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28 Feb The Planet's Effect On The Markets


The following explains how the movement of the planets and sun
impacts the markets.

The Planets
The "benefic" planets are: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and,
often, Neptune.

The “malefic” planets are: Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto.

So, Lunar aspects of any kind to the benefic planets tend to symbolise
a “mood” which encourages higher prices.

Hard aspects, the conjunction, opposition, or square, to any of the malefic planets tend to suggest a bad
mood, with the potential for prices to go lower.

The “soft” aspects are the sextile and the trine. Of the two, the trine is stronger. But they do not supply as
much energy as the harder aspects.

Many astrologers will tell you a trine is a positive aspect. This isn’t necessarily so. Usually it is, but, not

Here are some examples of Planets in aspect –

Venus and Jupiter are traditionally the lucky planets. If they are in favourable aspects to Pluto, there
is a potential for money luck. Pluto is associated with money and power.

Venus or Jupiter combined with Uranus can bring sudden and unexpected luck and money.

Uranus always brings surprises and is often involved when there is sudden or unexpected news that
affects the markets or brings a sudden increase or decrease in prices.

Mercury in stressful aspect to Jupiter or Neptune can bring foolishness and poor judgment calls.

Saturn, can bring pessimism and obstacles when involved in a hard aspect, say to -Mars.

Mars and Saturn, traditionally are considered malefic, and can bring losses and setbacks.

Stressful transits to or from Saturn can bring hard lessons and setbacks. It is equally important to
understand when not to take a risk as well as the best times to do so. If you proceed forward with a
hard aspect involving Saturn, you are asking for trouble. Saturn is the stop sign or red light that is
really there to protect you.

Mars can also be a big trigger and timer for positive things depending on the planets involved in the
aspect. Mars will energise whatever it hits. When Mars is out of bounds, it can be cruel and

Aspects are the MOST important part of astrology if you want to make real money. The aspects are the
degrees between the planets that make them powerful or weak, and actually create the events
concerning the rise or fall in the stock market.

There are 360 degrees in the zodiac and the aspects are measurements of these degrees. It is the
distance in degrees, between the planets that deturmine what the aspect is, for example, a square is 90
degrees. These aspects are not good or bad, they simply indicate whether the influence is positive or
negative and this in turn determines a rise or fall of prices.

The slower moving planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These planets have an affect
on humanity. Depending on which sign they are in, will depend on their strength or weakness at the time
of the aspect. These aspects will have a longer effect on the stock because they move slowly.

Saturn and Jupiter are the true markers of where the market will go.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto has long term effects as they move the slowest.

The faster moving planets act as triggers - Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. They determine the
timing and nature of an event. Again, depending on which sign they are in, will depend on their strength
or weakness at the time of the aspect. For example -

The Sun
Strongest Signs for the Sun to be in: Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Scorpio

Weaker signs for the Sun to be in: Cancer, Aquarius, Leo

The entrance of the Sun into one of the four cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - are
important times to watch.

Each Planet is stronger or weaker depending on which sign they are in.

The signs that the planets occupy are very important in terms of strength or weakness.

Planets in a weak sign will not give the results expected for a rise, and planets that are weak or
debilitated will cause lows or long standing low trends.

So how does it work? You need the first trade date, place and time of the birth of the stock. The day that
the stock started trading in the markets. A chart is then calculated.

The Planets
Sun: The boss, President, or the CEO of the company. This is the driving force behind the company.

Moon: The public, popularity, the employees.

Mercury: Communications in a business. Commercial capabilities and training.

Venus: Reputation, luxury items such as cars, general assets, interior décor.

Mars: Energy, makes stocks move. Activity of the stock. Rules Iron and platinum.
Jupiter: Expansion, financial prospects of a corporation. Can increase the price of stock.

Saturn: Restriction, setbacks. Governing body. Can decrease price of stock.

Uranus: Change, sudden ups and downs, volatility. Process of innovation within the company.

Neptune: Deceptive price moves, dissolves things. Reputation. Water, liquids, oil, oceans, drugs,

Pluto: Substantial price moves. Transformations, mergers, takeovers, control, manipulation.

Read more:

Market & Financial Astrology

The Moon's Effect on the Markets
Houses & the Effect on the Markets
General Astrology & the Markets
Examples from the Past
The Week Ahead
Want to Learn More? (Stock Market Astrology Classes)



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