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PHARM 205 Written Output

Section A
Anfone, Ryle Mitchum
Coniendo, Danelyn
Estrada, Francose Marie
Montecalvo, Demitrio
Tizon, Shay
Vigilancia, Laurynne
Ylanan, Ocean Larkangel

Overview of Homeopathy

Homeopathy comes from the Greek, homeo='similar', and pathos='suffering'.

Homeopathy is a therapeutic system that started 200 years ago and is still used today.
This therapeutic system uses substances that are heavily watered down. These very
dilute substances are believed to treat an illness by causing a similar symptom of that
illness. This is to stimulate the natural defenses of the body. Even though some studies
does not support the effectiveness of homeopathy it has been widely used in health
care during the 19th-century and has been globally revived. Many conventional
physicians find its therapeutic effects to be caused by placebo. For most illnesses,
there is no conclusive evidence of homeopathy’s performance in the body as helpful.
Homeopathy should be used with evidence-based principles. However just like any
other alternative medicine, it must never be used to replace the medicines with
approved therapeutic claims.

Principles of Homeopathy and TCM

Homeopathy has 4 principles that are its foundation. They remain unchanged over the
last 200 years as their truth is demonstrated through successful treatment of the sick.

I. Similia Similbus Curentur "Let likes cure likes"

The cornerstone principle. Through research and practice, Hahnemann
verified cure through the use of similars. A substance that can produce disease in a
healthy person is used to elicit a healing response in someone presenting with a
similar disease. Each person shows symptoms of the body/mind/spirit when they
are sick. Some of these symptoms are common to that sickness, others are
characteristic of that person in their sickness. The homeopathic practitioner
matches the symptom picture of the homeopathic remedy to the symptom picture
of the person, with particular attention paid to those symptoms which are unique
to the individual.

II. The Single Remedy.

Only one homeopathic remedy is given at any one time. It would be difficult,
if not impossible, to ascertain the action of multiple homeopathic remedies given
all at once. The response of the vital force would be unpredictable and ambiguous.
Though Hahnemann experimented with this approach he abandoned it as

III. The Minimum Dose.

This refers to the infinitesimal doses of medicine given as well as to the
repetition of dose only when necessary. Drugs given to individuals in material
doses frequently cause side effects or adverse reactions. To curtail this problem,
the homeopath administers the smallest possible dose so as to maximize beneficial
effects and minimize side effects. Repetition of dose is determined by the
individual's response to the remedy. Unnecessary repetition may lessen the
response, even to the correct remedy. In homeopathy, less is better.

IV. The Potentized Remedy.

Homeopathic remedies, though made from natural substances such as plants,
minerals, animals, etc., are manufactured unlike any other medicine. Through a
process of serial dilution a very dilute extract is made. With every step of dilution
the remedy is vigorously shaken-succussed. This process of succussion is
designed to arouse the dynamic nature of the medicine. To affect the vital force, a
similarly energetic, homeopathic remedy must be employed.
Uses of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is used to maintain health and treat a wide range of health conditions.
There are also claims that homeopathy could prevent Malaria and other diseases.
However, there are no evidences which would prove that it is an effective treatment
for health diseases and conditions. The list of conditions and diseases which use
homeopathic treatment:

 Fibromyalgia  Hay fever

 Anxious mood  Mental health conditions such as
depression, stress and anxiety
 Amyotrophic lateral
 Allergies
 Sclerosis
 Dermatitis
 Myalgic encephalomyelitis
 Arthritis
 Chronic fatigue syndrome
 High blood pressure
 Asthma
 Ear infections

Safety of Homeopathy

While many homeopathic products are highly diluted, some products sold or
labeled as homeopathic may not be; they can contain substantial amounts of active
ingredients, which may cause side effects or drug interactions. Negative health effects
from homeopathic products of this type have been reported.
A 2012 systematic review of case reports and case series concluded that using
certain homeopathic products (such as those containing heavy metals like mercury or
iron that are not highly diluted) or replacing an effective conventional treatment with
an ineffective homeopathic one can cause adverse effects, some of which may be
serious. Liquid homeopathic products may contain alcohol. The FDA allows higher
levels of alcohol in these than in conventional drugs.
Homeopathic practitioners expect some of their patients to experience
“homeopathic aggravation” (a temporary worsening of existing symptoms after taking
a homeopathic prescription). Researchers have not found much evidence of this
reaction in clinical studies; however, research on homeopathic aggravations is scarce.
Always discuss changes in your symptoms with your health care provider.
The FDA has warned consumers about different products labeled as homeopathic.
For example, in 2017 it alerted consumers that some homeopathic teething tablets had
excessive amounts of the toxic substance belladonna; in 2015, it warned consumers
not to rely on over-the-counter asthma products labeled as homeopathic, because they
are not evaluated by the FDA for safety and effectiveness. Don’t use homeopathy to
replace proven conventional care or postpone seeing a health care provider about a
medical problem. If you are considering using a homeopathic product, bring it with
you when you visit your health care provider. The provider may be able to help you
determine whether the product might pose a risk of side effects or drug interactions.
Follow the recommended conventional immunization schedules for children and
adults. Don’t use homeopathic products as a substitute for conventional
immunizations.Women who are pregnant or nursing, or people who are thinking of
using homeopathy to treat a child, should consult their (or the child’s) health care
providers. Take charge of your health—talk with your health care providers about any
complementary health approaches you use. Together, you can make shared,
well-informed decisions.

Efficacy of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a holistic method of treatment that uses ultra low doses of highly
diluted natural substances originating from plants, minerals, or animals and is based in
the principle “LIKE CURES LIKE”. Despite being occasionally challenged for its
scientific validity and mechanism of action, Homeopathy continuous to enjoy the
confidence of millions of patients around the world who opt for this mode of treatment.
Homeopathy maintain health and treat a wide range of long term illnesses, such as
allergies, atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome. It is
also used to treat minor injuries such as cuts and scrapes and muscle or sprains.

Homeopathy Practitioner’s Qualifications and Accreditation in the Philippines

1. DOH-PITAHC certifies homotoxicologists, homeopaths

The Department of Health Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative
Health Care (DOH- PITAHC) announced the names of homeopaths and medical
doctors/ homotoxicologists who passed the criteria and requirements in
compliance with PITAHC Circular No. 02, Series of 2013 or Guidelines for the
National Certification of Homeopaths/ Homotoxicologists.
2. Dr. Juvencio Ordoña, DOHPITAHV director general, said that some medical
doctors and homeopaths as of May 21, 2013, are entitled to practice the principles
and techniques of homeopathy and homotoxicology in accordance with the
existing laws in the country.

3. National Certification Committee for Homeopathy and Homotoxicology

Through PITAHC Order No. 169 dated Dec. 5, 2012, it formed the National
Certification Committee for Homeopathy and Homotoxicology which is tasked to
review and evaluate applicants for the certification and accreditation of
homeopaths, medical doctors, homeopathic clinics and training centers.

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