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If tilt and swing are known for a particular photograph, ground coordinates of any points
appearing in the photograph may be calculated, provided that their elevations are known. Ground
coordinates are calculated in the unique X΄Y΄ rectangular coordinate system shown in fig 4).

NDU GEOMATICS [2017/2018]

GEO 3104 Page 1
Fig 4) Scale of a tilted photo, and ground coordinate system.

In this system, the origin is at the datum nadir point, and the X΄ and Y΄ axes are in the same
vertical planes and positive in the same directions as the x΄ and y΄ auxiliary photo axes,
respectively. By proportionality of similar triangles LKA΄΄ and Lkk΄,

(KA΄΄ / kk΄) = (LK / Lk) ………………………..b)

Substituting KA΄΄ = X΄A, LK = H - hA, kk΄ = x΄a, and Lk = f/cos t - y΄a Sin t, into (b), and dropping
subscripts, the following equation is obtained for the X΄ ground coordinate of any point in a tilted

X΄ = {(H – h) / ([f / Cost] - y΄ Sin t)} x΄ ……………………………….Eqn 4)

Also, by similar triangles LKA΄ and Lka΄,

(KA΄ / ka΄) = (LK / Lk) ………………………………c)

Substituting KA΄ = Y΄A, ka΄ = y΄a Cos t, LK = H – hA, and Lk = f / (Cos t - y΄a Sin t) into (c) and
dropping subscripts, the following equation is obtained for the Y΄ ground coordinate of any point
in a tilted photograph:

Y΄ = {(H – h) / ([f / Cost] - y΄ Sin t)} y΄ Cos t.……………………….Eqn 5)

In Eqns 4 and 5, X΄ and Y΄ are ground coordinates of any points appearing in a tilted photograph
and all other terms are as previously defined. From X΄ and Y΄ ground coordinates, lengths of
lines, angles, and areas can be calculated.

Ground coordinates calculated by eqns 4 and 5 are in the previously defined arbitrary coordinate
system. However, if coordinates of two or more control points are also known in an absolute
ground coordinate system, then coordinates of all other points can be transformed from the
arbitrary system into the absolute system using coordinate transformation equations.

Qn: A tilted photo is taken with a 6-in (152.4mm) – focal – length camera flying from a flying
height of 8,200ft above datum. Tilt and swing are 2°30΄ and 218°, respectively. Point A has
an elevation of 1,435ft above datum, and its image coordinates with respect to the fiducial
axis system are xa = -2.85-in and ya = 3.43-in. Image b of object point B appears in the tilted
photograph, and its measured photo-coordinates with respect to the fiducial system are xb =
3.09 in and yb = -1.78 in. The elevation of B is 1,587 ft above datum. Calculate ground
coordinates of A and B and the horizontal length of AB.

NDU GEOMATICS [2017/2018]

GEO 3104 Page 2

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