Nutrition and The Philippines

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Nutrition and the Philippines: 'Nation at risk'

“Under nutrition is the single greatest threat to a child’s life.”

Under nutrition is an important underlying cause of illness especially to

children, under nutrition occurs when people do not eat enough nutrients to
cover their needs for energy and growth, or to maintain a healthy immune
system. It result of under nutrition is that growth slows and common
childhood infections last longer and are more frequent and serious.
Undernourished children are at high risk of permanently stunted growth and

Latest statistics from the National Nutrition Council (NNC) showed that 67% of
Filipino families are not eating enough even when there are no calamities.

Unfortunately, latest data show there are more Filipinos eating less than
what is actually needed to function well. Malnutrition occurs even before
disasters hit. Many bills attempting to address the state of hunger and
malnutrition in the Philippines have been brought before Congress, but precious
few have been enacted into law. However, initiatives addressing hunger and
malnutrition have been slightly more numerous among government agencies.
Malnutrition, especially under nutrition, has been a perennial problem in the
Philippines. Indeed, improvement along all forms of malnutrition seems to have
slowed down in recent years.

Hazel Arteta

12 HUMSS- 1

Education is considered as the most powerful weapon of life to get victory and success.
This great responsibility and job is given to the teachers to nourish and shape up the
lives of young ones and future of their country. The teacher plays great role towards
education and shape up both present and future of a student. We are so thankful of
having a teacher like you who lively teaches us no pressure just chilling’. We all know
that teacher is a noble. You teach us on your subject and about the reality of life. We
have a lot of learning on your subject reading and writing.

Reading and writing are essential skills to our lives as it provides us the opportunity to
gain knowledge through learning information about the world around us as well as
improve our writing skills. It is necessary for our lives and is a useful tool for people’s
cognitive development in contemporary society. At the discussion began I learned about
the properties of a well written which is Organization, Coherence and cohesion,
appropriate language Use and proper Mechanics that I can use on doing a written
matter, for reading category a learned to do Previewing, Skimming and Scanning it will
help a lot in exam, able to read and to time consuming. Brainstorming, it will help a lot
socially in college is that creative team. Improves your critical thinking and problem
solving skills as an individual and a team. It also encourages collaboration on more than
just major project. I also learned the 2 types of importation which is Explicit and implicit.
Explicit is directly stated while implicit is not directly stated and using clues and context.
The claim topic, I learned that claim has 3 types which is claim of fact, value and policy,
quickly settling a claim can avoid the chances for litigation, accurate liability assessment
is crucial to achieving a quick resolution in a claim dispute. Insurers work to evade
litigation because it substantially increases the company's cost of settling a claim.
Hypertext is a way of representing text about a topic where other topics can be linked. A
link is generally represented as a clickable area which will redirect the reader to another
resource can contain information about similar or related topics. Interest is text
document which is related to another text document. It’s not the end of our learning to
you; it just not stated all the learning I learned.

Life is all about learning till the last breath and the person who has knowledge can be a
good teacher. It needs lots of courage and knowledge to teach and be in this profession.
When a teacher is in a class, he has to handle more than thirty students at once and all
from different background and interest. Hats off to all the teachers and the students who
chose teaching as a carrier to shape up the future of the young ones. At least they have
chosen something daring and it will be not be wrong to say that a teacher builds the
future of a nation.

Hazel Arteta

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