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JEF Europe – Europe day 2018 


70 #OurEurope challenges for Europe day 

70 years of being part of our European Federalist Family 
We hereby challenge YOU!​ our local, regional, national sections to ​do the 70 
#ourEurope challenges during your Europe day 2018 activities​! These challenges 
are back with the aim of giving a little #ourEurope twist as well as a visibility-boost 
within our own network to the wide array of activities you guys plan on organising. 
WHY 70? 
It's been 70 years since the Congress of Europe (7-11 May 1948, The Hague) and the 
creation of the European Movement. The first federal occurrence in European history! 
Post it on your social media channels #ourEurope 
#JEFchallengeXX ​ 
What  EU  on  about? Incorporate these challenges during your national, regional or local Europe day 
activities  -  they  are  supposed  to  add  a  small  and  fun  twist to your activity. A small and fun twist that 
the  whole  JEF  network  across  Europe  will  do  together!  Get  to  know  our  network  through  a  bit  of 
healthy, fun competition and spread a little #JEFspirit during this day of the year. 
Freedom  of  choice?  ​You  can  ​pick  and  choose  which  challenges  your  section  wants  to  do  –  you 
don’t have to complete them all (but we encourage you to do as many as you can!) 
Competition  acquis?  In  order  to  prove  that  you  have  completed  a  challenge,  you  must  send  your 
proof  to  ​  and  ​  by  16​th  May  2018  23:59  CEST  or  instead 
you  may  upload  a  picture  of  your  completed  challenge  on  your  national/regional/local  JEF  social 
media  account  (stories  which  expire  such  as  Instastories  and  Snapstories  require  proof  to  be  sent 
via e-mail) using the hashtags #ourEurope and #JEFchallenge01​ [1] 
Proportional  Representation?  Each  completed  challenge  gives  your  section  one  point.  The  team 
with the most points wins. 
EUnited?  You  can  create  alliances  with  max.  3  other  sections  to  divide  the  challenges  amongst 
yourselves and go for the most points 
*​bonus*  You  can  create  alliances  with  max.  3  other  sections from different countries: not only 
will you divide the challenges but your points multiply by the amount of countries involved! 
Prize: ​Interrail passes​, ​official JEF merchandise and other surprises for all to share! 
Sign  me/us  up!  Individual  sections  or  alliances  can  sign  up  until  Wednesday,  2​nd  May  2018,  20:00 
CET on ​  
More  information  including  the  official  Europe  day  2018  visual  on  ​  ​soon!  For  further 
information or clarifications, feel free to email at any time on ​​. 
Get  to  know  your  fellow  JEFers  and  check  out  our  google  map  with  all  local 
sections  on  there:  ​​.  International  Officers  should  facilitate 
good  communication  between  your  section  and  other  local  sections  whilst 
sections  participating  in  the  twinning  programme  are  obviously  invited to work 
Kindly  forward  this  activity  to  your  local  and  regional  sections. National boards 
are more than welcome to form a team.
[1] number must correspond to the challenge 

The Challenges: 
1. Play 20 seconds of the European anthem on any instrument 
2. Find five strangers to sing the JEF anthem with you 
3. Sing the European anthem in four languages 
4. With  every  three  new  persons  to  become  JEF  members  on  the  9​th  May 
2018, your team will be awarded 1 point 
5. Form a star with people (e.g. your hands or shoes) and take a pic 
6. Dramatically  read  out  and  act  your  favourite  part  of  the  Ventotene 
Manifesto  or  of  the  JEF  Europe  political  platform  in  a  crowded  public 
7. Form the JEF logo with people 
8. Name all 28 current EU Member States in 30 seconds 
9. If you live close to a border, create a human chain across it 
10. Work  out  a  rap battle on European politics including the words: Juncker, 
Europe, birthday, Federalism, Erasmus, JEF and green 
11. Bake a Europe cake (or cupcakes) - share the recipe 
12. Invent a song about European Federalism 
13. Write a short poem about Europe 
14. Video  at  least  7  different  people  saying  “Happy  birthday  Europe”  in  a 
different language 
15. Put the European flag in popular place (e.g. landmark) of your city 
16. Draw 12 yellow stars in the pedestrian zone with chalk 
17. Make a video of your members stating what JEF is to them 
18. Collect 50 wishes for Europe 
19. By  means  of  a  projector,  project  the  JEF  logo  on  a  landmark  in  your 
20.Make a European dinner with at least 4 types of cuisines 
21. Name the next three activities of a section not located in your country 
22.Ask 10 people what in their opinion, is the European Union’s top priority 
23. Take a picture with an international JEFer who is visiting the area 
24. Stop 8 strangers and explain to them what JEF is 
25.Share the JEF Europe Press Statement on Europe day 
26.Wear a European-themed top 
27. Create a European cocktail 
28. Create a European savoury dish 
29.Do  10  push-ups  and  in  between  each  one  mention  one  European  key 
30. Send  Europe  day  greetings  on  social  media  to  a  JEF  section  from 
another country 
31. Hug a German 
32. Dance with a Spaniard 
33. Chat up an Italian using a European themed chat up line 
34. Make a French person laugh 
35. Make a Brit buy (or make) you a cup of tea 
36. Take a picture with a statute of a European figure 
37. Play  a  round  of  the  memory  game.  A  person  names  a  JEF  Section,  the 
next  person  must  repeat  that  section  and  name  another,  the  person 
after  must  repeat  the  two  sections  before  and  name  another…  (goal: 
reach a line of 15 JEF sections) 
38. Mark on a map all of the countries that have JEF sections 
39. Make a notable local politician celebrate Europe day with your section 
40.Make a notable local politician say “FEDERAZIONE EUROPEA SU-BI-TO” 
41. Have  one  of  your  members  celebrate  Europe  day  with  another  local 
section from another country (real life or digital) 
42. Buy a green sky lantern and let it fly! 
43. Give out 20 green balloons with the JEF logo to 20 strangers 
44. Invite  an  organisation  you  have  so  far  not  worked  with  to  celebrate 
Europe Day with you 
45. Paint the JEF logo on 10 people’s faces 
46. Paint a yellow star on 12 different people and take a picture all together 
47. Make  one of your members wear the Europe flag as a cape; bonus point 
if it's the federalist flag 
48. Take a picture with an Erasmus student 
49. Take a picture of a place that has been funded by the EU 
50.Write an article about Europe Day for your local newspaper 
51. Organise a Europe at School activity on the 9​th​ May 2018 
52.Find  a  married  couple  that  met  on  Erasmus  and  have them explain how 
they met 
53. Explain  your  favourite  activity  of  a  different  JEF  section  (located  in 
another country) 
54. Organise a twinning activity on the 9​th​ May 2018 
55.Have 3 members wear an all green outfit on the 9​th​ May 2018 
56. Sing 20 seconds of your favourite Eurovision song from 2018 
57. Sing 40 seconds of your favourite Eurovision song 
58. Tag the JEF logo on 5 notice boards 
59. Write an article on your favourite European founding father/mother 
60. Have 20 people take a polaroid picture with the European flag 
61. Paint your nails Europe themed; bonus point if they’re JEF themed 
62. Invade another JEF Section’s instastory/snapstory 
63. Do a backflip for Europe 
64.   Learn  how  to  say  “FEDERAZIONE  EUROPEA  SU-BI-TO”  in  8  other 
European languages 
65. Draw the map of Europe with your opposite hand 
66.Hug 15 strangers of different European nationalities 
67. Draw  a  European  mascot;  bonus  point  if  you  dress  up  like  the  mascot 
68.Take a picture with an MEP 
69.Register  your  Communications  Officer  to  the  JEF  Europe 
Communications Officers Mailing List 
70. With  every  4  members  taking  part in the JEF Eurovision action, 1 point is 

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