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Millennial’s Motivation in Participating Various

Tourism Activities in Quezon

An Undergraduate Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of

STI, Lucena City

In partial fulfilment

Of Requirements for the Tourism Research

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management


Daisy Segui

Noriedel Laresma


Title: Millennials Motivation in Participating Various Tourism Activities in Quezon

Researcher: Daisy D. Segui and Noriedel Laresma

Adviser: Ms. Maria Fatima R. Sabacco

Keyword: Motivation

This research study is titled “Millennials Motivation in Participating Various Tourism

Activities in Quezon”. In this study the researchers wanted to know what motivates the

millennials to travel in Quezon Province. This research paper investigates the factor that

motivates the millennials to travel in term of physical, cultural, interpersonal and status and

prestige. It examines the factors that motivates millennial to participate various tourism activities

in Quezon province. And to find out what motivates most of the millennials to go on a travel in

Quezon province. To collect credible data, a survey has been done for San Juan, Batangas

residence. San Juan, Batangas is the nearest municipality or province outside of Quezon.The

result of the study revealed that most of the respondents are motivated by lifestyle, seek new

experience, to create memories and through travel they can change their perspective.

Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ i

Table of contents ......................................................................................................................... ii-iii

List of tables ................................................................................................................................... iv

List of Figues ...................................................................................................................................v

Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................ vi

Dedication .................................................................................................................................... vii

I. Chapter I The Problem and its Background

Introduction ..............................................................................................................1

Background of the Study ........................................................................................2

Statement of the Problem .........................................................................................4

Significance of the Study ........................................................................................5

Scope and Limitation of the Study ..........................................................................5

Definition of Terms .................................................................................................6

II. Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature ....................................................................................................8

Related Studies.......................................................................................................16

Conceptual Framework .........................................................................................18

III. Chapter III Methodology

Locale of the Study ...............................................................................................19
Research Design ....................................................................................................19

Respondents of the Study ......................................................................................20

Research Population/Sampling Techniques ..........................................................20


Data Gathering Procedure .....................................................................................20

Statistical Treatment .............................................................................................21

IV. Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Percentage Distribution .........................................................................................23

Weighted Mean, Ranking and Verbal Interpretation ............................................33

V. Summary of Finding, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary ...............................................................................................................37

Finding of the Study ..............................................................................................38

Conclusion ............................................................................................................39

Recommendation ..................................................................................................39

Bibliography .....................................................................................................................40

Appendices ........................................................................................................................42

Curriculum Vitae ..............................................................................................................47



Table 1: Motivational factor influences millennial to travel in terms: Physical and


Table 2: Motivational factor influences millennial to travel in terms: Interpersonal

and Status and Prestige…………………………………………………34



Figure 1: Distribution of respondents according to age 24

Figure 2: Distribution of respondents according to sex 25

Figure 3: Distribution of civil status of the respondents 26

Figure 4: Distribution respondents according to educational attainment 27

Figure 5: Distribution respondents according to monthly income 28

Figure 6: Distribution respondents according to purpose of visit 29

Figure 7: Distribution respondents according to frequency of visit 30

Figure 8: Distribution respondents according to tourism activities

known in Quezon 31


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty for his showers of

blessings throughout our research work to complete the research successfully.

The researcher would like to express the deepest appreciation to their Research Professor

Mrs. Fatima Sabacco, for giving the opportunity to do research and providing invaluable

guidance throughout this research.

The researchers are extremely grateful to their parents for their love, prayers, caring and

sacrifices for educating and preparing our future. Also the researcher would like to express their

thanks to their friend Ivy Mascarina, who have been there to help throughout this research, for

being with them to their sleepless night, thank you.



We dedicate this research to God Almighty our creator, our source of inspiration,

wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He has been the source of our strength throughout this

research and on His wings only have I soared. We also dedicate this work to our family and

friends who has encouraged us all the way and whose encouragement has made sure that we give

it all it takes to finish that which we have started. Thank you. Our love for you all can never be

quantified. God Bless.





The motivation for travel has been a long wondered question to academics in the tourism

industry. Each looking into their own area of motivations they have given reasonable answers to

why this may be so. However, in the past two decades, niche tourism and specifically cultural

tourism has increased dramatically than previously, as tourists desire to experience different

lifestyles more than before. This has not just been affected by one specific type of traveller and

has incorporated many generations.

The tourism industry is considered one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the

world. As a worldwide occurrence it forms a very important part of the service sector strongly

influencing the economy. For the tourism industry to maintain or improve its current status it is

dependent on tourists‟ travel decisions which are reflected in travel behaviour.

Travel motivations form an integral part of travel behaviour and has been widely

researched and applied in tourism marketing strategies. The need to see the unseen and know the

unknown drives people to travel to new places and motivates them to visit new destinations It is

therefore important for tourism establish such as resorts to understand the travel behaviour and

more specific the travel motivations of tourists, as it may assist in product development,

improved marketing strategies, enhanced service delivery approaches and the creation of a

competitive advantage. Therefore, travel behaviour plays an important role in tourism as

concept, industry and economy, and demands investigation.


According to the article of Pinoybisnes (2017), the millennials in many cases don’t want

to feel like tourists. A part of the experience for them is to enjoy many things the way the locals

do. They want to eat local food, meet local people, get familiar with the culture, and they want

the trip to be educational. The Philippines as a country offers all of the above to tourists, foreign

and local alike. Every province has a unique culture with its own language, history, customs and

food. Actually, many millennial tourists choose their destination in order to experience a specific

culture as a motivation.

Millennials travel more and differently than their earlier counterparts, and their numbers

and importance continue to swell. Stemming from the fear of being left behind when one’s

friends are having more fun, the Millennials are continually looking for the next big adventure.

As adventure tourism ticks all the boxes, the industry should start making changes expected by

this new generation in order to break into this up-and-coming market.

Background of the Study

Millennials, also known as Generation Y or the Net Generation, are the demographic

cohort that directly follows Generation X. The term Millennials is usually considered to apply to

individuals who reached adulthood around the turn of the 21st century. The precise delineation

varies from one source to another, however. Neil Howe and William Strauss, authors of the 1991

book Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069, are often credited with

coining the term. Howe and Strauss define the Millennial cohort as consisting of individuals born

between 1982 and 2004.

Millennials grew up in an electronics-filled and increasingly online and socially-

networked world. They are the generation that has received the most marketing attention. As the

most ethnically diverse generation, Millennials tend to be tolerant of difference. Having been

raised under the mantra "follow your dreams" and being told they were special, they tend to be

confident. While largely a positive trait, the Millennial generation’s confidence has been argued

to spill over into the realms of entitlement and narcissism. They are often seen as slightly more

optimistic about their future than other generations -- despite the fact that they are the first

generation since the Silent Generation that is expected to be less economically successful than

their parents.

Tourism Activities involves travel and leisure activities pursued with the expectation that

they will produce a rewarding, adventurous experience. Tourism can be defined as travel to a

destination to participate in adventurous activities in a natural environment. Two categories of

adventure are distinguished, namely soft and hard adventure. Soft adventure includes activities

such as bird-watching, hiking, camping and horseback riding, and it requires relatively little

physical skill and little or no experience. Hard adventure includes activities such as rock

climbing, mountaineering, survival games and caving. Hard adventure has high levels of risk and

participants are more likely to engage in physically and mentally challenging outdoor activities

If you love hiking, mountain climbing, rafting, surfing, or even simply walking on

pristine and uncommercialized beaches, make sure you make your way to the province of

Quezon in the Philippines. Two to three hours from the commercial hub of Metro Manila,

Quezon offers a 180-degree change, and a welcome breath of fresh air.

Quezon province is large; the most popular towns to stay in are Lucban for hiking Mt.

Banahaw and Pagbilao Grande for its stretch of beaches, also the famous festival like Pahiyas

Festival held in Lucban, Quezon and Niyogyugan Festival in Lucena City. After a couple hours

of travel from Metro Manila, drop by and consider staying overnight at Villa Escudero, which

borders Laguna and Quezon. It’s set on hectares and hectares of coconut plantation and offers a

convenient base for hiking and outdoor activities the following day.

Statement of the Problem

This study entitled “Millennials Motivation in Participating Various Tourism Activities in

Quezon” aims to examine the motivations of the millennial and their preferred destination

activities. The main focus of this study will be to find what motivational factors influence the

millennial generation to travel and participate in tourism activities in the Province of Quezon. .

Thus this study aims to answer the following:

1. To determine demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Educational Attainment

1.5 Monthly Income

1.6 Purpose of Visit

1.7 Frequency of Visit

2. To determine the tourism activities people know in Quezon?

3. To determine motivational factor influences millennial to travel in terms of:

3.1 Physical

3.2 Cultural

3.3 Interpersonal

3.4 Status and Prestige


Significance of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to investigate and to review motivational factors that

influence the millennial generation to travel and participate in tourism activities in the Quezon

Province. Precisely the objectives of the present study are the following:

For the people of Quezon Province, this study will help them to know how and what

the local government unit can do to promote the adventure tourism of the Quezon Province, and

what are the roles of millennial in the tourism industry as they are the fastest growing

demographics of travellers nationwide.

For the Governing Authority of Tourism Sector of Quezon Province, this study will

help them to know more about the primary motives of the millennial to participate in tourism

activities, as the millennial as the fastest growing demographics of travellers. This will serve as

indication on how helpful their contribution when it comes to tourism promotion particularly in

the Province of Quezon towards developing adventure activities, improving standards of living

for the communities, and to enable the area to have an advantage in the sector of tourism


For the future researchers, this will help them on their future study as their guide in

conducting research related to the field of promotion, travel, adventures and tourism industry.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study entitled “Millennial’s Motivation in Participating Various Tourism Activities

in Quezon” will only tackle about the motives of millennial to participate in the adventure

tourism and to determine if there is a significant difference on the perception of respondents as to

their motives in participating tourism activities among the profile of respondents in terms of sex,

age, civil status, education attainment, income, purpose of visit and frequency of visit.

Definition of Terms

To enlighten the readers mind in reading this study, the following terms were defined

both conceptually and operationally as follows:

Adventure Tourism – it is the different adventure in Quezon Province, which includes all the

activities that you may do. Also the hiking in Atimonan and Guinyangan, Quezon is kind of

hard adventure.

Millennials -also known as Generation Y or the Net Generation, are the demographic cohort

that directly follows Generation X. The term Millennials is usually considered to apply to

individuals who reached adulthood around the turn of the 21st century.

Motivation is the reason for people's actions, desires and needs. Motivation is also one's

direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior.

Silent Generation - it refers to people who were born between 1925 and 1945. There are

several theories as to where the label 'Silent Generation' originated. The children who grew

up during this time worked very hard and kept quiet. It was commonly understood that

children should be seen and not heard.

Generation X- or Gen X is demographic cohort following the baby boomers and preceding the

millennials. there are no precise dates for when Generation X starts or end. Demographers

ans researcher typically use birth years ranging from the early-to-mid 1960’s to early 1980’s.

Tourism - is the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual

environment for leisure, business or other purposes for not more than one consecutive year.

Tourism Activities – This is all the activities in Quezon Province, it is we’re the tourist

experience the different activities that Quezon had.




This chapter presents the related literature and studies that can support to the purpose of

the study which will be relevant to the present study.

Related Literature


According to the U.S based Adventure Travel Trade Association, adventure tourism is

rapidly growing in popularity, as tourism seek different kinds of vacation. Adventure travel may

be any tourist activity, including two of the following three components: physical activity, a

cultural exchange or interaction and engagement with nature.

According to Flucker & Turner, Participants have certain expectations of excitement and

these are needs that should be filled by participating in adventure activities. Because participants

are willing to take risks and so have an element of uncertainty, and also because ‘thrill’ forms a

major part of participating in adventure tourism, it can only be presumed that adventure tourists

will also have different travel motives. Tourist wants adventurous experiences because it create

psychological and physiological arousal, which can be interpreted as negative or positive and

which can be detrimental as stated by the Yerkes Dodson law.

Moreover, outdoor adventurous activities are typically undertaken for the purpose of

recreation or excitement: examples are adventure racing and adventure tourism. Adventurous

tourism can also lead to gains in knowledge, such as those undertaken by explorers and pioneers.

Adventure education intentionally uses challenging experiences for learning.


One of the adventure activities is backpackaging, furthermore according to Walsh people

are drawn to his activity to explore places that they consider beautiful and fasticinating, many of

which cannot be accessed in any way. A backpacker can travel deeper into remote areas, away

from people and their effects, than a day-hiker can.

Camping because many people see in a camping a chance to get out of the daily routine

and improve their survival skills, others would rather benefit from the many amenities that

campsites are nowadays equipped with. Camping meant a great deal of responsibility and

knowledge about wild nature, any individual who wants to spend a weekend away in the woods

may also expect a high level of comfort.

The top motivation for millennia’s to travel, according to finding from the WYSE

Millennials Traveller Survey, are interacting with locals, experiencing everyday life in a

destination, and increasing their knowledge. Where older travellers are likely to pursue relaxing

activities as part of their travel plans, being in a calm atmosphere was actually one of the lowest

priorities for millennials traveller.

Travellers today demand to see more and more remote destinations, they want to area

other tourist have not been too. This is human nature and a wish to be an explorer but it is

important to recognize that this search without its pitfalls. When these undiscovered areas are

found and tourism moves in, we will surely keep moving away to find newer more remote areas,

the demand suggests we will always strive for more wildness.

According to Stan McGahey (2015), Millennials wanting experience, not souvenirs.

Gone are travellers who fill their bags with materials items; instead, they want unique and

interesting experience to share with friends and family. They want amazing photos, stories and

social media posts. Instead of merely visiting historical landmarks- something they can do via

internet they want authentic experience. They want to get under the skin of their destination,

break bread with locals, learn new skills and dive into a new culture. They want an adrenaline

rush to document and recount.

According to FutureCast’s “The Millennial Brief on Travel and Lodging,” (2015)

Millennials are willing to splurge on vacations and activities, but not on accommodations. They

are looking for affordable options, making hostels a more appealing (and adventurous) choice

when searching for accommodations. Hostels are typically low in cost, placed in convenient

locations and provide more social opportunities for travelers to meet like-minded individuals.

According to Inkling (2016) over half (53%) of UK Millennials would rather spend

money on an experience versus a possession, expecting millennials to spend much more on

travel experiences than counter generations. There is also much research to suggest this

generation 'works to live' not 'lives for work', insisting on flexibility of hours and better holidays,

signifying travelling would again be an important aspect to millennials (Espinoza, Ukleja and

Rusch, 2010);Asthana, 2008;Jackson, 2015).

According to Shelby Lorman (2017),that millennials may be traveling more because

they’re stressed out. That stress, combined with uncertainty about the future, may be urging more

Millennials to get out and see the world.

According to Rudradeb Mitra (2017), millennials travel to get out of routine. Routine can

vary from people to people. And in fact I even met people who said for them routine is now

traveling so they want to take a break and be in one place. For social confirmation, putting

picture in social media and people liking the picture, make them feel important. For escape, for

various reason many in the age group cannot create bonds and relations. They are traveling to

escape from their parents, cities, towns or friends. And last reason is that people want to

experience new things. Learn and grow. Create memories for life.

Likewise, Brandon Josi (2017), says that millennials travel because increasingly

accessible to them, It's stimulating, It gives them good photos that their peers might not have, It

gives them stories to tell. Millennials are constantly being told about globalization and having an

international perspective, so it's something that is constantly positively reinforced.

According to Magma Doc (2017), millennials travel it is because they are far more likely

to want to see the world before things disappears, as it will probably happen within our lifetimes.

So that millennials want to visit different places before they go more because the older people

have already seen or are not so keen to see them.

According to Global Youth Forum (2017), the wonders of travel are figuratively a click

away for today youth. It is more apparent that the millennials, with their sending capability and

insatiable thirst for exploring and sharing their experience, are in the position to redefine the face

of tourism as we know it. Social media bounds with proof. Whether it is about scaling a

mountain or diving under the sea, todays travelers are more willing to tell other about their

memories. Many profiles show a glimpse of travel stories captured in breathtaking photos and

cool travel videos. The adventure of a life time comes with the soul searching and giving back

components. Putting meaning to their globe-trotting, young explorers go for authentic

experiences, which explain the surge of homestay, volunteering for tourism efforts, and

interaction with locals.


According to Nicola Brown (2017), most millennials prioritize travel over buying a home

or paying off debt when they look at the next five years of their lives. This was true of

millennials across the board in the US, the UK, and China. They’re seeking adventurous, local,

and personal experiences when they travel—they’re looking for something that’s new and

unique. Over 80 percent of millennials believe the best way to discover and learn about a place is

through local experiences. Millennials aren’t just looking for the cheaper version or the more

feature-rich version. They want true novelty. They want to be taken out of the realm of

familiarity and to be surprised. They want something that’s not just new but unique. Stretching

beyond their comfort zone is where they find meaning.

Likewise, according to Molly Fergu (2017), Millennials consider it a right, not a

privilege, to travel. Millennial sector, are inherently curious with an increased desire to invest in

experiences over material items,” she said. “This continued quest to explore versus acquire helps

explain why millennials place such great importance on travel in comparison to other


On the other hand, according to Protano Goodwin (2018) Millennials want to travel in a

way that is authentic and that connects them with the people around them, they are asking the

travel industry to provide experiences that are for all five senses.

Likewise, according to Janicke (2018) Exploring other cultures, learning about everyday

life in another country and meeting locals, and increasing knowledge about others and oneself,

are consistently listed as top reasons for travel.

According to Rachel (2018), the millennials travel partly because the internet demands it

that is the pessimistic outlook. The internet has made globalization and connections infinitely

easier than they have ever been before. With a simple Google search, you will be able to find out

almost everything about a country, city or island — Wikipedia is almost guaranteed to have it.

And those beautiful Instagram posts, there are on Google too. Whereas before, our parents were

limited to stories or photographs sent to via snail mail, they are virtually unlimited in the access

of information, pictures, stories, and personal accounts of other countries. And that, in and of

itself, has become travel’s greatest marketing tool. The travel destination itself does its own

marketing. Travelling to a new place seems obviously worth it. Because despite how many

photos you can look at through a screen, you do not get to define a place or a moment as your

own until you are standing in front of it and your brain processes what it means to be there. You

will not understand the size, the brevity of a landmark, or the customs of a people unless you

walk alongside them. I travel because of the internet, yes, but I also travel because I know that

experiences are one of the best things you can spend your money and time on.

According to Donna Jeavons (2018), Millennials are traveling more today compared to

just a few decades ago. The reason? It’s likely because many young people know that buying a

house someday is out of the question, so they’re choosing to live in the moment and spend their

money on travel instead. Jeavons notes that this doesn’t mean Millennials aren’t saving; just that

they’re prioritizing their time and expenses differently than generations before them. “Young

people are choosing to live in the moment,” Jeavons said. “We’re seeing many millennials

investing in experiences over bricks and mortar.” And the fact that it’s “acceptable to go out and

see the world before settling down - in fact, it’s very much encouraged as it helps you develop a

lot of life and work skills.”


Furthermore, according to Chris Townson, property ownership is out of reach for many

young people at this stage in their lives, so they are seeing more investment in travel and life

experiences as a definite trend.”

According to Martin Kaljurand (2018), millennials adventure travel because they can and

this is forming new habits and lifestyles. Business trips are back-ended with stay-over local

experiences in non-tourist areas. The supply is their through no-frills flights, the urbanization of

the hotel industry and the customization of vacation time. And the demand is unleashed through

mobile phones, travel apps and blogs and the millennials superior command of smart phone

technology. The millennial is looking for the ultimate authentic experience to enrich their

personality and cv and make them into deep, inclusive and wise individuals. As "society"

continues to move away from home and the guidance of traditional authorities, to breakdown and

atomize, the millennial is looking for ever-sharper and more adventurous experiences that will

disaggregate him - and more-so her, hitherto held back - from their parents and peers. They want

to define themselves, do not like being “programmed” by traditional values and have been taught

to question hand-me-down advice and to be “innovative”. They believe that a strategy based on

"you are what you do" will mold them a rugged and differentiated core individual brand. Travel

is the key tool to support this desire for transformational experience.

Millennials crave experiences. They are more likely than any other demographic to travel

on the more adventurous tours, which is evident through the success of Geckos’ tours to Everest

Base Camp, Taj Mahal, homestays — staying with a local family — in Peru and Thailand, and

safaris in Africa,” said Leigh Barnes, Geckos Adventures and Intrepid Group director.

According to Knowlton, Millennials generation is aspirational, driven by stories and

experiences that go beyond the surface. As such, effectively reaching Millennials requires an eye

toward personalization and authenticity. “Good content is not enough. Millennials are savvy,

suspicious, and have high expectations. Make sure your content is authentic, honest, and


According to article “Important Factors that motivate people to travel” shared by Deepti

Verma according to McIntosh and Goeldner. There are different types of motivation.

Physical Motivations: These are related to refreshment of body and mind, health

purposes, sport and pleasure. These groups of motivations are seen to be linked to those activities

which reduce tension.

Cultural Motivations: These are identified by the desire to see and know more about

other cultures, to find out about the natives of a country, their lifestyle, music, art, folklore,

dance, etc.

Interpersonal Motivations: These include a desire to meet new people, visit friends or

relatives, seek new experiences. Travel is an escape from routine relationship with friends or

neighbors and the home environment or it is used for spiritual reasons.

Status and Prestige Motivations: These include a desire for the continuation of hobbies

and education and are also seen to be concerned with the desire for recognition and attention

from others, in order to boost the personal ego.

There are two broad groups of travellers. The first group comprises those who have to

visit a particular place and those visiting friends and relatives. The decision to travel where to go

and when to go is to a great extent outside their control. They are not much influenced by price

or distance. The second group holiday tourists or pleasure travellers have a freedom of choice.

They decide for themselves whether they should spend a part of their income and leisure time for

tourism. Their demand for travel is highly price elastic.

The prime motivation in tourism is the desire to be elsewhere and to escape the routine,

constraints and stress of everyday life. From this basic motivation two distinct motivations may

be seen which have been described by Prof. Gray as wanderlust and sun lust.

Related Studies

According to Dr. Paulo Rita (2015) study on the Millennials’ Travel Motivation and

Desired Activities within a Destination: A Comparative Study of America and the United

Kingdom, the most important motivational factors is the need to escape from the ordinary, and

the desire to experience different lifestyle. Similarly, both nationalities agreed that the most

attractive destination activities were to try local food and do physical activities. Though there

were plenty of similarities, the study discovers also many differences, regarding motivation and

activity preferences, between the nationalities, the genders, and the respondents with different

backgrounds (e.g. education, income, marital status, etc.).

According to Ismoiljonov Shukhrat, tourists do adventure tourism by gaining much more

of its excitement by allowing its participants to step outside their comfort zone. This may be

from experiencing culture shock or through the performance of acts, which require significant

effort and involve some degree of risk and physical danger.

According to the study of the Adventure Travel Trade Association, millinnials often seek

unique or new travel destination and activities. It is often believed that a percentage of this sector

is willing to accept limited tourism infrastructure with the promise of an exceptional, authentic


Meanwhile, According to Preyser (2018) study the majority of respondents want to stay

in accommodations in trendy, local neighborhoods, rather than close to top tourist attractions;

they prefer active vacations, full of exploration; they don’t mind traveling by themselves; and

they prefer to create their own itinerary, rather than leaving it up to a packaged tour. While all of

these factors could potentially make one’s holiday away from home riskier, there are ways to

encourage more adventurous and spontaneous travel experiences, without compromising on

safety and security.

According to WYSE Travel Confederation's New Horizons benchmark study, the

millennials which began in 2002, sought to understand the unique travel motivations, activities,

booking, and spending habits of young travelers worldwide, as well as the growing requirements

of the ever-expanding industry. Here's what they found:

 The number of travelers older than age 30 showed the biggest percentage increase from

2007, rising from 10% of the market to 17%, while younger travelers, aged 23 to 30, have

seen a decrease of a similar percentage.

 The biggest difference since 2007 was the length of visit. The average stay of 58

days was almost a week more than in the previous study.

 The ability to book using mobile devices is now the second biggest consideration after

price. Online booking is ranked behind "close proximity to a physical travel agency" as

far as importance. Websites are, however, still how most young travelers seek

information about future destinations.

"Young travelers today want, more than ever, to enrich themselves with cultural

experiences, to meet local people and to improve their employability when they return home,"

said David Chapman, director general for the WYSE Travel Confederation.

The 2010 Household Survey on Domestic Visitors (HSDV) reported that about 23.1

million Filipinos who are 15 years old and above have traveled in any place within the country

from April to September 2010. These domestic travelers represent 36.6 percent of the estimated

63.2 million Filipinos who are 15 years old and over.

The numbers of female travelers were almost same as those of male travelers. The

majority of domestic travelers (53.0%) were in the ages 15 to 34 years, of which, 29.3 percent

were in the age group 15 to 24 and 23.7 percent were in the age group 25 to 34.

Most of the domestic travelers (98.6%) had arranged for their own trips. Those who

availed of package tours accounted for only 2.4 percent. On the average, a domestic traveler had

two trips during the reference period. Each trip has an average of two places being visited.

Pleasure or vacation was the main purpose of a trip for more than half of the travelers

(53.3 %) followed by visit to friends or relatives and attendance to family gatherings (36.9 %,).

Based on Philippine Statistic Authority, survey on domestic travellers in 2016, The 2016

Household Survey on Domestic Visitors (HSDV) Three out of five Filipinos 15 years old and

over travelled within the country, according to the results of the 2016 Household Survey on

Domestic Visitors (HSDV). The preliminary results of the HSDV 2016, jointly conducted by the

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and the Department of Tourism (DOT), showed that 59

percent of Filipinos 15 years old and over travelled within the country from April 1 to September

30, 2016. About 99 percent of them arranged their trips independently, and less than one

percent availed at least one domestic package tour. Each domestic traveller made two trips, on

average, during the reference period. Female domestic travellers were higher than males, with a

sex ratio of 93:100. Median age of domestic travellers was 34 years old with about 52 percent in

the group of 15 to 34 years. In select cities in the National Capital Region (NCR), including the

City of Manila, Quezon City, Mandaluyong City, Caloocan City and Parañaque City, an

estimated 3.4 million individuals travelled during the same period.

Conceptual Framework


1. To determine the
Demographic Profile of
respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Civil Status
Motivation in
1.4 Education Attainment Participating in
2. What tourism activities Tourism Activities
people know in Quezon?
3. What motivational factor
influences millennial to
2.1 Physical
2.1 Cultural
2.3 Interpersonal
2.4 Status and Prestige

Figure 1: Research Paradigm is the Millennials Motivation in Participating Various Tourism

Activities in Quezon Province.



This chapter describes and discusses how the researchers will gather the necessary date

and information that will be used in the entire study. It describes who will be the respondents and

focus of the research. This also show the procedure of date collections and instruments used; this

chapter also discusses the type of research, researcher design, and the research locale where the

study will be conducted.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted from San Juan Batangas City. The study covered the whole city

because the study needed equal respondent from different places of San Juan, Batangas that can

provide answer to the question.

Research Design

In order to determine the needed information about the about the motivation of the

millennial to participate in tourism activities particularly in the Province of Quezon, the

descriptive method of research was used. The descriptive method is a fact- finding that explains

the present condition, what is happening or going on in the time of study. Descriptive method is

the appropriate and accurate method in gathering method. It is collected through questionnaire

survey and interview. In this method the researcher will be able to explain briefly and analyse the

motives of millennial to participate in tourism activities. The information was analysed,

summarized and interpreted along certain time of thought for the pursuit of a specific purpose of

the study.

Respondents of the Study

The study used questionnaires that were answered by the respondents from San Juan,

Batangas. The research has consisted of a total of 50 samples of respondents from San Juan,

Batangas who have visited the Quezon Province. The respondents of the study were 19 students

of Batangas Eastern Colleges and 31employees.

Research Population/Sampling Technique

The population come from different millennial tourist who visited and experienced the

different tourism activities in Quezon province. The researcher will conduct the study at

Batangas province. The scope and number of the population will be based on the encountered

tourist during the time of the conduct of the study. The respondents of the study will be chosen.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathered from the respondents were tallied, tabulated and analysed. The

statistical measure utilized in the study was weighted mean. Weighted mean was used to

determine the millennials motivation in participating in tourism activities.

To obtain the necessary data, the researcher administers questionnaires at respondents from

San Juan Batangas. The researcher arranges the schedules for the administration of the

questionnaires based on the availability of the respondents.

Data gathered from the respondents were treated statistically.


Statistical Treatment

The researcher should tabulate, analyse and interpret the data gathered using statistical

tables and graphs to present the information which covered up the study.

The specific problem number one is answerable by frequency counting of data and that

was collected through the help of questionnaires. After the frequency count, it was converted into

percentage that was obtained using the following formula:

P = x 100


P - percentage (%)

f - frequency

n - number of respondents

Specific problem number two was answered by frequency counting of the data obtained

though the questionnaire and the data was computed using the Weighted Arithmetic Mean with

the formula:



WM - weighted mean

f - frequency

N - total number of respondents


The result of the weighted arithmetic mean was interpreted by using verbal description as


Scale Verbal Description

3.60 – 4.00 SA - Strongly Agree

2.60 – 3.59 A - Agree

1.60 – 2.59 D - Disagree

1.00 – 1.59 SD - Strongly Disagree




This part contains the results of the survey process that were conducted by the researcher

with the help of 50 respondents. Specifically, this contains the quantitative data obtained from

the survey process. Basically, this part will present data about the personal profile of respondents

and their opinion on Millennial’s motivation in participating various tourism activities in Quezon


Demographic Profile of Respondents

a) Age Profile of the Respondents


10% 24%
14-18 yrs old

26% 19-23 yrs old

32% 24-28 yrs old
29-32 yrs old
33-36 yrs old

Figure 1. Distribution of respondents according to age:

Figure 1 shows that 32% of the respondents are of age between 19– 23 years old, 26%

falls within the age of 24 – 28 years old, it was followed by 24% of the respondents’ age between

14-18 years old, 10% at the age of 29-32 years old and 8% at the age of 33 -36.

Based on Philippine Statistic Authority, survey on domestic travellers in 2010, The 2010

Household Survey on Domestic Visitors (HSDV) reported that the majority of domestic

travellers (53.0%) were in the ages 15 to 34 years, of which, 29.3 per cent were in the age group

15 to 24 and 23.7 per cent were in the age group 25 to 34. The findings of the present study are

almost the same on the data release by NSO. Is that the age to 15 to 34 is the age that the

millennials wants to travel.

b) Sex Profile of the Respondents


52% 48%


Figure 2. Distribution of respondents according to sex:

Figure 2 shows that majority of the respondents were female having 52% out of 100%

total percentage and the remaining 48% are male.

According to the results of the 2016 Household Survey on Domestic Visitors

(HSDV). conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and the Department of Tourism

(DOT), showed that 59 per cent of Filipinos 15 years old and over travelled the country and

about 99 per cent of them arranged their trips independently, and less than one per cent availed at

least one domestic package tour. And female domestic travellers were higher than males, with a

sex ratio of 93:100. Median age of domestic travellers was 34 years old with about 52 per

cent in the group of 15 to 34 years. And it is important to the study to know who travel the most

according to sex.

c) Civil Status

Civil Status



76% Married

Figure 3. Distribution of civil status of the respondents:

The percentage of the civil status of the respondents is shown in figure 3. It suggests that

most of the respondents are single which is 76%, and 24% of the respondents are married while

other civil status’ is zero.


It shows in the study that most travellers are single or young people and it is important to

the study to know who travel more in terms of civil status. Single or young people travel because

they learn how to be independent and change their perspective through travel.

According to Ellie (2016) people travel more when they’re single than when they are in a

relationship. The main reason is when you travel more when you’re single all you have to think

about is well.. You! It sounds simple but it’s so true. If you want to quit your job, book a ticket

somewhere and see how far the money you’ve saved gets you then you can do it! You don’t have

to worry about how much money the other person has saved, if they can’t leave their job or

perhaps worse, don’t want to! It also means you can change your mind as much as you want, you

have a huge case of itchy feet and a self-confessed habit of changing your mind and making new

life plans all the time! And just because you’re single it doesn’t mean you have to travel solo and

alone because travelling with friends is so much fun! From planning trips or part of a trip with

friends you create the motivation to travel with each other, to book the flights and not get stuck

at home.

And if you’re in a relationship, friends would assume if you travel it’ll be with your

boyfriend/girlfriend and let’s be honest, no one wants to play the third wheel for too long so it’s

likely you won’t get asked to go away with other people as much and then it’s just up to you two

to motivate yourselves to book the flights and go. If you don’t have friends that are available to

travel with, go anyway and meet new friends whilst you’re away.

d) Educational Attainment

Educational Attainment


Senior High School Student

36% College Student

College Graduate

Figure 4. Distribution respondents according to educational attainment:

Figure 4 shows that majority of the respondents were college graduate having 36%. It

followed by 26% of undergraduate, 22% of college student and16% of senior high school


The study show that most of the millennials who travel are college graduate who had an

income to support their travel need and this is relevant to the study to know who travel the most.

For they have more time to travel because they have the financial that will support their leisure

and can spend more money than students.

According to asurvey, “Travel Improves Educational Attainment & Future Success,”

Increased travel is linked to higher education, regardless of gender, ethnicity or other

demographic factors students who took educational trips were more likely to graduate from high

school, attend college and go to graduate school.


A majority of adults (57%) who took educational trips as children and teens attained a

college degree or went on to do post-graduate work, compared to those who did not (33%).

With each trip, the positive effect of educational travel grew stronger. Nearly all (95%) adults

who traveled five or more times were more likely to graduate from high school, and nearly two-

thirds (63%) of that group went on to graduate from college.

e) Monthly Income

Monthly Income


24% 38% P0-10,000

P 10,000 - P 20,000
P 21,000 - P 30,000
30% P 31,000 - P 40,000
P 41,000 - P 50,000
P 51,000 above

Figure 5. Distribution respondents according to monthly income:

Figure 5 conveys the respondents’ monthly income wherein 30% of the respondents have

a salary of ₱ 10,000 - ₱ 20,000. Then 24% of the respondents have monthly income of ₱ 21,000 -

₱ 30,000. And 8% of the respondents have a salary of ₱31,000-₱40,000. And 38% respondents

are senior high school and college students which is they have no income yet.

It shows that most of the respondents have a salary of ₱10,000- ₱20,000 are the one who

travel the most it’s enough for single people to travel. This is relevant to the study to know what

are the possible income of the tourist that can have, if you want to travel.

f) Purpose of Visit

Purpose of Visit

16% 16%
24% Cultural

26% Adventure
10% Sport and Recreation

Figure 6. Distribution respondents according to purpose of visit:

It show 26% that most of the respondents who visit Quezon is for adventure purpose,

next is 24% for leisure, then 16% for both religious and business, then 10% for sport and

recreation and last is 8% for cultural purposes.

Most of the respondent visit Quezon because of adventure activities and it’s relevant to

the study to know why Batangeño visit Quezon. That most of travellers from San Juan, Batangas

visit Quezon Province because of adventure which travellers enjoy the sceneries and tourism

activities in Quezon Province.

According to Guia Jhaypee ( 2012) If you love hiking, mountain climbing, rafting,

surfing, or even simply walking on pristine and uncommercialized beaches, make sure you make

your way to the province of Quezon in the Philippines. Quezon Province is a spectacular

province which hosts many unique tourist attractions, and that is why the reason why the

province is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country.


Like Hiking in Pinagbanderahan Atimonan and Bosque Cave in Gumaca, Padre Burgos

Submarine Garden and Polillo Coral Reef a shallow coral area which abounds with starfish of

several kinds, sea cucumber, sea urchins, jellyfish and gorgonians. Good for snorkeling. And

there is also a wall climbing in Atimonan Quezon. Rafting and Surfing in Real Quezon. And

many more adventure activities its either soft or hard adventure.

g) Frequency of Visit

Frequency of Visit

1-3 times a year
4-6 times a year
7-9 times a year
10 times above

Figure 7. Distribution respondents according to frequency of visit:

Figure 7 shows that the 62% of the respondents visit the places in Quezon province in 1-3

times a year only and the rest 38% visit the said places 4-6 times a year. It is important to the

study to know how many times the visitor visit the Quezon Province because it’s help to

determine why people visit the province.

It shows that travellers do visit every year more than one time to experience more

adventure and to visit again the sites they visited before. And also to make more experiences to a

new destination they want to visits.


PART II Tourism Activities that known in Quezon Province.


Pahiyas Festival 94% 1st
Niyogyugan Festival 86% 4th
Pinagbanderahan, Atimonan 48% 7th
Maulawin, Quinyangan 10% 14th
Pasahayan sa Lucena 60% 5th
Dalampasigan Resort Sariaya 20% 11th
Cagbalete Mauban 42% 9th
Nanay Santa Garden Resort, Resort Sariaya 11% 13th
Kamay ni Hesus, Lucban 92% 2nd
Sunshine Farm, Tiaong 88% 3rd
Bangkong Kahoy, Dolores 24% 10th
Mt. Banahaw, Dolores 46% 8th
Pulong Pasig, Calauag 8% 15th
Balesin Island 12% 12th
Air Summit Gourmet, Tayabas 56% 6th
Table 1. Distribution respondents according to tourism activities known in Quezon.

Table 1 show that the respondents know most tourism activities are Pahiyas Festival with

a percentage of 94% next is Kamay ni Hesus Lucban which is 92% then Sunshine farm which is

88%, Niyogyugan festival which is 86%, Pasayahan sa Lucena which is 60%, Air Summit

Gourmet Tayabas which is 56%, next is Pinagbanderhan Atimonan which is 48%, followed by

Mt. Banahaw Dolores which is 46%, Cagbalete Mauban which is 42%, then Bangkong Kahoy

Dolores which is 24%, Dalampasigan Resort Sariaya which is 20%, followed by Baselin Island

Polillo which is 12%, then Nanay Santa Garden Resort Quezon, Quezon which is 11%, then

Maulawin Guinayangan which is 10%and last is Pulong Pasig which is 8%.


According to One Armed Wanderer, Pahiyas festival is one among the most awaited and

celebrated Festival in the Philippines especially on Quezon Province, it form of thanksgiving for

a bountiful harvest in honor of San Isidro Labrador the patron saint of farmers. This is famous of

colourful houses that made of kipings and design with some vegetables and fruits. Pahiyas

festival is always included in Philippine tourism promotional videos, with its colourful houses,

festive parade, friendly locals and delicious food.

The highlights of the festival comes after the town’s procession where the spirited

tradition of ‘Kalas’ takes places. The term literary means to romp away the harvest and

decoration from the houses as a symbol of joy and merriment. Indeed, the Pahiyas Festival has

become one of the most-sought after festival across the Philippines luring in locals from nearby

towns and even tourist from other countries.

Other than Pahiyas Festival, travellers can visit Kamay ni Hesus meters away from where

Pahiyas Festival held. It is commonly known for having the biggest statue of Jesus on the top of


Table 2. Motivational factor influences millennial to travel in terms of:

4 –Strongly Agree (SA) 2 –Disagree (D)
3 - Agree (A) 1 –Strongly Disagree (SD)

1. Millennials travel because they want
to enhance their physical fitness. 2.64 5 Agree
2. Millennials travel to seek new
adventure experience. 3.82 1 Strongly Agree

3. Millennials travel because of extreme

activities they want to try. 3.8 2 Strongly Agree

4. Millennials travel for relaxation,

pleasure and refreshment of body. 3.24 4 Agree

5. Travelling is good for health and can

give ones satisfaction. 3.78 3 Strongly Agree

1. Millennials travel because they want
to know more about other cultures. 2.62 4 Agree
2. Millennials travel to seek new Agree
experience and learn the other 3.58 1
3. Millennials travel it is because they
want to see the world before things 3.3 2 Agree
4. Millennials travel to know more about
historical heritage of the places. 3.16 3 Agree

5. Travelling is through visiting a site

considered meaningful or “sacred”. 2.38 5 Disagree

Table 2 show that in terms of physical the respondents strongly agree that Millennials

travel to seek new adventure experience with the weighted mean of 3.82. Second to the rank falls

in Statement no.3 which most of the respondents strongly agree that Millennials travel because

of sports activities they want to try with the weighted mean of 3.8. This statement is followed by

statement no. 5 which it state that the respondents is strongly agree that Travelling is good for

health and can give ones satisfaction with the weighted mean of 3.78. It followed by statement

no. 4 that the respondents agree that Millennials travel for relaxation, pleasure and refreshment

of body which is 3.24. And lastly, statement no. 1 falls last with the weighted mean of 2.64.

Meanwhile in terms of cultural the respondents agree Millennials travel to seek new

experience and learn the other lifestyle with the weighted mean of 3.58. It followed by statement

no. 3 which is Agree that Millennials travel it is because they want to see the world before things

disappears with the weighted mean of 3.3. And it followed by statement no. 4 which the

respondents agree that Millennials travel to know more about historical heritage of the places

which is 3.16. It followed by statement no. 1 which the respondents Agree that Millennials travel

because they want to know more about other cultures is 2.62 .And the last in the rank is that the

respondents Disagree that Travelling is through visiting a site considered meaningful or “sacred”

with the weighted mean of 2.38.


Table 3. Motivational factor influences millennial to travel in terms of:

4 –Strongly Agree (SA) 2 –Disagree (D)
3 - Agree (A) 1 –Strongly Disagree (SD)


1. Millennials travel to meet new

people. 3.08 4 Agree

2. Millennials travel to visit their

relatives and friends. 2.84 5 Agree

3. Travel is an escape route for daily

routine. 3.74 2 Strongly Agree

4. Travel can be helpful in renewing

a person’s spirits. 3.3 3 Agree

5. Millineals travel to create new

memories. 3.86 1 Strongly Agree


1. Travel offers an opportunity to

satisfy urge to learn. 3.24 3 Agree

2. Millennials travel because of

professional interest and hubbies. 3.18 5 Agree

3. Millennials can change their

perspective through travel. 3.72 1 Strongly Agree

4. Milleneals travel to experience of

change of atmosphere and 3.2 4 Agree
reinvigorate my thinking.
5. Travel can help to overcome fear.
3.38 2 Agree

Table 2 shows that in terms of interpersonal the respondents strongly agree that

Millineals travel to create new memories.with the weigthed mean of 3.86. Second to the rank

falls in Statement no. 3 which most of the respondents strongly agree Travel is an escape route

for daily routine with the weighted mean of 3.74. This statement is followed by statement no. 4

which it state that the respondents is agree that Travel can be helpful in renewing a person’s

spirits with the weighted mean of 3.3. It followed by statement no. 1 that the respondents agree

that Millennials travel to meet new people which is 3.08. And lastly, statement no. 2 falls last

which state that the respondents agree that Millennials travel to visit their relatives and friends

with the weighted mean of 2.84.

Meanwhile in terms of status and prestige the first in the rank is statements no 3 which is

strongly agree that Millennials can change their perspective through travel with the weighted

mean of 3.72. It followed by statement no. 5 which it state that the respondents is agree that

Travel can help to overcome fear which got 3.38. And it followed by statement no. 1 which the

respondents agree that travel offers an opportunity to satisfy urge to learn which is 3.24. And

next is statement no 4 which is agree that Milleneals travel to experience of change of

atmosphere and reinvigorate their thinking which is 3.2 And the last in the rank is agree that

Millennials travel because of professional interest and hubbies with the weighted mean of 3.62.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations and

implications of data gathered by the researcher which has been presented, analyzed, interpreted

by the researcher in the previous chapter.


This research study was made in order to know millennials motivation in participating

various tourism activities in Quezon. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents

based on age; sex; civil status; educational attainment; monthly income; purpose of visit;

frequency visit. To determine the tourism activities people know in Quezon and to determine

motivational factor influences millennial to travel in terms of: physical; cultural; interpersonal;

status and prestige.

In order to determine the needed information about the about the motivation of the

millennial to participate in tourism activities particularly in the Province of Quezon, the

descriptive method of research was used. The descriptive method is a fact- finding that explains

the present condition, what is happening or going on in the time of study. Descriptive method is

the appropriate and accurate method in gathering method. It is collected through questionnaire

survey and interview. In this method the researcher will be able to explain briefly and analyse the

motives of millennial to participate in tourism activities. The information was analysed,

summarized and interpreted along certain time of thought for the pursuit of a specific purpose of

the study.

The data gathered from the respondents were tallied, tabulated and analysed. The

statistical measure utilized in the study was weighted mean. Weighted mean was used to

determine the millennials motivation in participating in tourism activities.

To obtain the necessary data, the researcher administers questionnaires at respondents from

San Juan Batangas. The researcher arranges the schedules for the administration of the

questionnaires based on the availability of the respondents.

Data gathered from the respondents were treated statistically.

Findings of the Study

The finding of the study were presented and discussed under four heading in relation to

the major theme emerging the study.

Based on the gathered data on demographic, the prevalent characteristics of the

respondents are describes below:

1. The respondents of this study are ages 19-23. Most of them are females, single,

college graduate, with the income of 10,000-20,000 their purpose of visit is adventure

activities and they visit 1-3 a year in Quezon Province.

2. Based on the collected data the tourism activities the respondents know in Quezon

Province are Pahiyas Festival and Kamay ni Hesus in Lucban while they least known

about Pulong Pasig in Calauag.

3. The motivations that influence millennials to travel are to seek new adventure

experience or new experience and learn other lifestyle. And Millennials travel to

create new memories and through travel millennials can change their perspective.


Based on the findings derived by the gathered data, the following conclusions are made:

1. The demographic profile of the study is ages 19-23. Most of them are females, single,

college graduate, with the income of 10,000-20,000 their purpose of visit is adventure

activities and they visit 1-3 a year in Quezon Province.

2. Pahiyas Festival is the most visited and tourism activities they know in Quezon Province.

3. Millennials do travel to seek new adventure experience and to learn other lifestyle. Also

millennials travel to create new memories and change their perspective through travel.


After the review of findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are made:

1. Tourism officers should support and care the tourist spot and enhance the tourism

activities in Quezon Province like Pulong Pasig that need to promote because most of the

people are not familiar. They should make an advertising campaign about how beautiful

Pulong Pasig is. Also Maulawin Spring Protected located Guinyangan, Quezon it is a

place where traveller can find peace that city can’t give. It is a mountain with a spring on

the top when traveller goes hiking.

2. Quezonians should promote every tourist spot that Quezon province has by giving

travellers the affordable prices and worth it experience especially to the married people

who wants to travel but not having enough money to spend.

3. Tourism Sector and other private owners should exceed the way of giving travellers a

services and amenities according to the factors of millennials in participating tourism

activities in Quezon.



Walsh, Thomas, (2011) Adventure Tourism. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House

Sinha, Aadesh (2014) Toursim and Heratage Attractions. New Delhi: Anmol Publication

Cruz, Zenaida, (2013) Principles of Tourism Part II. Philippines: Re Book Store, Inc

Online References

Rainbolt, Dawn. 2015. The Millennial Generation is Changing the Way We Travel

Retrieved from


Brown, Nicola. 2017. What Millennial Travel Trends Can Teach Us About Millennial

Motivation Retrieved from


Preyser, 2018. Millennials demand more adventurous travel experiences Retrieved from


Rachel (2018), Why Millennials Travel So Much Retrieved from

Shelby Lorman (2017), This Could Be Why Millennials Travel More Than Previous Generations

Retrieved from


Mitra, et al (2017) Why do Millennials love travelling so much?

Retrieved from

Molly Fergu (2017), How to Travel Like a Millennial

Retrieved from

McIntosh and Goeldner “Important Factors that motivate people to travel”

Retrieved from


WYSE Travel Confederation's New Horizons benchmark study

Retrieved from

Philippine National Authority 2010, More than Half of the Domestic Travelers Travel for

Pleasure or Vacation Retrieve from


Philippine National Authority 2016, Three in Five Pinoys 15 Years Old and Over

Travelled in the Country in 2016 Retrieve from

Ellie (2016) Why You Travel More When You’re Single!

Retrieve From



Research Questionnaire
“Millennial’s Motivation in Participating Various Tourism Activities in Quezon Province”
Personal Profile of Respondents, Kindly check each blank with correct information that
corresponds to your answer.
A. Age: E. Monthly Income

_____ 14-18 years old _____₱10,000- 20,000

_____ 19-23 years old _____₱21,000- 30,000
_____ 24-28 years old _____₱31,000- 40,000
_____ 29-32 years old _____₱41,000- 50,000
_____ 33-36 years old _____₱51,000 above

F. Purpose of Visit
B. Sex: _____ Business
_____ Cultural
_____ Male _____ Adventure
_____ Female _____ Sport and Recreation
_____ Leisure
_____ Religious

C. Civil Status: G. Frequency of Visit

_____ Single _____ 1-3 times a year

_____ Married _____ 4-6 times a year
_____ Separated/Annulled _____ 7-9 times a year
_____ Widow/er _____10 time above

D. Educational Attainment:

_____ Senior High School Student

_____ College Student
_____ College Graduate
_____ Undergraduate

Part I. What tourism activities do you know in Quezon please check the box if you know
the said activities.

Pahiyas Festival

Niyogyugan Festival

Pinaganderahan, Atimonan

Maulawin, Guinyangan

Pasahayan sa Lucena

Dalampasigan Resort, Sariaya

Cagbalete, Mauban

Nanay Santa Garden Resort, Quezon, Quezon

Kamay ni Hesus, Lucban

Sunshine Farm, Tiaong

Bangkong Kahoy, Dolores

Mt. Banahaw, Dolores

Pulong Pasig, Calauag

Balesin Island, Polilio

Air Summit Gourmet, Tayabas

____________________ Others (Please Specify)


Part II. Motivational factor influences millennial to travel in terms of:

Directions: Please answer each item objectively and don’t leave any item unanswered. Rate each
statement below by putting a check mark (√) on the space provided to measure the level of
awareness of Filipinos to different Philippines tourist destination on you using the scale below:
4 –Strongly Agree (SA) 2 –Disagree (D)
3 - Agree (A) 1 –Strongly Disagree (SD)


1. Millennials travel because they want

to enhance their physical fitness.
2. Millennials travel to seek new
adventure experience.
3. Millennials travel because of extreme
activities they want to try.
4. Millennials travel for relaxation,
pleasure and refreshment of body.
5. Travelling is good for health and can
give ones satisfaction.


1. Millennials travel because they want

to know more about other cultures.
2. Millennials travel to seek new
experience and learn the other

3. Millennials travel it is because they

want to see the world before things

4. Millennials travel to know more about

historical heritage of the places.

5. Travelling is through visiting a site

considered meaningful or “sacred”.

Part II. Motivational factor influences millennial to travel in terms of:

Directions: Please answer each item objectively and don’t leave any item unanswered. Rate each
statement below by putting a check mark (√) on the space provided to measure the level of
awareness of Filipinos to different Philippines tourist destination on you using the scale below:
4 –Strongly Agree (SA) 2 –Disagree (D)
3 - Agree (A) 1 –Strongly Disagree (SD)


1. Millennials travel to meet new people.

2. Millennials travel to visit their

relatives and friends.
3. Travel is an escape route for daily
4. Travel can be helpful in renewing a
person’s spirits.
5. Millineals travel to create new


1. Travel offers an opportunity to satisfy

urge to learn.
2. Millennials travel because of
professional interest and hubbies.

3. Millennials can change their

perspective through travel.

4. Milleneals travel to experience of

change of atmosphere and reinvigorate
my thinking.

5. Travel can help to overcome fear.

Thank you

September 10, 2018

Dear Respondents,
We are conducting a research entitled MILLENNIAL’S MOTIVATION IN
requirement the degree Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management.
In connection with this I would like to ask your help to provide the necessary data for my study,
please feel free to answer the questionnaires.
I would like to appreciate you and support in this particular research endeavour.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Sincerely yours,
Daisy D. Segui

Noriedel Laresma

Noted by:

Ms. Maria Fatima R. Sabacco
Research Adviser

Curriculum Vitae

Malaking Irrigation Brgy. Talipan Pagbilao, Quezon


- To work in demanding environment where all my skills and efforts to explore and familiar
myself in varied fields, and comprehend my potential and add to the growth of organization with
inspiring performance.
- Physically fit, hardworking, dedicated, fast learner, discipline and willing to learn
- Excellent communication and customer service skills
- Has the ability to listen to any given directions and follow all instruction
Nickname: Norie
Gender: Female
Birthday: November 18,1998
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Mother’s Name: Nory Laresma
TERTIARY: Bachelor of Science in Tourism
STI Academic Center Lucena
Lucena City, Quezon
Year Graduated: 2018

SECONDARY: Lucena City National High School

Lucena City, Quezon
Year Graduated: 2015


“Expose; Global Tourism Innovation as a Glowing Job in Hospitality Industry”

August 25, 2017
Multipurpose Hall 2, STI Academic Center Lucena
Lucena City, Quezon

“Millenials and Leadership in the 21st Century”

November 15, 2017
STI Academic Center Lucena
Lucena City, Quezon

“The Work of a Flight Attendant”

“Introduction to Airline Ticketing”
“Personality Development”
February 22, 2018
PAL Learning Center, Manila

CHARACTER REFERENCES: Available upon request.

I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Brgy. 9 Lucena City


- To work in demanding environment where all my skills and efforts to explore and familiar
myself in varied fields, and comprehend my potential and add to the growth of organization with
inspiring performance.

- Physically fit, hardworking, dedicated, fast learner, discipline and willing to learn
- Excellent communication and customer service skills
- Has the ability to listen to any given directions and follow all instruction
Gender: Female
Birthday: February 13, 1998
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Mother’s Name: Emerlyn Segui
Father’S Name: Davide E. Segui
TERTIARY: Bachelor of Science in Tourism
STI Academic Center Lucena
Lucena City, Quezon
Year Graduated: 2018

SECONDARY: Eastern Tayabas College

Brgy. Rizal Pob. Lopez, Quezon
Year Graduated: 2014


“Expose; Global Tourism Innovation as a Glowing Job in Hospitality Industry”

August 25, 2017
Multipurpose Hall 2, STI Academic Center Lucena
Lucena City, Quezon

“Millenials and Leadership in the 21st Century”

November 15, 2017
STI Academic Center Lucena
Lucena City, Quezon

“The Work of a Flight Attendant”

“Introduction to Airline Ticketing”
“Personality Development”
February 22, 2018
PAL Learning Center, Manila

CHARACTER REFERENCES: Available upon request.

I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

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