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III Year IX Trimester B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) Degree Programme

(March to June 2011)

Human Rights Law – Project Topics

ID No Name of the Candidate Project Topics
NGOs : A Critical Overview of their Mandate, Rights &
1 1620 Mr. Abhishek Subbaiah
The Legal Framework for Eradicating Corruption : A
2 1621 Mr. Aditya Kumar
Comparative Analysis
Regional Human Rights Organizations : Break Away Factions or an
3 1622 Ms. Akanksha Sharma
Integrated Human Rights Movement ?
4 1623 Mr. Akshay Sharma Human Duties and Human Rights: Analyzing the Inseparability

5 1624 Ms. Akshaya R An Analysis of the Child Labour jurisprudence in India

6 1625 Mr. Amlan Mohanty Gross Human Rights Violations : The Enforcement Challenge

7 1627 Ms. Anjali Anchayil Corruption : Comparing the Legal and Institutional Setting to Combat it
The Convention on Rights of the Child 1989 : Contextualizing ITS
8 1628 Ms. Anupama Kumar
Relevance in India with regard to child labour
9 1629 Mr. Aruj Garg Treaty Bodies : Paper Tigers ? Analyze Critically

10 1630 Mr. Arun B Mattamana The Domain of Non Derogable Rights

An Analytical Critique of the Public versus Private Dichotomy in Human
11 1631 Ms. Ashwini O.
Rights Protection
12 1632 Ms. Ashwita Ambast Disability Rights and Third World Perspective

13 1633 Mr. Badrinarayanan S. Comparing the Lokayuktas in the States of India

Analyzing the Best Interest Principle in case law pertaining to Children in
14 1634 Ms. Deepthi Venugopal
Conflict with Law in India
Universalism versus Cultural Relativism : Extending the
15 1635 Mr. Dhananjay Baijal
Debate in the Realm of Child Rights Protection
International Institutional Mechanisms for Addressing Gross Human
16 1637 Ms. Geetha Hariharan
Rights Violations :
Terrorism and Human Rights : The Contours of Limitation of
17 1638 Mr. Govind Satish
State Tyranny
18 1639 Ms. Harini Viswanathan The Torture Bill 2010 in India : Strengths and Weaknesses

19 1641 Ms. Janhavi Manohar Comparing the European and American Human Rights System

20 1642 Mr. Jitendra Kumar NHRC : A Paper Tiger ?

A Critical Evaluation of the Policies, Practices and Effectiveness of Non
21 1643 Ms. K. Rujuta Rajendra Sharmila
Governmental Organizations
Implementation of Second Generation Rights : A Comparative
22 1645 Mr. Kartikeya Dar
23 1646 Ms. Kaushalya Mishra Khap Panchayats : Genesis, Trends, Repercussions
Comparing the National Commission of Women with National
24 1647 Ms. Lakshmi G. Nair
Commission for Protection of Child Rights
25 1648 Mr. Manish G. A Comparative Analysis of Regional Human Rights Courts

26 1650 Mr. Mihir Shukla Rights of Victims: The International Framework

Corruption & Human Rights : A critical Study of the Karnataka
27 1651 Ms. Naina Lall
A Comparative Analysis of the UNCRPD with the Indian Disability
28 1652 Ms. Namrata Ramachandran
Legal Framework

ID No Name of the Candidate Project Topics
The Offences Against Children’s Bill 2010 : Plugging the Loopholes or
29 1653 Ms. Nidhisha Annam Philip
Just the Rhetoric ?
30 1654 Ms. Pooja Shankar A Critique and Assessment of the Lokpal Bill 2010
Globalization and Human Rights
31 1655 Ms. Pragyan Patnaik

32 1656 Mr. Pratik Karki UN and Human Rights

33 1657 Mr. Prateek Sharma The Hierarchy of Rights ; Myth or Reality

The Best Interest Principle and Right to Participate in the Context of
34 1658 Ms. Priya Urs
Child Rights In India : A Critical Analysis
The Child’s Right to Participate in the Juvenile Justice System : Exploring
35 1659 Ms. Protiti Roy
Critically the Contours
Whistleblowers : The Regime of Legal Protection in a Comparative
36 1660 Ms. R Bhargavi
37 1661 Mr. Raag Yadava UDHR 1948; Analyzing Its Status Beyond its Symbolic Value

38 1662 Ms. Radhika Chitkara Multinational Corporations and Human Rights Violations : A Case Study
Individual and International Law
39 1663 Mr. Raghav Srivastava

40 1664 Mr. Rahul Das Sources of Human Rights law

Regionalism versus Universalism : Cohesion or Fragmentation
41 1665 Mr. Rajneesh Deka
of Human Rights Agenda
Human Rights Violations : Assessing Critically the Varied
42 1666 Mr. Rishab Basu
Terrorism, Special Courts & Human Rights : Antithetical or
43 1667 Mr. Rishi Shroff
Accommodating ?
44 1670 Ms. Ritu Chandra The Millennium Development Goals ; Genesis, Challenges and Impact

45 1671 Mr. Rohan Ray Homosexuality ; Cultural Relativism ?

46 1673 Ms. Sahana Manjesh The PWDVA 2005 ; A Critical Overview

47 1674 Mr. Sahil Kher The Arab Charter on Human Rights : A Critical Assessment

48 1675 Mr. Sartaj K Singh Third World and Human Rights : Context, Issues & Challenges
A Critical Contextualization of Children’s Rights in with regard to the
49 1676 Ms. Namrata Hiten Shah
Public versus Private Debate
50 1677 Mr. Sharad Bansal Fair Trial Rights : Beyond the Rhetoric

51 1678 Mr. Shwetank Ginodia Trials versus Truth Commissions for Human Rights Crimes

52 1679 Mr. Shashank M Patil Rights of Victims in the ICC

53 1680 Mr. Shashank Sharma Human Rights Courts in India ; A Critical Evaluation

54 1681 Mr. Shenoy Prasad Baburaya NREGA : A Critical Evaluation

55 1682 Mr. Shivam Critically Comparing the JJBs and CWCs in India
RTE 2010 : Gauging the Law in Realizing the Fundamental
56 1684 Mr. Sounak Sarkar
Right to Primary Education in India
The Definition of a ‘Child’ in India Context : Analyzing the Convergence
57 1686 Ms. Surabhi Mahesh Kuwelker
and Contradistinctions between the Existing Legislations
The Role of Judiciary in Enforcement of Second Generation
58 1687 Mr. Suswagata Roy
Human Rights : A Comparative Jurisdiction
Rights of the Differently Abled in India : Laws, Cases and the
59 1688 Mr. Tanmay Singh
The Public versus Private Debate in the Realm of Women’s
60 1689 Mr. Vagish Kumar Singh
Rights :Analyses

ID No Name of the Candidate Project Topics

61 1690 Mr. Vakasha Sachdev Social Clauses and Trade : A Case Study of India
Assessing Critically the Crimes of Torture as Human Rights
62 1691 Mr. Varun Srikanth
Violations in India
63 1693 Mr. Vishweshwar Pratap Singh Status of NGOS in Human Rights Arena

64 1695 Mr. Akshay Singh Deo The Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies
Children’s Ombudsman : A Comparison of the Indian and
65 1697 Ms. Mugdha Sharma
Western Counterpart
66 1698 Ms. Ridhi Nyathi Analyzing the Need for an Asian Human Rights System
Juvenile Justice Framework : Comparing the India law with the
67 1699 Ms. Yashasavi Datta
Singaporean Legislation
68 1501 Ms. Pallavi D K Individual Complaint Mechanisms : Promises and Pitfalls
A Critical Comparison of the Inter American and European
69 1542 Mr. Abhijeet Negi
Court on Human Rights
70 1555 Mr. Arvind Srinivas ICTY and ICTR : Comparing Critically the Adhoc Tribunals
Trials versus Amnesties : Negotiating the Best Remedy for
71 1569 Mr. Himanshu Suman
Human Rights Atrocities
The Malaise of Corruption: A Critical Overview of The law,
72 1584 Mr. Manish Jha
Institution and the Impact
73 1585 Mr. Mayank Aggarwal Critically Addressing the Debate on Death Penalty
Comparing the Committee in CRC 1989 with any other Treaty
74 1610 Ms. Sonam Deki Retty
75 1617 Ms. Vidushi Nandan The Role of Media in human Rights Promotions/Protection
Retributive versus Restorative Approach to Gross Human
76 1526 Mr. Sudesh Prabhakaran
Rights Crimes
77 1593 Ms. Palash Kispotta Access to justice : Impediments and Breakthroughs

78 1572 Ms. Jagriti Singh NGOS : An Analysis of their Role in Protection of Human Rights
A Comparison of the NHRC and the Commission for Protection
79 1605 Ms. Shloka Rawat
of Child Rights
The Question of Legalization of Prostitution in India
Enforcement of Second Generation Rights in India : The Role
Played by the Judiciary
Religion and Human Rights

The Head Scarf Debate

Universal Jurisdiction & Gross Human Rights Transgressions

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