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Inhibitory action of solanine from Solanum melongena

(eggplant) against Listeria monocytogenes and

Streptococcus pyogenes

Ainimei Juliet A. Castillo1, Jenica O. Albuñan1, Perlie Flor Caguete1, Michaela E.

Holgado1, Liza Louise P. Perez1, Ira Angela L. Tanyag1, and
Dianne Kristine F. Fajarillo2
College of Allied Medical Professions, Lyceum of the Philippines University,
Capitol Site, Batangas City

¹Student Researcher
²Faculty Researcher

Abstract: Action of solanine from Solanum melongena interferes against Listeria

monocytogenes and Streptococcus pyogenes. Solanine is a bitter-tasting steroidal alkaloid
saponin that has been isolated from all nightshades, including tomatoes, capsicum,
tobacco, and eggplant. It is very toxic even in small quantities. The organisms that will be
used in this study are the common species of gram-positive motile bacilli that cause
listeriosis and a non-invasive food-borne diarrheal disease. Thin layer chromatography with
chloroform will be used in testing solanine against Listeria monocytogenes and
Streptococcus pyogenes. The aim of the study is to evaluate the inhibitory effect of
solanine against Listeria monocytogenes and Streptococcus pyogenes.

Keywords: Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus pyogenes, Solanum melongena,


Human listeriosis is a common the focus of many previous studies. (Wu S
health problem of low incidence but high et al., 2015).
mortality and must have prompt diagnosis Similarly, Streptococcus pyogenes
and adequate antibiotic therapy. (Rodas- (group A streptococcus [GAS]) is an
Suárez et al., 2006). It is a disease caused etiological agent for diverse human
by Listeria monocytogenes, a facultative diseases. GAS is one of the major causes
intracellular pathogen. The disease affects of acute respiratory tract infections such
primarily pregnant women, newborns and as acute sinusitis, acute otitis media,
patients with degenerative diseases. In pharyngitis and acute bronchitis. GAS is
immunocompromised individuals, it is wide spread and represent a major health
clinically shown as meningitis and problem particularly in low-resource
septicemia. The disease has a high settings. In developing countries, they
mortality rate, between 20 and 30% of contribute significantly to morbidity and
cases, and causes neurological sequelae mortality in the pediatric setting, with an
in some cases. The widespread estimated lethality rate of 15% in young
distribution of epidemiologically important children. In addition, the pathogen is
serotypes of L. monocytogenes and their associated with potentially life-threatening
resistance to frequently used antibiotics sequelae such as poststreptococcal
indicate a potential public health risk. glomerulonephritis and acute rheumatic
(Reis et al., 2011). Because fever (Dieng & Boye, 2013).
ampicillin/penicillin and gentamicin are the Solanum melongena from the
primary antibiotics for listeriosis therapy, family of Solanaceae is commonly known
resistance to these antibiotics has been as eggplant (English) or aubergine
(Europe). It is a coarse and half-woody 2000). The fruit has antihaemorrhoidal and
plant with oval leaves that are irregularly- hypotensive effect. It is also used as an
lobed. Its flowers are purplish, and its antidote to poisonous mushrooms. The
fruits have varied sizes and shapes. The plant's antioxidant property is due to the
plants are cultivated in countries with flavonoids. The terpenes (steroids) make it
temperate climates including the useful for bronchitis. Analgesic property is
Philippines. The roots, leaves, and fruits of because of the alkaloids (Shrivastava et
this plant contains an array of nutritional al., 2012). The roots considered anti-
values due to its vitamins, minerals, asthmatic and stimulant. Leaves
proteins and lipid contents. Proteins and considered anodyne. Its fruit considered
lipids are present at very low levels. cooling, digestive and phlegmatic.
(Rodriguez et al., 1999). Eggplants are There are numerous studies
also a good source of fat-soluble vitamin K conducted on this plant but there is no
and it is important in blood clotting. document so far that proves its inhibitory
Phytochemical studies showed that it actions against Listeria monocytogenes
contains alkaloids, saponins, steroids, and Streptococcus pyogenes. This study
tannins, and flavonoids. Some of the aims to extract the solanine compound
alkaloids present are tropane, pyrrolidine, and test the inhibitory effects of the
steroid alkaloids and glycoalkaloids different solanine concentrations against
(Evans, 2002). A bioflavonoid glycoside the test organisms.
named solanoflavone is present in the
leaves and fruits of Solanum melongena RELATED LITERATURE
(Shen et al., 2005). Two steroidal
saponins - melongoside L and Alkaloids
melongoside M and three new saponins Alkaloids are a chemically related
melongoside N, O and P, have been group of substances found in a variety of
isolated from seeds (Kintia et al., 1985). foods, including cocoa, coffee, tea, black
The folkloric uses of this plant include pepper, honey, potatoes, tomatoes and
decoction of roots taken internally for eggplants. Alkaloids in foods can have
asthma and as a general stimulant. health benefits, sometimes including
Leaves are used for piles. The boiled root antioxidant related benefits and cancer
of the wild plant, mixed with sour milk and preventive properties. These same
grain porridge, has been used for the potential health benefits have been linked
treatment of syphilis. The ashes of the in research studies to some of the
peduncle are used in the treatment of alkaloids found in nightshades. Among the
intestinal hemorrhage, piles and nightshade plants most commonly enjoyed
toothache. The extract of roots, dried stalk as foods are, tomatoes, potatoes and
and leaves has been used as astringent eggplant (Manrique-Moreno et al., 2014).
for hemorrhage from the bladder. It is
bruised with vinegar and used as a
poultice for cracked nipples, burns, It is a very potent glycoalkaloid
abscesses, cold sores. In India, the juice found in various solanaceous plants,
including potatoes which have gone green
of the pulp of eggplant has been used for
various ailments such as diabetes, otitis, through exposure to light. Glycoalkaloids
toothaches, cholera, bronchitis, asthma, are natural pesticides produced by
dysuria, among many others. In Taiwan nightshade plants and found throughout
folk medicine, roots are used for the plant, but their concentrations are
rheumatism, inflammation and foot pain. In especially high in leaves, flowers, and
unripe fruits. They are there to defend
medicine, Solanum melongena is used as
plants against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and
anti-asthmatic, hypo-cholesterolemic, anti-
cancer, anti-herpetic, anti-inflammatory. insects. Glycoalkaloids kill bacteria and
(Das & Barua, 2015). Eggplants have viruses. It should also not be surprising
been also known to have lowering effect in that glycoalkaloids have been shown in
blood cholesterol levels (Guimarães et al., laboratory studies to possess antibiotic
and antiviral properties (Milner, 2011).
Leaves, roots, flowers stems, and fruits the growth of such wound infecting
can all have solanine in varying levels. organisms. This finding is important as this
(Izawa & Kuroda, 2010). Solanine intake extract can be used as an alternative
can cause nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, disinfectant for first-aid dressing of minor
abdominal pain, mydriasis, and seizures wounds and bruises (Knapp et al., 2010)
due to anticholinergic properties. (Bock & Inhibitory effects of plant extracts have
Norris, 2016) varying effect to microorganisms as
presented in the study of AL-Janabi, AL-
Solanum melongena Rubeey (2010) the concentration depends
Eggplants are vegetables long on the inhibition activity of the egg plant.
prized for its beauty as well as its unique The higher the concentration of the egg
taste and texture. Eggplants belong to the plant, the greater the inhibitory effect of
plant family of Solanaceae, also the plant extracts associated with the test
commonly known as nightshades, and are organism
kin to the tomato, bell pepper and potato.
Eggplant is a very good source of dietary Streptococcus pyogenes
fiber, potassium, manganese, copper, and It belongs to the group A
thiamin (Knapp et al., 2010). Streptococcus, an exclusive human
The nutrient analysis of 100 grams bacterial pathogen with tremendous
raw eggplant includes 92.30 g of water, 25 virulence potential. Interactions with
kcal of energy, 0.98 g of protein, 0.18 g of humans range from asymptomatic
total lipid, 5.88 g of carbohydrate by carriage over mild and superficial
difference, 3.0 g of total dietary fiber, 3.53 infections of skin mucosal membranes up
g of total sugar, 9 mg of calcium, 0.23 mg to systemic purulent toxic-invasive disease
of iron, 14 mg of magnesium, 24 mg of manifestations. Particularly the latter are a
phosphorus, 229 mg of potassium, 2 mg severe threat for predisposed patients and
of sodium, 0.16mg of zinc, 2.2 mg of lead to significant death tolls worldwide.
Vitamin C, 0.039 mg of thiamine, 0.037 This places GAS among the most
mg riboflavin, 0.649 mg of niacin, 0.084 important Gram-positive bacterial
mg of vitamin B6, 22 µg of folate, 23 IU of pathogens. Many recent reviews have
vitamin A, 0.30 mg of vitamin E, 3.5 µg of highlighted the GAS reported of virulence
vitamin K. (USDA National Nutrient factors, regulators and regulatory
Database for Standard Reference, 2018) circuits/networks that enable GAS to
In a country like India, Solanum colonize the host and to deal with all levels
melongena is a common fruit consumed of the host immune defence (Low, 2010).
by majority of the people. It is also used as It is one of the most aggressive
disinfectants in case of minor injuries like pathogens encountered in clinical
cuts and bruises to the farm laborers microbiology. Streptolysin S and O are
working with field of eggplants (Knapp et factors contributing beta-hemolytic pattern
al., 2010). on blood agar plates. Streptolysin S is an
Solanum has immense natural oxygen stable, non-immunogenic
diversity and natural host plant resistance. hemolysin capable of lysing erythrocytes,
It includes many species of plant resistant leukocytes and platelets. While,
to attack by pathogenic organisms such as Streptolysin O is immunogenic, capable of
insects. This resistance is attributed to the lysing the same cells and cultured cells, is
presence of leptine glycoalkaloids which is broken down by oxygen and will produce
solanine and chaconine (AL-Janabi and Al hemolysis only in the absence of room air
Rubeey, 2010). (Patterson, 2010). Acute Streptococcus
Investigation of the ethanolic pyogenes infections may take the form of
extract of leaves of the green variety, have pharyngitis, scarlet fever (rash), impetigo,
been found to have antimicrobial action cellulitis, or erysipelas. Invasive infections
against common wound infecting can result in necrotizing fasciitis, myositis
organism like Micrococcus aureus. It is and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.
due to the presence of a wide variety of Patients may also develop immune-
siloxanes which are good enough to retard mediated sequelae such as acute
rheumatic fever and acute higher risk of life-threatening
glomerulonephritis. S agalactiae may complications (CDC, 2015).
cause meningitis, neonatal sepsis, and
pneumonia in neonates; adults may Hypocholesterolemic
experience vaginitis, puerperal fever, Solanum melongena is widely
urinary tract infection, skin infection, and consumed in Brazil and in other countries
endocarditis (Patterson, 2010). and its infusion has been used in popular
Streptococci are Gram-positive, medicine as a hypocholesterolemic agent.
nonmotile, non-spore forming, catalase- However, there are few controlled studies
negative cocci that occur in pairs or of its effect on cholesterol metabolism,
chains. Older cultures may lose their and its possible hypocholesterolemic
Gram-positive character. Most effect in humans has not been proved by
streptococci are facultative anaerobes, rigorous studies (Schaefer et al., 1997).
and some are obligate anaerobes Mitschek (1970) showed that a
(Patterson, 2010). preparation of S. melongena prevented
both hypercholesterolemia and the
Listeria monocytogenes formation of atheromas in the aorta of
It is a gram positive ubiquitous, rabbits fed high cholesterol diets.
intracellular pathogen which has been However, Kritchevsky et al. (1975) did not
implicated within the past decade as the confirm these findings in rats fed diets
causative organism in several outbreaks containing 1% S. melongena fruit or leaf
of foodborne disease. Organism occurs powders. Likewise, Jorge et al. (1998)
widely in food with the highest incidences studied the effects of S. melongena on
being found in meat, poultry, and sea food plasma lipid levels, lipid peroxidation and
products. endothelial dysfunction in experimental
Listeria can be found in soil, water hypercholesterolemia.
and animal feces. Humans typically are
infected by consuming raw vegetables that Antiherpetic/Antioxidant/ S. melongena
have been contaminated from the soil or Genotype
from contaminated manure used as Study evaluated the antioxidant
fertilizer, contaminated animal meat, and antiherpetic properties of DR2
unpasteurized milk or foods made with Solanum melongena genotype. Samples
unpasteurized milk and certain processed exhibited antioxidant properties as
foods such as soft cheeses, hot dogs and evidenced by scavenging of different
deli meats that have been contaminated radical species and blocking of ROS
after processing (CDC, 2015). generation by chelating mechanisms. The
Listeriosis with a mortality rate of DR2-C extract exhibited antiherpetic
about 24%, is found mainly among properties, likely due to an impairment of
pregnant women, their foetuses, and specific steps of the virus life-cycle. The
immunocompromised persons with antioxidant properties could be involved in
symptoms of abortion, neonatal and the antiviral effects. Results suggest
meningitis. Listeriolysin O being identified potential application as dietary supplement
as playing a crucial role in the organism’s and as topical formulations for herpetic
ability to multiply within host phagocytic skin lesions (Di Giacomo et al., 2015).
cells and to spread from cell to cell (CDC,
2015). The condition caused by Listeria is Anticancer / Fruit Peels
a serious infection usually caused by Study evaluated methanol extracts
eating food contaminated with the of peels of Solanum melongena against
bacterium. five human cancer cell lines. Study yielded
An estimated 1,600 people get five steroidal compounds; three steroidal
listeriosis each year, and about 260 died. alkaloids: solasodine (S1), solamargine
The infection is most likely to sicken (S4) and solasonine (S5) together with two
pregnant women and their newborn, steroidal glycosides: β-sitosterol-3-O- β-D-
adults aged 65 or older, and people with glucoside (S2) and poriferasterol-3-O- β-
weakened immune systems are also at D-glucoside (S3). Results showed
moderate to potent activities against the Biotechnology (BIOTECH) UP Los Baños,
tested cancer cell lines (Shabana et al., College, Laguna 4031 and UST
2013). (University of Sto. Tomas) Manila,
Study evaluated an aqueous Crude Extract Preparation
extract of leaves of S. melongena for anti- The preparation of the crude
inflammatory activity using carrageenan- extract of Solanum melongema is based
induced paw edema in Wistar albino rats. on previous study of Sakhare (2014).
Aspirin was used as standard drug. Maceration will be done by soaking 100
Results showed significant anti- grams of eggplant’s flesh and seed with
inflammatory activity. In doses of 200 5% acetic acid (300ml) in a beaker for 24
mg/kg and 400 mg/kg, the aqueous hours. It will be subjected to a boiling
extract showed percentage inhibition of temperature and will be cooled after. The
42.62% which is than standard aspirin at pH of the cooled solution will be adjusted
64.5% inhibition (Umamageswari & up to 9.5 with ammonia and will be cooled
Maniyar, 2015). again. It will be centrifuged, and the
precipitate will be washed with 1%
ammonia solution and centrifuged after.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Supernatant will be discarded, and its
residue will be dried and weighed. This
Plant material isolated solanine will be resuspended to
be able to get 100ug/ml and will be tested
The variety of Solanum for its antimicrobial activity.
melongema (eggplant) to be used in this
study is the Italian eggplant and will be Inhibitory test
harvested directly from the plantation and The following procedures will be
will be authenticated at the National used to test the inhibitory effect of S.
Museum. Fresh flesh with seeds will be Melongena. (Sakhare, 2014)
used in this study.
Preparation of base layer medium
(nutrient agar)
1.68gm of nutrient agar will be
dissolved in 30ml of distilled water and will
be subjected to sterilization by autoclaving
at 15 p.s.i. for 20 minutes.

Sterilization of equipment.
Petri dishes, pipettes, cork borer,
test tubes will be sterilized by dry heat
sterilization at 1600c for 1 hr in hot air

Preparation of subcultures
Figure 1: Italian eggplant ( 24 hours prior to testing,
inoculations of bacterial cultures will be
Test Strains made on nutrient agar.
The organisms to be used in this
study are Listeria monocytogenes Preparation of test solution
(BIOTECH 1958) and Streptococcus 100mg of isolated solanine will be
pyogenes (UST CMS 1101) which will be dissolved in 1ml of acetone to give a 100
procured from Philippine National g/ml of these stock solution. It will be
Collection of Microorganisms National pipetted out with the help of micropipette
Institute of Molecular Biology and and will be used for testing.
Method of testing microorganisms by using thin layer
chromatography method. One-way
A 25 ml of sterilized nutrient agar analysis of variance (ANOVA) with
on a petri dish will be added with about Tukey’s multiple comparison post hoc test
0.1ml of bacterial inoculum (Listeria will be used to assess the data obtained to
monocytogenes and Streptococcus compare the level of significance between
pyogenes). The cups will be prepared with control and experimental groups.
the help of a cork borer (2 cups). A 0.1 ml
of test and standard drug solution in each
cup. This will be kept for diffusion in a REFERENCES:
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