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B. It’s when you are B.

It’s when you are

A. It’s when a A. It’s when a very intelligent and very intelligent and
doctor study a lot to doctor study a lot to find a good find a good
find a cure. find a cure. university in university in
Colombia. Colombia.

C. It’s when you C. It’s when you

study in Colombia D. It’s when you D. It’s when you
study in Colombia
to work in this travel to find new travel to find new
to work in this
country. opportunities. opportunities.
¿What is “Brain drain?
A. Because he is A. Because he is B. Because he B. Because he
bored in Colombia. bored in Colombia. needs peace. needs peace.

C. Because he C. Because he D. Because he D. Because he

hasn’t found a good hasn’t found a good wants to know wants to know
opportunity. opportunity. another country. another country.
¿Why the author of the text has thought about
traveling to another country?
A. To know other A. To know other B. To find better B. To find better
cultures cultures opportunities opportunities

D. To buy and sell D. To buy and sell

C. To find love C. To find love in Colombia
in Colombia
¿Why young students are traveling?
¿Are students only ones who travel to find better
B. Yes, because B. Yes, because
A. No, workers too. A. No, workers too. there are searching there are searching
a better future. a better future.

C. No, young C. No, young

people are traveling D. Yes, because D. Yes, because
people are traveling
to do a family in they need to study they need to study
to do a family in
another country. in another country. in another country.
another country.

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