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Upstand Wall Design, L6-A1

Job ref
Calc sheet no. Rev
Part of Structure Upstand on Abutment
1 1.0
Drawing Ref. Calc. By Date Check by Date
131300 NK 20-10-2015 RJ 20-10-2015
Reference Calculations Output

Abutment Centreline Vertical force

Longitudinal force
Drawing number Traffic direction

1000 mm mm
Bearing Centreline Upstand

Figure 1: Sketch representing "Along the track" view of Upstand wall

Section details:

Width of Upstand = 7 m

Height of Upstand considered = 2.2 m

Depth of approach slab = 0.5 m

Contributing length of approach slab considered for load calculation = 3.5 m

Unit weight of concrete = 24.5 kN/m3

SuperImposed Dead load considered to be acting over Upstand region = 100 kN/m

Figure 2: Snapshot of LUSAS model indicating Upstand wall dimensions

Job ref
Calc sheet no. Rev
Part of Structure Upstand on Abutment
2 1.0
Drawing Ref. Calc. By Date Check by Date
- NK 20-10-2015 RJ 20-10-2015
Reference Calculations Output

M3-DJV-RPT- Computation of Live load acting over Upstand

Design Basis Maximum axle load = 142 kN
Report - Viaducts
Number of axle loads considered to act over Upstand = 2

Dynamic Impact factor = 1.5

Hence, total vertical live load acting on Upstand = 142* 2* 1.5

= 426 kN

Vertical live load acting per metre width of Upstand = 426/ 7

= 61 kN/m
Computation of Dead load acting over Upstand

Self weight of approach slab considered to be rested on Upstand = .5* 3.5* 7* 24.5
= 300 kN

SIDL acting over contributing length of approach slab = 3.5* 100

= 350 kN

Dead load acting per metre width of Upstand = (300+ 350)/ 7

= 93 kN/m

Longitudinal force acting at the top of abutment:

The Upstand is conservatively idealised as a cantilever section projected from abutment

top; hence the section shall be designed to withstand longitudinal force acting at the top of

Longitudinal force due to,

> Emergency braking = 681.6*0.25

= 170 kN

> Normal braking & acceleration = 340.8*0.25

= 85 kN

The abutment upstand model is created in LUSAS Software, the above longitudinal forces
are applied at corresponding location (i.e at track centreline) in the LUSAS model for
Strength I combination factors as per AASHTO LRFD 2012 and correspongig moment
contours are represented below:
Job ref
Calc sheet no. Rev
Part of Structure Upstand on Abutment
3 1.0
Drawing Ref. Calc. By Date Check by Date
- NK 20-10-2015 RJ 20-10-2015
Reference Calculations Output
Design Moment capacity check for section along Height of the member

Figure 3: Snapshot of LUSAS model stress contour for bending along height of member

The section capacity of Upstand is checked using SAM model:

SAM section considered is 1m wide x 350mm thick with 32mm diameter bars spaced at
150mm with 75mm cover (50mm outer cover+25mm horizontal bar dia.).

Load factor used for Braking load and Train load = 1.75

Load factor used for Dead Load (favourable action) = 0.9

Maximum bending moment on the Upstand due to applied loading = 415 kN-m

Design capacity of section (extracted from SAM model):

Bending moment capacity (refer SAM output) = 476 kN-m

section is
Job ref
Calc sheet no. Rev
Part of Structure Upstand on Abutment
4 1.0
Drawing Ref. Calc. By Date Check by Date
- NK 20-10-2015 RJ 20-10-2015
Reference Calculations Output
Design Moment capacity check for section along Width of the member

Figure 4: Snapshot of LUSAS model stress contour for bending along width of member

The section capacity of Upstand is checked using SAM model:

SAM section considered is 1m wide x 350mm thick with 25mm diameter bars spaced at
150mm with 50mm cover.

Load factor used for Braking load and Train load = 1.75

Load factor used for Dead Load (favourable action) = 0.9

Maximum bending moment on the Upstand due to applied loading = 308 kN-m

Design capacity of section (extracted from SAM model):

Bending moment capacity (refer SAM output) = 347 kN-m

section is
Job ref
Calc sheet no. Rev
Part of Structure Upstand on Abutment
5 1.0
Drawing Ref. Calc. By Date Check by Date
- NK 20-10-2015 RJ 20-10-2015
Reference Calculations Output
Design Shear capacity and Crack width check

Maximum Design Shear force on the Upstand = (170+85)* 1.75/3

= 149.1 kN per metre width

Shear capacity with no shear reinforcement (Refer SAM output) = 264 kN per metre width
section is

Crack width check (refer SAM output) Section is Safe

For Crack width check, "Service I" Combination load as per AASHTO LRFD 2012 is used
and the corresponding load effects from LUSAS model is shown below:

Figure 5: Snapshot of LUSAS model stress contour for bending along Height of
member_SERVICE I Combination

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