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As June 2018, its membership comprises 44 producing members and 6 importing members.

Exporting Member Countries
 Angola  Zambia
 Bolivia  Zimbabwe
 Brazil Importing Member Countries
 Burundi
 Cameroon  European Union
 Central African Republic  Japan
 Colombia  Norway
 Costa Rica  Russia
 Côte d'Ivoire  Switzerland
 Cuba  Tunisia
 Democratic Republic of the Congo
 Ecuador
 El Salvador
 Ethiopia
 Gabon
 Ghana
 Guatemala
 Honduras
 India
 Indonesia
 Kenya
 Liberia
 Madagascar
 Malawi
 Mexico
 Nepal
 Nicaragua
 Panama
 Papua New Guinea
 Paraguay
 Peru
 Philippines
 Rwanda
 Sierra Leone
 Tanzania
 Thailand
 Timor-Leste
 Togo
 Uganda
 Venezuela
 Vietnam
 Yemen
The International Coffee Organization (ICO) was set up in 1963 in London, under the auspices of
the United Nations (UN) because of the great economic importance of coffee. It administers the
International Coffee Agreement (ICA), an important instrument for development cooperation.
It was a result of the five-year International Coffee Agreement signed in 1962 at the UN in New York
City and renegotiated in 1968, 1976, 1983, 1994 and 2007 at the ICO in London.[1]
The International Coffee Council is the highest authority of the Organization and is composed of
representatives of each Member Government. It meets in March and September to discuss coffee
matters, approve strategic documents and consider the recommendations of advisory bodies and
The ICO's headquarters is located at 222 Gray's Inn Road in London and its current Executive
Director is the Brazilian José Sette.[citation needed]
After the withdrawal of the U.S. from the International Coffee Agreement in June 2018,[2] ICO
Member Governments represent 98% of world coffee production and 67% of world consumption.[3][4]

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