The Divorce of Yahweh and Asherah

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‘THE DIVORCE OF YAHWEH AND ASHERAH IN HOS 247.12 FF ata 0. Wh, Darker North Coraline ‘A survey of the ratte on Hor £3 shows that the many inert ‘ons fered by scholats over the yeas fave alld 0 salve some of the isc problens of te pssagebopeing in 24, whlch, fn atc tio of ler concaiong Tul fer to as The dere speed. AS {ever commision: hve pln et, hee is sill much conson vor probes sich ms the Snty the mathe, the Hetty of the Som the point of ineluding the sans Inthe divorce speech, amd he Telatonsip ofthe divorce sinc to chairs 1 and A The reasons fr {hs confision ane twofold. isi have tended to interpre he Imatsage meta in the dvoroe speck So ig of the marrige Imotphor in He {and 3 abd sosoné solr ve tot fll entered the mindset and thoeghtweld of an eg eenuny eae in ici beamet of ths peage “his ele & a attempt co rei this suo, ond in eins 0, come to 2 proper Peto undersining of the divorce speech i Tow 2. The fay fo undertonding mary ofthe early prohese als from larel aed Jaden hp simple ceervaton tat she peophets fracks were delivered fore an eacinoe FOr our passge 1 Has 2 tte must almayy be aware of Hose’ itended audience and we mu Ccnsunly. mi the cocci, What would Hoseds aadiene ave thousit waen be sed # pumila word or pre of refered 10 @ putculr obit? Two eter condone mast abo be kept in rid Ice trying fo understand erly prophesies in thei pope con text Fi, the wchaie mind ehmaceritiealy expres i fowghe in once imges and wes rather than abact ones. Sexo the Bro lle pronkts tad «marked tendency © engage le highly drama ‘Somboie eon to & much ler extent than today, exmanicaton 1 i ate 1 Rael rer ey te nora king, ‘eda nn gi ye Seeman Joumal ofthe Old Tesamert vo. 6 p01 (1992) ats Calvert Pre 22 Witan D.Whie in the ance word involved oth epsch and tly ston tees ‘An interpettion tht fins in ropes words rfrenes 10 com: yet things and fis them to symbalicocios that be would have performed a frat offs sdece iso be preferred o one in which he prophet stunde motlnias tke ome tele cenury ortar as he expoundt fesiogicl absctons A preexile propatic pasane cite comes hfe I oe tes to BI ine prophet’ words to core tlc that mist hive Boch athe viow of his audience oe one resco magne whst sons of syoballe ations would bave accor pained is speck. "Ths arc will ry fo sk such question and lake euch conser tins ino acount in tetng the core spesth im Hos 2, Its eee tome tha we ook wa! Hones muicne would have wnetrond hia wo shean when he elered w Yatwels wife and called her the “ether” of his eudionn the ony posible anne i hat an eighth seatury Isndite vould have thought him to fe speking about the fees Astro Till deal with sone peliminary problems fst Te (HT be neesary wo se he Unk of the pesage ae co dteine tht scans tg vo the enter in on Ita 3. Them In order to enter imo the thowghrword of Has audience, il be ecesary fo seth aster Acute of religous bles i the Ira of Fines day. After tee prints Il emer these a Sipiicnee of Haca’s prosamation of Yakelis divoree from ‘tier The Lins c the Divorce Spech tx Hos 2 The reatonip between the several separite unis in Hos 2 i quite complex and would cequse lengthy arabs frtumtely, my par se heres mach simpler ~ fo determine the oii racial of the Sapter and to define the orginal exe! of the ait which apes of Yates lore from his wife? The char beaks wp fey easy Deas cong eer: & ely oe erie ans eae ight i, ener ea =a ee Eee ris ae eee ee ee Pee ce The Divorce of Yalweh an Asherah 33 int te following vas: ww 1241816254 trmaineh, we an desi le the following vers ae te onthe Bass ofthe ngage. vv 1 303525" The real iiss He n wy 161718192122, where al onmayed ab Yalweh wife end wheres = not immediately cear if {hoy vere a egal ot tr sdstion: Ninyscholas favor srg at lx soe of this mate as ely tecnze i comics the thane of mariage DewootYahed aad Ind deepal inch 1 ann 24 Howe ng ost ip etween Yahweh and Tech a marrnge® and a6 1 sages fhe ni et gf He ot Ie Sere SS ed Sp al ep ot ts 2000} irs Svs cot Rise ot tebe vo oa oe ae ape aes eg rae See rate meter oe nee 4 Nat sds ge ith hee net wat Avian Many otro Sree aa ‘eileen iy Seats eh TSE Gnas Cony seer NSH a hao, hse Soe aif Set onde ni Hane i ase | ‘Sass Sta hn ne be me nce te ew sour fos th dere fu thee i Yates ore 8 ht lo Si Eure ft sen poe fe oe Sere Slaten ea rete Ban ty ate tt ee cove ae ee Sora Sooty TSE Se SG ec eas Hskiticnon tt pee riff > SMa SS SEE ET on Cami pra va Var Cock eld a Shab 5b Tr dete nel ein ne SRNR ad ih ese met {Boe exlor pris acd. C1 We laren Aor anes UCC. eS ke Set an cans Oe fusngeas gtnngoictehsteeetngs TOKE O97 QED, Wau, 24 Ree “tracey cw Korman ed Reker Pies Sena a RE a SPST Teton De ‘sn tt Mo Witim D. Wie blow, tbe manage in 2618 is tat between Yahweh and. Ader tot Yahnen em lI fe, ne material i the ginal Hoes co Teton ir soley conse in raver pormaieg Intel as Yabwent tile eines aber the metaphor of Tac a Yabwehis eda? The Ictaghor of the prope as Yahwels wife ft om in Jem and then le contnasd by Enselt Ae Tange biter in te see, the Ietaphor of the people a Yeh wife would only be Gampechew Sle nen besethowm ted mde sone imc hs GS ot ek? Sot the Desteronmic reform of the le Th oar and eee ‘en, Is ope to quston jas ow facia or wideapread eo ‘hetim actly yas? Thay he osasence of ths meapor hese in sw 161718193122 1m combination wih te retoesion theme con Sass suong evidence for sei tee Yams a exo or ta ‘We se Ici wih the unit i ww 415 Tho qoosion we mae cwsides bee i wheter any vers ate secondary T fed the follow ing veoss to be weeny witin te Langer wnic wv 8910110) 1 rejes tse venerprimully Besse the Seas comaed In ther ate Ter Pett Pn ate fren See ets ere ae fe ores Ecce te arent mr oes SERGI er acs hee Soe ee tere te Te ses i ot Roca eee ee Kale) cee iia is Rema Liver le oane lee 7 Re maar names ie comes tao atone aa Sie Sea SVassen ee a cect hee se 1 ec amnee tt ey no 1 diatom nove copa see Si uate EEE ca sapneee ‘ximly sit scart bat tele skeen in thee enc. ww daabS67, CHRIS oe Saad eet Ghee posit spay ea eve baka aster ae Son The Divorce of Yahweh ond Arherah 35 sot consitet with the theme of divorce found in ww 4712 ff or became they contin sorzdicion fo W 4752 th ‘Any aly of vw 418 mam bern mith v 4 for this vere into duces the overtdkg deme of his secon ~ the dvore Inuit The Sul of wv 418 mas be guided by hs fact. Marta th is win ‘We know of anit Near Ease diver procedure is key (0 be gina matt tht docs rots Hy 10 be secondary. ‘The langage of v daby shows tha Hesea is presenting a divorce specs, seve wholes fave pointed cot? There very Tile Information on divorce prosedre inthe Hebrew Tue Conc four oly tl sures of infermaion are the Blsparire ap Sthere'a couple of mariage cortmes atthe procedure fot Alive, and Mesopotamian gal docamersn® Some aclu have Seen a problem in te fa thar the Ingage in Hos ff does vax i te alvoreetermieology at Hlpharie'* At lepaating, the pe ted in the civore “Lhe my wiffaabaad — "AY TOE of ‘Se3) rear (Cooley 152877 Kring 279; 721251 However, those scholar whe do not sce agreement Between the Elphinine pape land Hes 2 overok the crec]evcence of Krsing 721 £25. Here aller poseology of vor oxcurr thet im fk Slr 0 out pasage in Hosea Alter saying I eivonce (02) my wit/hstond te tonal phrase i apoten, “you shall ot be my wie" (9 TD 2 ‘Brad (722) or "Teall roe te your wile Ga 39 ne 16) 729 Adiieal spp Tor tie imerpettion tha Hoe 2 Is iva me is hat tas prs is the ext oppose of the mariage prise Set et Eleptaaie, she fe my wife and I om or hud frm th ay Forth forever” (93 7H 7 MeN YE nPED maa “MT (Cowley 1S; Kracing 23 £7 1639. Lay given Hat the egal terra fon) of marcage and alvence la Mesopoumis i very Slt 9 the oe wee ee farray machen 2 ey ee ease wa Base er ees Ber ian oirabe mere Som series eran ees 1 Forth sepa evi, me A Couey, Aranie Pop ofthe Fifth ES Peele a eRe Sag Hea ek ta Se eee ena atl oe! 36 Wil D. Whit smartige and dvoreetemincogy found ine Bile and st Elephane {ine™ and thatthe sazemeet "You ae nt my wale aati ad cd "You are not my husband” Gi mung ata) oscar ab divorce rg Mey dociens. we might exes Sch 8 ‘Ako recwin for oor knowledge of vere practice val for the Aivoree spoeeh to Hoe 2 are several Acadian docorens at eer to A pacice in which the wife mho was seeking a cvrce or who Wat remaring ater et buband hed Gia was sipped of See cething fe ten see from her Hawi’ re” Our ite hee is inthe Drake of Silage wile dung clvorce, which cers in @ text foen tana Although in te wx the apping apps 10 cca ‘eral of the ren for svat sae hat 19 end the ‘tippng to Hos 25 a feteeieg fo en pacce ot pul stn @ ‘te whos acut of adery dung thecicree corm, fo tt Kelme explrin the sanence cl the irmgery Of Siping he stirs woman in Ser 1825" 15 SF Kowa, “age sm aetna, 24 8 229, 30, Ihe fe erry sas Patines of i Pin grt oe ACEO Nita ose Pen te tepinion open Seren 229 29, 376 We Me Net “Cea ALA 7500 Esme es by Hal 0S, 17 or somaerage ste the hands et Ea, 1 au i Gore 29 © nls sae eat neu esi Cant "avon Sot fons nace Tar 85 8, 38m oo aa {Cer fom Mies) umn, be Nc Some New Alaina "So rom Ear ea Ca Cs na ew tu Hom Eas. (iarS4 its oe u's ange mgs emo et Gant Tha Ri (0 cen wae te we es deter fade ‘ep aoe tons eo aod ecice NT 18 Te iy of tionngw nam ao aus Eo 1637 Of 282226 §DS fab ar Tek pe erent nom age te in Ha 2d he pars om Ta Lh 3 ad $a eee {2D Hees pope ie rnycarcy tO Tene Prot one i As a rie © aay rel faint boot a all ees (a EN 9 ye) GE TA AOS The only ‘im it Sr pb a be mma ieettee lomens nn ne ar nk ore ata The Divorce of Yabwek and Asheroh 31 1p this tas, ww 47 appear to erga. These verses rele 10 the specie prosndiagy of choc sul and thse posedigs can be ‘St with cutome fourd in snot Near Eaten hore procsire Fist thre i the pable announcement ofthe lel proceedings and ot the divorce isl (w 40 hs is flowed by an anpoaeemert ofthe ipettions thar mus be cad oor ine dive or Tene of fuuery Gov A$) Far the ple nate of the vores cerry there i ee evidence orn Hlehsnine Cowley 1322 126 fan for Whe eripping of the il, he evience Kom Hana. { can find m0 Darlin the Neat Est to te eapoanemct ofthe rates forthe Aivoce ~ adltery (7 — but hi ely would have heen neooery bore publ seppig om wie ‘Lewing ade vy &4 forthe moment, vr 101 form am aeeusion folloned by 4 punsbmant. The to Yenc form en orgnc urty td cnoct be seperscd & & aloe ty Ue linguist te Betwece there ove pointe in tec of tang tae wenes ab cre that they Glow swoehly from 7!" which vigil ad dat the ‘tripping iow il fit what we knoe of Sven for sesso a {udutery Honever, 1% armen fr ting y IOI as eondary are tuo pernusive "he most imporart pois is that the cast focunence of the tepe! "TTD EIT SR in deleronomic Patera ecm cer from the coment of ner ecerences of Uiplet ae" er thors borowed “i ffom the euteranamic tage” The corponling word pura predouteromomie erate B frm Ty he woe pair occu in Hos 724; 842; and inthe old Ducat Dear {328 This the expression tha: the orginal, Hosea elec toa ics cheer, nd his is Be expesion we woald expec 1 Find bere if chon vets were erg Sec the fue seme tv repr the ree tome om te sneer! of tended panktnet te ‘v4 this repetie is aware an pots fo te secoedary me oC w WIL Fer hoe scans its box te whe w I0Ll a « Aeuterenomi(sdie or predeaezonanttie addtion ‘The nev in v 12 important, fri gives» Key 4 the alae of Mbarara gt UGBia cade ok th Ras SB Rom" wh Isis oe hg 84 Gib Maps Rg an 1 Nes ld dr Mt ee or pst ng Li Jol ER 2 oven adi nr 250 Net Shad SHE 3 Cw oR SS Wiliam D. whis the rest ofthe mater in vy 445 The phrase i very common and is ‘ued In Several diferent ways in biblical Hebrew ies main ws, however, i either intduces a eoaclusion diewa from the preceding faement or it conine the plecidag aafemene witout Grving feeclason Ofen, both the tues als cary wih them tempol tance lke the tae Pr. In v 12 Pew items + poise i ferves to inode: a concasion, ten the sutement that preceded Yd mat be an accsaton, ke seives w conime a preceding Statement walt urevig 4 condos, tea the statement preceding "2 could be w seen of punishment ‘There ae tee opts opto now. One, ATP in v 12 inode Dunihmeat ands peseded by an accustion (Th 0, MH In ¥ 12 eties stement of parent (wv 89% and tes, wr Sa v 12 ‘is redaconl either concnning ¥ To” linking rconéiry mati 10 ign mnt in vw 89. Option one bas in is favor the fee hat in| feveral plas AAP hurodeos 4. punisnent whore te preceding fttement isan soction® the spe ia y 12 would ft lely wit Ths wnge, Option two mat te ruled ut the poems Reels in the tenion herseen v9, where the Iver are shunt an she wife returns to her husband, and’ 12, whee the Hovers we preseat apd the Inband pepares (Oost bee out Furtesmore, it ery usual fr EW to coninue a stemest of pnihment™ On this bis we my sy tat 12 GO canoe cominue v # LIE v 8 C408 ¥ 12 CO ae fepurte From eachother, then ane of them mast be secondary. H we folow pion ose,» 8 Fi secur, if option thee, w 12 UD secnndan. Tn determining wheber the pussheat inv 12 (fo the poise ment Jn 6 8€ i olga the most impraa ctr is tat the Pnibment shuld fe the puisimont for divorce sated in wv ADS Wo 89 do noe thie paren and so mut be aecondary® The Public sipping in 712, by comas, does. fit the poisiment Arnouneed in ¥v 4b Ic base then to see v IZ as ginal. V 12 Toads ab pee te snd repens the aca crying out of the Panisbmen sated ia 7v-4bS There is oo teasion between the verb foro of v 12 and w 4b6 at tote was Between ¥ Il and these 2, Ba, en 2S 1 24 i 5, eS 222 2B Osiris Si 280 aa A Soin tment nan 2 Fi sd it males of WO so The Divnce of Yohwe and Asheroh 39 “The anaes leaves ue wien ¥ 12 fotloning Immediately on ¥ 7 Now ¥ 12'docs follow smocthly from v7 Vw 4712 all contain lerens of the Jezal proces of diver on grounds of ailery a8 eontract! above ~ statement of nteion to diverce infront af ‘wanes ( 49; Satement ofthe stipaltons ofthe divorce (ev 4b; Seewsuton of aduloy (v7; and carving out of the sipention! anshen (7 12. The Ine uation we mat comice fy, Where docs our wit co? Te would be posible to end ie with v 2 However, is well known, [rorbedespsshos usualy fnzn wth “pinch line”, Ths prophetic punch liner often bratk out of the overnding metpor of the stecth or one, 0 tat one cant slvayn we thera igre 53 rewos for taking porch lines os secondary" The pun line in ‘ir peec tems to Be consined in vo 131% ending wit «12 Teves {6 With te cling al something 6 misieg, hal The prophet ae wot taken fall damstic advantage of is speech. Ths st sous est to regard (bd egal to nes’ ree VIS iva sunmarySaterent, at this dona neesy mean hat {cs seconds. Hoes could have ge well oligo se 2 suerary Staterent in bis orgital speech Tne the of “Trgeting Yahweh” ‘Se commen und inpriamtthome ia the set of Hen. The fact tat repre cr es cates ts ey te tent here may pols tothe seadery nate of the verse The theme ini m2 dor nor craw on eivoreefeminolgy; Me do Tot expect ‘emave conn (vere tenntologs) i th punch line (Wy 1810, bur we do in the suramary seem. Again, this ray point toward the Seonday vase of the vere Ht aho eovewerhy cha the plese ner ew ever oscars eliewRere inthe erga Hen cll Son For ies retons em ivd so wake 1S a eeondary, aticagh Td oot at pools wis pent Es tc mai ‘ie Gown Bey om te 2 Beem 7 wate ep ee ele vee. BSW pews we Sn nite Bb is pn Oo lien Zhi in 22 ris at oft ain 2255 Te recy of is pene fe ena tlio of Het tar ener oe Rae {eStats ime agen ne onlay tw ee 40 Witton D. Whit ‘The Kelaionsp of Hoc 247121 10s Land $ ‘One problem in the tewrpreution ofthe divorce spsch in Hos 2 {6 eatonsip to the mater tnt roles to ee arige ib oh 1 4nd 1 any of tie moter belongs tothe original Hien ello, thon skis may afer ou erection of the origin diverce necch ‘uch 2 Tha eh the cae hon by the fact a way scholas Dalleve Hoses to have bused the “lloory” of Yanweis manage 10 Il inch? on his ona mstinge oxpercoce. This erly posible if rT and 3 sfc gemine Ingnage and metaphor of the original oes colesion I ht and 3 poste the oes specs, the this ‘pein max be wlerpcse oni ova abd fhe post tit the IEnguage an mcinpns in inne thee we fo eh Land 3 ast le give comiertion ‘deermining what och 1 might ree genuine tapuage and sumaftoes cf the ong) Hosm collection, ve can immediuely ‘cde the supercon ia v I andthe edly pirsed sateen! in +7, which ete the to the sve “Tadateredaeton’™ Ds sever) schol tave noted, 9 5 gro jt of the erga ale tio, ough whats or not i ee geaulce siylng of Hoses ispued. 2 in ony eas, te verte dows aot contain the langage of ‘Mast iiprtnt i she quai of ¥ 2 whee the murdage ond lalhery langage oscars Ilion the view dha as long been ard yy many sho, tha he references wo adier/proston ame a0 forge to Homa bur are ler ceuornomice ecitions™ The Drmary reasons for ths ae ht thse seleeaces hve po Pe2nag 60 the west of the chapter and thatthe phrase “DN ree" is deviecr Nei te mse alge ah teed we Sey Dae eta speak mapa "Ecngeps 23s 2%, see Sean pus of Lee ani aera S'S at 2 eee lc sta ume vow HA nd a 28 Sa thor ete 6 Ts slat 20 ¥ 280 and he to occas of Ea NG Re ook: Sir 1, on ge ae The Divorce of Yahweh and Asherah 41 ‘misc seer inthe origin Hess celletion where we nigh ferpec the phrase "DN a" he colton stead tse Ce Phe SDN "99" ©.) and "DN ve? 21 ‘Ts in the collet’ work She orga motrin ch L mst have sor vv Zab 64689, "We shold lok “cely athe crgal tue Wii tbe excepto of these who see the adulery hopage inch 1 as secocary, etal have sated that Hous mang To ag meres eran rigs be Tatoo a IneeL However ths camor be In he oes, i snot Core, bet the ehidlren who are symtoic of Tomel™ In v6 the child r ume ‘97 > andi kone tothe Kingdom of uel In ¥ 89, the cd “E mamed 9 Hs agin i the cil who it likened to. Yahwehs ‘people Nowhere inthe maceialorgal we 1 is Gomer likened 19 ‘sae te vew that Hoveds euciage synbzes he vlatlostip ‘btwoon Yahweh and lea fol eroaous When apeliod te the ‘cipal Hesee colton This view i tne oly for the kee ‘eueionemisiciterpresion of Hors marrag= Originally then the aege of Home tad moshing to do. nih sur protatin, bot ws ony 0 nerpeedy ster deer 29 ua 8 Sam 120 Ba 2 ae Mat Zach Ue {ES attri es sop by svelte Now Hed 3 BI foe 2auas Pa fot Sth 3 Gr 25S 40 Starve ee onion ne ent of Hunker, wm, aed eth Soe" lnk nc romn ea fee Gn! le ue kx eres 30 st ds ie 1) an De SOS CaS dase ann ee dcr tomas Ee stam ‘ea, ond nened wire we auto V9 dat Were 2 se a fe Gaiara arm, sf don Gane eet Voss dat Conch ged ear nent ete C8 1 Thrace nh tal eee tei Ho elt se fot, sto Tos shares nome espn a akweh "sce 1 pote We mpage se Gt v9 pete anes orm 1 oats lore ats nde ete alder 1 teen iia fate’ Se he tiie of Guanes one a Sean spe tn Tce actly nil ice, po a ee me pt th an ee ee iter can by te Rope 22 In Beergal na slaty 12 ma te na Fer“ NA Eo fe opp yp on am ust The ro emn wom ‘rm flings at wth ft cleat Yaw spoke hgh eee wien Heme iB emu a fer vel pce Ne mae the Epa poe oe A PON Rapper, Bin oman nelly Neca a 42 William D. Wa comic redacor, Faced with the divorce spec in ch 2, the only Ung the deteororitie redzcor could have done, ven is Beli bout Yahweh, was wo inert the spsch as metphricaly refering fo Yahwets felionship to sacl rater tan ley refering to Yohwat's muriage. to” Asia, as Hea wean ie From. the smenphorcalierpettion of Yabwelt adaeran wife ane din Devited children in ch 2, Ie was an easy ste for the deueronomiic editor fo uedorsand oh 1 ob releing the aie meaphor. The Ginaentedehldon were alady preset i ch | all he Fld 0 6012 fie the metaphors ch gor the of dh 2 ys to al ‘elerenes to adler presiaon i 12 “The lange majority of scolar nd isch 3 an early level belonging to the ora Hove collection and a ber redetonl level The Sal view ofthese hole to take mont of rv P83 oii! and fy San secondary. A sal mina of scolrs ake all Give verse at Inn? find the arzumect forthe later view to be tere convieing Fist it must bo ascaoviodgad tnt ch 3 Ba unity Thi can be “een in the fact vet 13 akan. by heselves ave bist undetood 15 & xtaphor or allegory for Yves edction of his people Hoe te Eatytoiun exe ed for tie Manip wer he ctr are Tn the fier hac ov 43,38 wean By themselves, ae est Undetod es teterang o the axlypowesiio period al, Soo bah wy 1 and ‘w 45 refer © the station of the ery posesic pod and since fhe Ingimge of wy 45 responce vv 18 (a BSY eS) It ems tem toate w 13 and ww 43 sogter a4 nly. 1 v 2, Howes rotempon of he anyiess wile wo por tmyed hore ata save, i bert understood ssa metaphor for Yahweh tederpion of his ecpe fem tha “slavery” in exe in Babylonia ater ET Two aes pile eats realy sak tee Sage eh ek eee baw tor J a a nerenPra sane se ‘me Foren Tstag Wale Wk Hes 9096, Staor, 47% ‘Sponges Hh emi’, We a SR 4 Nek tA ad Yee 2 Becon 6i ooty m fat or 3 dd b aad = fire fo oat of cone fot ci ins fe terardle. at fw Wout ost oy nat tage ar #20 Spo gen. 2 TRS ear ses + to: a a oh sr The Divorce of Yalwok and Asterah §3 Otierrise the enumal refers to the serviede of Heeeds wie, Absent in all rednciong lees of ch 1 is inexplicable. V 3 Grading the emeniaton sugesed Ie BAS) refers 1 he perad of hanbip Bier the few whe the sep ad ye 0 be rebut V4 lterpres 43 oth an ex eventa praicion of tks pevod of fardsip V3 ontines the ex event prciction pining to the coming Davie ing an the messanic age that wil be inngarated afer the erp fs bale ‘Signs of itenes ints caper are rureroat The meupher of te eden of the craved aie inv 2 point 1 am exc oF pos lle Gale The ghrne EW ETM inv 2 i deiermomini: i fcum sly in devteronominic mera or eater hen ile fed by iD" In yw 45, the resorton theme, tbe maszarc oatock, fe he concer forthe rene ofthe ct all point to ar early po elie date (Set SM. An the “Win Lar the poral ofthe Swoon as adalterou prese te station In 12 in which Hosa le porayed saute. We know tat hs poral tn ch fds to & deuerororisie rector ch 3 then must be « compton Isler than the deacronimsée addon to ch Signs of lens ae found in elnost every vese ofthe ehaper I aid 19 imagine bow ny pao is chapter cul belong 1 the rigs Hons ealecion “The pontayal of Hoses rage inch I ard 3 both posta te sore speech in ch 2 by excunsal to two centuries. Boas cf fs we camo! expt Hows choice of te hig) wos meteor Of Teel sx Vale's wife tend om bs owe marge experience Rather, in'wying vo expat why Hose Would choc sch unt Junguage, th evore speech most te eosiered on Is oF. “Assaning tat 24712 Hf is « ral speck by the historical Hove that fas teen proved aly sazaely Uy the engi calon ine may sy tit Hoven added ths speech toa pcr auence. Th eying to eepaie tho uns ngoape shar Hoon wes, then We sas ak the quan, How would Hoes audience fave uadesioad Uh ogee? A vey ips craerton fn morreig ls qt iste relgos environment in wich te speech was made, Our view of how Hoes audiene vould have undesood his speech mest eters wate earners 44 Wien 0. whe ‘asc with what we krom about the gen eligious thonphi-word fh cetry tel Tt wo is gover religious hough hen (ac ary poe| A Sketch of Religions Becks in Iceland Jada a the Big Conwy ‘Tie secton is neosty tec the pleilty of my itrpcetion of Aer as Yahweh wile ia Hot 2 depends an the pute we Inve of eight ceatry region in Inmel an Jadsh Whe We readin fn eigih centncy tet © efreace to Yahweh wife, we musta, iow would neigh camry anience emersand ths? Cerainly 2 dvironomis wou! undercid the reference to Yahweh's wife m 3 tmeaphor for Yebweb eticesip to hs people t however at all ‘rtable tt Hom’ audience would fave he ate prenppoations Aoit Yohneh tat the deutecnomis fad aad that led he dear ‘omits to ere the velerence metaphily? For too long tao mary schol Have ass tat the religion of the deneramiss was normative for sel ard Tah throughout the [lod ot the monary. Te evcene of arcueoosy and th Wes of the Geers thamsaye lus ober he slows world of 1 entry Iscl and Judah wae highly pythease. Becase my che ‘concern here evidnce (or the worship of Asherah ad het eon fon to Yah, T wil corsermate on Herat he expe of 8 dena ‘on of he extent of teas of "Land thar goes ‘From the Deatconmisic Hisory, wc Know tht the filet of Yhweh in Sudah was very syle down 0 Tash eign and hat before Joins rion, Aster must have fad «very promieat tole ia the oti cult of Yahweh. Ths i tho only wey 1 iterpet the infomation in 12 Kes The deucroasmits mention Aches ‘ice in the lfc ea in edb” ay erly the seign of Aas ne oivcarly i contry) @ Kgs SID) aloagh wey vel ws she was oripped outside the Jenin temple before ths pend in the ‘ign of Reboboan (Kgs 14231 Whether the deutrosomis Aormation is ancerte ce not a an etic diferent ration the ‘point cist the deweronomiss belied that very ely i the tony Of the Judeen monte, Asbeteh ad a lgaiane rol i the tempo Ua in he Jalon ete, ws henge asec ih te vo sce, no er pn Sh The Divorce of Yahrch and Asherah 45 Salt at Jerson. Acreing 10 the deweroromiss, Asbesh fit Pye major tole inthe oil Beal cat at Samaria dig the feign of Ab Goond cuarar of the Sth ceoay) (ge 1632 0 and il seine ti ole ot Sars fly Yeas late Guig to ren of esas ane Sth eon) @ Ka 138. ‘The deuitonenissagsin. gives information about Aas role fn the eal of Yahweh x Jerualem in 2 Kgs 184, wtere they sare inc Heseish paged er from the offi clk However, i seems Int here to follow the views of HL Spiescemane, who argue tit ezekah's efors is om unkisoricl” itary creason of the daiterenominic aubor® We infer den chat worship of Ashersh in ihe Jetuslem temple cul contnged daring the regs of both ARE fin Heakiah. The couuronomiss xt merioe ARbtah a hvlag a “onifican sole ie the offical Jealem ealt dung the ween of Helin’ scereen, Mernoch (i ha ofthe ih tet) 2 Ken 217 spesally montis a static a) of Ashe that Memos pot within Yabwels temple isa Gos ia the teple cours) The pace eat of Asherah in Yehvets temple suggests that she had special eoreaton with Yehven ~ ic is most probable tat se wes Wor Shipped in the ffl cult as his concede. Is Wis Salus of ‘Aberah in Yahnel’s eople to which 2 Kgs 246 refes and which Sosa removed a crt of he ffora. Along this suttewiat specie, i we acep that Ashech ha a ergs role in the temple Sait duritg te time of Ahsz and Hezekiah thaw iis quite pasble that ths ste of Asters was the teil Jong before the ran af Mavesch " Evidence that the feign of the desterosceist was aot omidve even afer Joa fforen can be found In ae Be at Sell Te not thn the" entry Jerse temede elt Serb in 2 Kg 18 end 23 is very sree der Ik! as Wel ann pointed ott log ago, sages thot the efor oder Joi vos ct as efectve a hols commoaly believe. Te evdeace for the worship of Ean maha, wag = oer Seni with Ashen of dian, in Je TAS anc 441525 pins inthe same diecion. as do the stange temple dial decribed in Ee dla wer Serene FRUANT 1, linen 50, Lea (hot fos aes sexta oe 4. ert ld Ned pi a led ah ‘pete 130m ® 45 Wit D.Wrae 1 Sigs wat stor rover mentored by name ia to eo eciie prope Hieraure. Se is mentioned in Tx (7%: 2795 and Mic SI al the purses are patente Athonb iy mentioned Jee 172 bt Jer Ueda acing it LXX, and ae key tot fart of ‘he orignal eremih clloctioe. Tia aa’ of fare canbe explineé by the posites hat ier) some prophets dk oe mention “Asher because woop of ered ot ote heat ese weal be the probes who had eive Uo w the efile cali Ifthe deer ‘omits hd chev to preserve the sayings of cat Of that prophet Gaalesly exept inte ce of Ten hey sary wood have ected fea acy menion of Aerch; or 2) some prophcs openly oppcred IRohlp of Asberah and gave oracles agaist won of her, ut ary lion f her name in cnnoction ih Yakimoh mous eve Doth led ot by x demeroncsisie itor, as maybe the case with our Irssige in Hee 2 An omcle mich oppceed whip of Be and wich id ox connect har to Yabweh wou be rete, asthe case wih Amos S14 Gepardls of waster cas race TEEN or FEM) The Imenton of AmezaNS same ia psteuiie Llertue can perags be opie by the face tat Ince maacor did ot fects uneasy ala Tet nee a dd the eater deteronemine rare “The evidense of archaeology, especially ret ed, es ws exaely ‘wit tne dewerooomiss tell in 12 Kgs tht i inthe Bh and Tih Senries Wor of Ashrsh was ideal end she fe an nme 201 Bess toe mies ao emer et ely Lik Many ten Shel Seger women ponte ‘enfin of Anttan shard. Bowes fi ay Tsk Sod fmty Sain th elisa ca Tits sapped Seectet er aera acer ae theo eucal it nnet e eba n f er peter teresa aah San han Fase reat Gaetan Inst avon aint Bare lee ted . Sethe einen eben ee Soe The Divrce of Yahweh and Aderah 47 tole In Yihus cok We have now found ierpins from Kun Alle ‘Aj and hirer e105 which refer to "Yahweh and Ms ‘Asbera4 The sable Werte on thre nerpions nd hae liplctios tas grown quke lage In lly shor amour of tie® ‘There growing conten at dhe ncipdone tee: te belt ta Ashes was the comorimie of Yahweh, And cea ‘Margit tas argued convey tnt the ixanpion on hs Aa unit Aja doce accompany the pice and tat the ptt is & Ipeseaion of Yatwch and Aakerds ithe Jor of 3 all and & ae sss sar wre Paty ie a il eet ees We ria eae, sare Saree walt ee So seo ee ee ace memes att eee Beer so ea eet Bete cess oe se SERS ahs Files sre aca watery re ae fom eR, 1 he a5 Eee bias ge by W. Doe tent, Cm of Yael? ‘Soe use tim Sei sAjurs aoe 1 Ge a Hay “Sone Devine at sins on T60 Pa tom Ket ‘A VF's) ie Soe ew aoa et ace eer Arendt he mnt ft tn ef at deereeree et ‘teats nay fu he "pops veligon eg Pe hscanee “apc 9 Ite Fa Cras hs sh nee ep 4M Givn Pes nee, Shan 1 OSES, IDEN, fit ‘Moped at a mae ce pes Amar bre ‘Ue eer fame cepans ten unr wan ave tm I 7 2 Mabe. Kale jah aging Conve fro te Ti of ee ht enor on Bodo eed Garon 10,288 ke Shi Datgr tm Her Tac Kr “hj FA 9 BL 38 ei fe on gs & ag roms 6 Boe a rt Tio Serer Stent, cna? Swe Biowe Aten Tor Mepis sacs aT Settee of nae tan stesr aa See 48 Willan D. Whe ‘rom acheslogiea! evidence and from the Dsscronaisi ior, ‘we kos that ball imagery was prominent in Tac) ad edb, i Geet confit withthe cewtermomic esl and the cond ommandinens {fave alieady metoved the picture on por A ‘om Koni: “Aja. Menon mux be rude tee to of Ue lege ‘umber of Human and snimal figurines which have een fond lor. age Palestine, expecially inthe vic of Jerusalem” in regard 1 thes G. Ablsvim a toed, Serums religous stackmen 1 he symlos of ores, tS, and ade ween Seems to be qute pro oweed Yahweh of course vas mmoely asocated with te ul ‘Actarie as commenly depicted wth x hore, ond the “sksd end “desis comvony iene by arcneolginr a he fer gam, Jc Asie” fe fon age Palen, te godess Asher, Att and Aare io a ceain extort marpd tein H Seems es hen 10 Undestied there symbols of tails ores and mde women 0 ominon in Jrualem as symbels of Yahweh and his const the folks AdeniicameAtiareh The eeence of beh azchelogy fod he Descronmisie Hitry giver we «piste tite vsaly Iomign tthe denternomizie del contained in he fe ad score ‘omuhndiens,cogating tht nother nas relevant for te rorm tive religous situation in eighth cerery Kel ad Josh To gei an andesaing of the level of pelyesm f 8h cemcry ene ae nea ee cam sic ee ee erty of the “rked ion” win be Terly godlenes Acre te © ee ee ee ee ee eri es ee ees ee nee as ee SO on rer uve rans uae REE eter 4 Beeson a ee ees a The Divorce of Yaeh and Asherah 49 inc, ig fl to tke & lok at the onomastc evidence Our Aaj source of mes i he Semaria tak: few Seas an sherds ‘st ous smote’? The rernining nares fom fh eentry Lal are foo few nd too sattred 10 ad¢ ony carly 10 he pitre, Our “single size tm Samara is very smal, but givs a pictare that oophly eg nih wt Hous, Ares, wad the daeronoriy tll TA the mares on the Samana asain oosur 99 tax er siping son teers highly potable tat eat smote wih Perhaps “one oF Wo ekeption, cemity lly of rile nao sad Kan) sone Wi wo th wpper ce Given the por sate Of pracvaon of the SGsals, thew 8 some wojety st ading and’ meonsaing fe fuse Ia our sample, thre ee 1721 Yehwobanes coeizectly Spied Ty fo arto > "Hiaimes ond F>. mner of ‘tbr gdh 1 find 21 12% and 3 ramen repetvdy This gives the flowing sgh guns Yahuch Sim Ra, 4, "He aad S1Mhe ony sedy fat wots ot etapa of ts eee for cae ‘Pesan flee nd aca slosh emer pld i Tip iapat ee paca centre ot Sel fone Ro er (its ih They doe me pee odes by tine 3 {So tec 2 be ges stn roman, updo fee an ey En cry Sah, py om rein fae ate igi a bah fe sed Tob ne te Soy ace tee poarch” ewes a iE Er shina le ew sy lg tome eau Tron Yar nts Ket jut tet uet ovat ar Be ee Se eer ee Bebe ceric ton ie aco ee ees 4, 1 Grmie.0: Cronos nt Fenton fanaa Soa it Tae Oost {om Sve ne i Fr we ot x BES2 vec Xt Dayaeni edad inno san el og Wand 12D wld 50 Wiliam 0, we ‘ier soc, Clcaltng he std deviation and staan exor for eich, he range for exch niin 4 9% conience limite ‘Yaweh 36705, Bo, 749% 7EL 0165 and eter gate, 036% That Js we cn te 95% sare tutte percentage of rae theoporie names ‘Yahi et Simuria was a0 les than 18 ado more ‘han “eaule go are coined inthe theboric elements in ot ‘om Sima from what we kaow of ansent Near Fister prac it surely the case that many female names com with the feet th Yohweh is en overwhelingly iy Cpecaly in the th cerry ~ many of our eaiy wx ‘Yliueh in the comms of wart) 1 cea that to Yuvehnines among females it Bh ceonay Savane Dit ower then thse forte male nenen So to fr “Thus the overall gues foreach of these gas stood Ie lowered somewhat These gives are very uch Un Hoe he determi, Ama, and Hoty wt ae out only ‘iearysowes forthe religion of sal inthe ah eet ell ws — ‘Yahweh i the main god of the sorem Kingdom. he has severe onpetion fom Bot end les competion fom cher gods. Thee ‘pues axe ako ie Tine withthe onomasic evens (rr ehewhore ‘in the ancien Near Ba, whee the cmin god of the ety account for fnywhere from 19% to 50% of the tot oumber of teopbone ‘ames If we expand cur spl to lace other rams from Bh ematy Israel the evel piste docs aot charge: Oat of = ample 1 67 seoghncc names we have 34 rames wits Yabued, I with 23 2 wih “EL Before moving on to couider the divorce speech ia Hos 2, itis | iat ae th oe Hae (Y, Yan aoe Usps 30, 179, ow fom ‘Meo end Daye 2) on om Gai ein ad Dignan esse ent Te ee FAR 9, spe 6m te Ber vx, Gnas Su. The ne Oe phair iattae Pe The Divorce of Yahweh and Aheroh 51 E E Abia ao functions a x feiy goddess st Usa fefereces fo ber a nue of gods and princes suguat™ Te cten given tho ule Quit, which may be siter an ope ‘or fest probably. the me of an Ezyptin fertility Tn grup of Fgypin waive sel, tee appears = naked ‘ho ented he tik Qui andi often accomge ned the Bayan god offer; in asceaton wih in fer ‘hat Athant 1 comested fo ferty27 As toed shove, i Palstine Asher gradally fies wth Anat and Askar, her same fines 1s, mother goddess end erty $00 Incl texts ten conret fer rith Bel Bu the ache ‘videne dscusad above aed Rab ie te Doveronomiste Sages that here was 3 widespread belie that she wes rach appar that she is mre cosy comected f 2 ferity godess, se Be is 0 often ssocated und 10 Yahweh (wo as paral dspeoed and with bee ld husband “ED ia er volo as mother Hi i i enpeary pee Re £ i itd the level of sere Da eit fx centry fe specifiy, Athertis voles inion age Palesine goes an feriity goddess now pose o cam 1 te speech in Has 2 The question that will give ws the Key 10 ‘ndemtnding ths specch ix Whar woold Hosea’ audience have Ubdetood by his ference 10 Yahweh wife? with hie uetion it wl bela my analyse by it aloes Divorce fram Asherak ‘Tee ign speech of Hoo ia Hos 2 found ia wy 72 Hh 1 ‘rant the texts fllone fy ea ht Ww Re etcores er Sie he ina Serene nt tate oie ee Bos. h eae Se tte SSS ate JO Actaogi corey ue de le “tr gas” ‘Bion oath te on art Se Dore “Ar oar Soe ase |S Wottom D. Wate 9) Dale your mote, defn tf se bry wt mp we salt “eh act he hc at errr tf ce Kea wad Ae acc frm Sten er teat Se | sl sp Nr le ‘Beat day ho wart hw Taal pu ar He Joon malog et "he puss poet © Hee sre { ere dae ance ae estar 6) aslo med us anor nowt cin! bom "fs es a fe sh aw low Bohm lr, wanes me ty Fl wat way ya sad nn, my sn Sra GTR ‘Dao ti pt tt a er ae sees ~ haga Aa ew ec, th fly and wey one ot re Ft, GO ant Ul cyber rps visa we ons eh Te ‘up this wi ny ores gave et hem a ver Bhan eld rae a he a il deve em “The trtlton of the constrction —3 = the fiat pecblem of the ‘pasnge Scholars have wily tata! Ke sexe Ch eat) ror ‘esne" Cvektiges Apinst tbe grarmar, context demande ta the ‘rue ee be arderood to mean “contend on ball! of, i. take Your moter side in my lew Tho main advance of this is moves the Hncomizeny. aod ty alot all emesis, Votan y 6 where fis ihe sors acane thle maxes and themselves we stead by Yukat Is my Inrpreaton, ae inal alvays on the mothers se Yabwed calle defend their mesher from his eccustons if they can. THs Tih the poneyal chewbere lo the original Hoven colon, fe ses! are alge “guy” and are aloays oppor 10 they never ake ise Gh 945 Ua #9 This irre Drodecs & stuaton much mere logical and rly ander fe thar proviow inerpresone Ge telon) ‘n'y 4 your mate” pais tothe second probe. With should th nether ard er soe/chiken be wend? af ae jane i i . df pte, -2 27 ean te dos ait the ganna ili i ? i : i i q | I : Hi tm forth mosh vou hve ent srpped ‘ATi ontce swe | The Divorce of Yalwek and Asherah 3 & estore difieies bere tave led acbolas 40 suggest mary | pslems with shoe iterprectiony ae Wolf and several oer ‘Sommenias theses sdmic® But Wolf is misaken when be ‘whey, "Die Alleyne. brgi vice Mogieheeten"® 1 uate ‘optic seston as refering to coctete things, present in te "the prope Nit art he stonon Hc fe srying Ts aulene ino sing whet te Bove: isthe tate otoy flaass conte never vane. Secking 8 sng coy ‘which shocks i ‘eden as ilivstadsaelies or 4 ton of thems wen Deane fis waguencs and because te meas tris down upon cose “spestion. What do mee for individual to “acaue” the land? It ‘© igly doef at Hoses auience would have wndetood v 4b 40 tcan dot hey See supased 1 remove the Bet areas for the land, as Wolf Hinks i ore fc fntendes rach a meaning, te ‘ely mould ave exprazed it with len obfceton It bth natin (Gwoter) and individuais (sons) are guy. why coss Hosa boar 4o Ging brtwe them? Why nox eve he sochiien et ahogetier? This difeuly cuonc be lve, Sasa resto do, wi ream 0 a Ho 7, Mtl Rare Wt ip od rei Rag cd. i a nt (Cod Goce 1.2. ety 2 Base fl emufkatoe the mothectvite as ‘tL believe Hoss aucienoe wuld have fount the cof linel a5 Yeheis wife a very atange and urna Time, in bth rel and Tut, rst poe mist ‘of Aen og Yahurts wile, ws enone sve, the ‘Yuhweh wife cost ot oscar ‘wt Seremih ‘ona ceueronomisie understanding 0 is The netphor of the gous as peas of gos favinggoedeses hl spots and vice ve, No the ancient Near Easy the metaphor of a people a a the sou of is eo) is total free tothe ancient Near ‘yoriviens" Alvwough ancient Near Eastern tex Co not ‘metaphor of a prope asthe spone ofits go) there oni the Jdea of ap inva urna afte spouse mie of = god or gnddex'” ‘Spnicniy, these tenn sully is en os highly “uozarl or ar digerow Wo the buen ens te alialy that Horm rodience woald have undemigod Hoss fo be refoag Io Ge idea tat the people on 8 mn any = bs the west of the anent Near Bast they had ondesond n in this way, fas such a re r Schmit has argh tht the “woth” in Hos 2 i the ity ies evidence ta i he aelen! New East, a capa Gy of 5 2 goes who was the wie of the cys pon ‘The Divorce of Yahweh and ‘shorah $8 alot expt evidence forthe en of acy as a coming fom Phooikion sim of de Hellenistic ery he co hos dh ie hs 1f the San woteor, which forth cesury the carer Greek eatom of worship of “Th line of development begins wit worship of zxialy beet grows cht pres cy or grt the Pore ws, ever sm ey excl © Porieyel os th "of of a god. To the snciersHoing in 4 the goct many cee ance, th en of ty ‘mould have bese thought odd. Tas ides is moce ler bentbeam or mooricsm is provaleat Gi to oer god sound to be spate). Aa fat, the ‘fly's mariage 1 Yanweh i fst reno in Sever Noo the scoad aah ler Inne mer” Te 36 eka Reape for We Pesan of ruse Fae Nac nay dO Cbd (97 0 fot say BIE, La eC, Lene tina nye Tesi tattws orornanc Robe 2 2S 6. Te voip eo oy a oe ei ee Baer a8 ates Winn Dre: fatl 0 se tow the metaphor in Lniah coud be reited tthe ‘womhip of te san noteon. Rate second Las mow Likely adops this major “om psages in ec and Ez tat ae fed om cx Iisa in Hes 2 Ut Jer 2 ae 19,5 (16 an 25. The weapon ‘wile ons one of rejection in Jer ané Ex; bu quite in etarcter fhe thetale of second Laiah ths meuphor of rejection is ‘terete in oder © poco seconcition and ccgercrticn ‘Neier he Paenkias aor the GrecoRoman exklence offers a goad fold for undentanding the staaion ia Hox 2 — the ever 1 Iisa est imporarty, ever i x city poreayed ws the wife of & ot. These fast, akon trpshor with esidence recred below tha ting ofthe divorce spech wat Gilg sane that Hoses Thve ert Sanaa Sa his reference 0 Yohei ie ‘ees mieretation that te vie is Rachel, this could only Sif te habs can bo etlicd with Jaook™ And the busuad Unde a Taco, for Ie ifelt 10 nagloe Hosea Gncle af a Mstpenon speeds of ihe eponymous iss ic prophet of Yahweh not Jacob; He delivers ‘f Yabreh tot eos, The husband mat be Yahwen. The “metic mariage beeen Yahooh aod Rachel woke ‘een theught boare and exe) uaa by the people of time; fs we can rule out Yast nterpretion har the wile 2 Be H = i Y if ill that the only posible interrettion of mother” i tha ie tikes godt Atte Ar T argued love, we Erow Deatonomisie Hisary a from srchaccbgiea! evidence that Adirah wat Yatuehs oe ws wierd bs doh nthe Mth end Th centunest shold be eles Hosen delivered an ouscie of Yahweh Bele an ich Ne thera to Yabwch's wile m the ralenct filcnce would have mally cough ot the ther vas conor, Asem And, i crs oot that hat We ‘Of Altea fi quite well with the inagry oed of the e thmnghowt thie pamage. Athena role as ferlty Ya te tir of ne CONS ete Ww tee he AMigabe © VI a htc» Wend ule sia rr tao ace eter) “did fed o's tne ieSowtoe ee te if The Diuree oj Yahweh and Asherah 57 F ‘xpi the friiy imagery used thoughout Hoses speech ‘hod besnise Ashrah was the ether gids aad was 10 be Vahwots fait rntaral th be sould ctor Wows a the “note” of the selon, at 26 Yaneh ‘as te tbe" of te tes ‘eeomss undestangable way Hosea disingshes between Soe sng aeoer them beth le Howse metaphor is “divorcing” the mother goldes Adberah reese felis tn which Ske aed Bs have sexi To wiv the land fey.” As Yehwene wife, Acbeah is “duly Hoste is angry beau the Ichss belive ‘hough sbo i property Yehweis wife she and Bel epost forthe ferality ofthe tnd. Tn Tenens ee, if es aleve ha he geet rion between Re and Asher ‘% sesponsble for he feriiy of the land, thon porape Gey aes sles of Bl rather than Yank, rakig thi basards (6 [a ‘ny line of argumentation the “chide” arethe pope of ac: thin Aentfition ie contest wih tie metaphor cften atl in the 2a mcr of Yaa wt oe cree wl ay ay ‘Tees i king Sena wa 1 Se Pe ea ‘nt at esa Ha aio © Crd hi nr ef St Was etme dies i we et Pane Sty cueon oe mete l 12. The mel at at ‘Bes ea JS fee 8 cr me bea ay Qnerebn oe er lyse pene 2 Dad ar 3 te OT 2 * chim fe ee edie pion ike pt oe fe a he pact beth oy Hon is esd 9 cers Pes cool prs sense ty sw nok Piso spotter feat. webs typ tot ere td cepts a tones’ ving sm) eat ta he ay reo me ae oe S6 Wiliom D. Whi ‘ism Hon clecon Fines epech should be st in 2 Yahweh Gaing an seal agree fval when fendty ses, Inne ten cri ovt aed when the womtipoets atthe temple Ine teen most names Tw arm below that cis tple fs oct i 0 Giga in nrc sal (not tbe Gg just noth of Teich eels science te would be the pits end piece” and the woutipprs who wee sttenlig oon of ie slays of the fee. By aking them > defer “ae otha, Se king them to deen thir pripation in the fry ees ak dung te tesa emoval offer enacts in v Ab fis well with what iors at Elopanie. At Higher, ewe aecemy fo give back fo her haiand any wescing gi tat he fer ac then to leave is Howse (Cawley, 54 127 fof {Code $3 The vanes fo Hon may weer 10st sucha 7a probly teen toa beathan! oc Hees ard 77 fo a mckiace, ss many commentato have a0te, of ls rt band? We mat imagine Hosa giving his speech 1 an ‘aac inthe temp string beside the sue of Ashesah which is ‘Grates with clocking and evelry Hosea uss the onic Noeably, ta TABU, ao aie Yo te seca decorations ven fy Yolnch wid which she woald be ormmeniad durieg the foe ye ested ox gies of pldnes i Msp: as of Sosa St on ww Spier oot Tie te ee aah gly pba ee Dak, isd Hols en Vaxpesansn goer 4 37 (BES ni nn HF fF ame: tH — ee: ee en carn on ‘he Ptah tno pat the Deaarmerse tay mae © leo The Divarceof Yahweh and Ashorat 59 i fenival that cated er secu) union wih Ba Given _Popisie propensity fr syntote alors, Hosea at this meceat "Pused in is spss o sp ott te headband or neatres clas of the Ashrsh sanding mesise im In doing hi symbolically carving ot the rocoure of vr, fr the wile fat give ack to her hatand hi mariage gifs vo her™ Aserae ld be thnght to be Yanai gifts to er, fr thee wool have ocr ovned bythe Yahweh tmple sell Los Jn y 4 could be regarded sinply = = poche 10 ie x . ‘In ¥ 5 [veal the injactive yise vised of J! Tis i em ubitay eoendaio, toe the emendaton fs the context of what me cess and pvc Spas end vse or ik hyn tn eo hor peda Knol be meg Ht fine ten acing os sar tl Ue se ‘Ae ich war otis gon ot ens om to Ng Tend, Beso set nets sims te Toast Coie “BPS, feed ceo te pr eon ‘hate eanong built New Yor 19, ba fe le sos cones ck Mes as ta Prine ew You, Be en 2 A LJ Ist Lt. S43 = Bs Go toro fon tS mon o Ta, Fore inaogeie fied Esl at io arwoane » comms preted gers (ate Ab oan i Gals Sore alae rag ae tea nonce yar pee ~ tombs te Se hE Wo a cpu a SEE he al ein ‘iat pee fae Rdg =P wr cos i He "Dm be upland a a “toi by a ate = aor de ejocive -®. Th “aria to ere 1 Barone tare ech ihe porte wd fi 3's wm te pct of spring the wie and then hows, fs discused above, when che divorce lary. Toit ar 8 later addon the phase vl EL har Sa ae pce), for W race oniest and bes a supertos feel to iL The S's tat of lack of fei is epproprace to te this he teuty gdew Ate Hens tos hor diverse from fed the steping of Per clothes 10 low of er power ~ she ‘upped of ber power of frity by Yahweh. Such leageey be poly dcamatc it as sggeted stove, Hevea mode bs 5 felity esl ard actly sipped the sae 5 he ra it i 6 i distance formlam This merpettin secur, for ere are no pales trom the encoct Speak of te diinhenane of ciren desig the irs wile However we do ve = cowrle of Bike self which sek of diabenance and ‘coming wed, Not supine terminology 1 fe very sia tothe lea tenon eed In ote ‘Ore png ie be cltnceuane of Jetta ie sa ofa promi, fy Jo Tiare le tis pane, we find the tects! teme 85 S073 and 4am in v7. exh these tern appear ie often tthe Gries of dion A sxeed dkihesiasee puget the chsh Se of wel in Gat 2110, wha we fad th trinology BS fed the. A hit pause 1 Sum 260% tre the dnbertarce Aap, bet the sane terminology pet (ED) Although we fe vo evidence fort's igi Yo ssure that a ts be sat ofa voce on grounds of alters for We Rod migh fave goed groan to rupect atthe ohiGren Ae qu ile BIE ws 345 wih wile rot corps fe. THs ees ‘satin’ nore sss lm a oe T Mew Th terse of npunan ae Lipo aega Fig tse cfr. a. enw oe tat Maitberked (at ma Bs to sn Megs alse Crea, re sng pny “nie PV Sco ih Tat eds PNpeaied Ge de et The Divorce of Yabweh and Asherak 6h a F i ‘us may with to inert therm™ So Terres 6 the ‘rest key means that ey ie ilien of fests Te “sihercane™ptzse (Ta 19“ Giznies the Ing reiontp berwens later 10 the phase ted ot Exphunine tht ‘eltontip between bastand and wife (rT iti sho sina wo the language 0 dss Hos [6 Here Hosea pons Yank = “a an ae Gee i i i - “ais the reno forthe dnkerinnse of the elon Ie airs uc ~ Yatwehs wife ond the iter moxier “Te “ove” ln 7 probably ae « ceferece w Ue ‘fier ois he £3) who mere womhipped atthe temple ‘ssliar tot steton at Deel inthe Sextury, ies gots were prlably worship in the tele ppiaton of feney lrayery 10 Ashes “oven hn ference 10 te seul aon between ber and Bal Geletrated a1 Gilg during this festival and which ‘ol te lant hme SH MP MEM in v7, Hosen refers to the elie ‘OF the sacs ofthe gos dln fexival™ The satue of fut ve een decorted ever mare for thaw speci) ‘hs po ona ert or patio and caieé or wheeled he prosaion Ls Ree mus te iseting sue pst of Ae fs in Cig. daring which the sures of Atheah Bet wer eared ins ral proven ‘Alhogh the tention of food, isk wook fax, and oll should te byefistatit rai ke if } Be 22> spats ot we cen tea pete wit at ei re t 3 Mea ue pono he circ EVER EY: ine re 62 Win D wie Aho: of in consestion withthe frty ofthe Ind, Hea here it tb pining oo the raceme Near Easern conception of mariage I ‘Was the specie duty of te tusband to proce nis wile Wath the “Sees for carvva In le sede tom Nesopetami, we tind the fee lingage wind in deibing the husbands provaice for his wile thas wae in oar pasage. CH § TS mentors fod, ol, clashing (UDAL and fue {StGBAD asthe things dat his le; the Mie Asean Laws mention fod Gemmu WAGES span SIGh and ‘nd food and rink Gaul ae mata) in S86" of Asberah and Bel in shoud be seen in ‘he pci of wifes atandoning her haband for ancther a | fan who provides Gout tor fe, We have renton in Mesopotamian law of & practice whereby the wile may go to another ran i het Prsband oes not provide fr Her (nually Yezanc he may) Wik em ete ses jortays ihe adherens of) Asera as Jatin the ‘ery inal in nilor vem je at + woman ray sbardce ber Biset tend for another who provides for het, so. Adherah Stslons Yakineh for Bl sree be provides her with scesies tat Wliweh doce noc (y 72). Dat for hoes, Yabech ccf sich a Hsteation: Ashes aonanlshundonment of Yahweh not lea, ‘ther i conse adlery v 7, The evi Choy therfore?) ia 12 signiies the logical xeenjence of the revoatsnerent, having giver the som for vores edery In ¥ 7, Hose vow iid the pasisment for Alvorse on grams of sulery — segping the woman and cating Bet vt Hete sin, itis hepfl to ty to vsulze Howes specs, ‘Gives the prophetic propersky for symbolic action, Hesea has Ipobnbly ben siping Ashram of her orsemention Ewooghaut a ‘eee; rescves ths neareat lo v 12 for the dramatic pet Whi he removes her clothing and expoece her gonittk” The ity ale Thy wee : Gh CH 01 ods Code $5 forte tan’ ene a i wit eee serersnas. 9 rir de ected i Miao many wha eee ee ee ees eae «“ ‘The Divorce of Yahweh and Asherah 63 ff v 12 gre ily a rteence to the sata of ter gods at Hele as inv 7 Assn it we try to vale Homas speech. Iagin him in thet Pall of 12 pining dramatically GRO ahr pth wk ake mate of A date end ofthe dvoros speech is + 15 te final symboic ‘fe dui syst reting te wae Ara an Wile nd siping eV 1 begins 19 move say fom ‘ech Oy cxprding onthe expected unitiment. The stage In the ivors pressure for adulry ater he pablic Wold Be Io die the wife oa of the kar’ Rorse, TH, TR whet ¥ 1S decries ~ Flnen proctaime the eo cl the “Gil Gl Asieah as eS strerved at Yano temple™ Ashen ‘fess ll no longer be cher bere and ste wl no longer Tako ‘any ofthe stake Yes fea, icking ling bee 210 Be fat tat inc ed fin rota fa me vole inthe cai Tah der (Asher ne Gigs and wine would mae sa Gos fl fey eta Hane he oat be rn ‘viens ae grove owacd a muni’ hy te tae tat edict o Athenk we now that temper inthe ance Neat TE heat flocks, groves, and elds for exch oftheir gous, Hosea says Babvek witty weve oor eves ara vanart vcd ty Me ‘Gigs renple tat are desea fo astern If Hea had continued F ore rot 31a ee pwd dt a ois va of anette, sec ig tt ae fo said heats tm’ eeay Path sie aes of he “ted phe foad Pe nsic a & Sv, Abe M91 wd ey Tes i He i (Wher frau aed or on koa oe) To may ae Fenite ee forts tae of Seraheh ‘RSs we Sie tate te aro we Plies won We eo of wine enum fey ren ‘bh st ave snede wae a oi The ih way ve bad ‘Site finan "te sun saneIn"posewic try worn ot eat! in ' paste tht be woud ave picks! op the ie the temple or the temple cour, and sate it ei a nd a fi Bearers te eore toa tas. bd contri ‘hi pase as a wferonse 10 Yabwtls “siton of the memariy under Seol Sam dot Ar dacued above, the tr fof diohertanoe” The presence ofthis erie ‘we mst inept the pasage ip this ght. eve L athe than "vor, at Ja Hex 5 ard | that In this orcle Hoeon is refering back to his Walt 17, ees: ei 126 Jae, 7 Ral, 108 dig a i i) Hew, he wm spe wd nthe ewe Co a “The Divorce of Yohowh and Asherah 65 hich he pntays Yaweh as aivoring Asberah cheting his chien te people of nel The meaton of then sous te he Yee ee ete wan wee Hose the vec speschprnmed in ch 2 S07 52 rst LEY to the specie reson for the dinero — the tse! it feriy kes which eck the Sexual tion ‘Aiberah aed Bu, No Lows ipote wih the cae at Gal, or it seme 10 fsncter reference to Hous speach in 24712 Although "ie go maay tou aficaie Yo this essge tha Ke very 1 uaseand wha ging ot, 1 peter bree MT inv 30 — | asta! your mother” Here the “nother must be understood he moter gaiden Ara 2 The serif reference ‘eecron Ceesucin”) of she wane of Ara during : eet aa oe ra cand wucaes wrasse son hot eet iad ie paca actany Rca i ena na — as Be fs Sec fee a a ele ton i bw el et Erte ee as ove sane as S vita Dike in ee one Se cm en fh en Bens teat or canes Se Beep rem cece rene oe See Becca sara ueern a 66 Wala D. Whine tes, i is not surprising tht he wonld engage In wha rms ve teen seca by the ange majority of bie oudinge sb oarageous if 9c Time sctlons ~ deoying the colt sate of sera st Cia, std ‘rosiming Yehosrejeton of tik Asher ant his own people "The secs bopnning in 2H ot same aberace Hetil media ion on Yehweiyseationship with Lr! tat ies the alegon’ of Tenet x Yess wife Rather the sero i Hove prosamaion of Yabweth verse” tom Aste sd is sinheitane” of is ov ‘eonle foc sporting the sestl ree Beween Asbeah apd BL. The fet of “Geimertanee” may have cured to Flew when the ops pesto of the and wae threatened. f so this would ugg ‘or Howes speech the tne perio of the late 13s or 720, tniea Keel bad lot is poner in¢_ weer. yrs 10. ASSN Solan wer being incr trate byte expan o te ‘Ragan cep Mf Giga wat lcsed fo what under Assyrian eon tus the rovince of Magia fe ee Hk, Dee tem. pssibly lovers speech was an temps to exptin the low of i faed 10 (oo fgtegtenles gap eet ere SEY grou dtey icy a, a ee oad marion Seen ce ee ee ee pee ee a gee at ee oer ee SLL ar ti 7 Ome iio diy nian vars Cig as Sout mo Be Baste bore harm SN tre doe one ane Scr areas eae oos Baie seme eee SoS ee sar antialiasing Ae Rt age oe Le eee Sse are are moat wae ee Se es ce pee ec ee ne eee a re ae aes ee Teo ait at tate cma Se seers ores oaks eae ae CBee Tose teeter A pete Coney Seat Seat ate The Divorce of Yahweh and Asherah 67 ‘Assia His answer was that Yahuch bad dinner his pele {Eerie of their dbcrene 19 the sexual Hts Betven Asierah ac Bri Adecah fed been fat to ber hued Yahweh ard ha! proded std children now Yahweh as punsing tem all ~ ame hadtakeo any te and for hs people and woeld soon take avay Ader eat The iver to abe sway Aseria Sout pets be wndewtood at feecing Howat belt in the Iewending Aytn takeover in whch Auyran gods would te Snalled in the temples ard the aaive god demesed or bash. Ties mail abort, which woeld fave Deen mt unt a Wis diy. hi to hold views which may propery be tenn. enor {het Gl HAL Given his fenothes, bo euld ony have jodged Iosuvaly the cule pacer In which Asta, YahweNs wife, hs ena) infrcoume wih BOL The aking of Ice lam and he farer Asian teat ust have confined Hones ins Uli tht ‘Yoiwck Sos Sngng judgemant on nr people Co mse espa THe mst hve see! upon the oxeason of fer fsa Er Yaiwes temple inal thet involved seal tes tetween ‘Rstroh an Blas an oppraty v0 jrocaam Yahweh's reetion of ‘Asch and his people andthe coor rypenting upon oth 10> ie aneaig 985 wo a iat ers eo ‘Raya a Be Bea Homa ye ee sn ono ry Be” = ‘ets han ert abe Fra bess for Yabo ns 9k toto

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