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Session - 2020-21

Biology Investigatory
Population / Birth Control
Submitted by-
Raj Sahu
Submitted to-
Kshama mam

Teacher sign
Invigilator sign

Birth Control
[A]. The rapid increase in human population size over a relatively short
period is called human population-explosion.
[B]. Population growth rate depends on factors like
 Death rate
 Birth rate
 Migration
 Age
 Child marriage
[C]. Increased health facilities and better living conditions are the cause
behind population explosion.
[D]. Out of 6 billion world population 1.3 billion populations is of Indians.
[E]. Growth rate of Indian population is around 1.7 percent
[F].. Most of the urban people are uneducated
[G]. The regulation of conception by preventive methods or devices to
limit the number of offsprings is called Birth Control.
[H]. A birth control method which deliberately prevents fertilization are
referred to as Contraception.
[I]. Contraceptive methods are preventive methods and are of two
Types- Temporary and Permanent.

Characteristics of an Ideal
Contraceptive are:
(a) User friendly
(b) Easily available
(c) Nor or least side effects

Types of Birth Control

 Barrier methods

o Diaphragm, cervical cap, and cervical shield

o Female condom
o Male condom

 Hormonal methods

o Oral contraceptives — combined pill ("The pill")

o The Patch
o Shot / Injection
o Vaginal Ring

 Implantable devices

o Implantable Rods
o Intrauterine Devices

 Permanent birth control methods

o Sterilization Implant
o Surgical Sterilization

 Emergency contraception

Diaphragm, Cervical Cap, and Cervical Shield

Fig: How to use a diaphragm

These barrier techniques hinder the sperm from entering the cervix (the opening to your womb) and
achieving the egg.
 The diaphragm is a shallow latex container.

 The cervical cap is a thimble-molded latex glass. It regularly is called by its brand name.

Female Condom
Female Condoms are the barriers worn by the woman inside their vagina. It keeps sperm from getting into
their body and fusing with egg. It is made of thin, adaptable, synthetic elastic and is bundled with a
Female Condom

Male Condom
Male Condoms are a thin sheath put over a penis in an erect position to keep sperm from entering a
woman's body. Condoms can be made of polyurethane, latex, or "regular/lambskin". The regular types do
not ensure against STIs or STDs. Condoms are the best option when utilized with a vaginal spermicide,
which leads to the sperm killing. Also, you have to utilize a new condom with every sex demonstration.

Hormonal Methods
Pregnancy is prevented by meddling with ovulation, treatment, implantation of the fertiliised egg.

Oral contraceptives — combined pill ("The pill")

The pill contains the hormones Estrogen and Progesterone. It is taken day by day to keep the ovaries
from discharging an egg. The pill additionally causes changes in the coating of the uterus and the cervical
bodily fluid to keep the sperm from fusing with the egg.

Contraceptive Pills

Shot / Injection
The contraception shot frequently is called by its brand name Depo-Provera. With this strategy you get
infusions, or shots, of the hormone progestin in the rear end or arm at regular intervals. Another sort is
infused under the skin. The anti-conception medication shot prevents the ovaries from discharging an
egg in numerous women. It additionally causes changes in the cervix that keep the sperm from joining
with the egg.

Vaginal Ring

Vaginal Ring

This is a thin, adaptable ring that discharges the hormones progestin and estrogen. It works by preventing
the ovaries from discharging eggs. It likewise thickens the cervical bodily fluid, which keeps the sperm
from joining the egg.
It is ordinarily called NuvaRing, its brand name. You press the ring between your thumb and pointer and
embed it into your vagina. You wear the ring for 3 weeks, take it out for the week that you have your period,
and afterward put in another ring.

These strategies increment the danger of perilous blood clots that could frame in the wake of conceiving an

Implantable Devices
Devices embedded into the body and left set up for a couple of years.

Implantable Rod
This is a matchstick-measure, adaptable rod that is put under the upper arm skin. It is regularly called by its
brand name Implanon . The rod discharges a progestin, which causes changes in the coating of the
uterus and the cervical bodily fluid to keep the sperm away from penetrating an egg. Less frequently,
it prevents the ovaries from discharging eggs. It is powerful for up to three years.
Implanon Diagram

Intrauterine Devices or IUDs

An IUD is a little device molded like a "T" that goes in your uterus. There are two sorts:

Copper IUD -
It discharges a little measure of copper into the uterus, which keeps the sperm from coming to and
fusing with the egg. On the off chance that fertilization occurs, the IUD keeps the egg from embedding in
the coating of the uterus. A specialist needs to put in your copper IUD. It can remain in your uterus for five
to ten years

Copper IUD
 Hormonal IUD — It discharges progestin into the uterus, which keeps the
ovaries from discharging an egg and causes the cervical bodily fluid to thicken so sperm cannot
reach out for the egg. It additionally influences the capacity of a fertilized egg to effectively embed
in the uterus.
A specialist needs to put in a hormonal IUD. It can remain in your uterus for up to five years.

Mirena IUD

Permanent Birth Control

For individuals who are certain they never need to have a youngster or they don't need more kids .

Sterilization Implant (Essure)

Essure is the main non-surgical strategy for disinfecting ladies. A thin tube is utilized to string a minor
spring-like gadget through the vagina and uterus into each fallopian tube. The gadget works by bringing
about scar tissue to conform or wrap around to the coil. This hinders the fallopian tubes and
prevents the egg and sperm from joining.
It can take around three months for the scar tissue to develop.

Surgical Sterilization
In women, surgical disinfection shuts the fallopian tubes by being cut, tied, or fixed. This prevents the
eggs from being fertilized by preventing them going down to the uterus. The surgery should be
possible in various ways. Once in a while, a woman having cesarean birth has the technique done in the
meantime, in order to abstain from having extra surgery later.

For men, having a vasectomy (vuh-SEK-tuh-mee) keeps sperm from heading off to his penis, so his
discharge never has any sperm in it. Sperm remains in the framework after surgery for around 3 months.
Amid that time, utilize a reinforcement type of anti-conception medication to counteract pregnancy. A basic
test should be possible to check if all the sperm is gone; it is known as a semen investigation.


Emergency contraception : Utilized if a woman's

essential strategy for anti-conception medication fizzles. It ought not to be utilized as a customary technique
for contraception.
Emergency contraception can be taken as a solitary pill treatment or in two dosages. A solitary
measurement treatment acts and in addition two dosages and does not have more reactions. It works by
preventing the ovaries from discharging an egg or keeping the sperm from joining with the egg.

A solitary pill measurement or two-pill dosage of emergency contraception is accessible over-the-

counter (OTC) for women ages seventeen and older.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------------------------------

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