Espanol v. Chairman

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ESPANOL v CHAIRMAN, PHILIPPINE VETERANS -It is only when the last element that occurs that a cause of action

ADMINISTRATION may be brought; and when the right of action accrues.

137 SCRA 314 -However, admin policies have the force of law. Therefore, PVA did
not infringe any right when it issued the policy canceling the
June 29, 1985
pension, as it was presumed to be legal and valid.
-But in June 27, 1973, the Court declared in another case that the
-Maria Espanol is a widow of a deceased WWII veteran. She and her admin policy is void.
minor children receives pension from Philippine Veterans
-It is only that time that Espanol has a cause of action against PVA.
Administration (PVA).
Her right of action accrued on the day the Court declared the policy
-On Nov. 1, 1951, PVA issued a policy canceling the pensions of void. -Therefore, the 10 year prescription should run from June 27,
those who are pensionaries of U.S.VA. Espanol was one of those. -In 1973. (ART. 1144)
1974, Espanol filed for mandamus to restore and continue her
-Decision of CFI affirmed.
DOCTRINE: Prescription of action starts on the day the defendant
-CFI ruled in her favor.
violated the right of the plaintiff. Teehankee, J., dissenting: The
-PVA appealed that the action has already prescribed. action prescribed on Nov. 1, 1961; 10 years after. The action was
filed too late after over 22 years; only in 1973.
WON Espanol's action has already prescribed.
CAUSE OF ACTION. 3 Elements of Cause of Action:
1. A right in favor of the plaintiff.
2. A duty arising from that right, to be done by the defendant.
3. Violation of such right through the act or omission of the

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