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Nama : Maria Hardina Wea

NPM : 1606950560

1. Plot a graph of the newly estimated maintenance costs and repair savings projections,
assuming the protectors last for 7 more years.
Answer :
PowerUp Lloyd's Lloyd's new
tahun Investment and salvage Annnual maintenanceRepair savings Investment and salvage Annnual maintenance Repair savings maint. Cost- repair savings
0 -26000 0 0 -36000 0 0
1 0 -800 25000 0 -300 35000 34700
2 0 -800 25000 0 -300 32000 31700
3 0 -800 25000 0 -300 28000 27700
4 0 -800 25000 0 -1200 26000 24800
5 0 -800 25000 0 -1320 24000 22680
6 2000 -800 25000 0 -1452 22000 20548
7 0 -1597 20000 18403
8 0 -1757 18000 16243
9 0 -1933 16000 14067
10 0 -2126 14000 11874
AW element -6642 -800 25000 -7173 -977 26055
Total AW $17,558 $17,904

2. With these new estimates, what is the recalculated AW for the Lloyd’s protectors? Use the old
fi rst cost and maintenance cost estimates for the fi rst 3 years. If these estimates had been
made 3 years ago, would Lloyd’s still have been the economic choice?
Answer :
Nilai annua worth baru = $17904, nilai ini lebih sedikit lebih besar dari PW = $17558
Pilihan lloynds’s tetap dipilih tapi dengan margin yang kecil.

3. How has the capital recovery amount changed for the Lloyd’s protectors with these new
Answer : Jumlah capital recovery = $7173 dan mengalami peningkatan dari $-7025

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