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Tense adalah suatu pola yang menunjukkan perubahan bentuk kata kerja,
to be ataupun kata kerja bantu
PRESENT -------- 1. Simple Present
2. Present Continuous
3. Present Perfect
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
PAST -------------- 1. Past Simple
2. Past Continuous
3. Past perfect
4. Past Perfect Continuous
FUTURE --------- 1. Simple Future
2. Future Continuous
3. Future Perfect
4. Future Perfect Continuous

Menyatakan -- 1. Fakta
2. Kebiasaan
3. Kejadian sekarang
Pola : +) S + V1 s/es + O + Complement/pelengkap
Note : Penambahan
VERB -) S + don’t/doesn’t + V1 + O + Complement s/es hanya pd kalimat
?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O + Complement ? POSITIF dgn Subject
TO Be  +) S + To be + Adj/Adv/Noun
-) S + To be + Not + Adj/Adv/Noun
?) To Be + S + Adj/Adv/Noun ? TO BE dalam Simple Present
adalah IS, AM, ARE

CONTOH: +) Water boils at 100 degree celcius.

Adv of FREQUENCY : always,
We usually go to school at 6 A.M
sometimes, rarely, often,
I study English in the classroom now.
seldom, usually, ever, never.
-) She doesn’t go anywhere.
?) Do they often play football after school?
Yang menggunakan DOESN’T
+) My brother and I are the students of SMP 1. adalah Subject : HE, SHE, IT
-) Our teachers are not in class now, they have meeting in the teacher’s

I sometimes wake up at 4.30. Then, I pray Subuh. I go to school at 6

oçlock. I am a student of SMP. My school is near my house. It has more
than 25 teachers.

I study at SMP 1.
They work in a factory.
My pet is funny and really cute.

2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS : menyatakan kegiatan yg sedang dilakukan

saat sekarang.
POLA : +) S + to be + Ving + O + Complement
-) S + to be + not + Ving + O + Complement
?) To be + S + Ving + O + Complement?
+) Rania is watching TV now.
-) The employees are not working now.
?) Are the students having test?

3. PRESENT PERFECT : menyatakan kejadian yg telah selesai dilakukan

saat ini, atau menyatakan kejadian dimulai saat lalu saat ini masih
POLA : +) S + have/has + V3 + O
-) S + have/has + not + V3 + O HAS hanya digunakan
?) Have/has + S + V3 + O ? untuk Subject : HE, SHE,
+) I have done my homework.
-) They have not done their homework.
?) Have you had breakfast? TIME PHRASE : since
(sejak), FOR (selama), just
(baru saja), lately (akhir2
ini), already


Guna : menekankan pada berapa lamanya waktu suatu kejadian
berlangsung mulai saat lalu sampai dengan skrg masih
POLA : +) S + have/has + been + Ving + O + Complement
-) S + have/has + not + been + Ving
?) Have/has + S + been + Ving + O + complement ?
Contoh :
+) I have been studying English since at the elementary school.


I have a wonderful neighbour. The Budiman is my neighbour.
They have been living here for 5 years. They have 3 children. They
are Andi, Nadia and Sally. All of its children are still in Junior High
and Elementary. The Budiman often ask my family to join its events.

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