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Electromagnetic Waves 2
Although they seem different, radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, and even visible light are
all waves of energy called electromagnetic waves. They are part of the electromagnetic
spectrum, and each has a different range of wavelengths, which cause they waves to
affect matter differently. The electromagnetic waves have amplitude, wavelength,
velocity and frequency. The creation and detection of the wave depend much on the range
of wavelengths.

Questions you may have include:

• What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

• What are the characteristics of electromagnetic waves?
• How are these waves created and detected?

2.1 Electromagnetic spectrum

Since light acts as a wave, it obeys the universal wave equation. It has a speed, wavelength and

The wavelength λ and frequency ƒof EM waves are related to their speed c by

c = λƒ

λ = wavelength ( m )
ƒ = frequency ( Hz)
c = speed of light
= 3 x 108 m / s
Type of Radiation Method of Production Uses (optional)
oscillating electrons in a long wire or

Microwave Magnetron or klystron

Infra Red
(vibration of molecules and atoms)

(medium electron transitions)

mercury vapour lamps

(large electron transitions)
X-ray tubes
(high energy electron hits atom and
knocks inner electron out. Outer
electron drops down to inner level)
Radioactive material (photon emited
Gamma ray
from excited nucleus), cosmic rays

The range of wavelengths for electromagnetic waves--from the very long to the very
short--is called the Electromagnetic Spectrum:

• Radio and TV waves are the longest usable waves, having a wavelength of 1 mile
(1.5 kilometer) or more.
• Microwaves are used in telecommunication as well as for cooking food.
• Infrared waves are barely visible. They are the deep red rays you get from a heat
• Visible light waves are the radiation you can see with your eyes. Their wavelengths
are in the range of 1/1000 centimeter.
• Ultraviolet rays are what give you sunburn and are used in "black lights" that make
object glow.
• X-rays go through the body and are used for medical purposes.
• Gamma rays are dangerous rays coming from nuclear reactors and atomic bombs.
They have the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum of about
1/10,000,000 centimeter.

2.2 Characteristics of electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves, similar to water waves in the ocean or the
waves seen on a guitar string. This is as opposed to the compression waves of sound. As
you learned in Wave Motion, all waves have amplitude, wavelength, velocity and


The amplitude of electromagnetic waves relates to its intensity or brightness (as in the
case of visible light).

With visible light, the brightness is usually measured in lumens. With other wavelengths
the intensity of the radiation, which is power per unit area or watts per square meter is
used. The square of the amplitude of a wave is the intensity.

The wavelengths of electromagnetic waves go from extremely long to extremely short

and everything in between. The wavelengths determine how matter responds to the
electromagnetic wave, and those characteristics determine the name we give that
particular group of wavelengths.

The velocity of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum is approximately 186,000 miles per
second or 300,000 kilometers per second, the same as the speed of light. When these
waves pass through matter, they slow down slightly, according to their wavelength.


The frequency of any waveform equals the velocity divided by the wavelength. The units
of measurement are in cycles per second or Hertz.


All electromagnetic waves travel at the same ….

Which electromagnetic waves are used to look at bones?
….waves have the shortest wavelength
... are found between radio waves and infrared waves in the EM spectrum
Which type of wave has the longest wavelength?
Which type of wave has the shortest wavelength?
1. What type of waves does radar use?
2. Which radio wave, AM or FM, has a greater wavelength?
3. Which colour is found between red and yellow in the visible spectrum?
4. Gamma rays can be used to … food and medical equipment
5. To calculate the speed of a wave you can multiply the wavelength by the ….
6. What is the frequency of green light (λ = 550 nm) ?
7. What is the wavelength of a radio station at 103 MHz?
8. The Sun produces all 7 types of electromagnetic wave (True / False)
9. Longer wavelength radio waves reflect off the ionosphere and can therefore travel
further than shorter wavelength radio waves. (True / False)
10. Infrared waves could cause cancer . (True / False)
11. Our eyes can detect visible light. Our skin can detect infrared waves. (True / False).
12. Electromagnetic waves travel faster through space than through air. (True / False).
13. Radio waves have the lowest frequency of all electromagnetic wave. (True / False).
14. All frequencies of microwave can be used to cook food. . (True / False)
15. Which EM wave causes your skin to tan?

a. Microwaves
b. Gamma
c. Ultra-violet
d. Infrared.

16. Which electromagnetic radiation will refract the most?

a. Gamma rays
b. Microwaves
c. Radio waves
d. X-ray
17. Which electromagnetic wave is used in mobile phone communications?

a. Visible light
b. X-rays
c. Microwaves
d. Ultra-violet

18. Which electromagnetic waves are used in remote controls?

a. Infrared
b. Ultra violet
c. Microwaves
d. Radio wave
19. Which electromagnetic waves are released from radioactive rocks?

Gamma rays
20. Identify the part of the electromagnetic spectrum from the choices below with the

a. AM radio waves
b. Visible Blue Light
c. Infrared
d. Ultra Violet

21. Identify the part of the electromagnetic spectrum from the choices below with the

a. Micro Waves
b. Visible Blue Light
c. X-Rays
d. Infrared

22. What is the wavelength of microwave with the frequency of 10 10 hz

a. 0.03 m
b. 1.00 X 10 10 m
c. 1.00 X 10 −10 m
d. 1.86 X 10 −5 m

23. As frequency increases, wavelength ….

a. Decreases
b. Remains constant
c. Increases
d. Becomes faster

24. Radio waves with wavelengths between 10 cm and 1mm are called ….

a. Infared waves
b. Ultraviolet waves
c. Microwaves
d. X rays

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