They even told causing the Dalai Lama to eventually flee. in the world,” Kunsang elaborated.
us which way to walk so we would Through the 1960s, conditions only worsened. China also set “The trip to Tso Pema allowed me to
not get caught by the Chinese.” restrictions on Tibetan religion, forcing monks out of monasteries and get in touch with Tibetan Buddhism
As Serab, his relatives, and destroying some temples. Even speaking the Tibetan language was a and made me realize [how] special it
their guide came close to the Nepali crime. Then in the 1980s, hope began to shine on the Tibetan people is. This experience not only taught
border, they had to be extra careful when Deng Xiaoping took over after Mao Zedong’s death, and adjusted me more about my dying Tibetan
not to get caught, or the 14 day walk some of these policies, rebuilding monasteries and welcoming monks culture, but also taught me some
would be wasted. Adults caught back home. Throughout the early to mid 2000s, the Dalai Lama and valuable lessons and change[d] me
would be put in prison for one or the Chinese government made a few talks for reform, but they did not as a person. I have to say this trip
two years, but Guides would be put make much progress. After 2006, negotiations broke off. has been the far most influencing
in prison for up to ten years. Finally, Even today, Chinese-Tibetan tensions remain. On Tuesday, and touching experience.”
they succeeded in going to Nepal, Oct. 19, 2010, several Tibetan students protested for their freedom to
and were officially out of risk of get- express their culture. China is limiting the use of the Tibetan language To read Chokyab’s and Tenzin’s
ting caught. in these students’ schools. The Chinese government is mandating that remarkable stories, go to:
all subjects are to be taught in Chinese and all textbooks will be in Chi-
nese, except for Tibetan and English language classes.
The Blue and Gold
WORLD NEWS November 2010

Haiti: A Forgotten Nation?

First-Hand AccountS
Senior Smeedhley Batraville was actually there when the
earthquake hit Haiti. Traumatized by what he witnessed, he
was so affected that he decided later to write his college essay
(excerpts of which are below) about his haunting experience.
“There [are] no word[s] to describe what it felt like,” says
Batraville of his experience. Batraville was travelling home by
bus when the earthquake reached him. “It was hard at first
to [live with] these scenes. I had nightmares after seeing the
wounded at the hospital and many other scenes that I don’t
need to mention.”

Smeedhley Batraville
Malden High School Senior

I would have never believed it even him in my hands was even harder
if I were told, even if I were shown than seeing him suffering on the
pictures. I would never think that ground. He was crying and yelling
35 seconds could lead to such an ir- so much. His pain must have been
reparable chaos. unbearable. He couldn’t stop asking
January 12th, 2010 was a sunny me to put him down, “ou met kite’m
and warm Tuesday. I was peacefully mouri , m pakab anko.” “You can
riding a bus to go home and at 5:22 let me die, I can’t take it anymore.”
p.m., when we were brutally pro- After putting him with the other
pelled to the left while the bus tilted wounded, I ran back to find my bag.
onto two wheels. We first thought Someone from the bus had thrown
that it was the power of a wind but it in the middle of the street. When Senior Smeedhley Batraville smiling. Photo by Kaela Bryan.
the trees weren’t moving. The bus I tried to use my phone, there was
was still shaking. Then we finally no signal. At the same time I heard a Kaela Bryan
understood what was happening. woman say “the phones don’t work,
The bus was stopped in the middle oh Jesus, it’s the end.” ing in like rain fall, there were so Reporter
many that the hospital, unprepared

of the street in downtown Port au Finally, after a few hours, I ar-
for such a rush, was already full alden High School senior
Prince, where there were the oldest rived back in my neighborhood. The
within the first thirty minutes of our Phedorah Rosiclair was
buildings. When I looked out the chaos that I was looking at made
arrival. Doctors didn’t have time to touched personally by the earth-
window, there were people yelling. my fears grow exponentially. All the
take good care of everyone, and they quake: her mother was in Haiti
I suddenly saw a woman running houses were down to the ground.
misdiagnosed a lot. Some had pieces during the ordeal. At first, her
from under a building; she didn’t All the people were crying and run-
of themselves amputated when they family didn’t know where their
even make four steps because a ce- ning around since they couldn’t find
could have healed on their own with mother was or how to reach her
ment block fell on her head. Cars their loved ones. I walked faster and
enough time and care. A few minutes -- the majority of communication
were hitting each other. A crowd faster to my house. When I came to
in the hospital and I couldn’t take it methods were destroyed during
of people started to run from the it, it was all the way on the ground.
anymore so I went back home. But I the natural attacks. Rosiclair and
buildings to go to the public square. The roof languished on the blocks
couldn’t sleep. her family didn’t even know if
Within minutes, a grey crowd of already crushed. I felt powerless; I
their mother was still alive. When
dust was formed that prevented us felt like I had no more reason to live.
they finally were able to contact
from seeing anything. All we could I felt like the roof was lying over my
each other, the family was over-
hear was the deafening “blow, heart, but I didn’t cry. I
whelmed with gratitude and re-
blaw” of the houses collapsing and didn’t want to cry. I ran to
lief. “It was shocking. It definitely
the terrified cries of the people. the pile of debris that used
brought the catastrophe much
Since we were all panicking, to be my house. I heard
closer to home, made it more real.
everyone was trying to get out of a voice say “Smeedhley,
It became relevant.” Rosiclair dealt
the bus at the same time. Finally, Smeedhley, here we are!” I
with the trauma of not knowing
after some painful effort we were turned over, searching for
whether her mother was alive
stepping on the sidewalks, and we the voice, looking every-
by staying strong and caring for
began to run. I realized that I had where. When I finally saw
her younger sisters. “[My sisters]
forgotten my bag in the bus which my mom, alive, with no
were way more upset because
had my phone and the key to my injuries, I knew what she,
they were very young at the time.
apartment. I had to run back to and the rest of my family,
I knew that I had to be a rock for
find it. Then I saw something on meant to me.
them, and that’s also what got me
the ground moving slowly. When This evening, due
through it -- just staying strong.
I came closer, I realized that it was to many emergency calls
My experience has given me a
a little boy. He had a serious injury coming from the hospital,
fresh perspective about what’s
on his right foot; it looked like a big my uncle, who is a doctor,
really important. And it made me
piece of cement had fallen onto it. had to go to the hospital
realize how much we [generally]
Looking at him as he suffered and to lend a strong hand. He
take America for granted and how
begged, I quickly saw that his safety brought another cousin
lucky we are to be living here. [I
was more important than all that and me with him. The hos-
didn’t] realize it until then.”
I could possibly have to do in that pital was the worst place
moment. So I lifted him on my arms to be after such disaster. Senior Phedorah Rosiclair smiling
and headed back to safety. Holding The wounded were flow- happily after her mother’s recovery
*Parts of the above college essay have been omitted. from the Haitian earthquake of
2010. Photo by Kaela Bryan.
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 WORLD NEWS 9

Continued from page 6

Kaela Bryan
and hospitals. But what is more
Reporter important, children’s education
or the well being of the younger

O n Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2009, the

world was informed that Haiti
had been hit by an enormous earth-
generations? The organization
To Write Love On Her Arms is a
non-profit movement dedicated
quake. Reaching a power of 7.0 on to educating the public and find-
the moment magnitude scale (Mw), ing help for people who struggle
the earthquake only needed a few with depression, addiction, self-
minutes to devastate the country. injury, and suicide. TWLOHA
Over the course of the next few and many other organizations are
weeks, until Jan. 24, 2009, terrible af- specifically established to lower
tershocks of reportedly 4.5 Mw¬ rav- the death rates of teens that harm
aged through Haiti. Buildings and themselves in any way. Lauren, an
roads collapsed inward, onto them- intern at TWLOHA, thinks that
selves, onto surrounding structures “rescue is possible, and our hope
and cars, and onto people -- adults is that every person desiring help
and children. Haiti’s government will be able to receive it and see
later reported that an estimated the hope of a new day.” Luckily
250,000 resident building and 30,000 The U.N. started to evacuate Camp Croix-des Bouguets, and moving people
to hospital Bennett in Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti, on Thursday, November 4, these are non-profit organizations
commercial buildings had collapsed and budget cuts will not affect
or were severely damaged, and that 2010, before the effects of Tropical Storm Tomas arrived in the country. (Peter
Andrew Bosch/Miami Herald/MCT) them. Some might say these orga-
230,000 people had died; 300,000 nizations have saved, will save or
had been injured; 1,000,000 people potentially could save lives of mil-
were made homeless. Food and and raising as much money as they there was not enough medical at-
could to help the Haitian people. tention to go around to all the sick lions just by spreading awareness.
water supplies were limited, if even The more that self-inflicted harm
available at all, and many, children Large trucks stacked with water and the injured. Crime began to
and food began to arrive in Haiti, break out because people were is recognized, the more patients
included, starved. will be admitted into psychiatric
Almost immediately, the de- complete with volunteers to help desperate to feed their families and
pass the supplies to the struggling themselves. A man, while reaching hospitals. Lauren states “It’s hard
struction and despair of Haiti caught to predict what will happen in the
the eye of the world. News reporters population. Even with all the help, for some rice, was shot dead in the
there were so many men, women, street because it was thought that he future of mental health treatment,
began flying to Haiti to report on but we know that as an organi-
the overwhelming wreckage. Engi- and children who continued to live was trying to steal it. Nevertheless,
in tents on the dirty, muddy ground. the world continued to send aid. zation, we contribute funds to
neers and medical teams appeared treatment centers so that the cost
in Haiti, ready to help in any way Disease spread, causing more death According to a poll, more than $305
and suffering, especially because million dollars was raised for the ef- will be more affordable for each
they could. People began sending person.”
forts in Haiti.
The earthquake in January was Being in the economic slump
not the end to Haiti’s distressing cir- America is experiencing now, can
cumstances. Now, although many hospitals keep up with the admit-
have been helped and rescued, the tance of more patients? Or will
majority of people are still in need of there be more cases resembling
assistance. Almost a year has passed, Viano’s?
and yet the trauma still grows Past records show that this
amongst the rubble and the ruin. was not the first time this type
A tropical storm that later turned of incident occurred. The aver-
into a small hurricane struck the na- age amount of time spent in the
tion on Tuesday, Nov. 2, adding to waiting room for suicidal patients
the spread of suffering. Although range from eight to 24 hours.
the storm was not great, the dam- Studies show that patients with
age was: approximately six people psychiatric complaints are twice
were killed. There simply was no- as likely to walk out of the hos-
where to take shelter other than the pital before being treated. In the
flimsy tents that were meant to be past many hospitals around the
temporary. Furthermore, cholera (a country have been fined for dis-
disease that causes abdominal pain, charging suicidal patients before
Antonine Fizamey, 47, left, wails in grief after her mother, Virginia Sencilna, vomiting and diarrhea and, if not they are properly treated. Numer-
67, became gravely ill with cholera, which has spread into Gonaives, Haiti, treated, can become so severe that ous hospitals have been fined
from the surrounding areas. (Rick Loomis/Los Angeles Times/MCT) it results in dehydration and even- for making patients wait in the
tually death) has broken out across waiting room for countless hours.
Haiti as well. And chances are it will These discoveries were made be-
Don’t Forget: spread because there is not enough fore the economic troubles started
in America. The doctors blamed
You Can Help! clean drinking water nor antibiotics
the economy in the most recent
• Visit the website, which is the website for the available to most Haitians.
Evidently there is still a lot that act. What was their excuse back
organization The Goods: Relief to Haiti. The products bought in then? These types of incidents will
this online store will be used directly on the ground in Haiti. Al- must be done for Haiti. So where
has the media gone? Where has the eventually make victims of de-
ready, people have given $100,000 pression unwilling to seek help at
• The “Clinton Bush Haiti Fund,” run by former-Presidents Bill money that was meant to both help
house the homeless and to further hospitals, and have them attempt
Clinton and George W. Bush, accepts donations of all sizes for to take matters in their own hands.
Haiti. Large donations can be made online at www.clintonbush- the reconstruction of Haiti gone?
Rosiclair says she doesn’t know It almost seems as though the; a $10 donation can be donated by texting HAITI to doctors and nurses of hospitals
20222. why the attention has dried up, but
that the more recent problems in brush off the mentally ill patients,
• The Mercy Corps Haiti Earthquake Fund accepts donations online and put them at the bottom of the
at, or over the phone. 1-888-256-1900. Haiti may actually help. “Ironically
enough,” she says, “maybe it will emergency list. But in reality, these
• K.I.D.S, or Kids in Distressed Situations, delivers donated water, potentially suicidal people need
food, diapers, and clothing to the children of Haiti. K.I.D.S. also ac- give them a chance to start anew.
It’ll remind the world that those help just as much. Why is it that
cepts cash donations and product gifts. Visit www.kidsdonations. mentally ill persons, the people
org to get involved. people are still here, that they still
need help.” in society that are most vunerable
• Visit, or text “SAVE” to 20222. The donations and in the most need of help, are
recieved by this organization go directly to children in need of at the bottom of the priority list?
medical attention and food and water..
The Blue and Gold
November 2010

Deval Patrick Reelected as Governor

Freddie DeFillipo
educational opportunities. And that T h e
Reporter means that means that he wants to percentag-
match up the mission statements of es of people
local community colleges with the who voted
The first African American expectations needed by the work for ques-
governor of Massachusetts, Deval L. force. Patrick’s goals are also to bring tion three,
Patrick won reelection this Novem- down the cost of health care in the cutting the
ber, after being locked in a three way state by heading toward a “global sale of al-
race with Republican Charlie Baker payment system.” cohol taxes
and Independent Tim Cahill. However, the governor is down to
The exciting gubernato- against the introduction of gambling 3 percent,
rial election drew President Barack to Massachusetts, an issue that has was 44 per-
Obama to the Hynes Convention drawn much controversy through- cent for and
Center this October, where he gave a out the state, both because it could 49 percent
stump speech meant to support the significantly boost the economy and against.
incumbent governor. Other speak- because some believe that it could On the
ers included current Boston Mayor increase the levels of crime in and national
Thomas Menino, United States around the gambling instituions. level, Re-
Senator John F Kerry, and a musical This means that casinos will not be publicans
performance from James Taylor. introduced to the state during Pat- were able
After the votes were tallied up, rick’s term. to win
Deval Patrick recieved 48.4 percent Patrick claims that he feels back the
of the total vote, while his oppo- more comfortable entering his sec- House of
nents Charlie Baker, Tim Cahill, and ond term in office, because he has Represen-
Jill Stein recieved 42.1 percent, 8.0 Deval Patrick was reelected this November against Republi-
leaned from his mistakes in the pre- tatives from
percent, and 1.4 percent of the votes, can candidate Charlie Baker and Independant candidate Tim
vious term. Democratic
respectively. Cahill. Photo from
The three ballot topics con- control. The
Patrick is confident heading cerned sales tax on alcohol, compre- GOP needed
into his second term as Massachu- hensive permits for low to moderate a gain of 39 seats to get the house a low young voter turnout. With
setts Governor. He is planning on income housing and, sales taxes, majority for the first time since 2006. more control in US Congress, the
avoiding mistakes that he made and the used tax rates. The question The party also saw large gains in Republicans are planning to push
during his last term in office. Patrick on alcohol has to do with getting rid the U.S. Senate. This resurgence in a more conservative agenda, while
says he wants to work on creating of the tax all together on alcohol, GOP was due in part to enthusiasm trying to stop reforms proposed by
jobs by stimulating the alternative keeping it or just reducing it to three gap built by a radical conservative the Obama administration.
energy industry and creating more percent. movement called the Tea Party and

Should Students Care About Politics?

Natalie Fallano money. Local and state elections,
Copy Editor which are considered more insignif-
icant than the larger elections, affect

O ver the last few months, televi-

sion commercials have consist-
ed of infomercials about candidates
teenagers more directly, a fact that is
not always noted.
A recent survey given to an
for Massachusetts governor due to Advanced Placement United States
the November elections, but did any History class revealed that students
teenagers actually pay any attention pay attention to major elections
to what they had to say? The fact but do not actually “care” about
of the matter is these commercials the politics involved. Only ten out
were not meant for the teenage the 18 did knew that Deval Patrick
population. Their purpose was to had recently won the Massachu-
influence adults to vote for them. setts governor’s election. One out
The teenage population has no say of the 18 students that participated
in politics, but does that mean they answered that they are very inter-
should not care? ested in politics. 12 answered they
The truth is, most teenagers do were somewhat interested and five
not care about politics and are not in- answered they were not interested.
formed about the happenings of the Both of these pieces of data reveal
world today. Malden High School especially the issues being argued their lives.” Many laws actually do that teenagers are aware of what is
junior Wendy Tse stated “If I’m not by the American people. If teenag- affect teenagers, just indirectly. The going on in our country but choose
allowed to vote, why should I care? ers stay up to date now, they will be truth is that the political decisions not to care. They are surrounded by
When I become an adult I will care, prepared for when they are able to made today will affect teenagers in information about it all at school,
but right now, it doesn’t make a dif- vote in a few years.” In only a few the long run, especially those who in the media, and by their parents.
ference.’’ Tse and many others share years, today’s teenagers will serve as are just reaching adulthood. This However, most believe that none of
this point of view. Many teenagers the adults for society and will make includes the age that children are it affects them which causes them
are unaware of the issues occurring decisions that will affect them and separated from their parents’ health not to care.
in the world. They have an overview future generations to come. care or even the availability of tu- It can also be noted that the
and briefly discuss it because of the If voters were informed and ition loans from banks. generations of the past did not pay
world and history classes they take ready by the age they are eligible For instance, after the Obama attention to politics just as much
but of what they do know, they find to vote, then this would not be a administration passed their new as teenagers today. Still, our gen-
boring. setback. The past midterm elections, health care legislation, children are eration, as well as the ones to come,
Although it seems that most for instance, saw a sharp decline in covered by their family health plan must take advantage of these oppor-
teenagers do not care about politics, young voter turnout from just two until they are 26. In addition, loans tunities to make our country a better
there are a significant number who years ago. are an important part of paying for place. Having more people educat-
do. MHS sophomore Timothy Des- MHS history teacher Greg Hur- college, due to tuition being so ex- ed about the politics of our country
mond explained, “Teenagers need ley expressed that “most [teenagers] pensive. Our economy is in a reces- gets more people involved in voting
to understand the way the country do not realize that what’s happen- sion and this largely affects banks and contributes to the growth and
is moving, and what is going on, ing right now is, in reality, affecting and where they are investing their future of society.
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 LOCAL news 11

Community Bulletin

Monthly Profile: David Lucil, Spanish Teacher

Cristina Peters
Head Local News Writer

D e chiquito, bebía el jugo de

pepinas,” said Malden High
School’s David Lucil singing, not
a big advocate [of
the YMCA],” says
along to the tune of the world-wide When he is not
famous song “La Cucaracha”, but partaking in any
instead about how he drank pickle physical activities,
juice as a child; an example of when Lucil enjoys spend-
to use the Imperfect tense. “He’s ing time with his
enthusiastic about teaching,” stated family. “I live with
junior Eddie Fisher, “You can tell he my wife Jennifer
really loves what he does.” and our two boys
Surprisingly, Lucil did not in- Luke and Julian.”
tend on becoming a Spanish teacher. Feline Stella, a
In fact, at one point he considered long-haired Maine
becoming a priest, yet felt “it was Coon mix is also an
too serious.” While attending Ho- important member
bart College, Lucil majored in his- of the family, as she
tory and it was not until his experi- “puts up with the
ence studying abroad in Spain that boys’ abuse,” Lucil
he “fell in love with the language.” adds amusingly.
Although Lucil enjoys speaking the O r i g i n a l l y Spanish teacher David Lucil uses his smartboard to teach his students about the imperfect
language, his favorite part about from Harwich, Cape tense. Photo by Cristina Peters.
his profession is “getting folks to Cod, Lucil currently
appreciate learning languages and lives in Lowell and always wanted to “give back to the most significant part of what makes
[having the opportunity] to perform enjoys the “ethnic diversity and Latino community.” He lived in MHS so different from other high
in front of them.” good food similarly to Malden. Ecuador and Colombia, and his con- schools. Lucil’s fourth-floor A-house
His desire to always view situa- Lowell is quirky which [I] like.” tinuous desire to learn more about room serves as a welcoming envi-
tions optimistically and upbeat per- Lucil is rather unique himself, Spanish-speaking countries keeps ronment towards the diversity and
sonality is prevalent in all that Lucil as he is a member of the Freema- him captivated and excited about culture that MHS students bring,
does. When given the opportunity, sonry, a fraternal organization the teaching. something that make this Spanish
Lucil enjoys spending time at the begun in the early 16th century. Malden High School is a teacher genuinely compassionate.
YMCA playing racquetball, swim- His profession as a Span- “school that is super special,” for
ming, and participating in a variety ish teacher accounts for a significant Lucil, as the diversity and life stu-
of other activities as well. “[I’m] part of his daily life, as Lucil has dents bring to the high school is the
The Blue and Gold
LOCAL news November 2010

MHS’s 26th Hall of Fame race to

Sharon Lee
the top
Head of Photography
Paige Yurek
The 26th annual Hall of Fame Banquet held on Nov. 12, 2010 awarded the first annual “Got Grit” Award, Copy Editor
as well as two Peter Donoghue Golden Eagle Awards and the Peter Donoghue Golden Eagle Scholarship.

The banquet also introduced the newest inductees into the Golden Tornado Club Hall of Fame.
chools around the United
States are “racing to the top”
to be the best that they can be ev-
“Got Grit” described by Superintendent of Schools Sidney Smith eryday, but every student learns
is the “relentless pursuit of a long term goal,” a characteristic pos- at a different pace, and every
sessed by senior Kyriah Marcelin who was the recipient of the first teacher teaches differently.
annual “Got Grit” Award. Marcelin is currently part of the Captains To promote education,
Council and plays basketball in the winter and softball in the spring. president Barrack Obama and his
As the recipient of the “Got Grit” Award Marcelin wrote about her administration released the new
mentor, girls varsity basketball coach Joe Levine, who was one of the “Race to the Top” campaign this
two people given the Peter Donoghue Golden Eagle Award. summer. Massachusetts is one
of ten areas (Washington, D.C.,
Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Mary-
land, New York, North Carolina,
Ohio and Rhode Island) in the US
that were selected to receive $250
million over four years to im-
prove and reform the education
Some goals for the cam-
paign include setting high learn-
ing standards, obtaining the best
teachers in the schools, testing
students to evaluate how the
teachers, students, and school as
a whole are doing, and of course,
fixing problem schools, or schools
with below average grades.
When it all comes down,
The other Peter Donoghue Golden Eagle the idea of “Race to the Top” is
Award was given to coach Gary Rogers, also to encourage students to do their
known as “Bubba” to Malden High School’s best, and to let them know that
varsity football team. He had been the focus of there are people out there who
senior Frankie Dunn’s scholarship essay, who was chosen as the Nominating Athlete. As the nominating athlete, are willing to help them along the
he was able to introduce Rogers at the banquet and received the Peter Donoghue Golden Eagle Scholarship. way. However in order to be suc-
cessful, they also need to work at
it themselves.
At the National Urban
In addition to the 215 current members of the
League 100th Anniversary Con-
Golden Tornado Club Hall of Fame, there were sev-
vention at the Washington Con-
eral more inductees that night. Inductees include
vention Center in Washington,
Eliot Gventer (Class of 1952), Leo Mackey (Class
DC, on July 29, 2010,
of 1960), Theresa Coleman Gilbert (Class of 1976),
reported when, Obama spoke
Stanton Shernan (Class of 1977), and the 1976 mens’
about the campaign, “There are
soccer team. Co-captain of the 1976 mens’ soccer
all kinds of reasons for our chil-
team Kevin Cullen stated, as he spoke on behalf of
dren to say, ‘No, I can’t.’ But our
the team in his speech, “none of us were that good
job is to say to them, ‘Yes, you
[but] we worked extremely hard; [we were] the clas-
can. Yes, you can overcome. Yes,
sic team [and] every game a [different] player did
you can persevere. Yes, you can
something special.” The team ended that season
make what you will out of your
with a record of 11-4-2. These inductees were not
lives,” he stated.
chosen because they won first place prizes or went
“Our kids need to under-
undefeated, it was for their major role in team lead-
stand nobody is going to hand
ership and impact they had as student athletes.
them a future, and education is
not something you just tip your
(top to bottom, left to right) Malden High School Girls Varsity Basketball Coach Joe Levine and Senior Kyriah Marcelin. head and they pour it in your ear,
Malden High School Varsity Football Coach Gary “Bubba” Rogers accepting the Golden Eagle Award with Se- and you can’t make excuses.”
nior Frankie Dunn. All the new inductees of the Golden Tornado Club Hall of Fame with Principal Dana Brown
and Golden Tornado Club President Richard Brandsfield. Photos by Lauren Benoit.

Performer Joey Voice on

stage in the newly renovat-
ed Jenkins Auditorium dur-
ing the Thornton Jenkins
Rededication Ceremony on
November 14th. Photo by
Lauren Benoit.
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 LOCAL news 13

Pine Banks: One Malden Puts on Its

of One Fourteen
Poker Face
Lauren Benoit
Head of Photography

Dynamic duo Governor Deval Patrick

and Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray
promised a $6 million dollar grant to renovate
public parks across the Commonwealth while
running for office. Now their words are being
transformed into actions. The parks are being
redone by the Gateway City Parks program, and
is funded by the Energy and Environment Bond
Bill which Patrick signed back in Aug. 2008.
Just recently the governor’s office granted
the cities of Malden and Melrose to update Pine
Banks sports fields. The plan is to install field
lighting, an outdoor track, multi-purpose turf
field, another softball field, and a parking lot. If
on schedule, this plan should begin in the spring
of 2011 and the grand opening in scheduled for
One may ask why local park Pine Banks is
one of the chosen ones out of all the parks in
Massachusetts. There are 22 cities in the state
eligible for the renovation program, and the
chosen cities must follow these guidelines: have
a population larger than 35,000, median house-
hold incomes, and educational levels below
state average.
During a recent interview with Mayor of Malden High School marching band at final NESBA competition
Melrose Rob Dolan, he stated that once Pine on Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010. Photos by Rebecca Broomstein.
Banks is finished, it will be the “best region-
alised park in the state.” He believes that this
collaboration will benefit both cities, as the col-
laboration turned turned the renovations into Rebecca Broomstein
a $3.5 million dollar project into a $1.5 million
project. Dolan believes that this will be an excel- Reporter
lent addition to both cities because it is on the

border of the two cities, in a healthy neighbor- ativity.” Cre-
Winning is the by-product of [the] process
hood, and “having a track in the middle of the ativity is what
in its successful form,” explains Mathew
cities leads to a healthy lifestyle.” constructed
Tavares, director of Malden High School’s
Over the last four years, the Patrick-Murray and immersed
marching band, humble of their victory. After
Administration funded 114 parks to be restored the band’s
placing second for four apprehensive weeks,
and updated across the Commonwealth. The conduct, and
the MHS marching band finally brought home
first five cities to have renovations go underway is exactly what
the gold, presenting Malden with a renewed,
were Chicopee, Fitchburg, Lawrence, Pittsfield the NESBA
dignified reputation. Though their scores far
and Taunton. The renovations in Fitchburg, competition
exceeded satisfactory, no competition this sea-
Pittsfield, and Taunton are estimated to be fin- sought out.
son could compare to the 93.7 they scored at
ished by the summer of 2011. All of these cities B e i n g
the New England Scholastic Band Association
are not undergoing the same renovations: while placed into the new environment of POP music,
competition, held at Reading High School, on
Malden and Melrose are getting a sports focus, the marching band has far exceeded Tavares’
Sat., Oct. 30, 2010. Because of their progressive
different cities receive other focuses such as expectations. With such high scores as a 78,
scoring throughout the five weeks of competi-
more wheelchair accessibility, a larger parking 81.3, 83.1, and 87.5, one would expect a sense
tions, the ultimate win was practically a given.
lot, picnic benches, trails, and playgrounds that of discouragement when the superiority
Not to mention their unorthodox choice of
are accessible to handicapped children. didn’t suffice for number one status standards,
music, which could have possibly given them
The generosity of the Patrick-Murray Ad- but not Tavares. “It was never about the score,”
the zest they needed, to demand the attention
ministration will change the Malden and Mel- he claims. “I was always about sending a mes-
of the judges and entranced audience.
rose sports teams, but should both communities sage and teaching first.” Their triumphant win
The composition of their piece was cre-
be happy that they were chosen, especially on the night of the NESBA competition was only
ated by no other than the band’s director,
when the educational levels are below state a momentous bonus to successfully conveying
Tavares. After four years of directing the MHS
average? This grant is rewarding the cities that their message.
band, Tavares decided to take on the risqué
lack an important factor in the educational sys- NESBA has given Malden a new name; one
genre of pop music. The entire performance
tem. Sure it is great that the Malden High foot- we can wave with pride and honor: passion. It
was composed of hit songs by the sensational
ball and outdoor track team could catch a break is quite evident that every member of the band
Lady Gaga, which one may believe would
and practice on the newly constructed track and family is passionate about their commitment to
throw their chances of winning NESBA. The
turf field, but is it all because of our placement the band. Passion is what gave them the drive
message Tavares was trying to convey through
within the state. Since Melrose and Malden are they needed to win the NESBA completion. It is
the marching band’s piece is personality. “Stu-
sharing the field, Malden applied for the grant. what led them through all ten weeks of practice,
dents can play enjoyable music and audiences
Therefore the guidelines only apply to Malden and brought them to the field of Reading High
can be entertained while the learning process
because Melrose did not lead up to the guide- School, where they cheered in victory, taking
not being impeded,” explained Tavares. Why
lines of having a population exceeding 30,000. home the winning name.
Gaga? Well, to Tavares, she is thought to be
The plans for Pine Banks are eagerly an-
“someone [who] believes that artistic integrity
ticipated, and both athletic sides of Malden and
can go hand in hand with innovation and cre-
Melrose cannot wait for it to be finished.
The Blue and Gold
LOCAL news November 2010

Blue and gold in the making

Joel Stevenson

A s new renovations have made

this year the last for hallway
decorations, the classes of 2012
lie Jean” by none other than
Michael Jackson was played.
A huge dance circle broke out
and 2013 have come together to with solo performances by
find a new tradition for upcoming sophomore Praysuh Pokharel,
students. With needed competi- and juniors Jonathan Silva
tion, both classes agreed on having and Henley Theodat.
a dance to kick off spirit week. “As Later that evening stu-
one tradition goes out another one dents were called to their
comes in,”stated by Mary Anne seats so that the Spirit Court
Seager. Although it was difficult for could announce the win-
the classes to sell tickets at first, the ners of a raffle with prizes
semi-formal was a huge success, including a five pound
one students and faculty can look Hershey’s bar and a chance
forward to for future years. at being the king or queen
It was an anxious night as the of the dance. First Principal Dana
first Blue and Gold semi-formal Brown called all the officers to the
went underway. As early as 5:50 PM, stage with the juniors first and
2012 and 2013 class officers as well then Brown as well as other teach-
as participating teachers were arriv- ers pulled names out of two buck-
ing to help set up decorations for the ets to announce the spirit court.
night ahead of them. With massive The court included sophomores
loads of decorative balloons com- Kayla Deas, Anita Ronaldo, Jas-
ing through the door almost every mine Coutinho, and Maria Gil, as
minute and minor adjustments left, well as juniors Eliezer Hernandez,
the first Blue and Gold Semi-Formal Justin Pham, Ellen Thai, and Brian
was ell underway. Cormier. After the council was an-
Around 6:30, students were nounced, a drum roll led up to the
ready to dance. All the nerves they king and queen. Paul Kiernan was
had were left at the door as they crowned king, and The Blue and
were welcomed by officers and had Gold’s very own Paige Yurek
their picture taken by 2012 Vice was crowned queen. After the
President , junior Harris Zhao. As crowning ceremony the dance
they made their way into the dance floor broke out into a slow song.
room reality of a great night hit full As the night wound down,
force with disc jockey Bryan Ayuk the 2010 Semi-Formal cake was
behind the speakers. presented, while teachers got a
Students including juniors Mi- chance to show off their moves
chelle Le, Henley Theodat, and Jus- on the dance floor. Students got a
tin Pham, jogged out to the middle chance to dance side by side with
of the dance floor and started break teachers as DJ Ayuk played a few
dancing. One by one thes attendees “Golden Oldies”.
broke free from their nerves and For the rest of the night it
joined them on the dance floor. Soon was nothing but laughs and fun
enough students of all grades had as students and teachers alike got
come together and formed one huge a chance to break away from the
circle, showing off their skills. Just a stresses of everyday school work,
half an hour into the dance students and just relax. As stated
were having the night of their life; by junior class advisor
junior Kiara Amos stated that the Mary Ann Seager, “I...
two classes were “definitely having clapped for everyone,
another one.” and the fact that stu-
With a wide variety of food, dents danced with the
students were not disappointed by teachers, it was really
the free buffet. When asked how great.” Also expressing
the night was going, junior Samuel how they enjoyed the
Zeiberg commented, “ I had lower night were junior class
expectations and I though it was presidents Nina Ho,
going to be [less exciting], but I’m who thought it was an
having fun.” “unforgettable night”
As dinner commenced, the and by sophomore class
anticipation to get back out on the president Sharon Lee
floor was becoming overwhelming: who stated, “I’m positive
individual tables started to have lit- the very first Blue & Gold
tle dance competitions, one includ- Semi-Formal will not be
ing a clapping contest, where tables the last. Students from
of students saw who could clap the all classes were present
loudest. The outcome came to the and brought with them a
table where one student jumped lot of school spirit.” Students dance the night away at the Blue
on another’s shoulders while both & Gold Semi-Formal.
clapped to the beat of the music. DJ
Ayuk played hit song “Jump on it”
by Sir Mix-A-Lot. Right after, “Bil-
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 local news 15

Lung Cancer
Walk Supports
A Personal Touch of Pink
Natalie Fallano
Copy Editor

D ue to November being Na-

tional Lung Cancer Aware-
ness month, many cities across the
country, including Boston, MA,
take part by organizing walks to
raise awareness and money for the
cause. Castle Island in South Bos-
ton was home to the fifth annual
Boston Area 5K Lung Cancer Walk
on Saturday, Nov. 6, 2010.
The walk has only been
around for five years but has
started to gain popularity. There
were 1,789 registered walkers,
almost double the number of last
year. The event’s initial goal was to
raise $120,000 but they exceeded
this goal and made over $200,000.
The actual walk which started at
11:00 am, was three miles long,
starting from the historic Fort In- The Breast Cancer Awarness Club Officers, junior Urusa Sheikh, senior Viviane SOMETHING, senior
dependence and Pleasure Bayas Amy Yu, the two guests of the presentations, sophomore Warda Khurram, and senior Samantha Saggese.
and eventually to Boston Harbor. The Breast Cancer Awarness Club brought a personal touch to Malden High School from two teachers who
The founders of the walk, have experienced breast cancer. Photo by Sharon Lee.
Geri Norris and Richard Kaufman,
Kayla Bramante
are both survivors of lung cancer
and they donate all the proceeds Head of Special Projects
to the LUNGevity foundation in
Chicago, Illinois whose mission,
One out of every eight women was not such a great decision. From ary, Marquado was told about her
according to its website, is to “save
are diagnosed with breast cancer 1995 to 1996 she lost all her hair, had breast cancer. “I was very fortunate
lives and ease the burden of lung
and every 13 minutes a woman dies chemotherapy and radiation done. because I found the lump myself.”
cancer on patients and their loved
from this harsh disease. Although She suffered with no medication After going to the doctors she found
ones.” Kathy Cuddy, the event
it is very unlikely, men can also be until tamoxifen was approved in a cancer cell and had a biopsy. She
coordinator and also a lung cancer
diagnosed with breast cancer and 2000 by the United States Food and did not have the heart to tell her
survivor, mentioned that raising
only one in 100 have it. Drug Administration, which low- family and had an ex-husband tell
awareness is just as important as
Dressed all in pink, the Breast ers the estrogen levels in the body. them for other members of her fam-
raising money. She stated, “the
Cancer Awareness Club brings a In 2008 Rubin was diagnosed again ily were also dealing with cancer.
purpose of the walk is raise the
personal touch to Malden High and in 2009, she was diagnosed with She had undergone chemotherapy
awareness of the public about lung
School during national breast cancer endometrial cancer and had to have and radiation with no side effects
cancer. It is the number one cancer
awareness month with two special a hysterectomy which is the surgical other than aching bones. “I say my
killer. It takes the lives of more
guest speakers. Jenkins house sec- removal of a woman’s uterus. prayers everyday and take it day
people each year than the next
retary Jeanne Marquado and Frida The cancer had been removed to day.” She also feels very at home
seven cancers combined.”
Rubin volunteered to share their in Aug. with a 50/50 chance that the with all the support she receives
Malden High School also
amazing stories when fighting with cancer would come back. Sadly, in from the staff and students at MHS.
did their part for the walk; both
breast cancer. Dec. the same year, Rubin was diag- President of the BCAC, Sa-
the Interact and Key clubs volun-
Rubin had a mammogram nosed yet again but refused chemo- mantha Saggese stated that “[she]
teered together. They were split
done when she was in her late 30’s; therapy this time. felt that the presentation was really
up into small groups and assigned
something was found but when she Rubin’s story reached out to effective--often times, we don’t real-
to different spots on the route of
was tested for breast cancer, the re- everyone sitting in the MHS library ize how close something is to home
the walk to cheer on the walkers,
sults were negative. However Rubin that day. As of now, she is healthy until we hear people from our own
which they did enthusiastically.
soon realized it was not in fact nega- and cancer free and says she is “just community talk about their own ex-
MHS sophomore and Interact
tive . “It was just one of those freak enjoying [each] day. I’m not going to periences. Seeing issues like breast
Club vice president Lisa Delacey
things” stated Rubin. deal with it anymore.” cancer on a relatable level makes it
expressed, “It is nice to see such a
At first was afraid to tell people “When I hear cancer, I think much more real and more inspir-
large group of students represent-
that she has been diagnosed with of death. I know it sounds bad but ing.”
ing Malden. I think both clubs did
cancer and she kept it hidden from its true” deeply stated Marquado.
a great job cheering on the walk-
her son, which she realizes now, Nearly five years ago this Febru-
ers, despite the chilly conditions!”
The Blue and Gold
Local News November 2010

Freshman Elections Foundation
Kristen Leonard
for Clubs
Reproter Amanda Rosatone

After weeks of campaign-

ing, the Class of 2014 held I t started with the bake sales. It
came to the candy sales. What
have the fundraisers at Malden
its first elections on Nov. 16, High School come to?
Fundraisers are the foundation

2010. The new officers hope for clubs at MHS. Due to the de-
creasing economy and the “Healthy

to accomplish much during Choice” rule, bake sales are banned

at MHS. The “Healthy Choice” is a

this year, from fun to fund- rule initiated by the city to get kids
to eat healthy food in school. In
consideration, bake sales have been
raising. banned because their baked goods
are mainly composed of sugar con-
tent. Due to this rule, candy sales are
Thao Pham, Class of 2014 President. at a risk of being banned as well. If
candy sales do get banned, it will be
a severe issue for many clubs, since
they are dependent on candy sales.
“As a president if the freshmen class “The impact will be huge,”
of 2014 I want to make this year as expressed Paul Marques, computer
fun as senior year for them. I want programming teacher, and advisor
of both the National Honor Society
to make freshmen year unforgettable and junior class. Many clubs would
and memorable for everyone. My goal be forced to find other options for
is to raise a lot of money so they can raising money. There will have to
be more car washes, pie sales, and
use the money throughout freshmen candle sales, as well as other new
year without worries. I will try my best types of fundraising. Although
these alternatives are great ideas, it
to make prom as cheap as I can.”
will become a problem due to the
–Thao Pham, President overlapping and communication
Claude Bonnet, Class of 2014 Vice President between clubs. “I understand why,
“As vice president I would like to think of but I wish it wouldn’t go,” stated
Marques. Choosing a vacant time
new ideas to help support the freshmen and date for when such a fundraiser
class and make it as fun as possible.” would take place would become dif-
–Claude Bonnet, Vice President ficult. “Nothing is as good, quick, or
easy,” explained Marques about the
candy sales.
“There is always a way to make
money,” stated study teacher and
past class adivsor Paul Famiglietti.
Clubs can come up with other ways
to make money such as fundraisers
at restaurants or workshops. An
example of this is the Spring Roll
workshop which happened on Nov.
5, 2010, hosted by the Asian Ameri-
can Club where students paid five
dollars to make their own delicious
spring rolls.
A major factor as to why fund-
raisers are so important to the clubs
John Dovan, Class of 2014 Tresurer is the difference between long and
short term fundraisers. The short
term fundraisers serve as quick cash
“As treasurer of the freshmen class and allow the clubs to reduce some
of their costs. Long term fundraisers
of 2014, I hope to budget our class for committees, bands, and other
trips and find ways to come up with clubs are time consuming because it
requires the process of gaining and
effective fundraising. I wish to do saving their money to pay a more
Kim Du, Class of 2014 Secretary
that so we can lower prices and fees. expensive fund. Depending on the
“I’m going to do my best to keep ev- I will do my best to work with the club and their needs, this could
serve as a problem either way.
erything running smoothly as secretary. other officers so we, as freshmen, can Despite the loss of candy sales,
I’m not going to let you down.” have a fun productive year.” clubs are dedicated to continue
–John Dovan, Treasurer coming up with more efficient fund-
–Kim Du, Secretary raising ideas.
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 local news 17

Go see Working: The Musical No-

vember 19 and 20 at 7:30 for only
$5 for students and senior citizens
($8 for general admission)!
Malden’s Guardian Angels
Megan Kelly
Copy Editor

R ed Beret Hats. No, they are

not the new fall fashion staple
showing up around Malden; they
ceives, and how they are in Malden
to intervene only if something is
going down. What does the Malden
are the calling cards of the 30 year Police Department think of the help
old safety organization known as from the citizen patrol? Thumper
The Guardian Angels. Recently seen said that they have gotten a good
in Maplewood Square, the group response from the police and spoke
is commuting in from Boston to of several officers that he knew in
“[keep] the streets” of the city safe. the MPD.
Local chapter leader Vincent Seeing the patrols at their
Cataldo, better known by his fel- favorite hangouts in Maplewood
low Angels as “Thumper”, said the Square and around Salemwood
choice to move into Malden was not have gotten good reviews from Mal-
only provoked by the gun violence den High School students. “They are
this past Labor Day weekend, but a respectable, helpful organization
also because “people on the Orange that will help our community in the
Line (MBTA) asked if we could long run,” said sophomore Stevie
come in, and now we are here for Klein. Agreeing with Klein, fellow
the community.” During the inter- sophomore Annabelle Ramos says
view with the three other members “I think this a really good thing, I’ll
of Thumper’s watch, (Anthony sleep better especially if I don’t hear
“Grizzly” Nardone , JJ “Dough Boy” guns every night.”
Parks and Brian “B-Dog” Nardone With a few more eyes watching
) at the 7-11 on Salem street, many Malden’s streets, it is a reassuring
customers of the store shouted their thought that there are citizens who
appreciation from car windows. don’t just turn away from the vio-
Still new to the Malden scenery, lence or the ones causing it. Though
Thumper also added “we’re still it is a little disturbing that only two
scoping out the areas, to know were years earlier, Malden was voted the
we should be.” But with their daily best city in Massachusetts to raise
night watches, the Angels will have your children. “I am sure the Guard-
their knowledge in no time. ian Angels patrolling the city will
Many see the group as vigilan- be appreciated, but it is upsetting
tes, though they seem to be quite that we even need them in the first
the opposite. Grizzly spoke of the place,” stated sophomore Angelica
self defense training the group re- Brewer.
The Blue and Gold
Lifestyle November 2010

that simply should not be there. He wants to be able to make skate or kick out skateboarders and make
“The skate park does need to be re- parks in places that have no skate signs for them not to be in these
Timothee Pierre done… the design of it is horrible, parks for skateboarders. Same goes places, then why can they not put
Reporter but that is not the city’s fault—it is with another professional skate- that effort into renovating the skate
the [fault of the] people who built it, boarder, Terry Kennedy, also from park?

W hen someone takes a glimpse

at skateboarding, its reputa-
tion usually distorts their opinions.
people who do not know [any]thing
about skateboarding. If skateboard-
California—he too wants to make a
skateboard park where skateboard-
“I feel that they should let us
do our sport just like they let other
ers designed the park, I guarantee ers can skate safely. These are good athletes play baseball and play foot-
Many think that skateboarding is everything would have been much inspirational thoughts to the local ball we should be able to use our
not that important and should not better,” Emmanuel Kuda Mkan- skaters here in Malden, but the surroundings to help us progress
be treated as such. When it comes to dandawire stated. What really question is, who is going to redo our in our sport, because if you know
skateboarding, great mental activity sparks frustration is that the police skate park? Who is going to take a your good and apply yourself you’ll
is required. Often, skateboarders are or local residents do not take note stand for this park? According to go somewhere in life so that’s why
labeled as criminals or vandals be- to this. Skateboarders in Malden CJ Fanjoy, local skateboarder and they should let us be good at what
cause of the sport’s stereotype. Most do not really have anywhere great student of the Salemwood School, we do and leave us alone,” stated
people think that skateboarding is a to skate, and so instead of staying “the skate park…doesn’t need much Fanjoy. “Police started randomly
crime in itself; perhaps this is why at the skate park, they might go to done, but it’s in the progress of being kicking people out to skate the ledg-
with every garage or school or even Malden High School to skate the rebuilt.” es at Malden High [School].... even
apartment building, there is a sign famous “Big Ten” (which refers to a The locals here believe in a though it has been skated for several
nearby that says “No Skateboarding set of stairs with ten long steps), or certain lifestyle when it comes to years and people and police did not
Here. Police Take Notice,” mean- rather, if they are not going for the skateboarding. They basically eat, mind. Why now? I don’t know if
ing if you are caught skateboard- ‘Big Ten,” they go for tricks into the sleep, breathe, and live skateboard- all the police in Malden do this or
ing there, cops will be alerted and street, skating off ledges and load- ing. If they could, they would skate- this officer did this because she had
severe consequences will follow. ing docks, and sometimes they will board day in and day out. But some nothing to do,” contemplates Kuda
Skateboarding in Malden, MA is even go from roof to roof on smaller people do not appreciate what they Mkandandawire. For a lot of people,
something that should not be taken apartment buildings. are doing, so in response they basi- skateboarding is life, but in life you
lightly, because skateboarding is According to Rob Dyrdek, pro- cally ruin their time by calling the will always have your ups and your
steadily getting out of hand. fessional skateboarder from Cali- cops and kicking them out of the downs. The local skateboarders of
When entering the local skate fornia, on his show “Rob Dyrdek’s area they are skating in, whether Malden have been through their
park, there is broken glass, trash all Fantasy Factory,” he wants to be signs are posted or not. If people are downs, but the question is, will they
over ruined ramps, and much else able to create a Skate Spot Safe Spot. willing to put in the effort to arrest ever get their ups?

For results of the

boys’ dress code
survey and more
content, visit our
wesbite, www.
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 style 19

MHS Students Dress For Success

Reginah Sanyu
Head of Entertainment

I t is believed that being a teenager is the best stage a human being goes through.
It is, if anything, known as an excuse to do what we like. We can be loud, we
can spend money freely, because we are teenagers. Besides, we usually do not
have that many responsibilities, or so many elders seem to believe. But what
happens when we try to take over responsibilities? What happens when we
try to get a job because asking parents for money all the time gets old?
Do we go out and look for opportunities or do we wait for them?
The first step is, of course, going out and hunting down
that job. Getting a job significantly depends on how you
market yourself. That, however, does not mean wearing a
post saying, “Hi my name is (insert name here) and I want
your job.” The whole point of marketing yourself is to force
a positive impression of yourself on your future employer and
to, maybe, enhance your chances of getting the job. “What you are
wearing makes an immediate impression on anyone you meet,” Erin
Craven, guidance counselor at Malden High School explained. MHS
students also expressed how important first impressions were. “The
people interviewing me don’t know me at all. The first impression
always counts,” senior Thomas Nguyen stated. Sometimes it is even
more than just making a first impression; maybe it is your first job in-
terview. “I dressed up because my interview was a big deal for me, it
was my first job interview and I wanted to make it special,” senior Kyra
Savlidis, employee at Aéropostale revealed.
It is advisable to show your true self and dress comfortabably. But if your
definition of comfortable clothes involves sweatpants and Ugg boots, then for-
getting about comfort when going to your interview is a good idea. “Dressing
appropriate in a professional situation can only help you during any process for
which you are a candidate,” Craven added. Looking well-groomed will likely
earn you brownie points from your interviewer. “Dressing up made me feel more
comfortable because I could not feel comfortable if I wore jeans,” Savlidis added.
Being a teenager, dressing up for your interview might show adults that
you are serious and you want the job. In addition to being comfortable, make
it comfortable for the interviewer too. For example: wear no jewelry to prevent
distractions during the interview, wear little or no perfume because we all have
different choice of scents. Dressing in all black is the way to go. Skin, especially
the pierced body parts or tattoos, should be hidden away, however beautiful you
may think they are. Chewing gum during the interview does not work in your
favor either.
Still, this standard manner of dress does not apply for all jobs because
sometimes it depends on where you applied. For most retail stores, like
H&M, Finish Line and many others, employers would prefer an inter-
viewee to dress in the clothes sold at the store. “Dress up in our brand,
comfortable jeans. We want to see you working at our store,” Marissa
Rivera, manager at Hollister stated. Aéropostale would also prefer an
interviewee to dress in their brands. “We prefer them to dress in what
we carry in the store,” Amanda, manager at Aéropostale stated. “It will
also give you points because we see that you already like wearing our
clothes,” she added.

Clockwise, from top: seniors Debbie

Ly, Kyra Savlidis, Ivy Bui, junior Ki-
ara Amos, seniors Shannon Howe,
Joshua Jerome, Fillete Lovaincy
with juniors Daniel Rendon, Jenny
Brunot show off their interpretation
of dressing up for an interview.
20 Entertainment The Blue and Gold
November 2010

speak now speaks out

Haley DeFilippis
artistic risks. However, Swift does teenage years. Swift is 100 percent
Copy-Editor not lose the soft vocal tone that she true to her fans, singing about the
is loved and known for. “Last Kiss” uncomfortable feeling that occurs
C ountry singer Taylor Swift’s new
album, entitled Speak Now,
sailed past the million sales mark
brilliantly captures this signature of
Swift’s with its simple lyrics, slow
when she sees an ex at a party, the
revenge she seeks to make on a girl
and steady beat, soft instrumentals, who stole her boyfriend, and even
within an astonishing one week of and gentle vocals. Despite this soft- the spark she feels when meeting a
its release. Speak Now was created ness of tone though, Swift accepts new guy she likes. Swift has also be-
by Swift so she could tell the stories heartbreak and endures anger rather come noticeably braver with lyrics
of all the moments she wish she had forwardly in several of her songs as and appearance upon the release of
spoken out during, all the moments well, her boldness in her lyrics prov- this new album. In the song “Better
during which she regrets not reveal- ing themselves as another of her than Revenge”, she sings about a girl
ing what she was truly thinking. signatures. who is “better known for what she
More than half of the album Meanwhile, in the far from does on the mattress.” Her boldness
consists of songs about her broken flashy, heart-warming song “Never in what she’s telling a story about
love affairs. The nearly-seven-min- Grow Up”, Swift reveals that she is also displayed in “Sparks Fly” as
ute-long, gutsy track called “Dear still sleeps with a night-light on and she describes a past memory with
John” is meant as a letter that tells tucks herself in at night, highlight- a boy and tells him to “drop every-
of the sorrow and hardships that ing characteristics of childhood in- thing now, meet [her] in the pouring
comes with a break-up. She openly nocence and displaying her values rain…take away the pain.” Not only
longs for the return of an ex-boy- towards such. Regardless of how have her lyrics become gutsy, but
friend in the catchy, but comfortably much Swift longs to “still be little”, her clothing styles have followed
slow-paced “Back to December”. she currently reigns as one of the in suit. Over the past few years,
Swift, who wrote all 14 tracks world’s biggest and most beloved the 16-year-old in a sundress and
single-handedly, pushes her voice musical starlets, and one of the few cowboy boots that America fell in
above all else. Aside from the new- who hold the ability to entrance her love with has started choosing a bit
found volume of her voice, Swift audience with lyrics and sell over a flashier, slightly more form-fitting
takes other musical risks beyond million albums within a time con- wardrobe. Nevertheless, her fans
her usual country-pop style. From straint of a mere seven days. are, without a doubt, by her side ev-
the use of a banjo in “Mean” to the She hooks her listeners in with ery step of the way as she provides
strong electric guitar featured in personal experiences and feelings them with remarkable music that
“Better than Revenge”, Swift ex- that so many are familiar with, es- they can all relate to perfectly.
ceeds expectations of her fans and Taylor Swift performing. Photo
pecially those in the peak of their
critics through countless ambitious from Wikimedia.

Call of Duty Black Ops: A Gamer’s Heaven

Alexander Gennigiorgis There are enough features to keep
Head of Business any gamer interested, whether the
player likes to improve the looks

C all of Duty Black Ops is the

newest addition to the Call of
Duty legacy and it did not disap-
of their weapons or the power and
strength of their weapons.
The Campaign is action packed
point. Black Ops received a 9.0 out and suspenseful with its incredible
of 10.0 rating from cut scenes and life-like game play.
Between the hours of 12:30 am and The protagonist in the campaign is
2:00 am, the night of release, over 2 Alex Mason, a former soldier that is
million gamers signed in to XBOX being interrogated by an unknown
Live. That does not include the person and as he is being interro-
amount of people that played the gated he has flashbacks, which are
game and do not have XBOX Live. the parts that the gamers play. As
The new features of Black Ops the campaign continues, the gamer
are no less than incredible, including uncovers the truth behind what
the evasive dive which can be used happened to Mason and why he is has been brought forward from Call the chair and find a computer in
to dodge grenades, evade being shot being interrogated. of Duty World at War is the infa- the room. In that computer a gamer
at, or for just getting a cool killcam. The Multiplayer gaming is a mous Nazi Zombies game mode. must type something in to unlock
Another feature added to the game lot of fun and includes many new This popular game mode comes the map, but that is for them to find
is the improvement of making a gaming types including Wager with three new maps, including an out.
class. There are new weapons that Matches, where gamers put their all exciting death maze called Kino The all new theater mode al-
you must unlock and then buy with earned credits on the line and can Der Toten where it is do or die, lows gamers to revisit past matches
the Call of Duty Money earned from earn more or lose it all. Another and “5” which is when up to four they have played and record high-
each match. game mode is Combat Training, gamers can be representatives of lights of any match and make a
Creating a class is fun because where players will face A.I. players the Pentagon such as John F. Ken- short gathering of clips to show off
there are a lot of attachments players (Artificial Intelligence) as if it were nedy, and Dick Chaney, and Richard to other gamers online.
can buy to improve their primary an online match against real people. Nixon, or one of the US’s enemies, All in all, Call of Duty Black
and secondary weapons or make Lastly, there are new games to play Fidel Castro. The third map is called Ops is a great success and is an in-
their weapons look better. These at- that are unlocked as a player levels Dead Ops Arcade and it is similar to credible game for those who enjoy
tachments include new camouflages, up or promotes, such as Hardcore a game that would have been played shooter games. The game is a knock-
infrared scope, flamethrower, and matches (which is when players are at an arcade back in the 1990s al- out and will stimulate gamers’ sens-
reflex sight, which is the upgraded given less life and there is little to though the graphics are better and es and will keep them in suspense,
version of red dot sight. Players are no assistance, it is intended to make it includes killing the undead which awe, and excitement for the rest of
allowed to customize red dot and game play more lifelike), and Bare- makes it a more fun experience. The their gaming career, or at least until
reflex sight by changing the color of bones matches (which is when there second map is unlocked after a gam- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is
the red dot to any of the given colors are no killstreaks allowed), as well er completes the campaign and the released.
as well as the shape of the dot. Also as a Prestige level game mode. third map is unlocked at the main
the color of the lens can be changed. Another multiplayer game that menu when you help Mason escape
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 21
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The Blue and Gold
Sports November 2010

Brendan Favre’s Follies

Football Team Looks
McFeeley to Finish On Top
Alfonse Femino
Head of Sports

A t this point in time, it is begin-

ning to look like nothing can
go right for Minnesota Vikings
starting quarterback, Brett Favre.
Off the field, Favre has been go-
ing through a Tiger Woods/Pete
Rose sort of ordeal. Although the
details of Woods’ scandal are not
identical with those of Favre’s, they
share a common structure. Future
Hall of Fame athlete gets involved
with girl that is not a wife; girl tells
people; people tell the media; all
heck breaks loose.
Fortunately, Favre’s scandal
did not involve the smashing up of
a SUV, nor did it involve a mania-
cal wife with a baseball bat. It did,
however, involve a cell phone. To
elaborate, two years ago in 2008,
Haley DeFilippis while playing for the New York
Copy Editor Jets, Favre allegedly sent racy pho-
tos to a hostess that worked for the

F ootball, football, and more football

defines senior Brendan McFeeley’s
life on and off the field.
MHS players play the Everett football team on Nov. 13, 2010. Photo by Haley
Jets. After being asked about the
scandal at a press conference in
October at the Minnesota Vikings
Since freshman year, McFeeley training facility, refused to talk
stuck with his favorite sport through- Brittany McFeeley Haley DeFilippis about the subject, saying “I’m not
Head Copy Editor Copy Editor going to get into that. I’ve got my
out his time at Malden High School. He
revealed that he loves “the feel for the hands full with the jets and I’m

game and the fact that [he] can put pads n Saturday Nov. 13, 2010, with them. No matter the score ev- trying to get my timing down with
on and go all out.” One moment that Malden High School’s varsity ery single play we were making sure my [teammates].”
stays fresh in his mind was during his football team versed Everett High we smacked a player in red. We had Although Favre has yet to be
sophomore year during a Freshman/ School. With a disappointing loss, the option to put our JVS in after the punished for his “unacceptable
Sophomore game against Bedford; MHS was unable to find the end second quarter, but at that point no behavior,” by National Football
McFeeley smiled as he explained how zone throughout all four quarters. one cared about the score and just League commissioner Roger
he “picked off a pass that prevented Unfortunately, the game ended in wanted to smack them in the mouth Goodell, the scandal is being in-
Bedford from marching down the field a shut out with a final score of 45 so they could remember us for the vestigated, and could quite pos-
and winning.” to 0. way we hit them that day. Weak- sibly result in a bitter ending to an
He hopes to continue his passion Hundreds of fans from Mal- nesses had to of been injuries we incredible career.
for the sport in college, claiming that he den and Everett attended the game dealt with them so much this year When Favre is not avoid-
is interested in playing for University of to support their team in hopes of and again in this game.” ing countless accusations, he has
Massachusetts Dartmouth, or UMASS a victory. However, by half time, it With EHS’s victory over MHS, been spending his time with vari-
Dartmouth. Their football team is not was obvious who would pull away EHS has clinched the Greater Boston ous athletic trainers and doctors
the only thing that makes this college with the win, with the score of 31 League title and will move on to the around the country. During a bout
so attractive to McFeeley. He thought to 0. first round of playoffs against the with his former team, the Green
the college’s campus was amazing, During the first quarter, MHS first place team of the Merrimack Bay Packers, Favre suffered a very
close enough to home, and they offer almost scored a touchdown when Valley Conference. serious ankle injury, fracturing it in
his major: Criminal Justice. senior and captain Frankie Dunn But clinching the GBL title is not two places. The fact that he has had
When asked what got him inter- caught a long pass from senior unusual for the EHS football team. multiple surgeries on that same
ested in criminal justice, he chuckled quarterback Kevin Valley. As Mal- For 15 consecutive years, the EHS ankle did not help Favre’s case. Fa-
and commented, “I’ve been watching den fans cheered in excitement, football team has dominated over all vre refused to let the injury put a
the Law & Order episodes recently and the referees brought the ball back GBL teams, with a 53 game winning halt to his 291 consecutive starting
I can really see myself doing that.” to about the 30-yard line, because streak as well as the championship game streak, as he decided that he
When he is not playing football, Dunn had stepped out of bounds, title. On Oct. 26, 2010, it was decided was going to play against the New
McFeeley enjoys hanging out with his setting the tone for the rest of the by the MIAA Football Committee England Patriots, one of the stron-
friends, watching sports, and playing game. Unfortunately, that would to drop the GBL from Division 1 to gest defenses in the league, just a
the Xbox 360, especially the game be as close as MHS would get to Division 1A. With only Everett and week after hurting his ankle.
“Left 4 Dead 2,” mentioning that it is score a touchdown because of Medford in opposition, Malden, The game did not end up the
his favorite “because it changes every Everett’s dominating defense and Somerville, and Cambridge voted way Favre hoped at all, as the Vi-
time you play.” He is also a big fan offense. However, Valley acknowl- for the change in hope of breaking kings lost 28-18, and to add injury
of the New England Patriots, Boston edged that he and the rest of the Everett’s hold on the title. to injury, Favre split his chin open,
Red Sox, and Boston Celtics. McFeeley team “had nothing to lose. We just Overall, the Everett game was causing him to get 10 stitches, and
enjoys watching the Atlanta Falcons had to play football.” a very difficult loss for many of the to be removed from the game due
as well, because the quarterback, Matt During the second half of players, especially the seniors. Many, to injury for the second straight
Ryan, was a “Boston College boy!” the game, things had only gotten such as Valley, felt sadness while tak- week, and leaving the once heavily
For the past two and a half years, worse for MHS. In the third quar- ing one last look at the scoreboard praised Vikings to a 2-5 record.
McFeeley has worked at Stop & Shop ter, senior Vernon Sainvil injured and realizing that he “only [has] one Clearly Favre is not having
on Broadway as a cashier. He explained his leg. After limping off the field, game left of MHS football.” the best time of his future hall of
that his current goal is to save up Sainvil tried walking it off up and MHS’s final game of the season fame career, but if his toughness
enough money to buy a car. down the sidelines, but unfor- is on Thanksgiving, Nov. 25, 2010 at in his last 291 consecutive games
In the next eight months—the tunately would not return to the McDonald Stadium against Med- serves as any indication of how
last eight months of his time at MHS— game. ford High School whose football he can persevere, and he manages
he hopes that he will be able to make Through the game, tensions team is currently winless. The boys to circumvent Goodell and the
high honors. McFeeley revealed that he were high between these two ri- expect to make their last game of media, we are sure to see the same
is pumped for graduation but will miss vals. Valley stated, “Our strengths the season a meaningful one that is 41 year old scrambling around the
MHS when he goes off to college. as a team on Saturday had to be remembered. field and high fiving refs that we
the never ending fight we put up have all come to know.
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 Sports 23

Cassandra Cheerleaders Place Moss

Third at GBLs
Ulwick Madness
Johanna Lai

F ormer New England Patriots

wide receiver Randy Moss was
traded to the Minnesota Vikings
this season, but, as of Nov. 2, 2010,
is being cut from the team. The cut
occurred after Moss criticized the
Vikings’ head coach, Brad Chil-
dress, and patronized the Patriots’
head coach, Bill Belichick, during
a catastrophic news conference in-
volving the Vickings 28-18 loss to
the Patriots on Oct. 31, 2010.
Moss, whose first team in the
NFL was the Vikings, was traded
back to them for a third-round pick
on Oct. 6, 2010, two days after the
Patriots’ game against the Miami
Dolphins. He was reunited with the
Vikings for only 25 days, resulting
in three disappointing losses and
Brittany McFeeley Haley DeFilippis only one win for the team. Moss
Head Copy Editor Copy Editor only played in four games, ran 174
yards, and caught 13 passes and
Haley DeFilippis

O n Oct. 31, 2010, the Malden commented that the season has two touchdowns during his return.
Copy Editor
High School cheerleading “gone really well” and “we did our When Moss first returned to

D edicated” and “encouraging” are squad participated in the annual best to work well together as a team Minnesota, he was filled with ex-
just few of the words that can be Greater Boston League competition with a new coach.” citement to once again suit up for
used to describe Malden High School at Medford High School. What makes the team strong the team for which he played from
senior cheerleader and tri-captain Cas- The girls were up against two is the previous experience the girls 1998 to 2004. The quarterback of
sandra Ulwick. Starting at a very young other schools from their division; have, most of them coming from Pop the Vikings, Brett Favre, who was
age, Ulwick has been cheering ever Everett High School and Somerville Warner and their “desire to make a formerly lobbied with the Green
since her younger years with Malden High School. SHS won first place, name and positive reputation for Bay Packers, was surprised that
Pop Warner. She carried on with her EHS second, and MHS with third. Malden High cheerleading,” stated Childress was able to bring Moss
passion at MHS. Throughout her years Unfortunately, third place was not Thompson. back to the team. Moss was brought
here, Ulwick has played basketball, enough for the cheerleaders to move As captain, Thompson loves back to the team to help increase
crew, and tried lacrosse. As a captain, on to the next competition. being “someone the girls can turn their passing offense, which had
she is greatly admired by her fellow Despite coming in third place, to for motivation and help” even lost another wide receiver, Sidney
cheerleaders. Junior cheerleader Carli sophomore Christy Ringdahl men- outside of cheering. They also Rice, to a hip injury. Rice is now
Bellmer states, “she was a really great tioned that “we’ve all worked really have almost an entirely new team; in the Steadman Clinic, located in
captain this season and she was very hard for competition,” later stating Thompson commented that “there Vail, Colorado, for recovery.
encouraging when the tension was that “[her] favorite part was getting are only about four or five of us During the Vikings’ game
high.” Ulwick’s favorite part of cheer- out on the floor the day of competi- from last year.” against the Patriots, Moss was frus-
ing this past season was watching her tion and doing [the] routine full out Even though the girls will no trated with the coach’s ways to ap-
squad pull together for competition for the judges.” longer be competing, their season is ply Moss’ advice on how to attack
that took place on Oct. 31, 2010. De- With new head coach Diana far from over. The cheerleaders will the Patriots. Childress defended
spite the fact that the squad did not Buounopane, eighth grade math still be at all the home games as well this approach, telling TalkRadio
move on to sectionals, she is proud of teacher from Linden School, and as the annual Thanksgiving Day 790 KABC-AM, “I think we did
all of the girls for the work and effort senior captains Heather Thompson, game and the pep rally for spirit a pretty good job of heeding it.”
they put into the competition. Cassandra Ulwick, and Fredline week, which it the “most exciting He also answered the question of
Although Ulwick immensely Jean leading the team, Ringdahl time” stated Ulwick. whether or not he regretted hav-
enjoys cheerleading, Marymount ing Moss on the team. His reply to
Manhattan College, where she hopes the radio station was, “Do I regret
to attend next fall, does not offer a having him? Not at present I don’t,
cheerleading squad. Still, Ulwick is no.” While Belichick only reported
guaranteed a bright future ahead of that Moss was being cut from the
her, as she has set future goals for roster due to disciplinary issues,
herself, including the aim of majoring Patriots play-caller Bill O’Brien ac-
in communications, particularly in the knowledged an incident with Moss
public relations field. Ulwick reflec- two days before he was traded.
tively stated her “favorite memory as Moss also stated to the radio
a cheerleader would have to be the station about the Patriots, “Man,
night before Thanksgiving [because] I miss those guys, man. I miss the
it’s such an exciting time before the big team, it was hard for me to come
game.” This year’s Thanksgiving game here and play.”
is set to take place on Nov. 25, 2010 With Moss off the team, the
and will undoubtedly be a bittersweet Vikings are now left with a choice
day for Ulwick, as it will be her final to make. The choice would be ei-
game cheering. ther to activate Rice or put him into
infrared light for his hip surgery.
Top: Cheerleaders cheer for football players at the Everett game. While the Vikings are making that
Bottom: Cheerleaders cheer for football players at the Bedford game. Photos decision, Moss has been claimed
by Haley DeFilippis. for the Tennessee Titans, where
he will bring his controversy with
The Blue and Gold
Sports November 2010

Matthew Howe
Timothee Pierre
Golf Team Makes States
Reporter Jacob Martino Timothee Pierre

Reporter Reporter
s a Malden High School student,

senior Matthew Howe has played he Malden High School golf
baseball, basketball, football, and golf, team had a great turn around
exemplifying his love for both sports season this year. With a record of
and multitasking. According to his 6-2, the team blew the competition
teammate, senior Kevin Valley, Howe coming in second in the Greater
is ranked at an impressive 97 out of Boston League behind Cambridge
429 in his class. Like most seniors, High School. This gave the team a
Howe has a preference in terms of chance to compete in the Massachu-
colleges: Howe would like to attend to setts State Golf Tournament. The
Bridgewater State University when this MHS golf team has never made to
school year is over. the state tournament in school his-
Nobody likes to lose, and Howe tory.
is no exception. This season, his golf “This was much better season
team made the state tournament for compared to the past ones,” junior
the first time, but unfortunately did not Daniel Glynn stated. Junior Mat-
win. “We had a great year and just get- teo Pocobene also commented, “It Senior Paul Nguyen prepares about to hit out of the rough during a golf
ting to [the tournament] is nice. I wish was by far the best season I have match. Photo by Reginah Sanyu.
we had done better, but we did all we experienced during my high school
could,” senior Matthew Howe stated. Aside from all the excitement, the team did not win – but the seniors
career.” This was a huge opportu-
Currently, Howe plays golf, baseball, coach and the player were full of are glad to say that they had made
nity for Coach Rick Malatesta, the
and basketball and though he loves all nerves. the tournament in their final high
seniors, and for everyone all the golf
of them, baseball is his favorite. His This has been Malatesta’s most school year. When asked if any of
team. “We had a lot more success
sister, senior Shannon Howe, who plays successful season as a coach of the the seniors will be playing golf in
[as a team],” senior Ryan Donovan
field hockey, says he is a hard working golf team, so one can only imagine college, senior Matthew Howe stat-
stated. “[This season] was much bet-
individual and that they support each how he was feeling going into the ed, “I will play for fun but not for a
other by attending each other’s games. tournament, which included high college team.”
All the golfers were excited
Unlike other teenagers, Howe school golf teams from all over the Pocobene stated, “I am going
and ready to compete and maybe
has few musical preferences. “I do not state. This was the final game for to miss [the seniors] a lot, I hope we
even take the home the state trophy.
have a specific music artist that I like,” the seniors at MHS, so they were can continue the success without
“The feeling of making the state
Howe stated. When Howe is not play- ready to leave the team with some [them].” Similarly, Glynn is a little
tournament was unprecedented,
ing a sport, he might be watching his excitement. “We are losing six out nervous for the next year’s team be-
and one that I hope to continue on
favorite movie, which, unsurprisingly, of our eight starting players,” Glynn cause so many of the players that are
in the future, it was an absolute suc-
is sports-related: Coach Carter. explained. graduating.
cess overall,” commented Pocobene.
Unfortunately for MHS, the

Field Hockey Bids Seniors Farewell Shannon Howe

Joshua Kummins Sharon Lee
three-midfield, three-defense line- season in 2011.
Copy Editor Head of Photography
up, the team played five forwards to The program also added a

try to create more offense. “This for- middle school team this season, led
espite a 4-13-1 final record, lthough senior Shannon Howe
mation gives us a stronger presence by 1978 MHS graduate Deena Bello.
the Malden High School field has been playing goalie for the
on the offensive end of the field,” Bello said that the goal of middle
hockey team made major improve- past three years for the Malden High
Famiglietti said. However, the team school competition is “to learn
ments throughout the course of School field hockey team, she started
“has to make adjustments when the the basic skills of the sport of field
their 2010 season. Head coach and out as a soccer player. Some of her
ball gets into [the] defensive end.” hockey, team commitment and team
middle school teacher Susan Fami- friends persuaded her to try out for
Both defense players, junior Ki- building.” She added, that sports
glietti was very pleased with her the field hockey team. Little did she
ara Amos and sophomore Jessalyne build confidence and character for
team’s performance this season. know she would become an amazing
Brown were “remarkable” this year, the players and that she will lead a
“[The players] are all dedicated to varsity goalie for both her junior and
according to coach Famiglietti, and fundamentally sound feeder pro-
the team, have great determination, senior years. For Shannon, “being
will add leadership in the back half gram for the high school.”
and they always play a clean game,” goalie just seemed easy and natural,”
of the field in the 2011 season. With new talent already being
she stated. “I am very proud to call she explained.
Next year, the team will be devel- oped, the
myself their coach.” In the 2009 field hockey season,
losing three midfielders; senior cap- future is bright
Famiglietti said that there are Howe was one of the 31 athletes se-
tains Mandy Liao and Renee Santo, for the MHS
four games this season that stand lected as a Greater Boston League All
and senior Patricia Aguinaldo. “All f i e l d
out among the rest in her mind that Star. She hopes to be able to continue
three have great endurance and hockey
show the team’s effort and improve- playing field hockey as a club sport
stamina on the field,” Famiglietti team to
ments. In those games, the team when she attends college. She plans
stated. “[They] have a great head for return to
showed outstanding effort through to major in social work, psychol-
the game and have great speed.” winning
their hard work, but were not able to ogy, sociology, or any related
Senior goaltender Shannon ways in 2011.
pull out a win. fields at either Bridgewater State
Howe will be difficult loss after two
Famiglietti points to a pair University, Framingham State
seasons on the varsity team. “She
of games against Methuen High College, or at Colby Sawyer Col-
has a lot of experience and made
School as the best examples of their lege, where she is also applying for
some great saves for us,” said Fami-
improved performance. In the first the Progressive Scholar Program.
glietti. “Replacing your goalie is
week of the season they lost 4-0, but Howe stated that Athletic Di-
always tough.”
midway through the season they rector Barbara Scibelli “is always
Although the team will lose
came out against the same team and there for anything I need,[whether]
seven players, they will remain
put up a much stronger fight. The it is help on homework or sup-
strong next season, thanks to junior
team lost 2-1 in their second game portive words.” Being part of
varsity coach Kim Barber. Fami-
against Methuen, but Famiglietti the Captains Council has got-
glietti said that Barber has done a
mentioned that “it was very excit- ten Howe more involved with
great job in developing her younger
ing” to see the improvements. different service projects,
players that could contribute at the
This season’s team was very including The Newland Street
next level. Barber feels that her team Sophomore Jessal-
strong, but played a different forma- Tutoring Program.
did well this season and she is look- ynne Brown playing defense. Photo
tion than most teams currently use.
ing forward to returning to a fun by Sharon Lee.
Instead of a traditional four-forward,
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 SPORTS 25

Commitment + Effort = GBL Champs

Patrick Keough

From left to right: Sophomore Dawit Aynalem, junior William Wong, senior Andrew Terenzi, senior Patrick Keough,
head coach David Londino, junior Yusuf Mohamed, junior Eric Tran, and junior Christopher Li. Photos by Amanda
Rosatone. `
Vicki Ngan
Lesley Ta

I couldn’t be more proud of the

dedication and effort this team
has shown all season,” beamed cross
self and lead my team to victory,”
Terenzi explained. As for Mohamed,
it is his first season in cross country.
letes. It will be hard to adjust with
Terenzi and Keough leaving and
they will certainly not be forgotten. P atrick Keough, senior co-captain
of the Boys Cross Country
country coach and English teacher As an ex-football player, he based However, this year’s cross country Greater Boston League champions,
David Londino. For the first time his running off speed, which helped underclassmen have displayed great and fellow co-captain Andrew Terenzi,
in 40 years since 1970, MaldenHigh him prepare for the sport. talent and leadership, laying out the led the cross country team into victory
School cross country boys won the On Nov. 13, 2010 at the EMass playing grounds for MHS.Inthenext against Somerville, Cambridge, Med-
Greater Boston League title. With State Meet, Mohamed came in 29th season, Londino hopes there will be ford, and Everett, giving Malden High
a record of 6-0, including the GBL place in division one. “My hard talented athletes who will join and School its first boys cross country
opening and closing meets, the boys work paid off,” explained Mo- help earn the title of GBL champs of GBL title in 40 years. Both the MHS
were flawless in victory. hamed. Scoring next for MHS boys 2011 for indoor track. High student body and the members
Out of all the dual meets this cross country, senior co-captain “As long as I coach, this team of the cross country team are thrilled.
season, an exceptional one was the Patrick Keough finished 73rd place will always be special to me,” Lon- “It feels great,” stated Keough. “I’ve
victory over Somerville on Oct. 19, and Terenzi finished 116th. “Instead dino emphasized. This team is a been working for this since my fresh-
2010 with a stunning score of 23 -34, of coming in 16th, he came in 116th. family. All that they have done was man year. Now that I’ve led a team,
making them the first team to break Our best runner had a foot injury,” for each other, aiming towards the and won, I’m just ecstatic.”
Somerville’s winning streak over the explained Londino. Despite this, same realistic goal and achieving Continuing the family line,
past couple of years. The “runners there has been a huge improvement it. The experiences they have gone Keough gave the intense sport a try
[each] knew [his] individual respon- in terms of points this season, with through together of hardship and when he was a freshman. His father,
sibility and fulfilled it to contribute the boys scoring 495 instead of the joy before and after their victories who was also a runner, recommended
to the team,” Londino explained. An- usual 800’s. “I wasn’t hap- are something they will cherish for- that he try the sport. Hoping he had
other key factor that determined the py with the overall ever. inherited his father’s abilities, Keough
success of the team this year was the team result, but I decided to try out for cross country.
firm commitment and good effort. was happy with Keough started out as a newcomer
It began with summer running and some individual from linden middle school, working
seeped into October and November, performances,” his way up to the title of co-captain as
where the runners practice six days Londino stated. a senior. “My dad was always running.
a week with Sunday off. Rain, hail, Ambitious and I joined to find out if I loved it, and
or snow is typical weather in cross strategic, the team then I just fell in love with it,” Keough
country and these dedicated mem- has already estab- stated proudly. “My dad always liked
bers would still practice regardless lished their goals. running, so I tried it.”
of such obstacles. “The standard has With the school year heading
Senior co-captain Andrew been set, anything towards the graduation of the class of
Terenzi and junior Yusuf Mohamed less than an unde- 2011 rapidly, seniors are scrambling
were among the top two runners this feated GBL cham- to find a perfect college. Meanwhile,
season. On Sept. 16, 2010 at the GBL pionship in 2011 will Keough is enjoying his time in cross
opening meet in Cambridge, Teren- be considered less than country before considering continu-
zi had broken the record for that desirable,” Londino ing his running career after graduating
course. Then, on Nov. 30, 2010 at the stated. Although the Malden High School. “If I get into
GBL closing meet in Cambridge, Mo- next cross country sea- a Division I school, I’ll probably not
hamed came in first place, winning son is a year away, it is run,” he revealed. “If it’s a Division
the meet. “I am proud to live in Mal- predicted that Somer- II or Division III school, I will run.”
den,” boasted Mohamed. Expected ville and Cambridge Along with the senior status, Keough
and thrilled that they have won the will always have a said that he will miss “the team, since
GBL title. Terenzi plans to continue strong team in the it’s a family field. Everyone on the
cross country after high school. He race, but Med- team is a [part of the] family.” Along
joined the sport when he thought he ford in addition with the senior status, he is vying for
Senior co-captain Andrew Terenzi
did not have the coordination skills may prove to the Posse Scholarship. “My motivation
making his way towards the finish
essential for other sports. But un- be a challenge is just having to push myself the hard-
line at the State Meet.
like Mohamed who had Terenzi as with their est I can mentally, and physically,” he
an inspiration, Terenzi had no such promising explained.
example. “I wanted to improve my- young ath-
The Blue and Gold
SPORTS November 2010

Jessica Vo
Kristen Leonard
Successful Season Ends
Kristen Leonard Amanda Rosatone

Reporter Reporter

school career,”
stated senior T he season for girls cross country
was a success with the exception
of the Medford meet in which [the
Jessica Vo,
who has been team] was disqualified for running
the co-captain off the course,” stated English teach-
of the girls er David Londino. In the GBL meet,
cross country which happened on Oct. 3, 2010, the
team since her girls team came in second place. The
junior year. top runners were sophmore Lauren
Besides cross Benoit also a member of the Blue
country, Vo and Gold, sophmore Haley Dowdie,
has been running indoor and outdoor junior Amber Polia, senior Cynthia
track since her freshman year. Running Laurara, and senior and co-captain
has been a big part of her life because Jessica Vo. Beniot placed fifth overall
and first for her team. Dowdie foll- From left: Senior Cynthia Laurore junior Amber Polia, sophomore Haley
it influenced her personality. Aside from
wed right behind her placing sixth Dowdie, senior Jessica Vo, junior Haley DeFilippis, sophomore Lauren Ben-
sports, Vo enjoys spending time with
overall and second for her team. Po- oit, and junior Anna Tse. Photos by Amanda Rosatone.
her friends.
Vo has applied to Boston Univer- lia placed 11th overall and third for
sity in Boston, Massachusetts; Bently her team and following right behind up for the States competition. if they were to attend they would
College in Waltham, Massachusetts; her was Laurara placing 12th overall The cancellation of the invita- have still given their best to the
and Suffolk University in Boston, Mas- and fourth for her team. Finishing tionals was a relief for the team and race. “The cancellation of the States
sachusetts. She would like to attend one up the top five, Vo came in 14th the chosen runners. The runners meet was good because there is now
of these colleges because she “wants overall and fifth place for her team. chosen to run at the states meet were only one thing to focus on,” stated
to stay close to home” and wants to Co-captain and The Blue and Gold senior Jessica Vo, senior Cynthia junior Haley Dowdie. As senior
major in marketing. These colleges have member Haley DeFilippis would Laurore, junior Amber Polia, junior Jessica Vo stated, “ the cancellation
programs that specialize in marketing, have placed in the top five, but had Anna Tse,sophomore Haley Dowd- gave us time to rest up and focus
which was a major factor in influencing to drop out of the race after the first ie, sophmore Lauren Benoit, also a on the up coming States meet.” As
her decision as to where to attend. In mile due to to a cramp in her leg. member of the Blue and Gold, an cross country comes to a close, the
the major of marketing, the company Londino has canceled the invitaion- junior Haley DeFillippis. Although coaches were very impressed with
creates customer interest in a product als which were scheduled to happen the invitationals were canceled the this season.
or service. on Nov. 13, 2010 so the team can rest runners had a good feeling that

Homecourt Disadvantage Monika Bashillari

Joel Stevenson
Alexander Gennigiorgis
Head of Business
was a really fun time because obvi-
ously volleyball is something we can
all relate to.” Members of the team
V olleyball co-captain senior
Monika Bashllari has had a huge
impact on the team. This year has not
enjoyed the season, and the idea of been her most successful one, but she
returning next season motives even is still proud with the team and their
those who will graduate this spring. hard work. As stated, “ [This year] has
The team’s final Greater Boston allowed me to meet the most amazing
League game was hosted at Malden teammates.”
High School on Oct. 28, 2010 in the Starting off as a freshman, Bash-
newly renovated gymnasium, after llari played the sport she loves and has
they had won the preliminaries worked her way up to become captain.
against Somerville 3-0. The team As she stated, “[I] started playing vol-
lost the GBL game against the Cam- leyball freshmen year on the JV team. It
bridge volleyball team, which went was my first year playing volleyball on
on to face Everett, resulting in the a team, but I knew I had always loved
end of the season for Malden. playing the sport.” There is little doubt
Saddened to see the season end that Bashllari has helped the team to
as it did, the team is inspired to give become what it is today even though
it their all next year. Sophomore she feels that they are not doing as well
Lisa Delacey explained, “We gained as they could be. “I think this team
a lot of experience this year, which had a lot of skills and communication
we can definitely use to win next with each other...I think our issue was
[year].” The team as a whole feels confidence.”
little set back by their final scores, Bashllari is saddened to see the
Captains of the volleyball team, seniors Monika Bashllari and but not enough to put them out of team off as she is graduating this year.
Barbara Santos, pose for a picture. Photo by Sharon Lee. the game. They are coming back She plans to major in Business Admin-
with a vengeance next year. istration and Management. Despite a

I t was a tough year for the girls

volleyball team, which ends its
season with a record of 4-12. The
confident and during a game, once
we saw that we were down by a
couple of points, we put our heads
With new ideas for next year
already being sharpened, the team
desire for a future in business, Bahllari
still wants to continue her passion in
is planning to have a summer camp her sport. She has already talked to vol-
debate about whether other teams down and lost concentration. Per- so that they can work on their leyball coaches at colleges to which she
had an advantage due to them being sonally I think that is big factor.” It techniques and plays so when the is applying. She says that “[volleyball]
able to play on their home turf is still was not one of their most successful season comes around they will be is absolutely something I see myself
raging, as senior co-captain Monika years, but they did not let this get more than ready. Knowing what doing during college and even beyond
Bashllari explained. “[It] was a them down. Being captain, she has they need improvement on each and college.” Bashllari is saddened by the
tough season for us because we only tried her best to get help defeat those everyone is willing to work out their disappointing end to the season, but
had two home games, but neverthe- petty pleas by organizing nights for kinks and have a great year. When also thrilled to be part of the volley-
less, we never gave up and fought team bonding. The volleyball team asked about the team’s plans, head ball team, stating, “I wouldn’t change
our hardest each game,” she stated, “had a team dinner and...went to a coach Dana Marie Brown said one a thing.”
adding that at times, “We were not Boston College volleyball game. It word and one word only: “win.”
The Blue and Gold
November 2010 SPORTS 27


Kayla Bramante
Head of Special Projects

Senior Jessica Lopez playing against the Everett girls soccer team. Photo by Sharon Lee. I ’m just looking forward to the fu-
ture! The day high school ends, life

finally begins,” stated senior KerriAnn
Shuman, who has been only playing
soccer since she was a junior. It is
“[her] biggest high school regret” not
playing since she was a freshman.

A Tough Goal to Score Shuman has also proven herself

dedicated to Malden High School. She
has been president of the class of 2011
since her sophomore year and ran for
Rebecca Broomstein the girls outdoor track team last spring.
The girls soccer team all had
laughs and memories to remind

A ccepting a change is always dif- changes happen, and it is important themselves how much fun the sport
ficult. Adapting to that change to learn how to cope with them. is even though it was not one of their
can be even more crucial. Malden O’Leary has surely helped them best seasons. One of Shuman’s most
High School girls soccer team un- develop new skills, that will come in memorable moments was when they
derwent quite a few changes this handy next year, for their ultimate were playing Dracut and the score was
past season, with new members of comeback. “Most of the girls used not so great, she went to “switch the
the varsity team, and more substan- this past season to get comfortable field” and completely missed the ball
tially, with a new coach, Lindsay in their new positions, so next year and flung backwards on her neck. “I
O’Leary. [the team] should be great,” Cote remember just laying on the ground
With a new coach come new stated, already anticipatng next as a Dracut player scooped the ball
customs. Breaking apart from year’s season. from beneath me and continued to
traditional methods and manners Although the team had an play. When I got up I practically fell to
can really tamper with the way an unfortunate season, they have a lot the ground laughing at how ridiculous
organization collaborates and con- to offer. Their single victory against I had looked, and found my team mid
spires. Unfortunately, these team- Dorchester, with a score of 7-0, game doing the same. I guess you can’t
mates had some trouble adjusting shows how triumphant they truly always take life so seriously!” Shuman
to the new atmosphere, for a while. are. With a score like that, there is stated. Her “main goal is to just attend
Their season did not go as planned, no denying their strength as a team, college, meet new people, and begin to
resulting on only one win. “At first it and as individual players. Gaining create for [her]self a very successful fu-
was very difficult to adapt to a new new members can be tough when Sophomore Stevie Klein dribbling ture full of wonderful people and new
coach, but after a short while we all you have to adapt to the way they the soccer ball down the field. experiences.”
became a family,” explained senior play. Every year, a team will gain Photo by Sharon Lee. Outside of soccer, Shuman acts
co-captain, Rita Cote. new varsity member, no matter like a normal teenager: she watches
Of course, the girls themselves the sport. Perhaps, this movies, plays games, dances like no
are just as good as they have always season, the new girls one is watching, and hangs out with
been, their biggest problem being have different style that a few close friends. Shuman’s favorite
the new alterations. Cote added, varied more than ever. class her senior year is definitely psy-
“It took a lot of time to build chem- There can be plenty of chology. “The class is stacked with
istry on the field and learn to trust reasons the MHS girls so many great personalities that the
each others’ instincts,” justifying soccer team had only ex- environment is just so uplifting and
her team’s score. One would think ceeded minimal hopes energetic.”
that their 18 losses would damage for winning this fall, After high school, Shuman wants
their confidence, but the girls are but it is evident that the to go to a college as far away as possible
as strong as ever. “The team defi- most plausible reason from Malden, preferably the University
nitely had some rough patches in to blame is change. Be- of Miami. “My main goal is to just at-
the fun department,” staed Cote, cause the season is done tend college, meet new people, and be-
“but ultimately we met our goal and for the year, all MHS can Senior Jasmine Roach, sophomore gin to create for myself a very success-
enjoyed the season.” They act as a do is wish them the best for future Tina Ascolillo, junior Jessica Cotto, ful future full of wonderful people and
family, as more than a team, help- seasons, and remember that they’ve and junior Malorie MacDonald new experiences,” she stated. Overall,
ing each other progress, to become accomplished an entirely vital trait stretching before a game. Shuman is a well rounded student, just
more successful for next year. These any team should have: becoming a Photo by Sharon Lee. looking for the right path into her fu-
losses have made them realize that family. ture and nothing is going to stop her.
The Blue and Gold
SPORTS November 2010
Abel Wasswa

Catherine Poirier
nyone who knows me knows I can’t
Copy Editor stay away from Taco Bell”, con-
fessed senior Abel Wasswa when asked

T he past few weeks, the Malden High School boys

varsity soccer team has been working extremely
hard, trying to achieve their goal of making the Mas-
about his favorite food. 17-year-old Abel
Wasswa has been influenced by the game
of soccer his entire life; whether it was
sachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association Tourna- watching it or playing with his family, it
ment. “Truthfully, we thought that we weren’t going to has always been his escape. “It takes my
make it when we were about 4 games below .500, but mind off a lot of things... I really don’t
once we won a couple of games we started to pick up know how to explain it, but I just love it”,
steam and realize that we could qualify for the state Wasswa stated. Wasswa comes from an
tournament,” sophomore, and captain of the team next Ugandan family, and is bilingual, speak-
year, Prince Mukala said. Four more games were all ing Lugunda as well as English. Almost
they needed to win in order to make it to states, and everyone in his family plays soccer, in-
they did just that. The MHS boys qualified for the cluding his the most influential person in
MIAA tournament on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010. Their 2-1 his life, Wasswa’s uncle, who is also his
win against Everett High School put the team in good role model. “He taught me everything I
spirits for the upcoming weekend. know and he is the father figure in my
Crowds of MHS students, facility, and friends at- life”, Wasswa praised.Wasswa’s uncle also
tended the make-it or break-it game for the team. Dur- influenced Wasswa in areas such as music.
ing the first half, Everett scored their one goal, but that When asked about his favorite musician,
did not put the Malden boys down at all. They pushed Wasswa said, “Bob Marley, [because] my
forward, and scored two goals, giving them what they uncle always listens to him so I grew up
needed to enter the MIAA tournament. Sophomore Ra- listening to him.” Surprisingly, although
fael DeSouza and junior Renaud Jean scored one goal surrounded by the game his whole life,
each during the exciting game. Wassawa was late to playing soccer, start-
The last time the MHS Tornadoes made it to the ing when he was ten years old. He then
MIAA state tournament was three years ago. They played through high school, and plays for
ended up losing in overtime, in a game versus Madison a club team after the high school season
Park High School that year. Winning the match against ends. Wassawa also plans on continuing
EHS let them enter into the first round of the state tour- his passion as he sets off for college.He
nament, playing the Acton-Boxborough High School is applying to numerous colleges, varying
Colonials on Sat. Nov. 6, 2010. “We went onto the field from Division 1 to Division 3 schools,
confident that we were going to win because we had and is also in the interview process for
to win 4 out of our last 4 games and we accomplished the Posse scholarship. As Wassawa looks
it, when we didn’t even think we were [going to] come back on his last soccer season Malden
this far,” sophomore Lucas Silva commented about High School, he appreciates the training
the game. and the camaraderie he experienced from
Unfortunately, the Tornadoes lost to the Colonials in a well-fought his team.
match, which ended with a score of 2-0.
However, the team did not lose in vain, many of the
players thought their last couple of games showed how far
they had come as a team. “If I could go back and relive a
moment in the season it would be beating Everett at the
stadium, because it demonstrated how much we improved
through the season, since we lost to them 5-1 in the first
game, and then we beat them 2-1 in the last game; not only
that but it put us in the state tournament,” senior captain
Michael Rincon stated. “Out of my four years playing soccer
at MHS, sincerely this was the best season of all and I’m sure
other seniors agree on that. I’m going to miss having to go to
Pinebanks every day after school for practice, or those bus
drives with the family, because we were a family,” Rincon

Go to our website www.
to see a soccer slideshow

(Top to bottom-left to right) Sophomore

Lucas Silva sprinting down the field
with the ball. Senior Ryan Macedo run-
ning down the field during their game in
Acton-Boxborough. Senior Kelvin Tsang
looking to make a pass. Junior Josue
Figueroa. Photos by Catherine Poirier.

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