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Curriculum vitae

Margus Annuk


Mar/2002 of Uppsala,
University Sweden,
1985- 1991 of Tartu,Facultyof Medicine,Estonia
1981- 1985 Education,
of Tartu,Facultyof Physical
University Estonia(cumloudel

Positionand EmploymentHistory

SinceAug2Ot7 - Memberof the board,ViljandiHospital, Estonia

SinceDec2015- Memberof the board,ASEGeen,Estonia
SinceNov 2OL3- MedicalMonitor,.EGeenlnternational Corporation, USA
Feb2009- Oct 2013
VicePresident,MedicalAffairs,EGeenInternational Corporation, USA
Jan2OO7 - Oct 2013
MedicalDirector,Memberof the Management, ASEGeen,Estonia
Jul2005-Sept 2009
Professor of HealthScienceand Sport Medicine, TallinnUniversity,
May2003 Jan2OOT Directorof ClinicalDevelopment, ASEGeen,Estonia
2002- 2005 Headof the Surgical AnatomyChair,AssociateProfessor,
Tartu University, Estonia
2OO2-2OO4 Post-doctoralposition(supervisingPhDstudents)
UppsalaUniversity, Sweden
!996-2002 G u e s t r e s e a r c h e (r P h D s t u d y ) ,R e n a lS e c t i o n ,D e p a r t m e n to f M e d i c a l
S c i e n c e sU,p p s a l aU n i v e r s i tH
y o s p i t aS
1991- 1996 N e p h r o l o g i s tD, e p a r t m e n to f R e n a lT r a n s p l a n t a t i o nT,a r t u U n i v e r s i t y
H o s p i t a lE, s t o n i a

I h a v em o r e t h a n 2 0 y e a r so f i n t e r n a t i o n aelx p e r i e n cien c l i n i c ael x p e r i m e n t aml e d i c i n ea n d i n

a d m i n i s t r a t i oonf c l i n i c atlr i a l p r o c e s s e sM. y e x p e r i e n c ceo v e r sa l l d r u g ( d e v i c ed) e v e l o p m e n t
phasesfrom protocol designto practicalimplantationinto clinicalpractice.I have authored
n u m e r o u s c i e n t i f ipc u b l i c a t i o n s .


Jan/20L5 Course"MilitaryMedicine"Estonian NationalDefenceCollege,

Dec/2O07 Trainingcourse"EGeenSOPTraining"Tartu,Estonia
Aug/2O07 Trainingcourse,,GoodManufacturingPractice.Good LaboratoryPractice."
Secondsession. CoachAndresJagomdgi. Tallinn,Estonia
S i n c eM a y / 2 0 0 4 O n g o i n gE G e e nS O Pa n d I C H - G Ct P
Dec/2006 Team Managementsystemsconflict Management.EGo-Koolitus, Tartu,
Nov/2006 How to write a competitiveproposalfor Fp7
Feb/2004 c o n d u c t i n gc l i n i c a lT r i a l si n E u r o p e :F o c u so n l m p l e m e n t i n gt h e E U
2003 GoodClinicalPractice, Estonia
2000 Scientificpresentation, UppsalaUniversity, Sweden
2000 Introductionto graduatestudies,UppsalaUniversity, Sweden
2001 T h e B M Cl e c t u r es e r i e so n m o l e c u l aar n d c e l l u l a br i o l o g yS, w e d e n
2000 R e s e a r ceht h i c sa n d p h i l o s o p hoyf s c i e n c eu, p p s a l au n i v e r s i t ys,w e d e n
1999 Statistics in biomedicalresearch, UppsalaUniversity, Sweden



languageduringca 12 yearsin EGeenInternational(usA)

languageduringca 9 yearsof PhDstudiesand scientificwork in Sweden)

Russian(day-today languageduring6 yearsof MD studies(Russian languagestudygroupat

T a r t u U n i v e r s i t yE, s t o n i aa) n d a d m i n i s t r a t i o nw
a lo r k i n R u s s i a n d U k r a i n ed u r i n g1 2 y e a r si n
E G e e nl n t e r n a t i o n a( cl l i n i c at rl i a l s )


I Associations

Sept/2007-Sept/2015 Chairman of TUEC (TherapeuticUse Exemption Committee),


Date:13 May 2018


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