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My P.E.


Fatty bellies, chubby cheeks, and a wide body. That is what I have since before I stepped
my feet to the new educational curriculum, K to 12. When I was on my 8th grade, I used to
attend trainings for Wushu, a Chinese martial arts. It longed 3 months before I left the training
ground. My body became slim and I felt that I'm immune from physical injuries that I had and
may encounter. I really felt great that time. After I left and decided to quit the training, my body
came back from it's figure before I took the Wushu trainings. I got exhausted easily and had so
many anxiety attacks. I lost my diet and didn't monitor it strictly. I neglected myself totally. My
greatest mess ended up when I turned grade 11.

When I was in my 11th grade. I used to involve myself to different kinds of physical
activities. I tried leading a Zumba class and played different sports such as volleyball, badminton
and swimming even if that was just my first time. While I'm on my way to my fit figure of
myself, I encountered different realization. I gained much higher self-esteem and got comfortable
in the society. My personal view of life became positive and exhilarated to do many optimistic
decisions in life. There is also a huge difference of my health and vital statistics compared before
that Im always having instable body figure.

Way back 2016, I was grade 11. I'm one of the students who has a timid personality. I
was easily petrified when someone tried to invite me in different recreational activities or any
events that requires social interaction such as Zumba. I was on a corner watching them dancing. I
was captivated as I saw them talking to each other and showing me how ecstatic they were. I
joined the activity. Sooner, I became one of the instructors of Zumba. When our school is
conducting a Zumba class, our PE Head Faculty always reaching out to me to request for
heading the activity. On my 12th grade, I experienced going to different schools together with
my colleagues for marketing purposes and had a one-time Zumba class there. My social
behaviour changed after I involved myself to different kinds of physical activities.

Not only my social behaviour changed, also my health status. Before, I was too sluggish
because of my weight and figure. I find it difficult to breathe. I remembered the last time I fell
down on my knees and woke up remembering nothing. That's the time I panicked. Our PE class
did a huge help to improve my health status. We did cheer dancing, dancing different cultural
and traditional dances, and also we had our swimming lessons. I involved myself to different
kinds of physical activities as much as I can. And I felt that there's something in myself
changing. I felt like I'm immune to different diseases and I'm not that easily get diseases.

Our PE class did a great change in ourselves. From being a socially active being to
having a nice health. Always find ways to have a great figure of yourself.

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