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Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras

Final Examination, 2019

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019


1. Diagram 1 shows an animal cell.

Diagram 1
What are P, Q and R?

A Smooth Endoplasmic
Vacuole Chloroplast
B Rough Endoplasmic
Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria
C Rough Endoplasmic
Mitochondria Golgi Apparatus
D Rough Endoplasmic Smooth Endoplasmic Mitochondria
Reticulum Reticulum

2. Which organelle synthesis lipid?

A. Lysosome
B. Ribosome
C. Mitochondria
D. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

3. Diagram 2 shows a structure of plasma membrane.

Diagram 2

What is the function of X?

A. Act as the barrier to separate the inner and outer part of the cell.
B. Help to transport the substances in or out from the cell.
C. Stabilized and strengthen the plasma membrane to become more flexible.
D. To provide fix shape for the cell.

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

4. Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set- up to investigate osmosis. X shows the initial level of
the solution.

Diagram 3

Which of following will be observed after 1 hour?

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

5. Diagram 4 shows the apparatus set-up to demonstrate process X.

Diagram 4

What is process X?
A. Osmosis C. Simple diffusion
B. Plasmolysis D. Facilitated diffusion

6. Diagram 5 shows organelles involved in the production and secretion of an extracellular


Diagram 5
What would happen to the process if R is absent?
A. Proteins are not modified C. Proteins are not synthesized
B. Proteins are not transcripted D. Proteins are not secreted

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

7. Diagram 6 shows the movement of glucose molecules through a plasma membrane.

Diagram 6

Which conclusion could be obtained from diagram 6?

A. Glucose moves by osmosis
B. Glucose moves by simple diffusion
C. Glucose moves by facilitated diffusion
D. Glucose moves by active transport

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

8. Diagram 7 shows a plant cell in an isotonic solution.

Diagram 7

Which diagram shows the cell after it has been immersed in a hypotonic solution?

9. Diagram 8 shows the process of the breakdown of disaccharides into monosacharides.

Diagram 8
What is process X?

A. Dialysis
B. Hydrolysis
C. Assimilation
D. Condensation

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

10. Which of the following represents the hydrolysis of triglycerides?

A. Glycerol + Fatty acid  Triglycerides

B. Glycerol + Fatty acids  Triglycerides + water
C. Triglycerides  Glycerol + Fatty acids
D. Triglycerides + water  Glycerol + Fatty acids

11. Diagram 9 shows cell at one particular stage of meiosis.

Diagram 9

Which of the cell is produced by the cell division?

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

12. Diagram 10 shows a micrograph of an animal cell undergoing mitotic cell division.

Diagram 10

What is the stage of the mitotic cell division shows by the arrow?

A. Metaphase C. Telophase
B. Anaphase D. Prophase

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

13. Diagram 11 is a bar chart which illustrates the energy requirements of individual P, Q and

Diagram 11

A Clerk Breast feeding mother Construction worker
B Breast feeding mother Clerk Construction worker
C Clerk Construction worker Clerk
D Construction worker Breast feeding mother Clerk

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

14. Diagram 12 shows the levels in a food guide pyramid for a balanced diet.

Diagram 12

Which food is in level 4?

A. Butter C. Egg
B. Potato D. Rice

15. Table 1 shows the nutrient content for every 100g of certain food.

Table 1

Which food is most suitable for those suffering from scurvy?

A. H
B. I
C. J
D. K

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

16. Diagram 13 shows a cross section of a dicotyledonous leaf.

Diagram 13

In which part of the cells labeled A, B, C and D, does transport in plants take place?

17. Diagram 14 shows the human digestive system.

Diagram 14

Which part labeled A, B, C and D secrete both hormones and enzymes?

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

18. Diagram 15 shows a pathway of nutrients after digestion process.

Diagram 15
What is process X?

A. Assimilation C. Deamination
B. Hydrolysis D. Detoxification

19. The following chemical reaction shows the reaction of photolysis of water in the process
of photosynthesis.

What will happen to the process if there is low light intensity?

A. More glucose is produced

B. Rate of starch production increased
C. Less oxygen is released
D. More carbon dioxide will be used

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

20. Which of the following changes will increase the rate of respiration in an organism?
A. Body temperature decreases.
B. The glucose concentration of blood decreases.
C. The oxygen concentration in the blood increases.
D. The carbon dioxide concentration in the blood increases.

21. The following information’s are about the changes that take place in the athlete’s body
during a 200m race.

P – Oxygen level in the muscles increase

Q- Breathing rate increase
R - Concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increase
S - Muscle action produced more carbon dioxide

In which order do these changes occur?

A. P,Q,R and S C. S,P,Q and R

B. Q,S,R and P D. S,R,Q and P

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

22. Diagram 16 shows the structure of alveolus and blood capillary where the gaseous
exchange occur in humans.

Diagram 16
Which of the following are the adaptive characteristics of alveolus to increase the rate of
gaseous exchange?

I. Always moist
II. Thin and permeable
III. Has a small surface area
IV. Able to expand and contract

A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

23. Diagram 17 is a graph showing the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.

Diagram 17
Which of the following can be concluded about the rate of photosynthesis between the
curves J and K?

A. It is not influenced by the concentration of carbon dioxide.

B. It is limited by the concentration of carbon dioxide.
C. It is limited by the light intensity.
D. It is not influenced by the temperature.

24. The equation represents a chemical reaction for anaerobic respiration by yeast.

What are P and Q?

A Ethanol Carbon dioxide
B Ethanol Oxygen
C Lactic acid Carbon dioxide
D Lactic acid Oxygen

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

25. Which of the following are the effects of smoking?

I Hepatitis
II Common cold
III Lung cancer
IV Cardiovascular disease

A I and II
B I and III
C II and IV
D III and IV

26. Diagram 18 shows an animal cell.

Diagram 18
What is organelle X?

A. Ribosome
B. Golgi apparatus
C. Rough Endoplasmic reticulum
D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

27. During metamorphosis of tadpole into a frog, which of the following organelle helps in
the digestion of its tail?

A. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

B. Vesicle
C. Lysosome
D. Golgi apparatus

28. Diagram 18 shows several organs in one of the systems in human body.

Diagram 18
What is the importance of the system?

A. To remove waste products

B. To prevent infection
C. For osmoregulation
D. To produce testosterone

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

29. Diagram 19 shows an aquatic organism.

Diagram 19
What is the process involved in the gaseous exchange?
A. Osmosis
B. Active transport
C. Osmosis
D. Facilitated diffusion

30. What will happen to human cell if immersed in sea water for a long time?
A. Shrink
B. Swell
C. Burst
D. Remain the same

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

31. Diagram 20 shows the structure of plasma membrane of an animal cell.

Diagram 20
What are P, Q and R?
A Phospholipid Carbohydrate Protein
B Protein Cholesterol Phospholipid
C Phospholipid Carbohydrate Cholesterol
D Phospholipid Protein Carbohydrate

32. Diagram 21 shows a plant cell in an isotonic solution.

Diagram 21
Which of the following shows the condition of the cell after the cell is immersed in
distilled water?

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

33. Diagram 22 shows the action of an enzyme on a substrate.

Diagram 22
Name X, Y and Z.

A Enzyme Substrate Product
B Substrate Product Enzyme
C Product Substrate Enzyme
D Product Enzyme Substrate

34. Diagram 23 shows a monomer of DNA.

Diagram 23
What is K?
A Nucleotide C Nitrogenous base
B Phosphate group D Deoxyribose sugar

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

35. The equation shows process X in the formation of disaccharides.

What is process X?

A. Hydrolysis
B. Condensation
C. Reduction
D. Evaporation

36. Diagram 24 shows the synthesis of enzyme in a cell.

Diagram 24

What will happen if organelle T is not present?

A. Energy cannot be generated

B. Enzyme cannot be synthesized
C. Protein synthesized cannot be modified
D. Protein synthesized cannot be transported

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

37. Which of the following is not an advantage of cloning?

A. Clones can be produced in large number within a short time.

B. All clones have the same level of resistance towards certain diseases.
C. Transgenic crops resistant to herbicides and certain diseases.
D. Transgenic bacteria can be used to control environmental pollution.

38. The number of chromosomes in the somatic cells of mice is 26. How many chromosomes
are there in the embryos of the mice?
A. 52
B. 13
C. 39
D. 26

39. Which of the following are differences between mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis Meiosis
I One division Two divisions
II Chromosomes separate to different poles Chromatids separate to different poles
III Daughter cells are diploid Daughter cells are haploid
IV The parent cell is diploid The parent cell is haploid

A. I and III only

B. II and III only
C. I and IV only
D. II and IV only

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

40. The mineral that can help to prevent rickets and osteoporosis among the elderly is...

A. calcium. C. magnesium.
B. phosphorus. D. potassium.

41. Which of the following enzymes is needed during the digestion of green plants in

A. Lactase C. Sucrase
B. Cellulase D. Amylase

42. The following data is the result of experiment to determine the energy value of a peanut.

Mass of peanut 0.5g

Mass of water 20g
Initial temperature of water 25°C
Final temperature of water 45°C

The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2Jg-1oC-1. Calculate the energy value of the
A. 1680 Jg-¹ C. 3360 Jg-¹
B. 7560 Jg-¹ D. 11760 Jg-¹

43. Which class of food can be broken into small substances in the stomach with the presence
of gastric juice?

A. Lipid C. Vitamin
B. Protein D. Carbohydrate

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

44. Diagram 25 below shows three different types of organisms.

Diagram 25
Which of the following shows the correct respiratory surface of the organisms?

A Skin Tracheoles Alveolus
B Alveolus Skin Tracheoles
C Alveolus Tracheoles Skin
D Tracheoles Alveolus Skin

45. Which of the following are products of aerobic and anaerobic respiration in muscle cells?

Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration

A Carbon dioxide and water Ethanol
B Carbon dioxide and water Lactic acid
C Lactic acid Ethanol
D Lactic acid Carbon dioxide and water

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

46. Diagram 26 below shows the respiratory structure of a fish.

Diagram 26

Which of the following is the function for the structure Q?

A. Filter the water.

B. Increase the surface area.
C. Site for gaseous exchange.
D. Support the gills.

47. Which of the following can increase the absorptive surface area of the small intestine?
I A lot of folds
II Villus on the surface of the small intestine
III Microvillus on the villus
IV Cilia on the surface of microvillus

A. II and IV only
B. I, II and III only
C. I, III and IV only
D. I, II, III and IV

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

48. Which of the following statements regarding photosynthesis is true?

I Photosynthesis involves of two reactions
II Photosynthesis occurs most efficiently in red and blue light
III The oxygen molecule formed during photosynthesis is from the water molecule
IV The energy for photolysis comes from cell respiration

A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I, II and III only
D. I, II, III and IV

49. The diagram 27 shows a part of the alimentary canal in man.

Diagram 27

Which of the following parts secretes bile?

A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S

Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT
Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras
Final Examination, 2019

50. The diagram 28 shows the cross-section of a leaf.

Diagram 28

Which of the following structures does not carry out respiration?

A. K
B. L
C. M
D. N


Beaconhouse Sri Murni Senior School Cheras 2019 SULIT

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