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1. Students will cycle for 2

kilometres around the
school perimeter
accompanied by teachers.
(If the school compound is
small, students can be 1. Students will also be exposed to
taken outside to ride but
the benefits of cycling – for
precautions must be
taken) health, environment and
2. This activity will be held practicality at the beginning of the
around existing school activity to raise awareness.
sports equipment on
areas such as playing 2. Increase students’ cardiovascular
fields, playgrounds or car endurance.
park areas and will be 3. Promote healthy lifestyle
managed by school staff –
amongst students so that it will
teachers, principal, etc.
continue until their adulthood.

1. This activity will be held at swimming pool

in school (if not available, it can be
conducted at nearest public pool)
2. Students will be taught to swim properly
1. Provides a fun and with the assistance of P.E. teachers or
challenging way to help swimming instructor.
students stay fit. 3. The activity will be an hour session
2. Improves stamina, (adequate time for a session and to
flexibility, strength, prevent muscle cramps)
balance and posture.
3. Helps prevent childhood
obesity, which is an
increasing health problem,
and that in turn can help
prevent juvenile diabetes.

1. This activity will be held at

badminton court in school.
2. Each student will have a badminton
racket and 2 shuttlecocks to start.
3. While the music is on students must
1. Increased muscle tone: Playing try to "Juggle" the shuttlecocks by
badminton builds and tones the hitting them with the racket and
quads, glutes, calves and keeping them in the air at the same
hamstrings. time.
2. It also helps students to reduce 4. After the students have mastered
stress and anxiety in school as the juggling, they will try to hit the
exercise increases endorphins shuttlecocks to the other side of the
that will bring good mood. net.
3. Improving flexibility and gain
muscle strength with endurance
that will help in physical

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