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Oleh : Nafi’atus Sholihah
NIM : 18726251039


No Identitas Jurnal Rumusan Masalah Kerangka Teori Metode Penelitian Hasil Penelitian
1 Improved Problem- 1.Does interactive  According to this article, the  Method  quasi  Te use of interactive
Solving Ability after multimedia help to s question and answer method, experiment with pretest- multimedia learning
Using Interactive improve students’s method of verification in lab posttest control design. model is
effective in improving
Multimedia in Teaching problem solving experiment, and one-way  A test of problem solving
student problem-solving
of Ideal Gas ability? lecture strategy that are ability consisting of six
Sondang R. Manurung, 2.Can this method aid implemented do not essay questions.
 Learners are more active
Satria Mihardi student’s understanding encourage students to develop  Sample were selected by
and engaged and thus,
Indian Journal of Science the teaching materials their think, to solve problems random method (control
and Technology Vol. 11 as well as finding and to reach satisfactory and experiment classes) achieve more effective
No. 36 September 2018 solutions for many achievements.  Te normality of data were learning.
DOI : problems?  The problems showed are tested using  Multimedia-based
10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i3 affected by the failure of KolmogorovSmirnov and learning allows learners
6/ 130452 learning process in enliving Shapiro-Wilk statistics and to build knowledge
the physics concept, a lack of homogeneity in solving problems
variants between groups through the stages of
discovery process, and a lack
was tested using Levene’s planning,
of instructional media which
Test and Box’s test. T-test comprehension,
affected students’s problem
analysis were used to test application, analysis,
solving ability and critical
the differences in students evaluation and problem-
thinking. problem solving ability. solving.
 The solution suggested from
the above weakness is using
interactive multi-media such
as virtual laboratory (PheT)
2 Design and Application 1. Does the use of  The students usually are  Participant : 170 students  The implementation of
of Interactive simulation-based incapable of explaining the from first year the problem-solving
Simulation in Problem- teaching materials meaning of their own engineering. strategy improved
Solving in University- improve students’ numerical solutions to the  This research use the experimental students’
Level Physics Education ability to use the problem however they can approaches of problem- results.
Mikel Ceberio, Jose procedures that are practice their problem solving by developing  The majority appear to
Manuel Almudi, Angel proper to the scientific solving skill by doing some Guided Research. be satisfied with the
Franco method in university- exsercises.  Analysis of Efficiency in methodology proposed
Journal Science level physics problem-  Successfully Problem-Solving (four and took on a
Education and solving? calculating numerical favorable attitude to
criteria of problem
Technology 2016 2. Does the use of such solutions does not imply a learning problem-
DOI: 10.1007/s10956- materials make the corresponding level of solving.
 Analysis of the
016-9615-7 students more conceptual understanding and
Satisfaction of the
effective in problem- science process ability.
Students in the
solving?  Interactive computer
Experimental Group with
3. Do students simulations have been
the Alternative
demonstrate their progressively integrated in
satisfaction with the the teaching of the sciences
problem-solving and have contributed
teaching methodology significant improvements in
proposed? the teaching–learning
3 A Collaborative 1. How do students  Socioscientific and  Participant : 32 secondary  The study’s findings
Problem-solving exchange and develop environmental research and school in Singapore highlight how students
Process Through different dimensions education require learn and integrate
Environmental Field of knowledge during interdisciplinary collaboration  Design of Field Study: their knowledge and
Studies their problem-solving approach among various The structure of task and how they interact to
Mijung Kim and Hoe process? dimensions of science, grouping. solve their problems.
Teck Tan 2. What experiences and technology, society, and  Data collection :open- The findings are
International Journal of challenges of culture in order to understand ended task, video/audio explained in five
Science Education collaboration do the complexity of real-life data, student analysis dimensions;
(October, 2014) students encounter problems and decision- data knowledge exchange,
DOI : when completing their making processes. responsibility for task?  Much of school science knowledge, deepening
09500693.2012.752116 teaching has remained in thinking levels,
traditional contexts, which is challenges of decision-
compartmentalized and making/communicatio
disconnected from other n, and coping with
dimensions of knowledge in differences.
reallife contexts.
 The solution of the above
problem is learning by Jigsaw
4. Learning Problem- 1. Is there any statistically  The role of computational  The research was done by  The study indicated
Solving Skills In A significant difference in physics in the quest to three different method: that combining the
Distance Education the problem-solving understand and explain the 1) Correspondens different course
Physics Course performance between physical world has risen to 2) Online presentation modes
G J Rampho, M Z students who use equal that of physics theory 3) Face-to-face had no statistically
Ramorola different combinations and experiment.  Quantitative research significant effect in the
Journal of Physics (2017) of the three method. learning of problem-
DOI: 10.1088/1742- presentation modes of a  Almost all the studies on the  Ex post facto design for solving skills in the
6596/905/1/012019 distance education teaching and learning of extraneous variables or distance education
course? computational physics and randomly assign subjects course.
2. Is there any statistically problem-solving skills were to groups.
significant difference in conducted and focused in the  Sample : all the students
the frequency of traditional face-to-face registered for the first-
strategy use between education. level mechanics physics
students who use  The implemented course (179 students).
different combinations instructional approach had not  Data collection : test
of the three been tested for effectiveness, result.
presentation modes of a however, the components
distance education (problemsolving strategy and
course? worked-out examples) were
shown to be effective in this
5 Role Of Mental 1. What kinds of mental  There are three main  Sample : 19 engineering  The actual study
Representations In representations do categories of mental students. indicates that the
Problem Solving: students use when representations  Data collection majority of the
Students’ Approaches solving nondirected 1) Propositional mental instrument : open-ended sample consistently
To Nondirected Tasks tasks in different representation. test with 5 tasks. generated
Bashirah Ibrahim and N. external 2) Mental models  Data collection : student propositional
Sanjay Rebello representational 3) Mental images written solutions from the representation across
Physics Education formats in the topic of tasks given, individual the two topics.
Research 9 (2013) kinematics and work? interview result.  Students who use a
mental image fail to
DOI: 2. How do the types of  Data analysis : qualitative translate information
10.1103/PhysRevSTPER. mental representations method from the task
9.020106 that students use presented with a
compare across the symbolic format into
topics of kinematics a visual format for
and work? solving a problem.
although they do
translate information
from a linguistic to a
visual format, they do
not necessarily use
the visual
representation to
generate a numerical
6 The Effectiveness of the 1. How is the  Virtual laboratory programs  Sample : 120 students  The students who were
IUVIRLAB on relationship between where computers are used (control and experimental instructed using
Undergraduate experimental and were defined as programs that group). IUVIRLAB
Students’ control group pre-test were adapted for the  Data collection : two-tier instruction had
Understanding of Some and post-test concept requirements of teachers and diagnostic test. significantly higher
Physics Concepts test scores? students, combining  Analysis : quantitative scores in terms of
Elif İnce, Zeliha Özsoy 2. How is the modeling, simulation and methods, Piaget achievement than
Güneş, Yavuz Yaman, determination of information technologies in classification and paired those taught by the

Fatma Gülay Kırbaşlar, experimental and sample t-test. traditional approach

control groups’
Özgü Yolcu, Ergun misconceptions about order to create highly and it was also found
Yolcu electromagnetic fields interactive environments. that IUVIRLAB group

Procedia - Social and and magnetism and  Laboratory studies have was more successful in

Behavioral Sciences 195 the effectiveness of effects on reasoning, critical preventing of the

( 2015 ) 1785 – 1792 IUVIRLAB in thinking, comprehension of determined

DOI: preventing students’ science, processing and misconceptions.

10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06. determined manipulative skills, and

382 misconceptions about enable students to use
electromagnetic fields information, identify new
and magnetism? problems, explain
observations and make
7 Analysis of problem 1. Is project based  Operations Research was one  Method : mixed method  Project Based Learning
solving on project based learning with resource of the subjects in the with sequential method through
learning with resource based learning mathematics course that explanatory model computer support
based learning approach computer- belongs to the applied science (combination of Resource Based
approach computer- aided program group. quantitative research Learning approach was
aided program effective?  Resource Based method and qualitative effective against
K S Kuncoro, I Junaedi, 2. How are the results of Learning students were able to method in sequence) students problem-
Dwijanto analysinng problem build their own knowledge,  Data collection : test and solving abilities in the
Journal of Physics 983 solving abilities in created thinking strategies, interview result. subject of Operations
(2018) term of problem- and helped the problem-  Analysis of problem- Research.
DOI: 10.1088/1742- solving steps? solving process. solving : according to
6596/983/1/012150  Project-Based Learning Polya’s indicators of
(PjBL) was an innovative
learning model that mathematical problem-
emphasizes contextual solving ability
learning through complex
8 Pengembangan 1. Bagaimana  Untuk mendorong keaktivan  Metode : kuasi  Pencapaian
Kemampuan Berpikir pencapaian belajar dan kreativitas eksperimen kemampuan berpikir
Kreatif Dan Pemecahan kemampuan berpikir mahasiwa maka pembeajaran dengan desain penelitian kreatif matematis
Masalah Matematis kreatif matematis yang digunakan termasuk kelompok kontrol mahasiswa yang
Mahasiswa Melalui dalam desain faciliting, prestes-postes. memperoleh
dan kemampuan
Metode Diskusi
pemecahan masalah
expowering, dan enabling  Instrumen : 5 item tes pembelajaran dengan
La Moma (FEE). bentuk uraian menggunakan metode
Jurnal Cakrawala  Analisa data : uji t, diskusi lebih baik
Pendidikan No. 1 (2017) ANOVA dua jalur, dan daripada siswa yang
2. Bagaimana interaksi uji beda lanjut pasangan memperoleh
antara level KAM kelompok data (Post-Hoc) pembelajaran
(atas, sedang, melalui GLM.
rendah) dan  tTdak terdapat
pembelajaran pengaruh interaksi
terhadap KBKM, antara pembelajaran
dan terhadap KPMM dan level KAM (tinggi,

mahasiswa? sedang, rendah)

terhadap kemampuan
berpikir kreatif
matematis mahasiswa.
 Tidak terdapat
pengaruh interaksi
antara pembelajaran
dan level KAM (tinggi,
sedang, rendah)
terhadap kemampuan
masalah matematis
9 A Comparison of 1. How effective is the  Pysical laboratory refers to a  Research : quasi-  Both virtual and
Students’ Approaches SBL compared with microcomputer-based experiment physical manipulations
to Inquiry, Conceptual the MBL in terms of laboratory (MBL)  Participant : 68 11th- are effective for
Learning, and Attitudes learning physics in which students manipulate grade students (aged 16– learning science
in Simulation-Based concepts? physical objects and collect 17) concepts.
and Microcomputer- 2. Do students perform and analyze data using probes  Instrumen :open-ended  A good combination of
Based Laboratories similarly or differently and handhled computers. question, multiple choice SBLs and MBLs
in inquiry tasks in the  Virtual laboratory, refers to a question. provides quality
Sufen Chen, Wen-Hua SBL and the MBL? simulation-based laboratory  Data collection : science teaching within
Chang, Chih-Hung Lai, 3. How do students enjoy (SBL) in which students conceptual test and the time and resource
Cheng-Yue Tsai and are involved in the manipulate objects and postlaboratory interview. constraints of school
SBL or the MBL? variables to conduct  Data analysis : science.
Science Education experiments on desktop independent sample t-
Journal (2014) computers. test, pairwised t-test, and
DOI : 10.1002/sce.21126 analysis of covariance
(ANCOVA), using scores
of the prelaboratory
conceptual test as the
covariate, quantitative
analyse, Pearson’s chi-
square tests.
10 First Evaluation of the 1. Is online learning  The wide use of problem  Quantitative observations  Results indicate
Physics Instantiation platform effective solving as the underlying from this data are pedagogical
of a Problem-Solving- implemented in learning activity in several reported. effectiveness of
Based Online Learning physics learning? Intelligent Tutoring Systems problem solving in the
Platform is motivated not only by its Physics instance of the
applicability to numerous platform, with 41% of
Rohit Kumar, Gregory learning domains but also to participants exceeding
K.W.K. Chung , Ayesha observe the learner’s progress. the stringent reliable
Madni, and Bruce change index.
Evaluation of Physics
Instantion (2015)

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-
11 Comparative Effect of 1. What are the effects of  Ashmore, Casey, and Frazer  The quasi-experimental  a statistical significant
Two Problem-solving the Ashmore, Casey & (1979) model for solving design with a difference in the
Instructional Frazer (1979) problems consists of the nonequivalent performance of
following stages: defining the
Strategies on Students’ problem-solving comparison group students taught using
problem goal, selecting
model and the the two problem-
information from problem
Achievement in Selvaratnam and statement, selecting information consisting of pre-and solving strategies and
Stoichiometry Frazer, (1982) from memory and evaluation of post-test measures those taught using the
problem-solving the solution to the problem.  Participant : 525 learners conventional method.
 Model devised by Selvaratnam
Shadreck Mandina, model on the  Instrument : 25 multiple  the performance of
and Frazer, (1982).has five
Chukunoye Ochonogor achievement of choice items, students in the
steps : clarifying and defining
students in  Data analysis : ANCOVA experimental group
the problem, selecting the key
EURASIA Journal of stoichiometry? was not influenced by
equation or relationship,
Mathematics, Science 2. Is gender has an gender
deriving the relationship for the
and Technology influence on the solution of the problem or  Students’s problem
Education 2018, 14(12) achievement of calculation, collecting data, solving ability
students in checking the units and significantly improved.
DOI : stoichiometry when calculating or solving the exposed to the problem and finally reviewing,

jmste/95125 Ashmore, Casey, and confirming the units and

Frazer (1979) as well learning from the situation

as Selvaratnam and
Frazer, (1982)
problem –solving
12 The Effects on 1.   
Students’ Conceptual
Understanding of
Electric Circuits of
Introducing Virtual
Manipulatives Within a
Physical Manipulatives-
Oriented Curriculum
13 Analyzing the many  Pemecahan masalah adalah  Instrumen penelitian : 40
soal terbuka, lembar
skills involved in solving pemrosesan kognitif yang
complex physics diarahkan untuk mencapai
problems tujuan ketika tidak ada metode
solusi yang jelas bagi
Wendy K. Adams, Carl pemecah masalah.
E. Wieman  Beberapa peneliti menemukan
American Journal of bahwa mengajarkan strategi
Physics (2015) pemecahan masalah, tidak
DOI: menghasilkan peningkatan kinerja siswa.
1.4913923  Menurut PISA ada empat set
dalam pemecahan masalah :
a. Eksplorasi dan
b. Mewakili dan memulai.
c. Perencanaan dan
d. Memantau dan
14 Implementasi Model 1. Apakah model PBL  PBL adalah model  Metode penelitian :  Model PBL bervisi
Problem Based Learning bervisi SETS efektif pembelajaran yang berpusat eksperimen SETS lebih efektif
Bervisi Sets Untuk dalam meningkatkan pada peserta didik yang dalam meningkatkan
Kemampuan Pemecahan kemampuan memberdayakan peserta didik menggunakan True kemampuan
Masalah Ipa Dan pemecahan masalah untuk melakukan percobaan/ Experimenta Desgn. pemecahan masalah
Kebencanaan Oleh Siswa IPA dan pemahaman praktikum, mengintegrasikan  Teknik pengumpulan IPA dan pemahaman
kebencanaanoleh teori dan praktek serta data: dokumentasi dan kebencanaan daripada
Wasiso, S.J., Hartono
siswa? menerapkan pengetahuan dan tes. metode konvensional.
Journal of Innovative
2. Bagaimana keterampilan untuk  Analisis data : uji  Peningkatan
Science Education 2, 1
peningkatan mengembangkan solusi yang normalitas, uji kemampuan
kemampuan layak untuk homogenitas, uji pemecahan masalah
pemecahan masalah masalah yang didefinisikan. ANAVA dua jalur dan uji IPA oleh siswa pada
IPA pada siswa? beda rata-rata. kelompok tinggi dan
sedang lebih tinggi
daripada kelompok
 Peningkatan
pemecahan masalah
IPA oleh siswa pada
kelompok yang
diberikan model PBL
bervisi SETS dan
metode konvensional
adalah sama.
15 Problem Solving 1. Pendekatan apa yang  Praktik pemecahan masalah  Subyek penelitian :  Banyak siswa tidak
Approach In Electrical
digunakan oleh merupakan faktor utama mahasiswa pendidikan menggunakan
Energy And Power On
Students As Physics mahasiswa untuk dalam pendidikan sains dan pendekatan yang jelas
Teacher Candidates
C. Riantoni, L. Yuliati, memecahkan masalah teknologi, terutama dalam fisika tahun 2014 di dan pendekatan
N. Mufti, Nehru
fisika? pembelajaran fisika. Universitas Jambi. berbasis memori untuk
 Pemecahan masalah  Instrumen penelitian : memecahkan masalah.
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA
Indonesia 6 (1) (2017) memberikan efek untuk DIRECT (menentukan  Mahasiswa tidak
55-62 mengubah dan meningkatkan dan menafsirkan tes menggunakan konsep
DOI : 10.15294 /
perbaikan emosional, konsep rangkaian listrik fisika dalam
kognitif dan psikomotorik. resistif). memecahkan masalah
 Meskipun mahasiswa dapat dan umumnya mereka
menyelesaikan masalah fisika hanya menggunakan
secara matematis, belum persamaan yang
tentu mereka memiliki mereka hafal terkait
pemahaman konsep yang dengan masalah yang
baik. pernah mereka
 Kesalahpahaman konsep juga lakukan sebelumnya.
merupakan penyebab utama
kurangnya kemampuan siswa
dalam pemecahan masalah.

16 Virtual Physics 1.Bagaimana  Keterbatasan waktu dan  Metode penelitian : R &  ViPhyLab adalah
Laboratory Application mengembangkan kesulitan yang mereka alami D (Borg & Gall). aplikasi Android yang
Based on the Android aplikasi fisika? dalam menggunakan peralatan  Instrumen pengambilan dapat dioperasikan
Smartphone to Improve 2.Bagaimana kualitas dan praktikum menjadi masalah data : kuisioner dan untuk belajar baik di
Learning Independence kelayakan aplikasi yang dalam pembelajaran fisika. lembar tes pemahaman dalam maupun di luar
and Conceptual dikembangkan?  Pada tingkat pendidikan konsep. sekolah
Understanding tinggi, siswa masih belum  Aplikasi ViPhyLab
Fitra Suci Arista, Heru 3.Apakah pengaplikasian cukup mandiri dalam belajar  Teknik analisa data : cukup layak sebagai
Kuswanto ViPhyLab fisika sehingga prestasi belajar deskriptif, inferensial, media pembelajaran

International Journal of meningkatkan mereka berada di bawah dan paired t-test. dan memiliki kualitas

Instruction Vol.11, No.1 kemandirian dan standar minimum. yang sangat baik.

(2018) pemahaman konsep  Pemanfaatan smartphone

siswa? untuk kegiatan pembelajaran
DOI : fisika memberikan siswa

ji.2018.1111a kenyamanan dalam

melakukan pembelajaran.
 Kegiatan praktikum dapat
melatih siswa untuk menjadi
terampil dalam pemecahan
masalah sesuai dengan teori-
teori fisika yang dipelajari di
17 Are Virtual Labs as 1. Bagaimana keefektifan  Pengadaan laboratorium  Subjek penelitian : 224  Penelitian ini
Effective as Hands-on
pembelajaran antara membutuhkan banyak untuk mahasiswa. menunjukkan bahwa
Labs for
Undergraduate penggunaan pengadaan dan  Intrumen : lembar test laboratorium virtual
Physics? A
laboratorium virtual pemeliharaannya.  Analisis data : ANAVA, sama efektifnya
Comparative Study at
Two Major Universities dan laboratorium  Virtual lab merupakan variat, dan kovariat. dengan laboratorium
tradisional? alternatif yang lebih murah fisika tangan
Marjorie Darrah, Roxann dan menghemat waktu. tradisional.
Humbert, Jeanne
Finstein, Marllin Simon,  Laboratorium simulasi
John Hopkins
memiliki banyak manfaat,
dianggap lebih terbuka, lebih
Journal of Science
Education and mudah digunakan, dan lebih
Technology (2014)
mudah untuk menghasilkan
DOI 10.1007/s10956- data serta memiliki
014-9513-9 keefektifan waktu dalam

18 Developing and  Mengajar dengan teknologi 

validating technological dapat membiasakan siswa
pedagogical content menggunakan alat teknologi
knowledge-practical terbaru dan mempersiapkan
(TPACK-practical) mereka untuk memecahkan
through the Delphi masalah dengan alat-alat
survey technique tersebut.
Yi-Fen Yeh, Ying-Shao  Faktor utama yang tidak
Hsu, Hsin-Kai Wu, Fu- menganjurkan penggunaan
Kwun Hwang and Tzu- teknologi oleh guru:
Chiang Lin kurangnya pengalaman
British Journal of mengajar, persepsi negatif
Educational Technology terhadap teknologi, kurangnya
Vol 45 No 4 2014 707– waktu di tempat atau
722 keuangan.

DOI :10.1111/bjet.12078
19 Exploring The   
Structure Of TPACK
With Video-Embedded
And Discipline-Focused

Yi-Fen Yeh, Ying-Shao

Hsu, Hsin-Kai Wu, Sung-
Pei Chien

Journal of Computer and

Education (2016)
20  
21 Efektivitas Penggunaan 1. Apakah buku ajar fisika  Kesulitan mahasiswa dalam  Metode penelitian : R &  Penggunaan buku ajar
Buku Ajar Fisika matematika berbasis mempelajari fisika D, model ADDIE. Fisika Matematika
inkuiri pada perkuliahan
Matematika matematika salah satunya di  Teknik analisa data : N- berbasis inkuiri efektif
Fisika Matematikan dalam perkuliahan Fisika
Berbasis Inkuiri dalam sebabkan oleh kurangnya Gain.
meningkatkan Matematika.
Perkuliahan Fisika kemampuan pemecahan  Instrumen penelitian :
kemampuan pemecahan  Kemampuan
Matematik masalah matematik angket.
masalah matematik pemecahan masalah
matematis mahasiswa
Dwi Fajar Saputria, 2. Apakah buku ajar fisika  Inkuiri merupakan model
rata-rata tergolong
Syarifah Fadilahb, berbasis inkuiri efektif pengajaran yang melibatkan
Wahyudi untuk diterapkan? kemampuan berpikir kritis
Jurnal Penelitian & siswa untuk menganalisis dan  Kemandirian belajar
Pengembangan memecahkan masalah secara mahasiswa setelah
Pendidikan Fisika sistematik menggunakan buku
Volume 2 Nomor 2  Melalui inkuri siswa dapat ajar Fisika Matematika
(2016) mengembangkan berbasis inkuiri pada
DOI: keterampilan siswa, perkuliahan Fisika meningkatkan kepercayaan Matematika tergolong
diri, pemahaman konsep dan baik.
keterampilan ilmiah.  Respon mahasiswa
terhadap buku ajar
Fisika Matematika
berbasis inkuiri
tergolong baik.
22 Analisis Buku Ajar 1.Bagaimana hasil  Proses pembelajaran fisika  Metode penelitian :  Hasil analisis
Termodinamika dengan analisis buku ajar bukan hanya belajar deskriftif kualitatif. kandungan TPACK
Konsep Technological termodinamika untuk berhadapan dengan teori,  Subjek penelitian : pada buku ajar I, buku
Pedagogical and Content mengetahui kebutuhan rumus atau dengan menghafal mahasiswa PGRI ajar II, buku ajar III
Knowledge (TPACK) penggunaan modul saja melainkan harus berbuat Semarang. masing-masing
untuk Penguatan berbasis Technological sesuatu, mengalami dan  Pengumpulan data : didapatkan prosentase
Kompetensi Belajar Pedagogical And memecahkan persoalan angket dan observasi. sebesar 15,38%, 20%,
Mahasiswa Content Knowledge dengan segala aspek yang dan 28,57%.
(TPACK) pada mata berkaitan dengannya.  Hasil angket pada
C Huda, D Sulisworo, M kuliah termodinamika?  Pengembangan responden sebanyak
Toifur pembelajaran dengan 23 mahasiswa
mengintegrasikan ICT pendidikan fisika
Jurnal Penelitian memberikan kontribusi yang menyatakan bahwa
Pembelajaran Fisika signifikan terhadap level 87% mahasiswa
Vol. 8 No. 1 – April 2017 praktek pedagogis terhadap menyatakan perlunya peserta didik. dikembangkan modul
index.php/JP2F  Penelitian terbaru termodinamika
menjelaskan bahwa berbasis TPACK yang
kesuksesan pembelajaran abad mendukung
21 melibatkan pemahaman pemahaman konsep.
materi atau content, cara
pengajaran, dan pemanfaatan
informasi teknologi secara
23 Keefektifan E-Lab 1. Apakah pembelajaran  Kegiatan laboratorium dapat  Metode penelitian : pre-  Pembelajaran
Untuk Meningkatkan menggunakan E-Lab melatih sikap ilmiah peserta experimental dengan menggunakan E-Lab
Keterampilan Generik efektif untuk didik dalam memahami desain one group pretest- efektif untuk
Sains Dan Pemahaman diterapkan? konsep pelajaran. posttest. meningkatkan
Konsep Fisika 2. Bagaimana pengaruh  Pembelajaran generik  Subjek penelitian : keterampilan generic
keterampilan generik mendorong mahasiwa untuk mahasiswa PGRI sains mahasiswa
J. Siswanto, J. Saefan, terhadap pemahaman berfikir ilmiah dan faham Semarang.  Keterampilan generik
Suparmi, Cari konsep mahasiswa? terhadap konsep.  Teknik pengumpulan sains berpengaruh
 Salah satu solusi untuk data : tes. positif terhadap
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika mengatasi tidak memadainya  Instrumen penelitian: pemahaman konsep
Indonesia 12 (1) (2016) laboratorium adalah lembar soal. mahasiswa pada
33-40 laboratorium virtual.  Teknik analisa data :N- materi efek fotolistrik,
Gain (peningkatan).
DOI: 10.15294/jpfi  Laboratorium virtual dapat efek compton, dan
.v12i1.4264 menyelesaikan masalah yang difraksi elektron
dihadapi terkait peralatan
laboratorium yang kurang
memadai dan memberikan
kontribusi dalam mencapai
tujuan pembelajaran.
24 Simulation as an engine 1. Bagaimana  IPE merupakan simulasi yang  Penelitian ini merupakan  Simulasi
of physical scene mengembangkan bersifat fleksibel yang terdiri penelitian deskriptif menggunakan model
understanding simulasi IPE? dari perencanaan, tindakan, (hanya menganalisa IPE dianggap sebagai
2. Bagaimana hasil penalaran dan bahasa. proses simulasi salah satu cara yang
Peter W. Battaglia1, pemahaman konsep  IPE bersifat probabilistic diterapkan) baik dalam
Jessica B. Hamrick, and yang dihubungkan bukan determinic. pembelajaran.
Joshua B. Tenenbaum dengan kehidupan  Simulasi ini
sehari-hari? memudahkan
Proceedings of The pemahaman konsep
National Academy of sesuai dengan
Sciences Vol. 110, Issue lingkungan nyata.
45 (2013).
25 Pemanfaatan 1. Bagaimana  Permendiknas No. 78 Tahun  Metode Penelitian : Pra-  Keterlaksanaan
Visualisasi Video keterlaksanaan 2009 yang mensyaratkan Eksperimental Desain pembelajaran dengan
Percobaan Gravity pembelajaran proses pembelajaran yang dengan One Group Pre- memanfaatkan
Current Untuk menggunakan diselenggarakan di sekolah Test Post-Test Design. visualisasi percobaan
Meningkatkan visualisasi video?
Pemahaman Konsep 2. Apakah terjadi harus dikelola dengan  Subjek penelitian : siswa gravity current di
Fisika Pada Materi peningkatan menerapkan pembelajaran kelas XID SMAN 20 laboratorium sebagai
Tekanan Hidrostatis pemahaman konsep yang aktif, kreatif, efektif Surabaya. media pembelajaran
setelah ditelapkan dan kontekstual.  Teknik pengumpulan untuk memahami
Trise Nurul Ain visualisasi video?  Pelajaran fisika selain data :observasi, tes, dan konsep tekanan
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan 3. Bagaimana respon memberikan bekal ilmu angket. hidrostatis dapat
Fisika Vol 02 No 02 siswa terhadap kepada peserta didik, juga  Analisis data pra terlaksana dengan
Tahun 2013, 97 – 102 pembelajaran digunakan sebagai wahana penelitian meliputi baik.
menggunakan untuk menumbuhkan analisis butir soal,  Peningkatan
visualisasi video? kemampuan berpikir logis, analisis uji normalitas pemahaman konsep
kritis, kreatif dan inovatif dan analissi uji fisika siswa pada
yang bermanfaat untuk homogenitas populasi materi pokok tekanan
memecahkan masalah dalam  Analisis data penelitian : hidrostatis dengan
kehidupan sehari-hari. uji-t berpasangan dan N- memanfaatkan
 Media pembelajaran adalah Gain. visualisasi video.
pesan ajar yang sistematis  Subjek penelitian
dan terecana, contohnya memberikan respons
adalah video dan foto. yang positif terhadap
pembelajaran yang
26  
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